Climate Problems, Climate Solutions: Difference between revisions

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'''GreenPolicy360's "GRN360 Climate Plans Enforcement" (Est. 2021)'''
: Calls to Action, Local & Global
:: "Turning '''[[National Climate Plans]]''', Pledges & Promises into Reality"
::'''Climate Laws Initiative for Monitoring & Planning Enforcement'''
::[[File:Climate Plans Enforcement Project - 2.png]]

[[File:CO2 photo.JPG]]
[[File:CO2 photo.JPG]]

On the launch of GreenPolicy360's newest climate initiative, continuing 50+ years of [ ''' "Whole Earth"'''] eco-action going back to the first [ '''"Earth Day"'''], to an EPA,  a first [ '''National Climate Program Act'''] and a [ '''"Living Earth" green politics''']
Focusing in on Climate Problems & Climate Solutions ⬇️
:➡️ <small>'''"It's not too late. The climate movement needs you."'''</small>
::<small>-- [ '''Rebecca Solnit''']</small>


:<small>''' "We have to identify the problem, then act in many ways to solve the problem. Global warming is the threat of our times."''' </small>
:➡️ <small>''' "We have to identify the problem, then act in many ways to solve the problem. Global warming is the threat of our times."''' </small>

::<small>-- [ '''Jerry Brown, California Governor''']</small>
::<small>-- [ '''Jerry Brown, California Governor''']</small>

:<small>''' "We’re going to need to use every tool in the toolbox if we’re going to solve this problem." '''</small>
:➡️ <small>''' "We’re going to need to use every tool in the toolbox if we’re going to solve this problem." '''</small>

::<small>-- [ '''Michael E. Mann''']</small>
::<small>-- [ '''Michael E. Mann''']</small>


<big><big><big><big>'''A Global Challenge'''</big></big></big></big>
:<big><big><big><big>'''Climate Change, a Global Crisis, a Global Challenge'''</big></big></big></big>

: [ '''''Climate Policy''''']
:: [ <big>'''Climate Policy'''</big>]

<big>''Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360''</big>  
:::<big>'''Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360'''</big>  

* ''''''''''


<big><u>'''''[[Thin Blue Layer]]'''''</u></big>
<big>'''''[[Thin Blue Layer]]'''''</big>

: <big><u>'''''[[Look at how thin our atmosphere is]]</u>'''''</big>
: <big>'''''[[Look at how thin our atmosphere is]]'''''</big>

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Climate Change - NASA
Climate Change - NASA
:* | Vital Signs
:* | Vital Signs
:* | A Primer for Students

Climate Change - MIT
Climate Change - MIT
:* | Climate Science, a Primer
:* | Climate Science, a Primer for Advanced Study

Climate Change - Metrics
Climate Change - Metrics
:* | Bloomberg Green Climate Data-Dashboard Intel
:* | Bloomberg Green Climate Data-Dashboard Intel
Climate Reports - United Nations
:* | Synthesis
:* | Climate Plan Progress (2023 Update)
Climate Plans - Individual Nations
:* | Nation-by-Nation Planning Documents
:* | Climate Plans Enforcement
Forwarded by [ '''Michael E. Mann''']
[[File:Story telling and science education.png]]
<big><big>'''It's Not Too Late'''</big></big>
: <big>'''Turn Hope to Action'''</big>
''If you’re worried that it’s too late to do anything about climate change and we should all just give up, I have great news for you: that day is not coming in your lifetime. As long as you have breath in your body, you will have work to do.''
— Mary Annaïse Heglar
''I know so many people who feel hopeless, and they ask me, “What should I do?” And I say: “Act. Do something.” Because that is the best medicine against sadness and depression.''
— Greta Thunberg
<big>'''What Can I Do about the Climate Emergency?'''</big>
Everybody’s practical guide to what they can do against climate chaos and for a just and thriving natural and human world

<big>'''News from the International Climate Summit in Dubai...'''</big>
::[[File:COP28 News - Dec 13 2023.png]]
'''December 13, 2023'''
<big><big>'''A Dubai Surprise'''</big></big>
With Multiple [ '''Caveats''']
<big><big>''''' 2022'''''</big></big>
<big>'''November 2022'''</big>
<big>'''New Climate TRACE Emissions Database Announced at the 2022 Global Climate Conference (COP27)'''</big>
Earth Observation technology, decades of earth science and imaging with a goal, is now ready for prime time
GreenPolicy360: THIS announcement is a game changer (and a tip of our green hat to those who purposefully set in motion a 1970s era plan to develop and launch a series of NASA missions to observe and understand our planet). Now comes country-by-country climate regulation, enforcement and emissions controls, political action and legal services. (From the original Mission Statement of NASA -- “To understand and protect our home planet...")
Follow our GreenPolicy360 "Climate Plans Enforcement" project for more information on the Climate TRACE coalition.
<big><big>'''Global Emissions Inventory is 'Secret Weapon' at COP27'''</big></big>
'''November 2022 /  Climate TRACE coalition unveils a new, highly detailed inventory of global greenhouse gas emissions, which will help countries and companies looking for effective, targeted ways to decarbonize.'''
<big><big>'''Visit GreenPolicy360's "Climate Plans Enforcement"'''</big></big>
: "It Is Time for Climate Action, It Is Time for Planet Citizen to Rise Up and Act"
'''Identify the CO2 Source Emissions, then Act to Enforce Each Nation's Laws Regulating Emissions'''
: Tools for Planet Citizen Action, Community-by- Community, Nation-by-Nation
[ <big>'''Climate-related Law & Litigation Databases'''</big>]
<big>'''Environmental Laws / GreenPolicy360'''</big>
<big><big>'''Time for Planet Citizen Action and a "CEOS", a Committee on Earth Observation Satellites'''</big></big>
GreenPolicy360 welcomes the arrival of a global science mission, a "Global Stocktake", a collection of earth science data to be made available to the  community of nations, to planet citizen activists and scientists, educational institutions, non-profits, NGOs, young and old to become tools for legal enforcement of national climate plans & pledges
<big>'''GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality' '''</big>
: Our Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative continues as the next Global Climate Conference approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)
:: Drawing from the database of Earth Science resulting from decades of space-based missions designed to provide us with actionable 'Earth-system and Climate-related data'
::: Measuring and Monitoring to better manage Earth's Living, Dynamic and Changing Systems, Local, National and Global
[ ''Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges'']
[ ''GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative'']
[ ''Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now'']
[ ''Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions'']
[,_Promises,_Declarations_-_What%27s_Next_Up ''Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)'']
[[File:Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png]]
"Earth Observing System": Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action
:[[File:EarthRightNow Earth Science satellite fleet circa 2015 m.jpg]]
[[File:NASA has a new mission... against Methane.png]]
'''GreenPolicy360: Methane hot spots we're coming to find you, identify you, act to stop you and enforce climate laws.'''
:'''"Super emitters", we have a message for you, you can't hide....'''
<big>'''August 2022'''</big>
[ '''#PlanetCitizens''']
[[File:Historic climate-clean energy vote in US Congress August 12 2022.jpeg]]
<big>'''[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]'''</big>
<big><big>'''A Green New Deal by Another Name'''</big></big>
: '''Three Legislative Actions Add Up to a New Version of a Green New Deal'''
:: '''Infrastructure, CHIPS, IRA...'''
GreenPoliyc360: Let's look more closely at three huge advances as the US acts to deal with climate...
A Renamed and Restructured Green New Deal
<big><big>'''''Five Decades in the Making: Why It Took the US Congress So Long to Act on Climate'''''</big></big>
[[File:Greta Thunberg - Week 203 Climate Strike.png]]
<big><big>'''It's Not Too Late to Make a Positive Difference'''</big></big>
'''More on the historic August Congressional vote'''
''The U.S. action could spur other nations to do more — especially China and India, the two largest carbon emitters along with the U.S. That in turn could lower prices for renewable energy globally...''
''Investments work better at fostering clean energy than regulations, said Leah Stokes, an environmental policy professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The climate bill is likely to spur billions in private investment, she said: “That’s what’s going to be so transformative.”''
<big><big>'''''Sweeping climate bill pushes American energy to go green'''''</big></big>
Associated Press / August 12, 2022
''WASHINGTON (AP) — After decades of inaction in the face of escalating natural disasters and sustained global warming, Congress hopes to make clean energy so cheap in all aspects of life that it’s nearly irresistible. The House is poised to pass a transformative bill Friday that would provide the most spending to fight climate change by any one nation ever in a single push...''
''The crux of the long-delayed bill, singularly pushed by Democrats in a closely divided Congress, is to use incentives to spur investors to accelerate the expansion of clean energy such as wind and solar power, speeding the transition away from the oil, coal and gas that largely cause climate change.''
''The United States has put the most heat-trapping gases into the air, burning more inexpensive dirty fuels than any other country. But the nearly $375 billion in climate incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act are designed to make the already plummeting costs of renewable energy substantially lower at home, on the highways and in the factory. Together these could help shrink U.S. carbon emissions by about two-fifths by 2030 and should chop emissions from electricity by as much as 80%.''
''“This legislation is a true game-changer. It will create jobs, lower costs, increase U.S. competitiveness, reduce air pollution,” said former Vice President Al Gore, who held his first global warming hearing 40 years ago. “The momentum that will come out of this legislation, cannot be underestimated.”''
''The U.S. action could spur other nations to do more — especially China and India, the two largest carbon emitters along with the U.S. That in turn could lower prices for renewable energy globally, experts said.''
''Because of the specific legislative process in which this compromise was formed, which limits it to budget-related actions, the bill does not regulate greenhouse gas emissions, but deals mainly in spending, most of it through tax credits as well as rebates to industry, consumers and utilities.''
''Investments work better at fostering clean energy than regulations, said Leah Stokes, an environmental policy professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The climate bill is likely to spur billions in private investment, she said: “That’s what’s going to be so transformative.”''
''The bill promotes vital technologies such as battery storage. Clean energy manufacturing gets a big boost. It will be cheaper for consumers to make climate-friendly purchasing decisions. There are tax credits to make electric cars more affordable, help for low-income people making energy-efficiency upgrades and incentives for rooftop solar and heat pumps.''
''There are also incentives for nuclear power and projects that aim to capture and remove carbon from the atmosphere...''
''The Rhodium Group research firm estimates the bill would dramatically change the arc of future U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, cutting them by 31% to 44% in 2030, compared to what had been shaping up to be 24% to 35% by 2005 without the bill, said Rhodium partner John Larsen. Clean power on the grid, an upcoming Rhodium report says, would jump from under 40% now to between 60% and 81% by 2030, he said.''
''“It’s not as big as I want, but it’s also bigger than anything we’ve ever done,″ said Sen. Brian Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat who leads the Senate climate caucus. “A 40% emissions reduction is nothing the U.S. has ever come close to before.″''
''As decisive a change as it is for U.S. policy and emissions, it still does not reach the official U.S. goal of cutting carbon pollution roughly in half by 2030 to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across the economy by 2050.''
''Republicans, who unanimously opposed the bill in the Senate, say it would add to consumers’ energy costs, with House GOP Whip Steve Scalise claiming it “wastes billions of dollars in Green New Deal slush funds.”''
''“It’s a mark of shame that it took this long for our political system to react,” said Bill McKibben, a long-time climate activist, adding that it leaves the fossil fuel industry with too much power. “But this will help catalyze action elsewhere in the world; it’s a declaration that hydrocarbons are finally in decline and clean energy ascendant, and that the climate movement is finally at least something of a match for Big Oil.”''
[ '''The 730-page bill is here''']
[ '''Steve Schmidt / Founder, GreenPolicy360''']: It took 45+ yrs to pass real climate action called for in the 1970s with the first National Climate Act. Our #GreenPolicy360 network thanks '''Rep George E. Brown''', a main mover at the beginning, who'd be smiling now if he were here ...
<big><big>'''Congressman Brown Out in Front of Climate Action'''</big></big>
<big>At the Beginning of U.S. Science on Global Warming, Strategies & Planning</big>
1978, the First Climate Actions
[ '''National Climate Program Act, Public Law 95-367''']
: [ '''National Climate Program Act of September 1978''']
In 1979 came the first follow-on [ '''National Science Academy Climate report''']. This study and report of national scientists was [ '''prescient and accurate in its global warming predictions'''.]
<big><big>'''First National Climate Act, Historic Work, 1978'''</big></big>
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / SJS: The beginnings of modern environmental and climate science can be traced to the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences played a key role in laying a foundation of scientific reports and data.'''
[ '''Energy and Climate Report, 1977, National Academy of Sciences / 175 pp. / PDF via GreenPolicy360''']
Rep. George Brown took the findings of the 1977 Energy and Climate Report from the Academy of Sciences and made the science actionable. In a historic moment, he proposed and drafted the legislation of the first U.S. National Climate Program and shepherded its passage in 1978.
:[[File:US Public Law 95-367.png]]
<big>'''Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360'''</big>
[[File:Democratic Party Climate Bill - Aug 2022.png]]
::::<big><big>Read and Learn, Focus on [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg the Data and Science'''] of the #ClimateCrisis</big></big>
::::[[File:Ten new climate change books - 2021.jpg]]
<big><big>'''Now Is the Time for Planet Citizen Action to Solve the #ClimateCrisis'''</big></big>
<big>'''[[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]'''</big>
<big>'''''GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality' '''''</big>
: Our Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative continues as the next Global Climate Conference approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)
:: Drawing from the database of Earth Science resulting from decades of space-based missions designed to provide us with actionable 'Earth-system and Climate-related data'
::: Measuring and Monitoring to better manage Earth's Living, Dynamic and Changing Systems, Local, National and Global
[ ''Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges'']
[ ''GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative'']
[ ''Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now'']
[ ''Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions'']
[,_Promises,_Declarations_-_What%27s_Next_Up ''Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)'']
<big>'''Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action'''</big>
[[File:Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png]]
[[File:You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg]]
<big>'''Map, Measure & Manage'''</big>
: '''OKRs - Objectives & Key Results'''
[[File:Speed and Scale - Tracking.png]]
: [[File:Speed and Scale Action Plan.png]]
<big><big>'''''To Get to Net Zero, This City Is Making a Map'''''</big></big>
''Ithaca, New York, has committed to fully decarbonizing by 2030. To achieve that goal, the city is creating a “digital twin” that can model energy use, building by building''
''Via CityLab / June 2022''
''In 2019, lawmakers in Ithaca, New York, resolved to eliminate or offset all carbon emissions ​​by 2030, becoming the first city in the US to set such an ambitious global-warming benchmark.''
''Then it launched a $100 million plan to fund a massive municipal climate-proofing effort...''
''When the Ithaca Green New Deal plan was launched, two architecture professors at nearby Cornell University, Felix Heisel and Timur Dogan, realized they had a tool that could help — a map created using machine learning that estimates the costs of retrofitting, and future electricity grid loads, on a building-by-building level across the city.''
''Dogan, who runs Cornell’s Environmental Systems Lab, had for years been developing software that allowed architects to quantify the energy consumption and carbon footprint of buildings. Heisel, who leads the Circular Construction Lab, was working to understand what carbon neutrality really means when you account for material stock and embodied carbon. The pair of academics reached out to the city and offered their technology as a way to translate Ithaca’s bold goal into action. The map will be crucial as Ithaca determines its electrification priorities and funding allocations; if successful, the technology could be expanded to help all types of cities tackle building decarbonization at scale.''
''“Which buildings [do you] renovate first? Which buildings consume the most energy? Which ones would be the lowest hanging fruit to renovate?” said Dogan, describing the questions he hoped his software could answer.''
''Existing tech can do this fairly easily — but only one building at a time. That misses a big opportunity, Dogan says. “When you’re working at these scales, there are potentially synergies. Like, if you group buildings in a certain way, or if building owners team up to share investment costs of something like geothermal boreholes.”''
''That’s where Dogan and Heisel’s new energy modeling map — a “digital twin” of the city — comes into play.''
<big>'''Digital 'Twinning' in Orlando, Florida'''</big>
'''How Cities Are Using Digital Twins Like a SimCity for Policymakers'''
''The technology could help officials cut operating costs and carbon emissions of new construction, and avoid costly modifications after a project is completed. Amid an ever-looming climate crisis facing urban areas, it could enable cities to test the effectiveness of various measures against rising sea levels and urban heat. By one estimate, digital twins could save cities some $280 billion by 2030.''
<big><big>'''Climate Matters in the Newsroom'''</big></big>
'''Climate Reporting'''
Free, online program designed to help journalists and meteorologists up their game in incorporating climate change into 'every news beat' -- local/metro, state/national and global journalism ... data, graphics, story ideas, cooperative ventures, education and training
Get going, get the word out -- be on top of the science and the story of our era, #ClimateCrisis
<big><big>'''Climate Desk'''</big></big>
Environmental Journalism @ClimateDesk
''Climate Desk is a multi-media journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate. The partners are: The Atlantic, Atlas Obscura, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, CityLab, Grist, The Guardian,  High Country News, HuffPost, Medium, Mother Jones, National Observer, Newsweek, Reveal, Slate, The Weather Channel, Undark, Wired and Yale Environment 360.''
[[File:EcologyStudies abc.png]]
<big>'''Climate Matters in the Classroom and Online'''</big>
<big><big>'''The Critical Importance of Science & Facts'''</big></big>
STEM areas of study - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, including Computer Science
<big>'''Climate Solutions 101'''</big>
Presented by Project Drawdown
Videos & graphics you can use... conversations with leading experts... solutions to climate change
* videos & graphics you can use) and conversations with leading experts, and gets right to the *solutions* to climate change
[[File:Drawdown Solution Chart.png]]
[[File:Drawdown Climate action, climate solutions.png]]

:::::::<big><big>'''U.S. National Climate Assessments: A Critical Task'''</big></big>
:::::::<big><big>'''U.S. National Climate Assessments: A Critical Task'''</big></big>
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<big><big>'''Time to act to make a difference'''</big></big>
<big><big>'''Time to act to make a difference'''</big></big>

[[File:PlanetCitizen - Your Moment on Earth.jpg]]
Intro/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: For some 40+ years your GreenPolicy360 siterunner has worked in many varied ways to get the word out on the crucial importance of environmental security. From the [ first Earth Day] to [ the first warning] from the new committee of science with the push from [ Congressman George E. Brown], through various career incarnations I have attempted to 'work the message', gathering (curating as it's now called) the best science and writing up and sharing key strategies and goals even against the odds. The risks we have identified and shared have now turned into a crisis.
Perhaps it is human nature to be overwhelmed, or what my teacher Hannah Arendt described in the 'Human Condition' as the realms of labor, work, and action. Many  choose to go along to get along, and not act when the threats grow extreme, even existential. But to those who take the chance to make a difference and stand up and do your best to make changes that change the world for the better, I salute you for your bravery.
Now comes another warning from the international science community. This warning is dire. The latest news looms to such an extent as to be overwhelming, depressing and potentially driving us toward resignation and inaction, but it should not prevent us from action as [ Michael E. Mann's latest book, 'The Fight to Take Back Our Planet'] argues persuasively.''
[ '''Act with hope and not fear'''.] Earth is in our hands. Take in the news, consider the science, then in your own way, act to make a positive difference.
Focus on solutions to identified problems. Don't give up, never give up.
<big><big>'''''Devastating News: Climate Change Impacts to Hit Sooner than Predicted'''''</big></big>
''Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisors obtained by AFP.''
''Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas—these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.''
''The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report seen exclusively by AFP.''
''But dangerous thresholds are closer than once thought, and dire consequences stemming from decades of unbridled carbon pollution are unavoidable in the short term.''
''"The worst is yet to come, affecting our children's and grandchildren's lives much more than our own."''
<big><big>'''''Crushing Climate Impacts: Draft UN report'''''</big></big>
''PARIS (AFP) / June 23, 2021 - Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisers obtained by Agence France-Presse.''
''Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas - these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.''
''The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report seen exclusively by AFP...''
''"The worst is yet to come, affecting our children's and grandchildren's lives much more than our own," the report says.''
''By far the most comprehensive catalogue ever assembled of how climate change is upending our world, the report reads like a 4,000-page indictment of humanity's stewardship of the planet.''
''But the document, designed to influence critical policy decisions, is not scheduled for release until February 2022 - too late for crunch UN summits this year on climate, biodiversity and food systems...''

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[ <big><big>'''Externalities'''</big></big>]
[ <big><big><big>'''Externalities'''</big></big></big>]

'''* Measuring Full Costs'''  
'''* Measuring Full Costs'''  
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[,_Planet_Scientist <big>Planet citizens, planet scientists], capturing, measuring, monitoring vital signs, intervening and maintaining environmental sustainability</big>

[,_Planet_Scientist <big>Planet citizens, planet scientists], capturing, measuring, monitoring vital signs, intervening and maintaining environmental sustainability</big>

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○  
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○  

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:<big>[[Each of us can make a positive difference]] ....</big>
:<big>[[Each of us can make a positive difference]] ....</big>
[[File:Earth in Human Hands.jpg]]

::[ <big><big><big><big>Planet Citizen Action</big></big></big></big>]
::[ <big><big><big><big>Planet Citizen Action</big></big></big></big>]

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'''"Tiny Blue Green", Oxygen in the Atmosphere, Food Source of the Seas'''
'''"Tiny Blue Green", Oxygen in the Atmosphere, Food Source of the Seas'''

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<big><big>'''[[Planet Citizens]]'''</big></big>
<big><big>'''[[Planet Citizens]]'''</big></big>

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: 🌎 [<big><big>'''Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement'''</big></big>]  
: 🌎 [<big><big>'''Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement'''</big></big>]  

: [[File:Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg]]
: [[File:Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg]]
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[[Category:US Environmental Protection Agency]]
[[Category:US Environmental Protection Agency]]
[[Category:Water Quality]]
[[Category:Water Quality]]
[[Category:Whole Earth]]
[[Category:Whole Earth]]
[[Category:World Wide Web]]
[[Category:World Wide Web]]

Latest revision as of 15:29, 14 August 2024

GreenPolicy360's "GRN360 Climate Plans Enforcement" (Est. 2021)

Calls to Action, Local & Global
"Turning National Climate Plans, Pledges & Promises into Reality"

Climate Laws Initiative for Monitoring & Planning Enforcement
Climate Plans Enforcement Project - 2.png

CO2 photo.JPG


On the launch of GreenPolicy360's newest climate initiative, continuing 50+ years of "Whole Earth" eco-action going back to the first "Earth Day", to an EPA, a first National Climate Program Act and a "Living Earth" green politics

Focusing in on Climate Problems & Climate Solutions ⬇️

➡️ "It's not too late. The climate movement needs you."
-- Rebecca Solnit

➡️ "We have to identify the problem, then act in many ways to solve the problem. Global warming is the threat of our times."
-- Jerry Brown, California Governor

➡️ "We’re going to need to use every tool in the toolbox if we’re going to solve this problem."
-- Michael E. Mann


Climate Change, a Global Crisis, a Global Challenge
Climate Policy

Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360


Thin Blue Layer

Look at how thin our atmosphere is

ThinBlue-3 iss030e031276.jpg

Climate Change - NASA

Climate Change - MIT

Climate Change - Metrics

Climate Reports - United Nations

Climate Plans - Individual Nations



Forwarded by Michael E. Mann

Story telling and science education.png


It's Not Too Late

Turn Hope to Action

If you’re worried that it’s too late to do anything about climate change and we should all just give up, I have great news for you: that day is not coming in your lifetime. As long as you have breath in your body, you will have work to do.

— Mary Annaïse Heglar

I know so many people who feel hopeless, and they ask me, “What should I do?” And I say: “Act. Do something.” Because that is the best medicine against sadness and depression.

— Greta Thunberg

What Can I Do about the Climate Emergency?


Everybody’s practical guide to what they can do against climate chaos and for a just and thriving natural and human world



News from the International Climate Summit in Dubai...

COP28 News - Dec 13 2023.png

December 13, 2023

A Dubai Surprise

With Multiple Caveats



November 2022

New Climate TRACE Emissions Database Announced at the 2022 Global Climate Conference (COP27)

Earth Observation technology, decades of earth science and imaging with a goal, is now ready for prime time

GreenPolicy360: THIS announcement is a game changer (and a tip of our green hat to those who purposefully set in motion a 1970s era plan to develop and launch a series of NASA missions to observe and understand our planet). Now comes country-by-country climate regulation, enforcement and emissions controls, political action and legal services. (From the original Mission Statement of NASA -- “To understand and protect our home planet...")

Follow our GreenPolicy360 "Climate Plans Enforcement" project for more information on the Climate TRACE coalition.

Global Emissions Inventory is 'Secret Weapon' at COP27

November 2022 / Climate TRACE coalition unveils a new, highly detailed inventory of global greenhouse gas emissions, which will help countries and companies looking for effective, targeted ways to decarbonize.


Visit GreenPolicy360's "Climate Plans Enforcement"

"It Is Time for Climate Action, It Is Time for Planet Citizen to Rise Up and Act"

Identify the CO2 Source Emissions, then Act to Enforce Each Nation's Laws Regulating Emissions

Tools for Planet Citizen Action, Community-by- Community, Nation-by-Nation

Climate-related Law & Litigation Databases

Environmental Laws / GreenPolicy360


Time for Planet Citizen Action and a "CEOS", a Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

GreenPolicy360 welcomes the arrival of a global science mission, a "Global Stocktake", a collection of earth science data to be made available to the community of nations, to planet citizen activists and scientists, educational institutions, non-profits, NGOs, young and old to become tools for legal enforcement of national climate plans & pledges

GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality'

Our Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative continues as the next Global Climate Conference approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)
Drawing from the database of Earth Science resulting from decades of space-based missions designed to provide us with actionable 'Earth-system and Climate-related data'
Measuring and Monitoring to better manage Earth's Living, Dynamic and Changing Systems, Local, National and Global

Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges

GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative

Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now

Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions

Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)

Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png

"Earth Observing System": Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action

EarthRightNow Earth Science satellite fleet circa 2015 m.jpg


NASA has a new mission... against Methane.png


GreenPolicy360: Methane hot spots we're coming to find you, identify you, act to stop you and enforce climate laws.

"Super emitters", we have a message for you, you can't hide....




August 2022


Historic climate-clean energy vote in US Congress August 12 2022.jpeg

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions

A Green New Deal by Another Name

Three Legislative Actions Add Up to a New Version of a Green New Deal
Infrastructure, CHIPS, IRA...

GreenPoliyc360: Let's look more closely at three huge advances as the US acts to deal with climate...

A Renamed and Restructured Green New Deal


Five Decades in the Making: Why It Took the US Congress So Long to Act on Climate


Greta Thunberg - Week 203 Climate Strike.png

It's Not Too Late to Make a Positive Difference


More on the historic August Congressional vote


The U.S. action could spur other nations to do more — especially China and India, the two largest carbon emitters along with the U.S. That in turn could lower prices for renewable energy globally...

Investments work better at fostering clean energy than regulations, said Leah Stokes, an environmental policy professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The climate bill is likely to spur billions in private investment, she said: “That’s what’s going to be so transformative.”

Sweeping climate bill pushes American energy to go green

Associated Press / August 12, 2022


WASHINGTON (AP) — After decades of inaction in the face of escalating natural disasters and sustained global warming, Congress hopes to make clean energy so cheap in all aspects of life that it’s nearly irresistible. The House is poised to pass a transformative bill Friday that would provide the most spending to fight climate change by any one nation ever in a single push...

The crux of the long-delayed bill, singularly pushed by Democrats in a closely divided Congress, is to use incentives to spur investors to accelerate the expansion of clean energy such as wind and solar power, speeding the transition away from the oil, coal and gas that largely cause climate change.

The United States has put the most heat-trapping gases into the air, burning more inexpensive dirty fuels than any other country. But the nearly $375 billion in climate incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act are designed to make the already plummeting costs of renewable energy substantially lower at home, on the highways and in the factory. Together these could help shrink U.S. carbon emissions by about two-fifths by 2030 and should chop emissions from electricity by as much as 80%.

“This legislation is a true game-changer. It will create jobs, lower costs, increase U.S. competitiveness, reduce air pollution,” said former Vice President Al Gore, who held his first global warming hearing 40 years ago. “The momentum that will come out of this legislation, cannot be underestimated.”

The U.S. action could spur other nations to do more — especially China and India, the two largest carbon emitters along with the U.S. That in turn could lower prices for renewable energy globally, experts said.

Because of the specific legislative process in which this compromise was formed, which limits it to budget-related actions, the bill does not regulate greenhouse gas emissions, but deals mainly in spending, most of it through tax credits as well as rebates to industry, consumers and utilities.

Investments work better at fostering clean energy than regulations, said Leah Stokes, an environmental policy professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The climate bill is likely to spur billions in private investment, she said: “That’s what’s going to be so transformative.”

The bill promotes vital technologies such as battery storage. Clean energy manufacturing gets a big boost. It will be cheaper for consumers to make climate-friendly purchasing decisions. There are tax credits to make electric cars more affordable, help for low-income people making energy-efficiency upgrades and incentives for rooftop solar and heat pumps.

There are also incentives for nuclear power and projects that aim to capture and remove carbon from the atmosphere...

The Rhodium Group research firm estimates the bill would dramatically change the arc of future U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, cutting them by 31% to 44% in 2030, compared to what had been shaping up to be 24% to 35% by 2005 without the bill, said Rhodium partner John Larsen. Clean power on the grid, an upcoming Rhodium report says, would jump from under 40% now to between 60% and 81% by 2030, he said.

“It’s not as big as I want, but it’s also bigger than anything we’ve ever done,″ said Sen. Brian Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat who leads the Senate climate caucus. “A 40% emissions reduction is nothing the U.S. has ever come close to before.″

As decisive a change as it is for U.S. policy and emissions, it still does not reach the official U.S. goal of cutting carbon pollution roughly in half by 2030 to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across the economy by 2050.

Republicans, who unanimously opposed the bill in the Senate, say it would add to consumers’ energy costs, with House GOP Whip Steve Scalise claiming it “wastes billions of dollars in Green New Deal slush funds.”

“It’s a mark of shame that it took this long for our political system to react,” said Bill McKibben, a long-time climate activist, adding that it leaves the fossil fuel industry with too much power. “But this will help catalyze action elsewhere in the world; it’s a declaration that hydrocarbons are finally in decline and clean energy ascendant, and that the climate movement is finally at least something of a match for Big Oil.”

The 730-page bill is here


Steve Schmidt / Founder, GreenPolicy360: It took 45+ yrs to pass real climate action called for in the 1970s with the first National Climate Act. Our #GreenPolicy360 network thanks Rep George E. Brown, a main mover at the beginning, who'd be smiling now if he were here ...

Congressman Brown Out in Front of Climate Action

At the Beginning of U.S. Science on Global Warming, Strategies & Planning

1978, the First Climate Actions

National Climate Program Act, Public Law 95-367

National Climate Program Act of September 1978

In 1979 came the first follow-on National Science Academy Climate report. This study and report of national scientists was prescient and accurate in its global warming predictions.

First National Climate Act, Historic Work, 1978

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / SJS: The beginnings of modern environmental and climate science can be traced to the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences played a key role in laying a foundation of scientific reports and data.


Energy and Climate Report, 1977, National Academy of Sciences / 175 pp. / PDF via GreenPolicy360

Rep. George Brown took the findings of the 1977 Energy and Climate Report from the Academy of Sciences and made the science actionable. In a historic moment, he proposed and drafted the legislation of the first U.S. National Climate Program and shepherded its passage in 1978.

US Public Law 95-367.png


Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360

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Read and Learn, Focus on the Data and Science of the #ClimateCrisis

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Now Is the Time for Planet Citizen Action to Solve the #ClimateCrisis

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality'

Our Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative continues as the next Global Climate Conference approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)
Drawing from the database of Earth Science resulting from decades of space-based missions designed to provide us with actionable 'Earth-system and Climate-related data'
Measuring and Monitoring to better manage Earth's Living, Dynamic and Changing Systems, Local, National and Global

Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges

GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative

Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now

Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions

Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)

Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action

Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png

You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg


Map, Measure & Manage

OKRs - Objectives & Key Results

Speed and Scale - Tracking.png

Speed and Scale Action Plan.png


To Get to Net Zero, This City Is Making a Map

Ithaca, New York, has committed to fully decarbonizing by 2030. To achieve that goal, the city is creating a “digital twin” that can model energy use, building by building

Via CityLab / June 2022

In 2019, lawmakers in Ithaca, New York, resolved to eliminate or offset all carbon emissions ​​by 2030, becoming the first city in the US to set such an ambitious global-warming benchmark.

Then it launched a $100 million plan to fund a massive municipal climate-proofing effort...

When the Ithaca Green New Deal plan was launched, two architecture professors at nearby Cornell University, Felix Heisel and Timur Dogan, realized they had a tool that could help — a map created using machine learning that estimates the costs of retrofitting, and future electricity grid loads, on a building-by-building level across the city.

Dogan, who runs Cornell’s Environmental Systems Lab, had for years been developing software that allowed architects to quantify the energy consumption and carbon footprint of buildings. Heisel, who leads the Circular Construction Lab, was working to understand what carbon neutrality really means when you account for material stock and embodied carbon. The pair of academics reached out to the city and offered their technology as a way to translate Ithaca’s bold goal into action. The map will be crucial as Ithaca determines its electrification priorities and funding allocations; if successful, the technology could be expanded to help all types of cities tackle building decarbonization at scale.

“Which buildings [do you] renovate first? Which buildings consume the most energy? Which ones would be the lowest hanging fruit to renovate?” said Dogan, describing the questions he hoped his software could answer.

Existing tech can do this fairly easily — but only one building at a time. That misses a big opportunity, Dogan says. “When you’re working at these scales, there are potentially synergies. Like, if you group buildings in a certain way, or if building owners team up to share investment costs of something like geothermal boreholes.”

That’s where Dogan and Heisel’s new energy modeling map — a “digital twin” of the city — comes into play.

Digital 'Twinning' in Orlando, Florida

How Cities Are Using Digital Twins Like a SimCity for Policymakers

The technology could help officials cut operating costs and carbon emissions of new construction, and avoid costly modifications after a project is completed. Amid an ever-looming climate crisis facing urban areas, it could enable cities to test the effectiveness of various measures against rising sea levels and urban heat. By one estimate, digital twins could save cities some $280 billion by 2030.


Climate Matters in the Newsroom

Climate Reporting

Free, online program designed to help journalists and meteorologists up their game in incorporating climate change into 'every news beat' -- local/metro, state/national and global journalism ... data, graphics, story ideas, cooperative ventures, education and training

Get going, get the word out -- be on top of the science and the story of our era, #ClimateCrisis

Climate Desk

Environmental Journalism @ClimateDesk

Climate Desk is a multi-media journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate. The partners are: The Atlantic, Atlas Obscura, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, CityLab, Grist, The Guardian, High Country News, HuffPost, Medium, Mother Jones, National Observer, Newsweek, Reveal, Slate, The Weather Channel, Undark, Wired and Yale Environment 360.





















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Climate Matters in the Classroom and Online

The Critical Importance of Science & Facts

STEM areas of study - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, including Computer Science


Climate Solutions 101

Presented by Project Drawdown

Videos & graphics you can use... conversations with leading experts... solutions to climate change

  • videos & graphics you can use) and conversations with leading experts, and gets right to the *solutions* to climate change

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U.S. National Climate Assessments: A Critical Task

Global climate dashboard-NOAA
CH4 graph - 1980-2020.JPG


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Earth System Observatory

Earth Science Missions
Earth Science Research from Space
New Definitions of National Security
OCO-2 / OCO-3
Earth Right Now
Earth Science Vital Signs

Over the Pacific.png

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions

Time to act to make a difference

PlanetCitizen - Your Moment on Earth.jpg

Intro/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: For some 40+ years your GreenPolicy360 siterunner has worked in many varied ways to get the word out on the crucial importance of environmental security. From the first Earth Day to the first warning from the new committee of science with the push from Congressman George E. Brown, through various career incarnations I have attempted to 'work the message', gathering (curating as it's now called) the best science and writing up and sharing key strategies and goals even against the odds. The risks we have identified and shared have now turned into a crisis.

Perhaps it is human nature to be overwhelmed, or what my teacher Hannah Arendt described in the 'Human Condition' as the realms of labor, work, and action. Many choose to go along to get along, and not act when the threats grow extreme, even existential. But to those who take the chance to make a difference and stand up and do your best to make changes that change the world for the better, I salute you for your bravery.

Now comes another warning from the international science community. This warning is dire. The latest news looms to such an extent as to be overwhelming, depressing and potentially driving us toward resignation and inaction, but it should not prevent us from action as Michael E. Mann's latest book, 'The Fight to Take Back Our Planet' argues persuasively.

Act with hope and not fear. Earth is in our hands. Take in the news, consider the science, then in your own way, act to make a positive difference.

Focus on solutions to identified problems. Don't give up, never give up.

Devastating News: Climate Change Impacts to Hit Sooner than Predicted

Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisors obtained by AFP.

Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas—these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.

The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report seen exclusively by AFP.

But dangerous thresholds are closer than once thought, and dire consequences stemming from decades of unbridled carbon pollution are unavoidable in the short term.

"The worst is yet to come, affecting our children's and grandchildren's lives much more than our own."

Crushing Climate Impacts: Draft UN report

PARIS (AFP) / June 23, 2021 - Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisers obtained by Agence France-Presse.

Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas - these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.

The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report seen exclusively by AFP...

"The worst is yet to come, affecting our children's and grandchildren's lives much more than our own," the report says.

By far the most comprehensive catalogue ever assembled of how climate change is upending our world, the report reads like a 4,000-page indictment of humanity's stewardship of the planet.

But the document, designed to influence critical policy decisions, is not scheduled for release until February 2022 - too late for crunch UN summits this year on climate, biodiversity and food systems...

Big Picture

Systemic Change


Going Green

Net Zero Energy Policy

Green New Deal

Earth Science Vital Signs

Nuclear Nonproliferation

Measure and Monitor the Energy Production/Usage/Source data and Changes as Climate Energy Policies Are Implemented

Define the Units of Measurement

Joules and Exajoules -

Units defined exactly in terms of the joule include:

- 1 thermochemical calorie = 4.184 J[22]
- 1 International Table calorie = 4.1868 J[23]
- 1 W⋅h = 3600 J (or 3.6 kJ)
- 1 kW⋅h = 3.6×106 J (or 3.6 MJ)
- 1 W⋅s = 1 J
- 1 ton TNT = 4.184 GJ

Gigajoule - The gigajoule (GJ) is equal to one billion (109) joules. 6 GJ is about the chemical energy of combusting 1 barrel (159 l) of petroleum.[17] 2 GJ is about the Planck energy unit.

Exajoule / The exajoule (EJ) is equal to one quintillion (1018) joules. The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan had 1.41 EJ of energy according to its rating of 9.0 on the moment magnitude scale. Yearly U.S. energy consumption amounts to roughly 94 EJ. - Wiki citations

Terawatts -

Megatonne Of Oil Equivalent (Mtoe) -



* Measuring Full Costs

* Implementin True Cost - True-price Initiatives

* Dealing with Damage to 'The Commons'

SJS/GreenPolicy360 -- We/GreenPolicy360 recommend a new descriptor for emissions-externalities-carbon pricing -- Not a tax, it's a price based on full-cost accounting, +EC

Time for a Price on Carbon

Climate Change Costs, Environmental Impact Costs, Social Costs, Health Costs, War Costs of Oil/Gas
Add in the full costs, the true costs of Fossil Fuels
The real-world costs of Oil/Gas add up

Planet citizens, planet scientists, capturing, measuring, monitoring vital signs, intervening and maintaining environmental sustainability

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Earth System Science

The yearly use of fossil fuels on the planet (circa 2020) is about/~ 450 exajoules. To roll back the 450 exajoules by 2050, every year the planet would have to reduce use of about 15 exajoules of fossil fuels. That is the equivalent of about 100 billion gallons of diesel fuel every year. -WaPo Comment

Global Energy Statistical Yearbook (2020)

World energy consumption (2012) -- beyond 500 exajoules

Terajoules of energy used - The annual global energy consumption is estimated to 580 million terajoules. That’s 580 million trillion joules or about 13865 million tons of oil equivalents (Mtoe)

IEA World Energy Statistics (By Source 1973-2018 - Mtoe)

Energy production and consumption

In 2008, total worldwide primary energy consumption was 132,000 terawatt-hours (TWh) or 474 exajoules (EJ).

- WikiMatrix

At the global level, approximately 37 per cent of primary energy consumption is converted to useful energy: of global annual primary energy consumption of 400 exajoules, 150 exajoules are consumed as useful energy and 250 exajoules are wasted.

- UN

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Pressuring for systemic change:

What companies need to be financially pressured by investors and money managers?

Lowering carbon emissions is critical to directly confronting the #ClimateCrisis

Money talks in business and politics

Read Full 'Climate Change Power of Investment Managers' Interview at The Bulletin

10 biggest carbon-dioxide emitting firms in the world

20 companies have contributed over a third of all carbon emissions since 1965

100 companies responsible for 71 percent of global carbon emissions

Carbon Majors Database Report / 2017

Personal, Networking

Planet Citizen Action

Each of us can make a positive difference ....

Planet Citizen Action

Commons-concepts permanent culture now.png


The Challenge of Acting for the Commons

"Pledge for Nature" at the UN Biodiversity Summit

Leaders from 64 countries sign the Pledge For Nature to take action.

The Call to Action include measures to:

Slow down deforestation; eliminate unregulated and unsustainable fishing practices; and stop plastic being dumped into the ocean by 2050.

Conserve land; eliminate subsidies that harm the environment; transition to sustainable food production.

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"Thin Blue", Protecting 'The Commons', Enabling Life on Earth

"Tiny Blue Green", Oxygen in the Atmosphere, Food Source of the Seas

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Idealist .jpg


Planet Citizens


Earth Day Flag.png
Earth Day flag

🌎 Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement

Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg


Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth

GreenPolicy360 Page Highlights

"The Earth is my patient, and like any good medical doctor, I am compelled to advocate for her... Today, I see myself as a doctor advocating for... my patient, the Earth."

Earth Breathing.jpg

Earths two lungs.png


Planet Citizens

Strategies of Resilience & Survival

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Earth Science to Protect a Sustainable Earth

Green Stories of the Day

New Definitions of National Security cloud - Hadfield 2013.jpeg

Personal action... Direct action...
Planet Citizens, Positive Change

Green Network, GreenLinks action
Going Green, #GreenNetworking
GreenLinks @ GreenPolicy360


Bill McKibben to next generations.JPG

Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Activism

"Have hope, Act to make a Positive difference"

Shifting from a Scientist to Activist


Ethics and Climate Change
Climate Action: Our Ethical Responsibility

Nonviolent Action in Practice
198 Ways to Act, Count 'em
File:Methods of Nonviolent Action.pdf

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Corita action.jpg


Global Climate Strike, Student Action

Students Worldwide Striking to Demand Climate Action Change



Kids in 123 countries strike to protect the climate

“This movement had to happen, we didn’t have a choice.”

Via Vox

An estimated 1.4 million young people in 123 countries skipped school Friday to demand stronger climate policies in what may be one of the largest environmental protests in history.

Going Global: Student #ClimateStrike

Youth Climate Strikes-March15,2019.jpg

Student Climate Strike-March 15, 2019









Radical action needed to confront climate change by George Monbiot @TheGuardian

GTN GreenLinks Trending News
Green Stories of the Day
Climate News

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
Citizen Science

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Planet API
Virtual Earth

Rebecca Google Outreach.jpg

Think Like Rebecca, Creating Positive Change


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It's Your Time to Be Out in Front

Step Up, Get with the Action

Make a Difference, Be a Change Maker

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