Stats - Green Research & Science

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GreenPolicy360: Our Position on the Use of Science

GreenPolicy360 is science-focused. Our goal is to inform, educate, inspire and motivate. Facts, data, measuring and monitoring are keys to successful navigation and journeying. If we are Planet Citizens (we are), then we are responsible for Planet Earth.

GreenPolicy360 looks to facts and 'good' science as a guide to our work. As an eco-resource reporting developments within a wide range of environmental fields, we carefully review our site for accuracy.

Our site attempts to be an e-resource that features reporting that is factual and verifiable. We approach eco-questions and -challenges with a problem-solving perspective.

In general, when considering questions of environmental risk, environmental security and action agendas, we advocate far-sighted approaches following the "precautionary principle".

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Climate Change

Climate Change Denier Talking Points -- and Rebuttals

Environmental Studies Online

Fact Checking

Going Online, Fact-Finding

Fact-Finding Orgs | GreenPolicy360 on Science | Responding to Denial of Climate Science

Digital Citizen | Digital Rights | World Wide Web | Networking


Google Scholar -- "Stand on the shoulders of giants""

Semantic Scholar -- "AI-powered research search for scientific literature"

Journals -- Fields of Study

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GreenPolicy360: We're into Earth Science

We believe in 'critical thinking skills'
We look to understand 'Earth Systems, Change over Time, Trendlines'

Earth Science Eco-Fields

GreenPolicy360 is into STEM areas of study - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, including Computer Science


Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

We bring a 360 perspective, a 'Whole Earth' point of view.

GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement

We highlight great books, careers, ideas, minds...

Carl Sagan, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist, Critical Thinking


GreenPolicy360: 'Critical Thinking Skills' are our thing


You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg

Digital Rights Tag Cloud from

Digital Citizen

Digital Rights

Disinformation - Online - Dangerous

Fact Checking

Fact Checking and Embedded Links

Mobile Internet

Privacy on the Net-Online Rights

Strategic Policy-Internet Online Rights

Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki

World Wide Web

Search for Facts, Search for Truth

“Citizen scientists”
Adherence to the scientific method is, in itself, good citizenship
Teaching scientists to withstand attacks on fact

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Planet Earth 360, a Whole Earth Perspective

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GreenPolicy360 -

Photo Credit: NASA - Astronaut Reid Wiseman




Beginnings of a Modern Eco-Movement

Planet Citizens, a Whole Earth Point of View

Track Earth System Science back to its beginnings with a Planet Earth 'Mission Statement' -- and a Congressperson who envisioned Earth Science in the 1960s/70s as 'Big Science' and then became an 'out in front' leader of the mission's Planet Science initiatives and programs in the decades that followed. A modern environmental movement was envisioned and launched...

With deep appreciation and tip of our GreenPolicy360 Hat to our Decades-long Friend and Colleague George E. Brown Jr

EarthScience Missions via the EOS - 2022.png

Vital Signs, Taking the Pulse of the Planet Sept2014.png

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Earth Science/Vital Signs
Measure to Manage
Earth Imaging--New Space


#Earth360 | #EarthImaging | #EarthMonitoring

#EarthObservations | #EarthScience | #MeasuretoManage

Earth Science Vital Signs, Pulse of the Planet Climate Essentials.png


Protecting the Planet, Protecting Home

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg

We are, as Planet Citizens, Protecting & Preserving Life on Earth


Pale Blue Dot from Cassini July 19,2013.jpg

"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark ....

There is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

This distant image of our tiny world...

underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another,

and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've got."

--Carl Sagan
