Category:Sea-level Rise
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Denial Problem?
by Isaac Cordel
Take a Closer Look at Florida in the U.S.
- The Terrestrial Home Base of GreenPolicy360
At Ground Zero for Rising Seas, TV Weatherman Talks Climate
Florida, a Limestone Peninsula" Who Cares About Karst?
The Florida Peninsula is a limestone plateau formed many millions of years ago when the area was a warm, shallow sea. Millions of years of deposits from small sea creatures make up the limestone, which is several thousand feet thick.
The Karst formation, caves, tunnels, underground springs, porous geology adding impact to sea-level rise and salt water intrusion...
Re: Florida topography:
What we see of Florida is just part of an enormous carbonate platform that developed over millions of years. When the bit of metamorphic rock that would become Florida's basement rifted off of proto-Africa in the time of Pangea, a basin formed as the baby Atlantic Ocean was born. That's where the Florida Platform began to form: in shallow, warm seas filled with coral reefs and algae with calcium carbonate skeletons, living happily under the sun, producing those calcium carbonate bits that built up incrementally as they died. And this went on for ages, right up through the Paleogene, the geologic age after the death of the dinosaurs. There are cliffs bounding the Florida Platform that are nearly 1,828 meters (6,000 feet) high, beneath the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. That immense carbonate mass may be more than 6,096 meters (20,000 feet) deep. That's a huge amount of potential karst. (From Scientific American)
Thick carbonate deposits under most of Florida comprise the Floridan aquifer system... The high productivity of this aquifer is due to the development of secondary porosity caused by dissolution or karst processes.
Karst topography is the geological name given to an area of limestone bedrock featuring caves, sinkholes, underground streams and natural springs (Florida has one of the highest concentrations of springs on Earth). In laymen terms, karst topography is anywhere the lower levels of the soil horizon has been dissolved by the physical or chemical weathering of the bedrock. These environments are comprised of carbonate rocks, such as dolomite and limestone, or having high amounts of evaporites, for example, salt and gypsum, as these materials tend to be highly soluble in water. Having these conditions within humid climate like Florida invites faster weathering. Another erosion accelerator is groundwater mixed with vegetation creates a weak acid that dissolves the limestone. (think baking soda mixing with vinegar) Over time, cracks become caves, and when caves collapse they form exposed openings known as karst windows.
Karst processes characteristically develop zones of enhanced porosity within carbonate rocks creating a highly heterogeneous aquifer system with rapid rates of ground-water movement and recharge. Subsidence events caused by the collapse of materials into overlying caverns and caves can result in structural damage at land surface. More importantly karst-related features can create direct pathways for introducing surface contaminants into the ground-water system where remediation is difficult.
USGS / United States Geological Survey: Groundwater contamination is the most significant problem in karst. The formation of solution channels and sinkholes create a direct avenue for the movement of inadequately treated stormwater and wastewater into the aquifer. In karst aquifers, turbulently flowing underground streams have velocities approaching those of surface streams. The nature of the groundwater flow system causes karst areas to be extremely vulnerable to groundwater contamination.
Most of Florida is prone to karst-related water-resource problems...
Rising seas/climate change will have a special impact on FL due to the underground systems
- Saltwater intrusion and groundwater contamination will be and already is a critical issue in the region's future.....
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Banned in Florida: Government Frowns on the Use of the Term -- "Climate Change"
- Political Denial of Climate Impacts
- Sea Rise, Flooding, Underground Contamination of Fresh Water
- Statewide Community Impact... Economic Disruption, Cost and Economic Loss
Can't Happen Here, Not Happening Here, Don't Wanna Here About It
Florida International University Researchers Tackle Sea Level Rise
Rising seas in South Florida, PBS-2014 - South Florida Rising Seas - PBS
Big Energy companies in Florida look to "gut energy savings goals"
In Florida, fossil fuel energy co's have their way in a pro-fossil fueled legis and w/ the gov. Today we read the energy co's are officially against renewables, incl solar in the "Sunshine State", claiming to the PSC that energy 'savings' are bad (for them) and then there's the 'if they can't grow, they'll die' argument (so pay more, use more, pollute more, greenhouse more, sea rise more, not to worry, bigger better, more better.) What's wrong w/ this picture?
Scientists petition the governor
Southeast Florida Climate Compact
Resiliency against sea-level rise
NASA study of Southeast Florida Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise
Florida and the Surging Seas, a Vulnerability Assessment
South Florida Faces Ominous Prospects from Rising Waters / NYT
Rising Seas: South Florida, Inching toward Disaster
Florida - Impact of Sea Level Rise on Energy and Water
A 2014 report released by the research and journalism group Climate Central found that 2,120 square miles of land lie less than 3 feet above the high tide line in Florida. That means 300,000 homes, or around $145 billion in property value, are at risk.... Climate Central found that $71 billion of Florida property sits on land less than two feet above the high tide line.
Florida (sea-level mapping)
Sea-rise near-, mid-, long-term projections
Rising Seas_Art
In Denial, Not a River
Senator Marco Rubio (Republican-FLA) on Climate Change
Marco Rubio ... Deny, deny, deny
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Pages in category "Sea-level Rise"
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Media in category "Sea-level Rise"
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(previous page) (next page)- 2015 Hottest year a.pdf ; 316 KB
- 2015 Hottest year b.pdf ; 308 KB
- 2020 record temperatures.png 800 × 502; 358 KB
- 3-15-2016 10-49-38 AM.png 702 × 862; 396 KB
- 3-15-2016 12-29-07 PM.png 538 × 701; 201 KB
- 7-20-2020 GreenPolicy360 RT No.2.jpg 591 × 510; 125 KB
- A scorching year, what about the 360 warming data.jpg 600 × 706; 106 KB
- About website of The Invading Sea.png 800 × 343; 126 KB
- Acceptance on behalf of the United States of America.png 448 × 306; 62 KB
- Act now for a livable future.png 501 × 275; 272 KB
- Ag production and GHG emissions.jpg 680 × 510; 33 KB
- Against the Tide - Cover - by Cornelia Dean.jpg 308 × 475; 57 KB
- Against the Tide by Cornelia Dean.jpg 600 × 800; 265 KB
- Against-The-Tide.jpg 268 × 400; 40 KB
- Air pollution moves globally.png 620 × 412; 256 KB
- Aldis zone blog.jpg 500 × 498; 67 KB
- Amazon fires burn across the rainforest.jpg 800 × 504; 76 KB
- American Legislative Exchange Council.jpg 646 × 143; 41 KB
- Andrew Wheeler confirmed to head EPA.jpg 753 × 600; 85 KB
- Another year, another record.png 800 × 294; 251 KB
- Antarctica from Blue Marble wiki.jpg 768 × 768; 133 KB
- Antarctica ice losses chart-NASA re study.jpg 800 × 450; 43 KB
- Antarctica ice shelf-glaciers 2012.png 956 × 714; 805 KB
- Antarctica NASA 1024x768.jpg 1,024 × 768; 250 KB
- Antarctica science - warming water, shrinking ice.png 640 × 356; 174 KB
- Antarctica-2018.jpg 768 × 1,024; 82 KB
- AOC re climate task force - july 8 2020.jpg 585 × 203; 38 KB
- April 28, 2016.png 586 × 415; 159 KB
- Arctic - Kolbert - 2023.png 553 × 476; 274 KB
- Arctic drilling ban Dec 21, 2016.png 692 × 536; 119 KB
- Arctic Melt - 1950-2020.png 640 × 349; 287 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice Area graphic thru 2016.png 640 × 355; 382 KB
- Arctic Siberia Heatwave - Again - June 2021.jpg 640 × 360; 83 KB
- Arctic-100 yrs difference.jpg 640 × 883; 59 KB
- Arctic-March30,2019.jpg 797 × 600; 126 KB
- Arctic-Siberia-6-20-2020.jpg 478 × 644; 148 KB
- Arctic-swipa-spm.pdf ; 4.58 MB
- Atmosphere Science.jpg 800 × 600; 45 KB
- Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg 519 × 574; 201 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-1.jpg 452 × 640; 162 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-2.jpg 452 × 640; 164 KB
- Barrier island hubris 6-29-2021.jpg 490 × 635; 111 KB
- Biden - clean energy ambitions.JPG 640 × 334; 31 KB
- Biden introduces leadership team - Nov 24 2020.jpg 800 × 644; 173 KB
- Biden selects Kerry as special climate envoy.jpg 592 × 505; 87 KB
- Biden urged to act - Oct 18 2021 - The Guardian.png 663 × 600; 497 KB
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- Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Climate.jpg 701 × 780; 139 KB
- Big Oil Rocked by News May 27 2021.jpg 639 × 600; 84 KB
- Bill Nelson on Global Temp Rise and Climate Change.png 640 × 353; 100 KB
- Bill Nye The Planet's on Fire.jpg 800 × 675; 106 KB
- Bloomberg Carbon Clock 10-26-2021 8-47-05 AM EST.png 800 × 195; 356 KB
- Bloomberg Live Climate Data Dashboard.jpg 640 × 756; 156 KB
- Blue-green phyto swirling 2015.png 357 × 605; 409 KB
- Brazil INDC 2015.png 592 × 366; 301 KB
- Breakpoint - Reckoning with America's Environmental Crisis.jpg 329 × 500; 49 KB
- Bridenstine talks.png 1,485 × 911; 223 KB
- Burst of climate denial as Trump presidency ends.jpg 632 × 604; 92 KB
- Car heating and cooling.png 465 × 635; 261 KB
- Carbon Brief - Greenhouse gas levels 2021.png 640 × 436; 292 KB
- Carbon Clock March 23, 2017.png 800 × 194; 44 KB
- Caribbean Sea hot - June night 2024.png 676 × 600; 386 KB
- Carl Sagan, 1985.PNG 480 × 566; 331 KB
- CCI-June29,2016.png 760 × 902; 201 KB
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- CH4 graph - 1980-2020.JPG 640 × 446; 22 KB
- Changes in carbon dioxide per 1000 years - via Climate Central.jpg 682 × 424; 34 KB
- China Record Heat - August 2022.png 800 × 1,343; 812 KB
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- Climate Action 25th conf in Madrid.jpg 680 × 510; 22 KB
- Climate Action is race against time.png 629 × 643; 204 KB
- Climate activist - Steven Schmidt - 1978 on.png 600 × 480; 174 KB
- Climate and Insurance Gap.jpg 640 × 392; 47 KB
- Climate Books - 2020.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate Change Agr Nov 4, 2016.png 800 × 523; 296 KB
- Climate Change Conf Nov 6-17.png 464 × 488; 107 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 2022 US Representatives.jpg 712 × 444; 54 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 Kathy Castor.jpg 712 × 710; 77 KB
- Climate Change US EPA.jpg 600 × 703; 95 KB
- Climate Conferences 1979-2020.jpg 768 × 768; 121 KB
- Climate Crisis - Emily Atkin Heated No. 1.jpg 537 × 453; 61 KB
- Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal.jpg 293 × 418; 33 KB
- Climate debate.jpg 493 × 580; 129 KB
- Climate Desk.jpg 390 × 226; 21 KB
- Climate diplomacy is failing - June 2020.jpg 592 × 440; 71 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute - Oct 2022.png 610 × 600; 274 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute -- 2021.jpg 800 × 450; 55 KB
- Climate emergency.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate Headline News around the World - July 2023.jpg 600 × 704; 151 KB
- Climate Lawsuit-Our Childrens Trust-Florida.png 462 × 760; 289 KB
- Climate Legacy of Biden.jpg 600 × 687; 265 KB
- Climate Models.png 639 × 558; 123 KB
- Climate News - Oct 28 2022.jpg 626 × 600; 88 KB
- Climate News - United Nations Report - Feb 2022.png 768 × 878; 539 KB
- Climate News Dec 4 2023 in Dubai.png 800 × 1,037; 649 KB
- Climate News Florida.jpg 600 × 697; 113 KB
- Climate Plan pledges as Oct6,2015.png 529 × 409; 101 KB
- Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources - GreenPolicy.png 768 × 897; 686 KB
- Climate poll - Florida.png 640 × 267; 36 KB
- Climate Science Special Report - US - November 2017.jpg 800 × 445; 122 KB
- Climate strike - Week 171.png 739 × 600; 834 KB
- Climate Strike Around the World - Sep20,2019.jpg 700 × 830; 119 KB
- Climate Summit - Leonardo DiCaprio.png 600 × 663; 521 KB
- Climate Summit live updates - Nov 2 2021.png 751 × 600; 420 KB
- Climate Summit planned-1.jpg 800 × 301; 53 KB
- Climate Summit planned-2.jpg 800 × 187; 31 KB
- Climate Summit planned-3.jpg 800 × 278; 44 KB
- Climate Summit planned-4.jpg 800 × 241; 41 KB
- Climate usa 60 years on.jpg 800 × 480; 34 KB
- News Florida homepage.jpg 672 × 800; 110 KB
- News Florida website.jpg 800 × 441; 50 KB
- ClimateNewsFlorida.jpg 448 × 191; 36 KB
- Close In Paris Dec11,2015.png 917 × 328; 216 KB
- CO2 at Mauna Loa data - June 02, 2020 - 417.90 ppm.jpg 640 × 566; 66 KB
- CO2 cumulative emissions 1850 - 2021 - countries.jpg 640 × 462; 211 KB
- CO2 Emissions per Capita by Country 1960-2014.png 800 × 451; 424 KB
- CO2 emissions-around-the-world.png 800 × 595; 123 KB
- CO2 global pathways via IPCC AR6 - how will we respond.jpg 800 × 450; 57 KB
- CO2 higher than in the past 5 million yrs.jpg 514 × 285; 62 KB
- Coastal Connecticut sea level rise.png 480 × 549; 396 KB
- Coastal Intercoastal Wetlands.jpg 591 × 286; 55 KB
- COP26 Climate Summit concludes.jpg 600 × 800; 160 KB
- COP26 concludes - 2.png 648 × 467; 177 KB
- COP26 concludes - 3.png 648 × 713; 416 KB
- COP26 concludes.png 648 × 528; 329 KB
- COP26 in GLASGOW - 31 OCT-12 NOV 2021.jpg 800 × 264; 51 KB
- COP27 'opening speech'.png 640 × 460; 160 KB
- COP28 News - Dec 13 2023.png 800 × 898; 410 KB
- Coral bleaching - August 2023.png 488 × 430; 261 KB
- Coral bleaching - NOAA - August 2023.png 488 × 338; 201 KB
- Covering Climate Now.jpg 493 × 498; 67 KB
- Cradle of Civilization - and climate change.jpg 640 × 360; 70 KB
- Cumulative CO2 Emissions by Country Since 1850.png 800 × 445; 445 KB
- Dated record of Earths climate - Science Report Sept 10 2020.jpg 735 × 669; 192 KB
- Death Valley ... the heat, what its like.jpg 640 × 381; 62 KB
- Defend Our Future 6-1-2020.jpg 585 × 458; 103 KB
- Democratic Climate Plan-Introduced June 2020.jpg 528 × 561; 117 KB
- Democratic National Convention-62 climate speakers.jpg 443 × 407; 57 KB
- Democratic Party Climate Bill - Aug 2022.png 640 × 269; 70 KB
- Democratic Party pres candidates debate in Miami-June 2019.jpg 800 × 534; 124 KB
- Democratic presidential candidates on the Green New Deal.jpg 800 × 359; 57 KB
- Denying human-caused climate change.jpg 639 × 620; 129 KB
- DeSantis against climate science - 2.jpg 640 × 480; 122 KB
- DeSantis against climate science - again.jpg 460 × 640; 105 KB
- Diane Walder in Miami Beach.jpg 775 × 787; 147 KB
- Discovery Center, St Pete Pier, Living Shorelines.jpg 800 × 530; 118 KB
- Don't Look Up ....jpg 430 × 543; 172 KB
- Don't Look Up.jpg 800 × 450; 104 KB
- Drawdown top ten solutions - 2017.png 498 × 654; 179 KB
- E&E.png 800 × 510; 474 KB
- E9731160-8940-4336-88FC-A73490CF3E63.jpeg 600 × 794; 251 KB
- Eaarth.gif 150 × 224; 7 KB
- Earth - Pacific Ocean.png 504 × 602; 233 KB
- Earth conditions dynamic map.png 673 × 673; 770 KB
- Earth Day 2021 - Climate Summit News-1.jpg 491 × 270; 127 KB
- Earth Day 50 years on.jpg 480 × 548; 107 KB
- Earth gets hotter May2016.jpg 500 × 322; 28 KB
- Earth Science from Space-Monitoring Ice Melt.jpg 657 × 373; 60 KB
- Earth Summit 1992-s.png 336 × 418; 283 KB
- Earth Summit 1992.jpg 600 × 746; 171 KB
- Earth trapping unprecedented amount of heat - NASA.jpg 468 × 373; 56 KB
- Earth-upper-atmosphere-NASA.jpg 800 × 781; 327 KB
- EarthScience Missions via the EOS - 2022.png 800 × 219; 139 KB
- global capital snapshot as of July 2020.jpg 800 × 477; 119 KB
- Eiffel tower green.jpg 759 × 422; 28 KB
- Elizabeth Rush.jpg 394 × 453; 47 KB
- Elon Musk quote - gas externality price.png 680 × 320; 199 KB
- Emissions graph - gleick tw 2018.jpg 640 × 364; 37 KB
- End of coal power in UK - 1.jpg 800 × 868; 112 KB
- End of coal power in UK - 2.png 800 × 557; 225 KB
- End of coal power in UK - 3.png 800 × 562; 240 KB
- End of Coal Power in UK.png 800 × 925; 739 KB
- Energy Charter Treaty.jpg 512 × 480; 74 KB
- Energy Imbalance, Climate Change - Aug 1 2021.png 640 × 672; 394 KB
- Environmental laws in US - Supreme Court votes soon.png 800 × 414; 334 KB
- Environmental Protection Agency logo.png 380 × 414; 39 KB
- EPA website a 'ghost page' now.png 667 × 233; 45 KB
- ESA Living Planet Symposium - Announcement.png 637 × 600; 508 KB
- ESA Living Planet Symposium - May 2022.png 700 × 600; 258 KB
- ESA re ice loss - April 2023.png 640 × 432; 213 KB
- ESG Fight - Feb 2023.png 396 × 194; 88 KB
- Estates at Acqualina - Sunny Isles Miami.jpg 746 × 600; 117 KB
- EU agrees to cut emissions 55 percent by 2030.jpg 800 × 558; 96 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 1.jpg 800 × 234; 33 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 2.jpg 800 × 552; 86 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 3.jpg 800 × 549; 89 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 4.jpg 800 × 550; 92 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 5.jpg 800 × 548; 88 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 6.jpg 800 × 557; 89 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 7.jpg 800 × 553; 92 KB
- EU unveils new climate change policy - July 14 2021 - 8.jpg 800 × 589; 91 KB