Generation Green
Generation Green / .net / .org
Our Generational Challenge
- Planet Citizens in Action
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:
Welcome to GreenPolicy360, Planet Citizens
Our PlanetCitizen / PlanetCitizens project began with a network of green political sites and grew organically into a GreenLinks global network with tens of millions of shares and visits.
GreenPolicy360's goal back in the early 2000s was to launch a gathering, a circle of friends. We started small in 2007, 2008. An adviser of ours during our start up days, Bill McKibben, was also in the process of a start up, Over the years he has often said in answer to What Question he gets asked the most?" ... "The most common question (I get asked the most) is by far also the simplest: 'What can I do?' I bet I've been asked it 10,000 times by now... 'What can I do to make a difference?' The right question is 'What can we do to make a difference?' "
We agree with Bill. Our power to bring positive change is realized best by becoming a 'we', not just an 'I'. One PlanetCitizen becoming PlanetCitizens ( became our path forward. A ripple, then ripples, then waves of change.
We are continuing environmental protection activism that came out of the early days of a modern environmental movement.
Here you are now as part of a global circle of friends and a whole earth point of view.
We are creating a wave, together, with planet citizens across our planet Earth. You are a dynamic and constantly changing environmental movement, a new generation stepping up with new vision, realizing the challenge of new responsibilities 'in our hands' .
We are now remembering first seeing our planet in full color from space, the Apollo mission that opened our eyes, the now famous "Earthrise" images ""taken from the Moon" and opening our minds to our commonality as what GreenPolicy360 calls "Planet Citizens". We began new ways of seeing, envisioning, and acting.
GreenPolicy360's Planet Citizen journey now reaches every country and region. We are interconnected, sharing green stories and green best practices. We are becoming Planet Citizens and Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists ...
Look around, experience our Living Earth, our wonderful and challenging world, your home, our home, our only home.
Time to be Generation Green
From the original NASA Mission Statement: “To understand and protect our home planet"
Planet Citizens / Scientists, Preserving & Protecting the Home Planet Earth
GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality' (2021)
- Our Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative continues as the next Global Climate Conference approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)
- Drawing from the database of Earth Science resulting from decades of space-based missions designed to provide us with actionable 'Earth-system and Climate-related data'
- Measuring and Monitoring to better manage Earth's Living, Dynamic and Changing Systems, Local, National and Global
Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges
GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative
Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now
Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions
Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)
"Earth Observing System (EOS)": Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
- About Us
- Additional Website Resources - Linked Data - Green Best Practices
- Alternative Agriculture
- Anthropocene
- Atmospheric Science
- Biodiversity
- Bioneers
- Biosphere
- Citizen Science
- Civil Rights
- Clean Air
- Clean Water
- Climate Change
- Democratization of Space
- Digital Citizen
- Digital Rights
- Earth
- Eco-nomics
- Earth Day
- EOS eco Operating System
- Earth360
- EarthPOV
- Earth Observations
- Earth Science
- Ecofeminism
- Ecology Studies
- Education
- Energy
- Environmental Laws
- Environmental Protection
- Environmental Security
- Environmental Security, National Security
- Food
- Global Security
- Global Warming
- Green Best Practices
- Green Networking
- Green Politics
- Health
- Human Rights
- Internet
- Micro-satellites
- Microbiology
- Microorganism
- Money in Politics
- Natural Resources
- Natural Rights
- Networking
- New Definitions of National Security
- New Space
- Overview Effect
- Peace
- Planet Citizen
- Planet Citizens
- PlanetLabs
- Planet Scientist
- Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
- Renewable Energy
- Resilience
- Sea-Level Rise & Mitigation
- Seventh Generation Sustainability
- Social Justice
- Solar Energy
- Strategic Demands
- Sustainability
- Sustainability Policies
- ThinBlueLayer
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Water Quality
- Whole Earth
- Wildlife
- Women's Rights
- World Wide Web
- Youth