Category:Civil Rights
In the U.S. instability is increasingly an undercurrent in political discourse.
As civil rights march forward within a global movement and rights agenda, many political elements are using new social media channels to destabilize political institutions. Election campaigns are becoming divisive online and offline, as the reach of the Internet worldwide grows. Politics of understanding are increasingly in jeopardy as those pushing for rights come up against those pushing back...
Civil Rights Act
Voting Rights Act ...
Gerrymandering ...
Redistricting ...
Voting Rights and Process in the US
This category has the following 29 subcategories, out of 29 total.
Pages in category "Civil Rights"
The following 100 pages are in this category, out of 100 total.
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- Arlington County, VA Expressing Concerns with Some Aspects of the US Patriot Act
- Ashland, OR Resolution to Protect Civil Liberties
- Austin, TX Commitment to the Protection of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
- Austin, TX Equal Employment/Fair Housing
- Avondale, AZ Affirming the Principles of Civil Liberties
- Earth Day 2020
- Earth Day Memories on the 50th Anniversary
- Eco-nomics
- Ecofeminism
- Ecolivia
- Election System Reform
- Environmental Law, Rollbacks under Trump 2016-20
- Environmental Laws and Modern Environmental Movement
- Equal Pay for Equal Work
- Eureka Springs, AR In Opposition to the Loss of Constitutional Freedoms
- Evanston, IL Opposing Sections of the USA Patriot Act
- Generation Green
- Going Green: Texas v. Pennsylvania
- Governor Jerry Brown
- GP360 NewPages
- Green Bank in Maryland - and More
- Green Best Practices
- Green Party
- Green Politics 360
- Green Politics with GreenPolicy360
- Green Stories of the Day
- Green Stories of the Day - GreenPolicy360 Archive
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2016
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2018
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2019
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2020
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2023
- GreenPolicy360 Highlights
- Pasadena, CA Opposing Certain Aspects of the USA Patriot Act
- Pittsburgh, PA Expressing Concerns with Some Aspects of the US Patriot Act
- Planet Citizen Action
- PlanetCitizen
- Porterville, CA Upholding Civil Liberties
- Portland, OR Addressing Racial Profiling
- Portland, OR Civil Rights
- Proportional Representation
- Protect Civil Liberties Resolution
- San Francisco, CA Commemorating the Repeal of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
- San Francisco, CA Immigrant Rights Commission Promoting an "INS Raid-Free Zone"
- San Francisco, CA Sanctuary Ordinance
- San Francisco, CA Small Business and Non-Discrimination Contracting
- Santa Cruz, CA Opposing Extension of the USA Patriot Act
- Santa Rosa, CA Supporting Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples
- Seattle, WA Commitment to Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
- Seattle, WA Demanding Our Rights with One Voice and Many Faces
- Seattle, WA Opposing Legislation Regarding Enforcement of Civil Immigration Laws
- Surviving Victory: Security Priorities
Media in category "Civil Rights"
The following 154 files are in this category, out of 154 total.
- A Planet Citizen View.png 799 × 1,241; 1.64 MB
- Arendt - On truth, constant lying, and results.png 590 × 800; 421 KB
- Astro POV - Mike Massimino - PlanetCitizen.png 800 × 466; 792 KB
- At Independence Hall - Sept 1, 2022.png 400 × 638; 416 KB
- Attack from Within - by Barb McQuade.png 600 × 630; 222 KB
- Battle for Democracy.jpg 640 × 123; 24 KB
- Be a planet citizen, make a choice, act to reduce climate change.jpg 1,024 × 595; 60 KB
- Bernie Sanders, Senate 2.PNG 800 × 517; 379 KB
- Bernie Sanders, Senate Aug 3.PNG 800 × 518; 388 KB
- Biden - will we choose democracy.png 448 × 168; 30 KB
- Biden delivers voting rights speech in Atlanta.png 600 × 679; 387 KB
- Biden voting rights speech attacked by McConnell.png 600 × 321; 142 KB
- Biden voting rights support fading.png 600 × 682; 386 KB
- Biden-Harris, CNN News Online - Nov 8, 2020.jpg 800 × 484; 114 KB
- Black Lives Matter - St. Pete FL.jpg 800 × 806; 174 KB
- Blue Marble photo taken by the crew of Apollo 17 (1972).jpg 642 × 605; 129 KB
- Bucky Trimtab.jpg 348 × 336; 88 KB
- Canary - 1.jpg 448 × 901; 144 KB
- Canary - 2.png 446 × 531; 264 KB
- Cardinal directions m.png 250 × 250; 20 KB
- Cassidy Hutchinson testifies at Congressional committee hearing.png 640 × 447; 200 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Save Our Future Act 2021.jpg 518 × 262; 77 KB
- Democracy Challenged, Democracy Awakening.png 578 × 800; 420 KB
- Earth Day - DSCOVR-EPIC 2019.jpg 800 × 772; 150 KB
- Earth Day 2022 - Act up.png 457 × 370; 155 KB
- Earth Day memories.png 800 × 210; 381 KB
- Earths rotation as we roll thru space.jpg 800 × 529; 69 KB
- Economic-justice for women.jpg 600 × 600; 29 KB
- EleanorRooseveltHumanRights.png 535 × 423; 60 KB
- ElectionResources.png 607 × 243; 141 KB
- Electoral Reform US FairVote.jpg 662 × 270; 36 KB
- Envir earth day 1970.jpg 197 × 295; 13 KB
- Equal Pay for Equal Work Women Employed.png 450 × 312; 52 KB
- Equal Pay Paycheck Fairness Act.png 448 × 210; 57 KB
- Eunice Foote - 2.JPG 800 × 600; 101 KB
- Eunice Foote - 3.jpg 800 × 739; 148 KB
- European Greens - Baerbock - Candidate for German Chancellorship.jpg 513 × 185; 37 KB
- European Greens EGPCongress Dec 2022.png 800 × 745; 640 KB
- Fact Checking organizations at work.jpg 800 × 390; 44 KB
- Facts Count-WaPo Reports-19127 false-misleading claims in 1226 days.jpg 601 × 489; 100 KB
- FairVote.jpg 535 × 122; 14 KB
- Fallows re Brown speech to the AGU Dec2016.png 533 × 354; 65 KB
- G7 Climate News.png 640 × 205; 125 KB
- G7 DJTclimatetweet.png 640 × 300; 45 KB
- G7 Split-2017.png 800 × 182; 177 KB
- G7-Climate-2017.png 800 × 136; 66 KB
- G7-Climate-News.png 640 × 317; 176 KB
- George Floyd In-Memory.jpg 600 × 450; 68 KB
- German foreign minister travels to India.png 640 × 178; 115 KB
- Ginsburg leaves a chasm on the Supreme Court.jpg 800 × 624; 92 KB
- Google Earth Engine.png 448 × 165; 45 KB
- Gov and money.jpg 240 × 210; 7 KB
- GP360 tagcloud2 m.png 531 × 324; 132 KB
- GP360 tagcloud2.png 655 × 400; 184 KB
- Green Highlights.jpg 800 × 600; 121 KB
- Green Networking 788 × 604; 764 KB
- 485 × 237; 30 KB
- GreenPartyPlatform 2000 KV10.png 338 × 531; 25 KB
- GreenPolicy360 - May- 9-2024.png 800 × 406; 119 KB
- Greens EU 2024.jpg 480 × 540; 91 KB
- Hannah Arendt.jpg 527 × 680; 51 KB
- Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill.jpg 640 × 184; 34 KB
- Harriet Tubman, the Movie.jpg 584 × 390; 146 KB
- Harriet-an American Legend-be free or die.jpg 584 × 222; 27 KB
- How Earth Survived - Time Magazine - Sept 2019.jpg 644 × 858; 193 KB
- Human history, as an 800 page book.jpg 799 × 1,112; 148 KB
- In Love with Earth.jpg 328 × 499; 15 KB
- International Women's Day.jpg 600 × 673; 106 KB
- Internet Freedom - Democracy Status - FH Map 2022-23.png 800 × 407; 127 KB
- Jerry Brown - Disrupter - film pre-release.jpg 640 × 367; 32 KB
- Jerry Brown AGU-Dec14,2016.png 476 × 344; 117 KB
- Jerry Brown at UN 2017.jpg 768 × 512; 31 KB
- Jerry Brown documentary film-poster 2022.jpg 572 × 800; 113 KB
- Jerry Brown legacy in action.jpg 770 × 433; 49 KB
- Jerry Brown Meet the Press Dec 30 2018.png 799 × 460; 868 KB
- Jerry Brown on Twitter - March 2018.png 555 × 278; 25 KB
- Jerry Brown, photo courtesy of LA Times, Apr 2018.jpg 640 × 360; 30 KB
- Jerry Brown, swearing-in as Governor 1975.png 640 × 542; 241 KB
- Joan and Christiana - April 2022.png 486 × 460; 282 KB
- Joe Biden is projected winner Nov7-2020.jpg 343 × 120; 26 KB
- June 28 2022.png 800 × 565; 300 KB
- June 9, 2020, Funeral Service for George Floyd begins.jpg 630 × 356; 60 KB
- Juneteenth.jpg 596 × 521; 106 KB
- Labor organizing - US accomplishments chart.jpg 681 × 960; 193 KB
- Labor organizing - US track record - on Labor Day.jpg 709 × 960; 99 KB
- Labor Posters.png 633 × 368; 416 KB
- Liberty 180x180.png 180 × 180; 71 KB
- Life of the Mind 2.png 300 × 245; 143 KB
- Lost Gospel of the Earth by Tom Hayden.jpg 696 × 1,069; 64 KB
- Manual Audits needed.png 557 × 480; 148 KB
- Map of the World wiki commons GTN800x370.png 800 × 370; 39 KB
- March for Science-1.png 800 × 291; 596 KB
- March on Washington-1963.jpg 800 × 449; 125 KB
- Memorial Fence-Wall-Washington DC.jpg 800 × 534; 124 KB
- Memorial for George Floyd.jpg 587 × 535; 139 KB
- Methods of Nonviolent Action.pdf ; 49 KB
- NASA has a new mission... against Methane.png 800 × 576; 681 KB
- Navalny.png 640 × 431; 705 KB
- Nelson, the oil spill and the student anti-war movement.png 600 × 457; 529 KB
- New Definitions of National Security demanded - January 2022.png 288 × 146; 21 KB
- On the road sjs.jpg 293 × 249; 0 bytes
- On-the-Road-11.jpg 800 × 326; 52 KB
- One year later...I will defend this nation Jan-6-2022.png 513 × 364; 238 KB
- Over the Pacific.png 800 × 441; 617 KB
- Planet of the Year Christo-Time.jpg 800 × 1,079; 175 KB
- PlanetCitizen - Your Moment on Earth.jpg 650 × 625; 80 KB
- Point of View of the Acceptance Speech.png 600 × 771; 687 KB
- Poverty 2019.jpg 800 × 673; 91 KB
- President Biden - January 5, 2024.png 600 × 470; 236 KB
- President Biden speaks of protecting democracy - Jan 5 2024.png 600 × 686; 214 KB
- President Biden speaks of protecting democracy - News on Jan 5 2024.png 600 × 664; 351 KB
- Project 2025 - Russell Vought and Donald Trump (AP).png 600 × 631; 453 KB
- Protect Democracy.png 775 × 600; 727 KB
- RBG as mom.jpg 320 × 320; 11 KB
- RBG as student.jpg 480 × 600; 27 KB
- RBG at Harvard Law School.jpg 640 × 942; 42 KB
- Redlining-2.png 800 × 479; 375 KB
- RevDem.png 225 × 75; 5 KB
- Revkin - Dot Earth sign off Dec 5, 2016.png 648 × 687; 336 KB
- Share GreenPolicy360.png 391 × 70; 4 KB
- Social Justice.jpg 448 × 246; 18 KB
- Speed and Scale Action Plan.png 550 × 867; 132 KB
- Speed and Scale Poster.png 490 × 772; 101 KB
- Statue of Liberty - breaking chains of slavery.jpg 546 × 478; 75 KB
- Stephen Hawking Genius on PBS 1.jpg 800 × 474; 77 KB
- Stephen Hawking-Genius-2016.jpg 250 × 339; 27 KB
- Steven J Schmidt, May 2023.png 363 × 484; 383 KB
- Story telling and science education.png 515 × 480; 171 KB
- Summit for Democracy.png 800 × 252; 221 KB
- Surviving Victory - Liberty at Risk.jpg 448 × 433; 63 KB
- The Human Condition - Hannah Arendt.jpg 206 × 299; 26 KB
- The Oath and the Office.png 572 × 480; 151 KB
- To be fully alive is to work for the common good.png 612 × 819; 621 KB
- To serve - from Chef José Andrés.png 600 × 798; 535 KB
- Tom Hayden-LA-Dec 2015.jpg 650 × 366; 50 KB
- Totalitarianism in the Age of Trump, Lessons from Hannah Arendt.png 638 × 644; 143 KB
- Trump on Termination of US Constitution - 1.jpg 600 × 607; 166 KB
- Trump on Termination of US Constitution - 2.jpg 600 × 600; 181 KB
- Trump on Termination of US Constitution - 3.PNG 600 × 600; 227 KB
- Union Oil Spill On the Calif Coast - February 1969.png 640 × 351; 371 KB
- Union Oil Spill On the Calif Coast - January 1969.png 640 × 326; 196 KB
- US Senate debates voting rights bill.jpg 640 × 461; 107 KB
- Virality, social media networking.png 640 × 406; 181 KB
- Vorsorgeprinzip at GreenPolicy360 - sjs.png 611 × 758; 164 KB
- Voting restriction bills 3-24-2021.png 640 × 409; 78 KB
- Watch the 13th.jpg 800 × 447; 119 KB
- We are all crew.jpg 448 × 181; 17 KB
- We Want You Security State investigation WaPo.png 612 × 480; 645 KB
- Womens rights Human rights.png 400 × 230; 13 KB
- Womens-day.jpg 640 × 334; 55 KB
- Your vote.png 318 × 133; 11 KB
- Legislation
- Topic
- Ballot Access
- Ballot Initiatives
- Ballot Measures
- Campaign Finance
- Climate Policy
- Corporate Accountability
- Democracy
- Election Law
- Election System Reform
- Electoral System Reform
- Environmental Laws
- EOS eco Operating System
- Green Politics
- Green Values
- Human Rights
- Initiative and Referendum
- Initiatives
- Labor Issues
- Money in Politics
- Participatory Governance
- Planet Citizen
- Redistricting
- Sustainability Policies
- United States
- US
- Voting
- Voting Rights
- Voting Systems
- Workers Rights