GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017

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US President Trump’s budget director/chief of staff:

Mick Mulvaney: “Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the President was fairly straightforward —

We’re not spending money on that anymore; we consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that.”

We're Not Spending Money On Climate Change Anymore (Video)
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US Retreats from International Agreements, Cooperation & Environmental Protection

Rejecting Regional & Global Commitments, US Trump Administration Abandons Critical Obligation & Treaties

The Hill / "Comments"
In 2017, the White House abandoned the environment and public health

Decades of Progress Setback

Environmental Protection Agency Cut, Regulations Rescinded, Health & Safety Priorities Dropped

How Scott Pruitt spent the first year at the EPA

How Director Pruitt turned the EPA into a Trump tool of deconstruction

In legal maneuvers and executive actions, in public speeches and closed-door meetings with industry groups, the Trump administration has moved to shrink the agency’s reach, alter its focus, and pause or reverse numerous environmental rules. The effect has been to steer the EPA in the direction sought by those being regulated.

Along the way, Pruitt has begun to dismantle former president Barack Obama’s environmental legacy, halting the agency’s efforts to combat climate change and to shift the nation away from its reliance on fossil fuels.

Tracking Environmental Deregulation, Climate Litigation

Climate Litigation Database


Global Climate Action & United Nations (Minus the US)

Americans 'Google Searching' the Question of Climate Change

George Monbiot / Money-in-Politics

George Monbiot on How 'Misinformation' Works (and Is Paid For)

Monbiot: Do We See Reasons for Green Optimism in New US Administration? No... It Will Be More Fossil Fuels

World Scientists’ Warning: A Second Notice

International Cooperation

Framework Convention on Climate Change

United States only country to refuse climate change agreement

US Climate Science Special Report

Public Call/Science Comment Notice

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) seeks public comment on the Third Order Draft of Volume II of the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4).

NCA4 Vol. II is a technical, scientific assessment of climate change impacts, risks, and adaptation across the United States. The assessment uses a risk-based framework in placing a strong emphasis on regional information, while also evaluating climate change impacts, risks, and adaptation on 17 national-level topics. Case studies are used to provide additional context and showcase community success stories.

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New Insight from OCO-2
Courts Step In as US Interior, EPA, BLM Attempt to Go Around Environmental Laws
Majority of American Now Believe Climate Change Makes Hurricanes More Intense

US Raises Nuclear War Threat: Warnings of Catastrophe Internationally

Rethinking the Risks of Nuclear Weapons
The Doomsday Machine by Dan Ellsberg
Visit GreenPolicy360's Security Policy associate @StrategicDemands

Threats of War from the US President

StratDem: Need to Change Nuclear First-Strike Authority

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Trump: "Calm Before the Storm... You'll Find Out"

War as 'Reality Show Cliffhanger'

China News, War Fears


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"Calculus of War vs a Physics of Peace": Strategic Demands in the 21st Century

In Association with GreenPolicy360 / Strategic Demands

"New Definitions of National & Global Security"
Nuclear Issues / Cold War 2.0
Environmental Security


Nobel Peace Prize Goes to ICAN

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

US Departure from International Cooperation:

"Sovereignty", the New Administration's Buzzword

Trump's First Address at the UN - September 19, 2017

StratDem / The US President's Talk at the United Nations

A Nuclear Meme and StratDem Proposal to Limit First Use of Nuclear Weapons

US President announces his policy toward environmental security:

Environmental consequences begin June 1, 2017

In the 'Rose Garden' at the White House: Gershwin's music plays, a 'Trump Doctrine' is read to the world

The International Climate Agreement goes forward without the US -- Nations around the world reject the US decision

The US will be judged, this day long will be remembered in world history

WaPo Op-Ed: "Trump just betrayed the world. Now the world will fight back"

Climate News / Climate Focus, Climate Politics

Strategic Demands: National Security & Global Security are interrelated

World 'Citizenship' is More Popular than You Think

Scripps says climate change may represent "existential" threat to humanity

From the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: What We're Reading

US Governors at UN Address the Global Risks of Climate Change

Calif Governor Brown speaks of political reactions: The Rest of the World Is Against Trump / Governor Brown Statement on White House Paris Climate Agreement Announcement

“This current departure from reality in Washington will be very short-lived, that I promise you,” Brown told POLITICO in an interview. “I’ve spoken with Republicans here in the Legislature, and they’re beginning to get very serious about climate action, so the momentum is all the other way. And I think Trump, paradoxically, is giving climate denial such a bad name that he’s actually building the very movement that he is [purporting] to undermine...”


Battle in the US Congress between the Climate Denial faction and Science Advocates

GreenPolicy360 and our associate Strategic Demands Advance New Definitions of National Security

New Definitions of National Security
Earth and Space, Politics

"Fighting Back": 17 states file legal challenges
"The law is clear ..."
What's at Stake in Trump’s Proposed E.P.A. Cuts
Trump's executive order to end/suspend/revise/rescind environmental protections and climate change regulations (PDF)

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney rejects climate as a security issue:
“Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the president was fairly straightforward – we’re not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money.”

Science? Enough with Science

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Climate Change Laws Around the World
Trends in Climate Change Legislation

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Trending 'Eco-Tags' & Links
On Being a Planet Citizen

Priorities: Weapons or Health Care, Wars or Education, Conflicts or Environmental Security

Nations of the World Choose their Direction

Classic 'guns or butter' case study --

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GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands: focusing on two 'big pictures' in 2017

1) The risks of nuclear weapons proliferation within a multi-national, fast-developing Cold War 2.0; and

2) The existential challenge of moving to renewable energy and new definitions of national security, even as the election of Donald Trump and appointment of Exxon chief Rex Tillerson to head of the US State Dept. portend fast-moving oil/gas/fossil fuel developments and 'pipeline geopolitics'.

On and off the record, US multinationals and the new US administration are negotiating with Russia over rights to the rapidly de-icing Arctic and the existing 'energy deals of the century' between Russia-China-Iran now loom large in an era of hostilities and entry onto the world stage of an unpredictable and temperamental US "Commander-in-Chief".

Visit GreenPolicy360's Arctic Changes Site

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The Arctic and the New Oil/Gas Rush

Drill down into Arctic oil/gas

Rex Tillerson Is Confirmed as Secretary of State Amid Record Opposition

Push in the Arctic: Russia and US Prepare for Unprecedented Energy Exploration and Oil/Gas Production

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Trump Appointment to Head the Energy Dept Is a Man Who Campaigned to Abolish the Energy Dept

  • The US Energy Department is Responsible for Much of the Development & Oversight of the Nuclear Weapons Complex
  • A Trillion Dollar Modernization of the Nuclear Weapons Complex Is a Factor in Spawning a New Nuclear Arms Race

A New Nuclear Arms Race: Cruise Missiles

Nuclear Weapons

Press Releases from the Los Alamos Study Group

LASG has continued to deliver public interest research for over two decades on the US national labs, energy and nuclear policies
Visit their online website and new page of press releases to follow developments in the US nuclear weapons complex, and disarmament, and Energy Dept actions by the president-elect

Nuclear Weapons: A 'Cold War 2.0' or New Treaties to Reduce Nuclear Arsenals

Nuclear Weapons: Nonproliferation or More 'Usable' Nuclear Weapons

@StrategicDemands: "New Definitions of National Security Necessary"

Trump's offer to Russia: An End to Sanctions for Nuclear Arms Cut - London Times / January 17, 2017

"Let’s see if we can make some good deals with Russia," the Republican president-elect was quoted as saying.

"For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it. But Russia’s hurting very badly right now because of sanctions, but I think something can happen that a lot of people are gonna benefit."

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'Mixed Cold War 2.0 Signals': Nuclear Arms Reduction --- or Nuclear Arms Race


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Trump to Scrap NASA Climate Research

Former NOAA Chief Scientist Warns of Threats to Science



NASA’s Earth Science division is set to be stripped of funding... Via The Guardian

GreenPolicy360 addresses the upcoming Earth Science debate and decisions to be rendered in Congress. The consequences -- and legacy -- of this generation's actions and the votes of the US House Science committee and related Congressional representatives will be felt -- and judged -- for decades going forward.

Andrew Revkin completes his many yrs at Dot Earth and the New York Times...
Under Trump, Will NASA’s Space Science Include Planet Earth? -- By Andrew C. Revkin / November 28, 2016

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Energy Data: Monitor and Manage

Interactive Map: How the US Generates Electricity

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Carbon Clock

Visit the Interactive CO2 Mapping at Mauna Loa Observatory

Carbon Clock March 23, 2017.png

400 PPM, Science Facts and Global Risks

April 2017 / Research Report: We are heading for the warmest climate in half a billion years. So what’s the big deal?

Latest CO2 Data Reports from Mauna Loa

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Going Green 360°


Republicans in US Congress Vote to Block National & Global Security

Attempt to Defund and Block Defense Dept. Studies and Work Related to Impacts of Climate Change

Trump v the World: Announces his Energy policy

Candidate Trump -- Cancel the Paris International climate agreement: More Fossil Fuels, Less Clean/Renewable Energy
In a speech laying out his energy agenda for the United States, Trump promised to undo essentially every major policy developed in last decade intended to slow human-caused global warming.

Trump declares he doesn't believe the science, believes climate change a hoax and 'BS'

Trump tweet: This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. 'Environmentalists are the problem', acc to the Republican candidate for president
Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and our GW scientists are stuck in ice

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In Canada, a political battle over energy & environment policy

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In the U.S., as attacks on climate science proliferate with deep pocket and dark money support, acting to undercut US & global security, strategies for continued and accelerating energy innovation emerge...

Energy Innovation: Batteries & the Grid / Tesla Electric Vehicles / At the ARPA-E Innovation Summit

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After a Year in Space, Scott Kelly Says 'I'm More of an Environmentalist'...

Welcome home Planet Citizen.... thanks for reminding us "how the atmosphere looks and how fragile it looks... It makes you more of an environmentalist... looking down at our planet from a great vantage point."

The 'Overview Effect': Experiencing Life Changing Realizations of the Home Planet and Us

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