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<big>'''United States Declaration of Independence'''</big>
<big>'''A 'Quality of Life' Key Value and the Founding US Green Party Platform'''</big>

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence
: A 'Politics of Values' ... protecting, preserving, nourishing life on our Living Planet

''“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”''

-- U.S. Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776''
[[File:Living Earth.png]]

<small>* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Planet_Citizen_Vision_of_Living_Earth</small>


<big><big>'''[[Quality of Life]]'''</big></big>

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Quality_of_Life

<big>'''Protecting Freedom, Protecting Rights, Protecting Democracy Nation-by-Nation, Community-by-Community'''</big>
Our overall goal is not merely to survive, but to share lives that are truly worth living.

[[Democracy and Voting Rights]]
We believe the quality of our individual lives is enriched by the quality of all of our lives. We encourage everyone to see the dignity and intrinsic worth in all of life, and to take the time to understand and appreciate themselves, their community and the magnificent beauty of this world.

* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Democracy

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Democracy_and_Voting_Rights

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Civil_Rights
'''From Green Horizon Magazine 'On the Founders of the Green Party' '''

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Voting_Rights
[[File:SJS - Steven Schmidt - Green Horizon Magazine on Founders of the Green Party.png]]

Steve Schmidt, 'Looking back, moving forward':

"In drafting the founding Green Party platform, I was attempting to put forward a 'politics of values, an expansion of a rights agenda'. The goal was a 'serious, credible, platform-based politics'. The Green Party has expanded internationally to become a worldwide green political force in over 100 countries. We are an 'out in front' politics..."

<big>'''The 'Enlightenment' & Natural Rights ... Recalling 'The History of Ideas' '''</big>
('''Note''': After the drafting and adoption of the original Green Party Platform, the US Green Party was taken over by an extreme cadre, a political faction with a professed ideology that is far from the Green values and positions as stated in the original founding Green Party Platform and 1990s organizing. As a result of this cadre-faction's hostile takeover of the US Green Party name, that is, the expropriation of the US Green Party and the cadre's dictated  substitution of its anarcho-program, the GreenPolicy360 Siterunner ended all association with the current US GP.)

:* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Natural_Rights

The idea of natural rights is the concept used in philosophy and legal studies that a person has certain rights from birth and which, because they were not awarded by a particular state or legal authority, cannot be removed, that is, they are inalienable. Such rights may include the right to life, liberty, equality, property, justice, and happiness.  
[[File:GreenPartyplatform cover of founding-platdoc-2000 s.png]]

* https://www.worldhistory.org/article/2375/natural-rights--the-enlightenment/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment
* https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/colonial-america/colonial-north-america/a/the-enlightenment
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_rights_and_legal_rights

<small>[https://greenpolicy360.net/w/File:GreenPartyplatform_cover_of_founding-platdoc-2000_s.png '''Official Founding US Green Party Platform - 2000''']</small>

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Green_Platform



<big><big>Green Values, a Platform for Green Politics</big></big>

<big><big>'''[[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]'''</big></big>

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights
SJS / Green Policy Siterunner: Green political parties, now in over 100 countries, began in the 1980s at the front lines of the Cold War, standing in support of life-affirming values and in opposition to imminent nuclear war. The nonviolent, pro-peace green movement and multi-dimension, [https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Out_in_Front out-in-front Green parties internationally] are shaping a new vision of politics with values, platforms and positions envisioning local, national and global security.

* http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml/hr_law.shtml''
The "Ten Key Values" of the Green Party of the US followed in the tradition of the European "Four Pillars" and, from 1984 to today, the Green KVs in the US continue to define the Green Party's values-based politics.

* http://www.ohchr.org/en/udhr/pages/introduction.aspx
The beginning of the U.S. Green Party can be traced to the "Ten Key Values" drafted by Charlene Spretnak and activist women in the 1980s. Look to the values foundation on which the Green Party was built.  

* http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html
The US Green Party, as legally recognized (and as distinct from the cadre-faction that took over the US Green Party in 2016), served as a model and platform for an international Green charter and movement. Here's to Charlene and those who recognized the challenge of Green politics with a positive vision for changes that need to achieved... Here's to those who are building a deep Green politics, quality of life, who are out in front, working step by step by step...

''On 10 December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the '''Universal Declaration of Human Rights.'''''
[[File:Green times.jpg]]

''Following this historic act, the U.N. Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.''

'''''Ten Key Values, as quoted in the [https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Green_Platform Founding Platform of the U.S. Green Party''''']

<big><big>'''Women's Rights'''</big></big>
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Green_Values

:* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights

:* http://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Women%27s_Rights

[[File:Green Branching Out.jpg | link=https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenLinks]]

:[[File:Womens rights Human rights.png]]

'''Green Politics''' - https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Green_Politics

<big>'''WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE'''</big>
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Environmental_Security

[[File:Women right to vote years.png]]

[[File:Commons-concepts permanent culture now.png]]


'''The Long, Hard Road for Workers to Achieve Health, Safety, Benefits, Protections & Wages'''

[[File:Labor organizing - US accomplishments chart.jpg]]

: * https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Workers_Rights
<big>'A Democratic Republic... if you can keep it' - Benjamin Franklin</big>

<big>'''United States Declaration of Independence'''</big>

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence

''“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”''

[[File:Digital Rights Tag Cloud from GreenPolicy360.net.png | link=https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenPolicy360-eOS#Digital_Rights_Movement]]
-- ''U.S. Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776''

'''GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands / Strategic Online Networking'''

* http://strategicdemands.com/strategic-demands-online-networking/

[[File:StratDem logo4.png]]


<big>'''[[Digital Rights]]'''</big>
<big>'''Protecting Freedom, Protecting Rights, Protecting Democracy Nation-by-Nation, Community-by-Community'''</big>

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Digital_Rights

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Privacy_Rights

<big><big>A Democratic Republic, a 'Great Experiment' in the United States</big></big>

A foundation of rights, human rights, put forward with and embodied in a [https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/full-text '''founding US Constitution'''], [https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights/what-does-it-say '''Bill of Rights'''] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_amendments_to_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States '''Constitutional Amendments'''] -- together a Constitutional government envisioning a living Democratic Republic. Ours is a democracy, a republic, a work-in-progress continuing to this day, a heritage worth protecting... The US [https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript '''Declaration of Independence'''] proclaims ... “We hold these truths to be self-evident”.... “all men are created equal”... with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, with rights to live under a government of their own choosing.

'''GreenPolicy360 Digital Citizen & Digital Rights Networking'''
We recall a quote of Benjamin Franklin responding to a question in 1787 about the newly announced birth of the US as he left Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention:

[[Digital Citizen]]
We have "a Republic, if you can keep it."

[[Digital Rights]]

[[Disinformation - Online - Dangerous]]
[[Democracy and Voting Rights]]

[[Fact Checking]]
* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Democracy

[[Fact Checking and Embedded Links]]
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Democracy_and_Voting_Rights

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Civil_Rights

[[Green Marketing]]
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Voting_Rights

[[Internet of Things and Intelligent Energy Efficiency]]

[[Mobile Internet]]

[[Online Privacy]]
<big>'''The 'Enlightenment' & Natural Rights ... Recalling 'The History of Ideas' '''</big>

[[Privacy on the Net-Online Rights]]
:* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Natural_Rights

[[Strategic Policy-Internet Online Rights]]

[[Virtual Private Network]]
The idea of natural rights is the concept used in philosophy and legal studies that a person has certain rights from birth and which, because they were not awarded by a particular state or legal authority, cannot be removed, that is, they are inalienable. Such rights may include the right to life, liberty, equality, property, justice, and happiness.

[[Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki]]
* https://www.worldhistory.org/article/2375/natural-rights--the-enlightenment/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment
* https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/colonial-america/colonial-north-america/a/the-enlightenment
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_rights_and_legal_rights

[[World Wide Web]]

<big><big>'''[[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]'''</big></big>
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights

[[File:FOTN 2016 WorldMap 484x316.jpg]]
* http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml/hr_law.shtml''

* http://www.ohchr.org/en/udhr/pages/introduction.aspx

* http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html

[[File:Internet future m.jpg]]

''On 10 December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the '''Universal Declaration of Human Rights.'''''

''Following this historic act, the U.N. Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.''

[[File:Green Branching Out.jpg | link=https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenLinks]]
<big><big>'''Women's Rights'''</big></big>
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights
*  http://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Women%27s_Rights
[[File:Womens rights Human rights.png]]
<big>'''WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE'''</big>

[[File:Women right to vote years.png]]

[[File:SJS - Steven Schmidt - Green Horizon Magazine on Founders of the Green Party.png]]

Steve Schmidt: "In drafting the founding Green Party platform, I was attempting to put forward a 'politics of values, an expansion of a rights agenda'. The goal was a 'serious, credible, platform-based politics'. The Green Party has expanded internationally to become a worldwide green political force in over 100 countries. We are an 'out in front' politics..."

(note: subsequent to the above statement on the drafting of the Green Party Platform, the US Green Party was taken over by an extreme cadre, a political faction with a professed ideology that is far from the Green values and positions as stated in the original founding Green Party Platform and 1990s organizing. As a result of the cadre's take over and its anarcho-program, the GreenPolicy360 Siterunner ended all association with the current US GP.)

'''A Long Road for Workers to Achieve Health, Safety, Benefits, Protections & Wages'''

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Workers_Rights

[[File:Green Branching Out.jpg | link=https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenLinks]]
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Labor_Issues-US


'''Green Law - GreenLaw360.com / Rights of Nature'''

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Environmental_Laws
'''Nature & Rights to a Living Sustainable Earth, Community-to-Community'''

* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Rights_of_Nature
* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Rights_of_Nature
Line 191: Line 202:
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Rights_of_Nature,_Books/Laws/Organizations
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Rights_of_Nature,_Books/Laws/Organizations

{{:Table of Contents (ToC) GreenPolicy360}}
<center>[[File:Digital Rights Tag Cloud from GreenPolicy360.net.png | link=https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenPolicy360-eOS#Digital_Rights_Movement]]</center>
'''GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands / Strategic Online Networking'''
* http://strategicdemands.com/strategic-demands-online-networking/

[[File:Commons-concepts permanent culture now.png]]
<big><big><big><big>'''Strategic Demands'''</big></big></big></big>

* https://strategicdemands.com/about/

:* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Strategic_Demands

<big><big>'''[[Quality of Life]]'''</big></big>
::* https://strategicdemands.com/new-definitions-of-security/

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Quality_of_Life
:::* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/New_Definitions_of_National_Security

::::* https://strategicdemands.com/nuclear-issues-cold-war-2-0/

'''Our overall goal is not merely to survive, but to share lives that are truly worth living. We believe the quality of our individual lives is enriched by the quality of all of our lives. We encourage everyone to see the dignity and intrinsic worth in all of life, and to take the time to understand and appreciate themselves, their community and the magnificent beauty of this world.'''
:::::* https://strategicdemands.com/nuclear-arms-race-3-0/

::::::* https://strategicdemands.com/stewards-of-the-apocalypse/

:::::::* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Nuclear_Weapons

[[File:GreenPartyplatform cover of founding-platdoc-2000 s.png]]
::::::::* https://strategicdemands.com/costsofwar/

<small>(via founding 'official' US Green Party Platform (2000)</small>

::::::::[[File:StratDem logo4.png]]


[[Category:Civil Rights]]
[[Category:Human Rights]]
[[Category:Rights of Nature]]
[[Category:Women's Rights]]
[[Category:Workers Rights]]

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[[Category:Water Quality]]
[[Category:Water Quality]]

[[Category:Civil Rights]]
[[Category:Digital Rights]]
[[Category:Human Rights]]
[[Category:Rights of Nature]]
[[Category:Women's Rights]]
[[Category:Workers Rights]]

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[[Category:County Governments]]
[[Category:County Governments]]
[[Category:Earth Law]]
[[Category:Earth Law]]
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[[Category:Green Best Practices]]
[[Category:Green Best Practices]]
[[Category:Green Networking]]
[[Category:Green Networking]]
[[Category:Green Party]]
[[Category:Green Politics]]
[[Category:Green Politics]]
[[Category:Green Values]]
[[Category:Green Values]]

Latest revision as of 17:35, 10 March 2025

A 'Quality of Life' Key Value and the Founding US Green Party Platform

A 'Politics of Values' ... protecting, preserving, nourishing life on our Living Planet

Living Earth.png

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Planet_Citizen_Vision_of_Living_Earth

Quality of Life

Our overall goal is not merely to survive, but to share lives that are truly worth living.

We believe the quality of our individual lives is enriched by the quality of all of our lives. We encourage everyone to see the dignity and intrinsic worth in all of life, and to take the time to understand and appreciate themselves, their community and the magnificent beauty of this world.

From Green Horizon Magazine 'On the Founders of the Green Party'

SJS - Steven Schmidt - Green Horizon Magazine on Founders of the Green Party.png

Steve Schmidt, 'Looking back, moving forward':

"In drafting the founding Green Party platform, I was attempting to put forward a 'politics of values, an expansion of a rights agenda'. The goal was a 'serious, credible, platform-based politics'. The Green Party has expanded internationally to become a worldwide green political force in over 100 countries. We are an 'out in front' politics..."

(Note: After the drafting and adoption of the original Green Party Platform, the US Green Party was taken over by an extreme cadre, a political faction with a professed ideology that is far from the Green values and positions as stated in the original founding Green Party Platform and 1990s organizing. As a result of this cadre-faction's hostile takeover of the US Green Party name, that is, the expropriation of the US Green Party and the cadre's dictated substitution of its anarcho-program, the GreenPolicy360 Siterunner ended all association with the current US GP.)

GreenPartyplatform cover of founding-platdoc-2000 s.png

Official Founding US Green Party Platform - 2000

Green Values, a Platform for Green Politics

SJS / Green Policy Siterunner: Green political parties, now in over 100 countries, began in the 1980s at the front lines of the Cold War, standing in support of life-affirming values and in opposition to imminent nuclear war. The nonviolent, pro-peace green movement and multi-dimension, out-in-front Green parties internationally are shaping a new vision of politics with values, platforms and positions envisioning local, national and global security.

The "Ten Key Values" of the Green Party of the US followed in the tradition of the European "Four Pillars" and, from 1984 to today, the Green KVs in the US continue to define the Green Party's values-based politics.

The beginning of the U.S. Green Party can be traced to the "Ten Key Values" drafted by Charlene Spretnak and activist women in the 1980s. Look to the values foundation on which the Green Party was built.

The US Green Party, as legally recognized (and as distinct from the cadre-faction that took over the US Green Party in 2016), served as a model and platform for an international Green charter and movement. Here's to Charlene and those who recognized the challenge of Green politics with a positive vision for changes that need to achieved... Here's to those who are building a deep Green politics, quality of life, who are out in front, working step by step by step...

Green times.jpg

Ten Key Values, as quoted in the Founding Platform of the U.S. Green Party

Green Branching Out.jpg

Green Politics - https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Green_Politics

Commons-concepts permanent culture now.png


'A Democratic Republic... if you can keep it' - Benjamin Franklin

United States Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

-- U.S. Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776


Protecting Freedom, Protecting Rights, Protecting Democracy Nation-by-Nation, Community-by-Community

A Democratic Republic, a 'Great Experiment' in the United States

A foundation of rights, human rights, put forward with and embodied in a founding US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments -- together a Constitutional government envisioning a living Democratic Republic. Ours is a democracy, a republic, a work-in-progress continuing to this day, a heritage worth protecting... The US Declaration of Independence proclaims ... “We hold these truths to be self-evident”.... “all men are created equal”... with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, with rights to live under a government of their own choosing.

We recall a quote of Benjamin Franklin responding to a question in 1787 about the newly announced birth of the US as he left Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention:

We have "a Republic, if you can keep it."

Democracy and Voting Rights

The 'Enlightenment' & Natural Rights ... Recalling 'The History of Ideas'

The idea of natural rights is the concept used in philosophy and legal studies that a person has certain rights from birth and which, because they were not awarded by a particular state or legal authority, cannot be removed, that is, they are inalienable. Such rights may include the right to life, liberty, equality, property, justice, and happiness.



Universal Declaration of Human Rights

On 10 December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Following this historic act, the U.N. Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.

Women's Rights

Womens rights Human rights.png


Women right to vote years.png


A Long Road for Workers to Achieve Health, Safety, Benefits, Protections & Wages


Nature & Rights to a Living Sustainable Earth, Community-to-Community



Green Branching Out.jpg


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Earth Emoji.png


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GreenPolicy360 Today.jpg


Earth dynamic global map.png


Digital Rights Tag Cloud from GreenPolicy360.net.png

GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands / Strategic Online Networking

Strategic Demands

StratDem logo4.png