Surviving Victory: Security Priorities

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Strategic Vision,

Strategic Demands of the 21st Century: A New Vision for a New World by Roger Morris & Steven Schmidt

“The moment requires bold innovative approaches to our interests and responsibilities on a drastically changed, swiftly changing planet. What we see as essential to a wide-ranging democratic discussion and debate is a new strategic discourse, addressing causes as well as effects. We must look ahead, envision and plan without illusion or compromising influence, recognize new realities, tell unpopular truths, put the national interest ahead of office, educate and act…”

The 'Surviving Victory' Conference, Washington DC


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GreenPolicy360 / New Horizons of Security


New Definitions of National... and Global Security

GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands / #StratDem

GreenPolicy360 / StrategicDemands: The key to 21st century security is "strategic realism". Any full scientific assessment of security threats on the horizon is replete with environmental/global risks that are drawing daily into view. These risks are presenting a clear and present danger, in U.S. Department of Defense terms. A 'clear and present danger' has yet to be acknowledged by the US Department of Defense, or in the US military budget that approaches $1 trillion in annual spending. Other nations continue a race seeing security in terms of defense/military spending. This cannot be sustained. Forward planning with a new and more acutely aware vision of security is demanded now.

GreenPolicy360 and its associate Strategic Demands challenge prevailing views that are not focused as they must be on existential threats of our era. A new vision of security must drive the politics of our times. New definitions of national and global security must become highest priorities.

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National Interests, Environmental Protection, Global & Indivisible

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New Definitions of National Security

A New Vision Needed Now
Environmental Security
Environmental Security, National Security

Earth Observations, Earth Science

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Environmental Security & "Thin Blue"

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Strategic Demands: New Definitions of National & Environmental Security
A Thin Blue Layer protecting the home planet

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"Surviving Victory": Moving Away from "Perpetual War",/big>

Visit GreenPolicy's Associate Strategic Demands


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