Category:Ocean Ecosystem
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Ocean Sustainability
One of the significant ocean sustainability issues has to do with the food chain -- with the impacts of climate change/global warming on the foundations of the food chain, the plankton and the plankton' sensitivity to changes in ocean temperature...
A related critically essential issue has to do with production of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere by ocean 'tiny blue-green' ecosystems, estimated at being responsible for producing 50-80% of the planet's 'thin blue layer'.
The health of Ocean ecosystems is a first magnitude environmental security issue that demands ongoing measuring/monitoring to record changes in the ocean ecosystem over time....
Enormous Plankton database
May 2015 (at the beginning of the phytoplankton studies)
Dr Bowler: "It is temperature that determines what sort of communities of organisms we find. If we look at our data and we see what organisms are there, we can predict with 97% probability the temperature of the water they are living in.
"These organisms are most sensitive to temperature, more than anything else, and with changing temperatures as a result of climate change we are likely to see changes in this community."
The researchers say that this scientific analysis is just the beginning.
They are making their findings freely available to the scientific community to gain a better understanding of this vital but unseen underwater world.
Blue-Green in the Oceans & Connection to Life on Earth
- "A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"
- ~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle / National Geographic
- "A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"
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Tiny Blue-Green Keywords-Focus Areas
- Blue-Green in the Oceans & Connection to Life on Earth
- "The Tiny Little Ones - Plankton"
- What's Happening Now in 2016 with the Tiny Blue-Green?
- Coral Reef Ecoregions in Oceans of the World Endangered
- Australia's Great Barrier Reef and Environment in Grave Danger
- Coral reefs in peril as ocean environment is transformed
- Underwater Heat Wave Devastates Great Barrier Reef
- Great Barrier Reef bleaching may be "last wake-up call", marine scientists say
- Ocean Grass (Plankton) and Ocean Forests (Kelp)
- Science is just beginning to study the role of 'the tiny little ones' in the oceans
- Phytoplankton/Diatoms/Algae -- Microorganisms of the Oceans
- Endangered Tiny-Miniscule Species
- Microbiomes at Risk
- CO2 Carbon Pollution and Ocean Ecosystems
- Marine Biodiversity Strongly Linked to Ocean Temperature
- Ocean Temperatures: Are our oceans dying?
- Ocean's Oxygen Starts Running Low
- Marine food chains at risk of collapse, extensive study of world's oceans finds
- NASA Earth Observatory
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"The Tiny Little Ones - Plankton"
- "Ecosystems of the Sea"
- Nearly all marine plants are single celled, photosynthetic plankton-algae...
- It is estimated that marine plants produce well over 50% percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere...
- Olivia's "Prochlorococcus" post -- National Geo for Students: A Message About Saving the 'Little Ones', the Plankton
- Students calculate how many breaths we take each day that come from oxygen produced by (blue-green) phytoplankton
○ (2003)
Lush tropical rainforests, green prairie pastures and other soil-bound vegetation have long flourished in the ecological limelight. But now the other half of the planet is about to enjoy its day in the sun. Half of the world’s oxygen supply is produced by tiny microbes that live in the sea. And researchers sequencing their genomes have turned up some surprising results... "Photosynthetic organisms in the ocean are as important as photosynthetic organisms on earth... The organisms in the ocean are much less impressive than trees in terms of size, but are extremely important to the biosphere. They produce a significant fraction of the oxygen we breathe, and, fortunately for us, are in less danger than the tropical forests..."
New studies are now indicating more danger to ocean photosynthetic organisms...
Recent research shows increasing ecosytems disruption globally. Ocean science is indicating changes to worldwide phythoplankton and the effects of climate change are beginning to be observed by a first-generation of earth/ocean monitoring satellites and 'on Earth' science studies...
Scientific results of 'blue-green monitoring' are cause for serious concern.
What's Happening Now in 2016 with the Tiny Blue-Green?
Via Blue Planet:What’s happening to the oceans’ phytoplankton?
Coral Reef Ecoregions in Oceans of the World Endangered
Australia's Great Barrier Reef and Environment in Grave Danger
Coral reefs in peril as ocean environment is transformed
- "Coral Bleaching": Mass expulsion and death of zooxanthellae
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Underwater Heat Wave Devastates Great Barrier Reef
A Nightmare is Unfolding in the Great Barrier Reef
CANBERRA, Australia — An underwater heat wave is devastating huge swaths of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, marine researchers have found.
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Great Barrier Reef bleaching may be "last wake-up call", marine scientists say
Extensive bleaching has been caused by higher ocean temperatures...
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Australia's Great Barrier Reef hit by severe bleaching - Video
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Ocean Grass (Plankton) and Ocean Forests (Kelp)
Marine Algae: The Most Important Organism?
It is estimated that marine plants produce more than 50%, up to between 70 and 80 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere... Nearly all marine plants are single celled, photosynthetic algae... Even marine seaweed is, many times, colonial algae. They are a bunch of single cells trying to look like a big plant ('seaweed' - kelp)... Think about it, 70 percent to 80 percent of all the oxygen we breathe... Why does so much of our oxygen come from algae? First of all, remember that the oceans cover about 71 percent of this planet and land is only about 29 percent... Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the production on land
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists Study Ocean Forests
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Motion in the Seas (video) by Mares with Phillip Glass music
Science is just beginning to study the role of 'the tiny little ones' in the oceans
Removing Carbon, Adding Oxygen: Plankton's Role is Critically Important
Follow the Tara Expeditions Project
Big Trouble Ahead for Ocean Plankton
Why the plankton, then the little fish matter --
-- 'Prochlorococcus, Tiny Blue-Green Ones'
Wikipedia References
-- Phytoplankton obtain energy through the process of photosynthesis and must therefore live in the well-lit surface layer (termed the euphotic zone) of an ocean, sea, lake, or other body of water. Phytoplankton account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth.
Phytoplankton are responsible for much of the oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere – half of the total amount produced by all plant life.
See Prochlorococcus
Cyanobacteria /saɪˌænoʊbækˈtɪəriə/, also known as Cyanophyta, is a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis. The name "cyanobacteria" comes from the color of the bacteria (Greek: κυανός (kyanós) = blue). They are often called blue-green algae...
- Cyanobacteria are arguably the most successful group of microorganisms on earth. They are the most genetically diverse; they occupy a broad range of habitats across all latitudes, widespread in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems, and they are found in the most extreme niches such as hot springs, salt works, and hypersaline bays. Photoautotrophic, oxygen-producing cyanobacteria created the conditions in the planet's early atmosphere that directed the evolution of aerobic metabolism and eukaryotic photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria fulfill vital ecological functions in the world's oceans, being important contributors to global carbon and nitrogen budgets. See Carbon Sinks
Aquatic cyanobacteria are known for their extensive and highly visible blooms that can form in both freshwater and marine environments. The blooms can have the appearance of blue-green paint...
Cyanobacteria use the energy of sunlight to drive photosynthesis, a process where the energy of light is used to split water molecules into oxygen, protons, and electrons. Because they are aquatic organisms, they typically employ several strategies which are collectively known as a "carbon concentrating mechanism" to aid in the acquisition of inorganic carbon (CO2 or bicarbonate)...
See Diatoms
[Diatoms are] among the most common types of phytoplankton. Diatoms play an important role in biogeochemical earth because they contribute an estimated 75% of primary production in coastal waters... There are more than 200 genera of living diatoms, and it is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 extant species.
Sea Drifters (slideshow from BBC - 2010) --
- Close up images of plankton, the tiny creatures that hold the key to survival in the world's oceans
Phytoplankton/Diatoms/Algae -- Microorganisms of the Oceans
~ Phytoplankton, photosynthesis, carbon cycle, and oxygen in Earth's atmosphere
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Endangered Tiny-Miniscule Species
GP360: The standard approach, when looking at threatened species, is to focus on well-known larger species. The Red List is widely known for its work to identify species at risk of extinction. Its work forms the basis for many biodiversity preservation efforts. The focus on ['s_100_most_threatened_species larger, readily identified animals is the norm and these species, often mammals, provides just a part of the larger picture of our threatened environment.
Large 'charismatic', or 'iconic' species, most often eclipse recognition of rarely considered species that are not even 'known' or known to be in danger...
The reality is that much of the extinction in our era is of the small species, the lesser known, unknown and unconsidered species, whether in the rich biospheres of the rainforest or the oceans, the micro-organisms are at risk and in peril of collapse.
When we speak of Plankton, as a profoundly critical keystone species, the food chain of the oceans begins with plankton, yet the disruption of the atmosphere and the heating of the ocean, or acidification, will have great consequences to the Phytoplankon, flagellates who cannot move with their limited locomotion system... Acidification of the oceans and the increases of heat or strengthened suns rays due to changes in atmospheric conditions and UV radiation can have deadly consequences to the 'least of and smallest of' the species -- and as a result effect the larger systems in ways that science is only now beginning to measure and monitor.
We are, our species is, beginning to understand that as the small animals comprising the foundations of the 'food chain' and biosphere systems are disrupted, endangered and/or destroyed, the rest of the food chain and integral ecological connections between species will be disrupted, endangered, and/or destroyed.
The understanding of and protection of biodiversity, large and small, easily recognized and difficult to recognize, is a great challenge of the era in which we live... loss of biodiversity is producing a 'ripple effect' over time, a threat multiplier that demands strategic environmental security as a key goal, a green policy objective beginning with awareness and policies and practices of sustainability.
Phytoplankton obtain energy through the process of photosynthesis and must therefore live in the well-lit surface layer (termed the euphotic zone) of an ocean, sea, lake, or other water.
Phytoplankton account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth...
Phytoplankton are responsible for much of the oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere – half of the total amount produced by all plant life. -
Marine Biodiversity Strongly Linked to Ocean Temperature
ScienceDaily / 2010 — In an unprecedented effort published online by the international journal Nature, a team of scientists mapped and analyzed global biodiversity patterns for over 11,000 marine species ranging from tiny plankton to sharks and whales.
The researchers found striking similarities among the distribution patterns, with temperature strongly linked to biodiversity for all thirteen groups studied. These results imply that future changes in ocean temperature, such as those due to climate change, may greatly affect the distribution of life in the sea.
CO2 Carbon Pollution and Ocean Ecosystems
2015 - Big Trouble Ahead for Ocean Plankton
Sobering news: Ocean acidification will likely kill off some phytoplankton species and let others thrive, while warming waters will likely cause mass phytoplankton migrations toward the poles. In short: The base of the marine food web could be in for some serious upheaval in the coming decades. Here’s more from MIT News:
“I’ve always been a total believer in climate change, and I try not to be an alarmist, because it’s not good for anyone,” says (Dr. Stephanie) Dutkiewicz, who is the paper’s lead author. “But I was actually quite shocked by the results. The fact that there are so many different possible changes, that different phytoplankton respond differently, means there might be some quite traumatic changes in the communities over the course of the 21st century. A whole rearrangement of the communities means something to both the food web further up, but also for things like cycling of carbon.”
Dutkiewicz and her colleagues studied 154 published experiments...
The phytoplankton in the sea account for approximately 50% of all photosynthesis on Earth and, through the food web they support, they underpin the marine food chain.
Living at the surface of the sea the phytoplankton are particularly sensitive to changes in sea surface temperature.
We need to know much more about these changes and you can help by making a simple piece of scientific equipment called a Secchi Disk and using the free Secchi App.
Full instructions for the project are included in the free Secchi App.
Press Release -- Scientists fear the population of the microscopic beings is in decline due to rising sea temperatures and, if true, that could have consequences for every aspect of marine life.
Plankton biologist Dr Richard Kirby, who is leading the study, said: "As the phytoplankton live at the surface of the sea they are being affected by rising sea temperatures due to climate change. A scientific paper published in 2010 suggested the ocean's plankton population had declined by as much as 40 per cent since 1950. Like all marine creatures, phytoplankton have a preferred optimum sea temperature no matter where they are in the world and we need to know more about how they are changing in order to understand the effects on the ocean's biology.” To check the levels of phytoplankton in our oceans, marine experts have developed a free smart phone app for sailors and fishermen to use wherever they are in the world.
Dr Kirby added: "The Secchi Disks are still used by marine scientists to study phytoplankton but there are too few scientists to survey the world's oceans as well as we would wish. This app enables seafarers around the world to take part in a science project and if we can just get a small percentage of the global population of sailors involved, we can generate a database that will help us understand how life in the oceans is changing. It would help us learn much more about these important organisms at a crucial time when their habitat is altering due to climate change."
The Secchi app has been developed by Dr Nicholas Outram and Dr Nigel Barlow, from Plymouth University’s School of Computing and Mathematics, and the database will be maintained by Pixalytics Ltd.
Phytoplankton obtain energy through the process of photosynthesis and must therefore live in the well-lit surface layer (termed the euphotic zone) of an ocean, sea, lake, or other body of water. Phytoplankton account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth. Thus phytoplankton are responsible for much of the oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere – half of the total amount produced by all plant life. (Wikipedia)
Marine Biodiversity Strongly Linked to Ocean Temperature
Ocean Temperatures: Are our oceans dying?
"Phytoplankton have declined 40% in 60 years as figures reveal Earth has been getting hotter since the Eighties and much of the heat has been absorbed by oceans...
Microscopic marine algae form the basis of the ocean food chain are dying at a "terrifying rate"...
Phytoplankton, described as the 'fuel' on which marine ecosystems run, are experiencing declines of about 1 per cent of the average total a year...
According to researchers, a 40 per cent drop in phytoplankton since 1950...
Marine diatom cells (Rhizosolenia setigera), an important group of phytoplankton in the oceans are now in massive decline...
The reduction in the amount of algae in the pceams could have an impact on a wide range of species, from tiny zooplankton to marine mammals, seabirds, fish and humans...
The decline of the phytoplankton would be a more dramatic change than the loss of the tropical rainforests, scientist say...
The research, published in the journal Nature, says plankton declines are linked to rising sea-surface temperatures and changes in the conditions of the ocean, particularly close to the equator...
Most of the declines are seen in tropical regions, polar and in the open ocean, where most phytoplankton are produced...
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Ocean's Oxygen Starts Running Low
Via Grist (2016): Oceans in crisis in as little as 15 years
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Via Ocean Scientists for Informed Policy: Ocean Deoxygenation
Via AGU / Global Biogeochemical cycles: Finding forced trends in oceanic oxygen
"A major threat to marine life," says NCAR scientist Matthew Long...
Loss of Ocean Oxygen, A 'Forced Trend'
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Marine food chains at risk of collapse, extensive study of world's oceans finds
Important ecosystems could be massively damaged by 2050 unless greenhouse gas emissions and localised pollution is drastically reduced, researchers say...
The food chains of the world’s oceans are at risk of collapse due to the release of greenhouse gases, overfishing and localised pollution, a stark new analysis shows.
A study of 632 published experiments of the world’s oceans, from tropical to arctic waters, spanning coral reefs and the open seas, found that climate change is whittling away the diversity and abundance of marine species.
The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found there was “limited scope” for animals to deal with warming waters and acidification, with very few species escaping the negative impact of increasing carbon dioxide dissolution in the oceans.
Published by Nature Climate Change:
- Revaluating ocean warming impacts on global phytoplankton
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NASA Earth Observatory
Phytoplankton Oxygen Factories
Phytoplankton are the grass of the sea. They are floating, drifting, plant-like organisms that harness the energy of the Sun, mix it with carbon dioxide that they take from the atmosphere, and turn it into carbohydrates and oxygen.
Phytoplankton are critical to the marine food web, being the primary producers of food for the oceanic food web, from zooplankton to fish and shellfish to whales.
Like plants and trees on land, phytoplankton give us a lot more than food. It is estimated that 50 to 80 percent of the oxygen in our atmosphere has been produced by phytoplankton. At the same time, they are responsible for drawing down significant portions of the carbon dioxide from the air. The tiniest of living organisms exert an outsized influence on the planet.
Earth Science Research from Space
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Ocean Ecosystem"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- Google Earth
- GP360 NewPages
- Green Stories of the Day
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2016
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2018
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2019
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2020
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2023
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2024
Media in category "Ocean Ecosystem"
The following 196 files are in this category, out of 196 total.
- 3-15-2016 12-29-07 PM.png 538 × 701; 201 KB
- 5 19 14 andrew antarcticaelevationchanges-640x547.jpg 640 × 547; 59 KB
- A Fierce Green Fire.jpg 208 × 314; 13 KB
- About Baselines and Change.png 592 × 312; 33 KB
- About website of The Invading Sea.png 800 × 343; 126 KB
- Against the Tide - Cover - by Cornelia Dean.jpg 308 × 475; 57 KB
- Aldis zone blog.jpg 500 × 498; 67 KB
- Algae release -nikon-small-world-competition-2017-winners.jpg 640 × 576; 89 KB
- Arctic sea ice watch 25 yrs of ice cover change.png 697 × 386; 314 KB
- AskNatureAvatar s.png 200 × 200; 14 KB
- Audubon study ms.png 529 × 434; 437 KB
- Barrier island hubris 6-29-2021.jpg 490 × 635; 111 KB
- Battle for Democracy.jpg 640 × 123; 24 KB
- Biden re Earth Day 2023.png 640 × 400; 155 KB
- Big Wobble 2020.jpg 507 × 342; 79 KB
- Blue-Green & Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists.png 549 × 844; 94 KB
- Blue-green phyto swirling 2015.png 357 × 605; 409 KB
- California's kelp forests and coastal biodiversity diminished.png 532 × 754; 307 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png 360 × 460; 192 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum.png 747 × 600; 600 KB
- Carl Sagan, 1985.PNG 480 × 566; 331 KB
- Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png 360 × 390; 229 KB
- Cellular Landscape.jpg 300 × 336; 44 KB
- Chasing Coral.jpg 800 × 437; 65 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Save Our Future Act 2021.jpg 518 × 262; 77 KB
- CO2 higher than in the past 5 million yrs.jpg 514 × 285; 62 KB
- Connect with Nature.png 405 × 280; 17 KB
- CopernicusEU - Sentinel5P Atmosphere Monitoring Mission - 2.jpg 795 × 1,477; 654 KB
- CopernicusEU - Sentinel5P Atmosphere Monitoring Mission.png 583 × 465; 222 KB
- Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus worldmapping MIT.jpg 473 × 321; 60 KB
- Diane Walder in Miami Beach.jpg 775 × 787; 147 KB
- DSCOVR EPIC - July 20 2022.png 532 × 612; 315 KB
- Earth AI - Feb 2022.png 482 × 480; 192 KB
- Earth Information Center - 2022 Graphic NASA.png 800 × 981; 868 KB
- Earth Information Center from NASA.jpg 800 × 577; 94 KB
- Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png 740 × 576; 557 KB
- Earth POV from the ISS Cupola-m.jpg 800 × 480; 71 KB
- Earth Research Findings 2015 1.png 1,088 × 686; 1.49 MB
- Earth Research Findings 2015 2.png 1,088 × 241; 512 KB
- Earth System Observatory-1.jpg 580 × 833; 129 KB
- Earth System Observatory-2.jpg 580 × 831; 69 KB
- Earth Viewing from the International Space Station.jpg 496 × 307; 45 KB
- Earth-science.png 265 × 83; 13 KB
- EarthDecadel Priorities-2018.jpg 779 × 529; 85 KB
- EnvirSecurity.png 558 × 166; 155 KB
- EO and Fire Ants in the US - on World Wildlife Day.png 768 × 811; 663 KB
- Estates at Acqualina - Sunny Isles Miami.jpg 746 × 600; 117 KB
- Eukaryotic Cell SCU.jpg 716 × 1,024; 799 KB
- Eunice Foote Illustration 620 × 296; 55 KB
- FaceApp Florida.jpg 640 × 428; 40 KB
- Fact Checking organizations at work.jpg 800 × 390; 44 KB
- Facts Count-WaPo Reports-19127 false-misleading claims in 1226 days.jpg 601 × 489; 100 KB
- Fire Ants.png 601 × 600; 603 KB
- Floating Forest Project .png 773 × 461; 932 KB
- Floating Forests-Kelp -- Oceanlight.jpg 720 × 480; 137 KB
- Flooding in South Florida.png 640 × 742; 293 KB
- Florida and climate change denial.png 640 × 192; 46 KB
- FOOD.jpg 983 × 311; 117 KB
- Fox on Earth Day 2023.jpg 640 × 275; 58 KB
- From Reid Wiseman Earth Ocean Patterns.png 941 × 578; 715 KB
- G Earth Outreach.jpg 800 × 412; 44 KB
- Global Biodiversity Information-Data.png 501 × 266; 124 KB
- Global Fishing Watch 2.jpg 266 × 247; 26 KB
- Golden Spiral from M.png 683 × 600; 487 KB
- Golden spiral, Fibonacci spiral, nature at work.jpg 755 × 883; 160 KB
- GP360 tagcloud2 m.png 531 × 324; 132 KB
- Great Barrier Reef severe bleaching die-off.png 704 × 388; 630 KB
- Greenland ice sheet set to raise sea level significantly.png 640 × 340; 223 KB
- GreenPolicy360 - May- 9-2024.png 800 × 406; 119 KB
- Group on Earth Observations.JPG 546 × 418; 33 KB
- Haiku poems - Owl against a dusk sky - via Haiku Foundation.png 514 × 413; 144 KB
- Haikubox via RM citizen science.png 600 × 640; 466 KB
- Hand and Leaf w Life Lines.jpg 720 × 900; 41 KB
- How satellites monitor climate change circa 2016.png 599 × 327; 0 bytes
- Hurricanes - Typhoons via NASA data.png 764 × 924; 1,022 KB
- In nature, nothing exists alone.jpg 500 × 357; 26 KB
- INaturalist butterfly.jpg 1,024 × 683; 202 KB
- Invading Seas warning 2024.png 757 × 587; 669 KB
- Joe Biden is projected winner Nov7-2020.jpg 343 × 120; 26 KB
- July 14, 2018 - hello down there.png 524 × 467; 290 KB
- Kelp NOAA credit Robert Schwemmer.jpg 450 × 299; 193 KB
- LANDSAT - NASA.jpg 622 × 415; 95 KB
- Landsat 9 about to launch.png 420 × 721; 355 KB
- Landsat 9 Launches - 1.jpg 600 × 693; 128 KB
- Landsat 9 Launches - 2.jpg 600 × 737; 250 KB
- Landsat memories.png 535 × 473; 159 KB
- Launch into Space.jpg 800 × 717; 50 KB
- Le Grand Bleu.png 738 × 1,107; 1.52 MB
- Living Earth.png 441 × 183; 106 KB
- Loss of N American Birds - 1.jpg 800 × 788; 173 KB
- Mangroves regulate flooding - EDF.png 568 × 473; 328 KB
- Mapping the Earth with Google Earth Outreach.jpg 640 × 648; 109 KB
- Mar a lagoon tba.jpg 540 × 405; 40 KB
- March for Science-1.png 800 × 291; 596 KB
- Mares Kelp 3.png 903 × 476; 869 KB
- Mares Kelp.png 903 × 476; 532 KB
- Maya Lin Ghost Forest 5-17-2021.jpg 618 × 454; 123 KB
- Miami region sea level rise.gif 618 × 318; 191 KB
- Miami Reminder.jpg 411 × 292; 52 KB
- Miami sea level rise conf-May2018.jpg 800 × 600; 53 KB
- MLT Geospace - the Edge.jpg 800 × 600; 22 KB
- Move along Florida-May 2018.png 448 × 454; 342 KB
- Moving to Higher Ground.png 568 × 473; 307 KB
- Mushroom life in the forest.png 640 × 458; 626 KB
- NASA co2-graph-061219.jpg 800 × 500; 214 KB
- NASA EPIC DSCOVR - July 6 2015.png 768 × 956; 687 KB
- NASA Launch of Landsat 9 - Sept 27, 2021.jpg 675 × 772; 131 KB
- NASA test mission to protect earth from asteroid - Nov 2021.png 508 × 800; 424 KB
- NASA's continuing vision and mission - as of 2005.png 640 × 414; 153 KB
- NationalGeographic SouthPole melt West Antarctica 2016.jpg 630 × 438; 89 KB
- Nature Us.png 480 × 557; 626 KB
- Nile River and Mideast.jpg 750 × 929; 87 KB
- Not to worry 2016.png 539 × 401; 347 KB
- Ocean acidification NOAA s.jpg 359 × 211; 24 KB
- Ocean acidification Oxford.png 487 × 601; 285 KB
- Ocean Acidification.jpg 616 × 252; 49 KB
- Ocean currents from GOCE 20141125-jpg.jpg 670 × 440; 90 KB
- Ocean Heat May 2015.png 714 × 400; 356 KB
- Ocean temps 20013-2012 NASA.png 360 × 745; 247 KB
- OCO-2 carbon dioxide Sept2014-Sept2015.gif 530 × 353; 677 KB
- PACE - NASA Everything on Earth Is Connected.png 600 × 264; 70 KB
- PACE - NASA Jan 17 2024.png 600 × 662; 465 KB
- Philippe Cousteau at Bioneers Conf-2015.png 640 × 379; 452 KB
- Phyto glowing beauty of the oceans.jpg 480 × 265; 20 KB
- Phyto the Green Machine.png 640 × 465; 431 KB
- Phyto tinybluegreen.jpg 599 × 394; 58 KB
- Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain 560x396.jpg 560 × 396; 101 KB
- Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain m.jpg 720 × 508; 170 KB
- Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain.jpg 3,972 × 2,676; 5.44 MB
- Phytoplankton decline NASA study Sept2015.png 1,032 × 784; 522 KB
- Phytoplankton kamchatka NASA.jpg 720 × 360; 49 KB
- Phytoplankton-Phytopedia 2016.png 799 × 695; 732 KB
- Phytoplankton.jpg 600 × 600; 97 KB
- Planet home page-2022.png 800 × 400; 392 KB
- Plankton - phytoplankton m.jpg 773 × 558; 364 KB
- Plankton - phytoplankton.jpg 1,200 × 859; 955 KB
- Plankton Phytoplankton--'Climate Dance'.jpg 773 × 644; 161 KB
- Plankton story - New Yorker - Oct 2021.jpg 619 × 737; 125 KB
- Plankton swirl Jan 2015.jpg 720 × 480; 161 KB
- Plankton.jpg 400 × 259; 34 KB
- Planktonbluegreen tinyones.jpg 640 × 320; 99 KB
- Prochlorococcus blue-green.png 501 × 273; 86 KB
- Prochlorococcus blue-green.tiny ones.png 505 × 277; 130 KB
- Prochlorococcus featured at GreenPolicy360.png 497 × 642; 42 KB
- RACHEL CARSON - 1949.jpg 600 × 600; 102 KB
- Rachel Carson courtesy of Rachel Carson Estate.jpg 640 × 776; 264 KB
- Rachel Carson ecology - ecosystem.png 800 × 388; 0 bytes
- Rachel Carson Institute.png 800 × 522; 189 KB
- Rachel carson1 NYT-Illustration by Valero Doval.png 784 × 469; 0 bytes
- Rachel Lost Woods After Silent Spring m.png 800 × 196; 101 KB
- Racing Extinction websiteplankton 2.jpg 170 × 170; 10 KB
- Racing Extinction websiteplankton.jpg 664 × 360; 141 KB
- Rainfall-earthsciencefromspace.gif 530 × 299; 2.64 MB
- Rebecca Google Outreach.jpg 276 × 183; 9 KB
- Recent Satellite Imagery of Earth - via Azavea.png 600 × 747; 488 KB
- Rising Seas, refugees, Land Use July 2017.png 488 × 385; 190 KB
- Sea levels surge along southern US coast.png 640 × 441; 69 KB
- Sea Wall of Miami +++.jpg 526 × 220; 48 KB
- Sea-Level Rise Twice as High as Previously Predicted.png 701 × 225; 92 KB
- Seagrass florida keys-noaa.jpg 700 × 267; 65 KB
- Shifting Baseline Syndrome - threats to ecosystems biodiversity.png 431 × 534; 322 KB
- Shifting Baselines 2.jpg 600 × 600; 140 KB
- Shrinking Shores Florida.png 750 × 336; 328 KB
- South Florida Floodwaters.png 640 × 449; 251 KB
- SouthFloridaSLR 2s-.gif 800 × 471; 349 KB
- Space-Quarterly-Earth Observations NanoRacks.png 671 × 812; 956 KB
- Space-Quarterly-NanoRacks Dec 2012.pdf ; 2.18 MB
- Story telling and science education.png 515 × 480; 171 KB
- Tara Expedition.png 700 × 437; 697 KB
- The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change, by Gilbert Plass, 1956.jpg 798 × 1,202; 397 KB
- The World Is Blue.jpg 340 × 499; 40 KB
- .jpg 940 × 198; 48 KB
- Threat Environment - TBay Times Series on Climate Change Impacts.png 556 × 864; 166 KB
- Thriving on Our Changing Planet.png 495 × 369; 244 KB
- Tiny Little Ones... Inner Life of a Cell.jpg 679 × 817; 159 KB
- Tiny Plankton - via The Guardian.jpg 591 × 181; 59 KB
- Tracking Biden's Environmental Record - WaPo - Feb 2021.jpg 766 × 326; 64 KB
- Tracking Biden's Environmental Record - WaPo listing - Feb 2021.jpg 588 × 397; 35 KB
- Tropical Cyclone - Hurricane Population Displacement Risks.jpg 800 × 385; 56 KB
- UNFCCC logo.png 336 × 96; 20 KB
- Unified sea level rise - Southeast Florida.jpg 800 × 418; 70 KB
- Venice flooding.png 530 × 516; 109 KB
- Where is the heat - IPCC.jpg 800 × 451; 75 KB
- Worldwide view of oceans phytoplankton earth observatory nasa.gif 540 × 270; 0 bytes
- Worldwide view of plankton 378 × 200; 138 KB