GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015

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UN Climate Change Conference 2015.jpg

Eyes on the Future

"We can commit to do more"

- Gavin Schmidt, NASA Goddard climate science director

December 12, 2015: International Climate Agreement Reached

195 Countries Sign On to the New Agreement

GreenPolicy's INDC Global List & Updates on Individual Country Climate Action Plans

Nationally determined INDCs | resilient renewable clean energy climate plans

Links to GreenPolicy360 Reports

Climate News at GreenPolicy360

Climate Politics / Earth Science

Climate Action National Plans/INDCs

Which Countries Are Doing the Most?
Eleven Countries in Front of Shift to Renewable Energy

Visit GreenPolicy's GreenLinks Trending News

GTN GreenLinks Trending News

#climateaction --
#climatechange --

Map of the World wiki commons GTN800x370.png

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International 2015 Paris Climate Agreement

#INDCs --

Washington Post editorial

A Year of Progress and 'Buffoonery' on Climate

U.S. Senate Republicans Say 'No' to Paris Climate Accord / Via ThinkProgress

"Republicans attempt to derail climate talks" / Via The Atlantic, Dec 1, 2015
GOP On Lockdown / Via Reuters

Via the New Republic "The only remaining global outlier — the only major political party that denies climate science and opposes even the effort to reach a climate deal — is here in the U.S.: the Republican Party ..."

Obama paves way for success in Paris

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Smith - Science Com't sm 2015.jpg

U.S. Congress/Science Committee News

Lamar Smith, Chair of Science Com't Accuses Scientists (Video)

Letter to Science Committee re: integrity
More from American science organizations
Science Orgs respond to attacks by Science Committee

Environmental Security

GreenPolicy's listing of 189 country climate plans
Climate News
Earth Observations

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Nationally determined climate plans | resilient | renewable energy

Visit GreenPolicy's Int'l List of Countries and Climate Plans


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Work to do to get to renewable goals m.jpg

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UN / Climate Plans "Synthesis Report"

Christiana Figueres @CFigueres #UNFCCC

Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Nov 15: Will not stop -- Must contine
Figueres - REDDIT AMA

UN Climate Action @UNFCCC

Oct 19
Opening plenary of the latest @UN climate negotiations
#ADP2 session... steps toward Paris... Focus!

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Laudato Si'


Vatican announcement of a first "Eco-encyclical"

Catholic Pontiff Speaks of an 'Integral Ecology'

From the first Catholic pope to name himself after St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the environment and wildlife

Pope Francis poised to weigh in on climate change with major document

Pope Francis’s Encyclical on Climate Change

A 'green Pope', an 'eco-encyclical'.png

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"Racing Extinction" - The Movie

“We’re not making a movie, we’re starting a movement. This film is one component of a movement that will go on and on...

to live in people’s hearts and minds and change behavior. We are the only generation that can save species for millions of years going forward.”

There is No Plan(et) B

Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations.jpg

Extinction sixthgreatextinction ohDodo.png

Racing Extinction

Racing Extinction#RacingExtinction @RacingXtinction

“I told the crew, 'We’re not making a movie – we’re starting a movement'. This film is one component of a movement that will go on and on...

and hopefully live in people’s hearts and minds and change behavior. We are the only generation that can save species for millions of years going forward...”

RacingExtinction Francois-Languars2 3000Left.png

RCatUN projection2.gif

Large (charismatic) vs. Small Species
Racing Extinction websiteplankton.jpg

In the Smallest Creatures

In the smallest creatures god.png


Racing Extinction update4.png

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"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean (Prochlorococcus) produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"

--Sylvia Earle

Breathe freely, tiny plankton -- Plankton climate dance

Plankton Phytoplankton--'Climate Dance'.jpg

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Plankton story - New Yorker - Oct 2021.jpg

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Planet Labs / New Space

Planet Labs Platform Beta to Advance Sustainable Development Goals

Open California -- California imaging from Planet Labs fleet, a "full historical archive" now available under a CC BY-SA license

Planet Labs / Updates

PlanetLabs homepage2016.png

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California out in front modeling and sharing green best practices

CA Hiway 1.jpg

Here come the 'EV Corridors' and Solar-Charging Stations -- New Motto, More Sun, Less Exxon

Solar Charging Station BMW Welt2.png

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'Going Green'

Best Practices check sm.png

President Obama Announces U.S. Clean Power Plan

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Climate Publishers Network

May 2015, New International Media Network to share climate change news

“Climate change is the biggest challenge humanity is currently facing and requires new ways of collaborating across geographic as well as political boundaries.”

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Astronaut Gerst --- 'Planet Citizen' Video

Whole Earth One Connected System Astro-Gerst 2014.png

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DSCOVR/EPIC 'News from a Million Miles'

You are being imaged!

Visit EarthPOV for DSCOVR/EPIC News

VR -- The "Big Picture" -- Earth


DSCOVR with EPIC imaging goes LIVE! --- "Beautiful reminder that we need to protect the only planet we have"

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Atmospheric Science

Studying the "Thin Blue Layer"

OCO-2 / Orbiting Carbon Observatory Mission

OCO-2 carbon dioxide Sept2014-Sept2015.gif

I am OCO-2 -- reporting home Climate deniers blame global warming on nature. This NASA data begs to differ

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I am OCO-2

Earth atmosphere emission data begins to be made available -- Sept 2015

CO2 Virtual Science Data Environment / GOSAT --- AQUA --- OCO-2 ---

The A-Train.jpg

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Watching the Planet Breathe

Watching the Planet Breathe.jpg

It's Your Breathing Planet


Monitoring Earth's Essential Systems

Earth Right Now: Briefing @NASA

Earth s.png

Earth Science Vital Signs

EarthRightNow Earth Science satellite fleet circa 2015 m.jpg

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Earth Science Research from Space

Earth Science Vital Signs, Pulse of the Planet Climate Essentials.png

Vital Signs, Taking the Pulse of the Planet Sept2014.png