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[[File:Webb 1.jpeg]]


:: [[File:Living Earth.png]]

::'''[[Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth]]'''

<big><big>'''Reminiscing as a New Year Rolls In...'''</big></big>

:[ <big>'''Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement'''</big>]



<big><big>On the 50th Anniversary</big></big>
:: [ '''Green Networking''']
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β 

<big><big>Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day</big></big>
::'''[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]'''

<small>By Steve Schmidt</small>
::'''[[Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources]]'''


::'''[[Generation Green]]'''

::'''[[Going Green]]'''

::'''[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]'''

[ <big><big>'''Planet API'''</big></big>]

:<big><big>'''[[Earth Right Now]]'''</big></big>


::<big><big>'''[[Planet Citizen Action]]'''</big></big>

:::<big>''' 'Earthrise' ... Whole Earth Beginnings of a Modern Environmental Movement'''</big>

:::: <small>*Β</small>

<big><big>'''History-Making Space Telescope's First Images | July 12, 2022Β  πŸ™Œ'''</big></big>

'''[[James Webb Space Telescope]]'''


<big>'''View the spectacular images, and participate in this historic event to #UnfoldTheUniverse'''</big> Β 
: <small>*</small>

: '''Watch for news on life on 'exoplanets'''' .... #PlanetScientists want to know the secrets of the universe

:<big>'''[[Earthrise]] | December 1968'''</big>


'''''"It's an emotional moment when you see nature suddenly releasing some of its secrets. It's not an image. It's a new worldview."'''''

-- Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science missions

<big><big>'''Celebrating the First 'Earth Day' '''</big></big>

: '''April 22nd, 1970'''


SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: On the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, a beginning of green ideals and ideas emerged in a serious way... Today Earth Day continues on as a movement and a political cause. Now we are a diverse mix, across the globe, employing the Internet with many voices, colors, ages, especially young people joining in. We continue on year after year, decade after decade.... We are strongly confronting and working to solve our generation's existential challenges. Reaching across our home planet, touching and interacting with planet citizens, looking to share solutions to pressing problems and challenges.

[[File:Aurora Green 2022.png]]

[[File:Golden Spiral from M.png]]

[ <big>'''Planet Citizen'''</big>] | [ <big>'''Planet Citizens''']</big>

Environmentalism took on new forms and shapes with ideas that became a legal platform, a first generation of environmental laws that would go worldwide. A new [ "counterculture" with youthful vision and organizing] added their voices and stood up to create the beginnings of a global environmental movement.Β 

[[File:Citizen of the planet girl.jpg]]

[[File:Nearly Every Country Signs On to a Sweeping Deal to Protect Nature.png]]
'''Earth Day Is Every Day ... and Every Day Is Earth Day'''

<big>[[Environmental Studies Online]]</big>
With a goal of protecting life, a new environmental movement began to grow, a [ '''"Whole Earth" vision'''] seen for the first time from space in 1968 with the iconic [''' Apollo 8 Earthrise image'''] and a very real 'sense' of our common responsibility for the future of the planet. Students were 'first-movers' who spoke of the existential threat of nuclear war and environmental disaster, and need to 'become' far-reaching with a new vision. Realizations grew internationally that we had created weapons capable of ending humanity and most all life of earth -- and we needed to change this nuclear doomsday threat. Protests and 'teach ins', led by students, and drawing in politicians, communities, media, news with pamphlets, books, music, art and demonstrations crossed continents with new symbols, peace symbols, environmental and eco-awareness.

: <big>[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]</big>

The threads of teach-ins led directly to and [ '''the first Earth Day'''] in 1970 as students expanded counterculture with action. Across the U.S., a first Earth Day of teach-ins began as a student-initiated movement on college campuses including your siterunner's college where we proposed an environment and peace action day to Senator Nelson, who we met as we organized the national Moratorium and who worked with us to make an Earth Day a national political event.Β  [ '''At the University of Southern California'''], our student peace activists continued 1969's anti-war moratorium sharing a positive vision of what was needed -- environmental protection, economic and social justice, new priorities added to the nation's agenda. The work spread quickly. Earth Day's teach-ins reached out to students globally. A worldwide environmental movement became a real and growing political force...


<big><big>'''Environmental Laws & Climate Change Litigation/Lawsuits Around the World'''</big></big>

: '''Acting to Enforce Nation Climate Plan Promises'''
:[[File:Goodall on the power of the young.png]]


<small>''"I am convinced that the same concern the youth of this nation took in changing this nation's priorities on the war in Vietnam and on civil rights can be shown for the problems of the environment. Successful teach-ins on all campuses on the same day will have a dramatic impact on the environmental conscience of the nation. They will be immensely effective as an educational effort in arousing public opinion..."''</small>

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<big>'''GreenPolicy360's Siterunner:'''</big>

Editing "Mr. Wizard", Don Herbert, and Appreciating Bill Nye, "The Science Guy"

Bill says his career followed the example of his favorite "TV teacher"

<big>'''Recalling the World's First National Climate Act & Program (1978)'''</big>

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / Steve Schmidt

Watching Bill is watching a torch being passed forward. A light, a love of science. Many years ago I was fortunate to edit Don Herbert, who was Mr. Wizard on NBC then Nickelodeon. I was a young editor in NYC and Don as Mr. Wizard, and a master teacher, taught me about science as we did our books. His "hands-on" Book-Labs were designed to inspire kids, to take what was in their everyday lives and to show them, scientifically, how observations and facts can bring understanding of scientific truths, theories and the "big picture".

[[File:Mr Wizard - Don Herbert.png]]
Decades later, most every nation of the world has announced, as of 2015, their respective cooperative national climate plan...

Nation-by-nation, community-by-community...

[[File:Bill Nye explains.jpg]]
<big><big>'''[[National Climate Plans]]'''</big></big>



National Climate Plans need to be engineered and then enforced. We have ideas how to get the job going and speed it up... h/t to George... we're working it...

<big>'''''December 2021'''''</big>
[[File:Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources - GreenPolicy.png]]


<big><big>Climate Pledges Must Be Enforced</big></big>

How to turn each nation's climate pledges into 'effective climate action'

:Promises of international climate summits in Paris (2015) & Glasgow (2021) now require 'effective climate action follow on'

::Measuring & monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with satellite missions can become -- 'Our climate tool working nation-by-nation'

'''GreenPolicy360 Siterunner - SJS / December 2021''': Looking back to the 1960s and 70s to the beginnings of the Earth Science from Space missions of NASA and affiliated U.S. agencies, in association with higher education and aerospace business, the vision statements of Congressional leaders, recalling [ '''Rep. George E. Brown (D-Los Angeles)'''], setting in motion the [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg '''measuring and monitoring'''] programs that have led to decades of atmospheric and earth systems data. This constellation of new space technology -- digital imaging, Earth 360Β° remote viewing, scientific observations, changes over time, trend lines, all can come into our hands. 'Drilling down', not for gas and oil, but in the parsing of data, now has the promise to provide essential ways and means to deliver a real- and extended-time knowledge base which can be used, effectively and we propose legally, to deliver on pledges and promises made at international climate change conferences and summits.
<big><big>'''Moving on Climate Action: GreenPolicy360'''</big></big>

Let us do our part in continuing to expand this first-generation earth science vision -- space-based cooperative missions, initiatives and ventures -- that makes it possible to turn database tracking of emissions [ '''(externalities)'''] -- CO2, methane, CFCs and other gases -- nation-by-nation into Climate Plan Enforcement (CPEs).
[ '''GRN360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative''']

It is time to move from distant pledges to coordinated nation-by-nation climate action. Using best practices, effective nationally determined, and legally enforced operational plans, we can become agents of change making a positive real-world difference. As it is said -- "Earth Is In Our Hands", let us turn science and knowledge into climate action now.
[ '''Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges''']

The strategic demands for international cooperation and action is our generations greatest task and our legacy. Let us take up our climate challenge. Our time is today to enforce well intended, but extremely hard to achieve climate pledges.
[ '''Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now''']

[,_the_first_GST.jpg '''Committee on Earth Observation Satellites''']

[ '''Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions''']


[[File:Green Networking | link=]]

<big><big><font color=green>'''''Planet Citizens'''''</font></big></big>
[ <big>'''Green Networking'''</big>]

[[File:Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy.jpg]]


''December 27, 2021''

<big><big>'''''Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy'''''</big></big>

''We celebrate today the lives of two great ecologists: E.O. Wilson, who passed away on December 26 at the age of 92, and Tom Lovejoy, who passed away onDecember 25 at the age of 80. Each made extraordinary contributions to the field of bio-diversity and to the greater public dialog about humans and nature...''


[ <big><big>'''Planet API'''</big></big>]

'' E.O. Wilson discovered hundreds of new species by putting his hands in the dirt as a field biologist, synthesized evolving thinking in science and coined new terms, such as biodiversity and biophilia, to explain it. Of his many accomplishments in evolutionary biology, his biggest contribution was probably in the new scientific field of sociobiology, in which he addressed the biological basis of social behavior in animals, including humans.''
:<big>'''[[Earth Right Now]]'''</big>


'''"EOS", an Earth Observing System going back to the beginnings of [ Earth Science Research from Space]'''

E.O. Wilson: ''His 2006 book "The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth," a series of letters written to an imaginary Baptist preacher in pursuit of an ecological alliance to save the Earth.''
GreenPolicy360 looks at visionaries who set in motion first-of-its-type digital, multispectral imaging of Planet Earth


[[File:Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png]]

E.O. Wilson: ''Naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92''


<big>'''Protect Life, Preserve Biodiversity, Prevent Extinction'''</big>



''E.O. Wilson: The 8 Million++ Species We Don’t Know''

<big><big>'''[[Environmental Studies Online]]'''</big></big>


<big>Remember, facts count... [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg Measure to Manage]</big>

<big>'''Tom Lovejoy, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Passes Away'''</big>

<big>'''[[Fact Checking]]'''</big>

[[File:Tom Lovejoy Planet Citizen.png]]
:<big>'''[[Earth and Space, Politics]]'''</big>

[[File:Tom Lovejoy on Biological Diversity.png]]
::<big>'''[[Stats - Green Research & Science]]'''</big>

''Known as the β€œGodfather of Biodiversity,” Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy is a world-renowned champion for global conservation efforts and conservation biology research grounded in sound science.Β  He is credited with having brought the global tropical deforestation problem to the fore as a public issue, and was the first person to use the term β€œbiological diversity” in 1980 (along with Edward O. Wilson).''



<big><big>'''Get Semantic, Go Scientific'''</big></big>


[[File:Semantic Scholar Publishers.png]]

<big>Tom and Ed, Pioneering Conservation Biology</big>

Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson

''The two scientists first met in the mid-nineteen-seventies. At that point, Wilson was in his mid-forties, and teaching biology at Harvard. Lovejoy, a dozen years younger, was working for the World Wildlife Fund. Over lunch, they got to talking about where the W.W.F. should focus its efforts. They agreed that it should be in the tropics, because the tropics are where most species actually live. There wasn’t a good term for what they were trying to preserve, so they tossed one aroundβ€”β€œbiological diversity”—and put it into circulation. β€œPeople just started using it,” Lovejoy recalled, in an interview in 2015. (Later, the phrase would be shortened to β€œbiodiversity.”)''
<big><big>'''Get Smart, Scholarly'''</big></big>



[[File:All species day with homo sapien in Santa Fe .jpg]]


[ <big>'''Environmental Studies Online'''</big>]


'''GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:

Today I am recalling pioneering science 'up above' with Don Perry'''
<big>'''Go Searching'''</big>

Biological diversity in unequaled abundance: Ascending to study 'Life Above the Jungle Floor'
Astrophysics Data System /

Richness of life within the rainforest's jungle canopy web: Beginnings of rainforest canopy science in the 1970s and 80s

(A 21st Century AI/Machine Learning Case Study)

<big>'''[[Rainforest Canopy Don Perry]]'''</big>
'''''Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools''''' Β 



<big>'''Climate Modeling'''</big>


[[File:The Rainforest Canopy, the Richest Biosphere on Earth.png]]
''Planetary-scale Earth simulations known as global climate model projections are the primary sources of information on future climate change.''

''Climate models are based on mathematical equations represented using a grid mesh that covers the globe: a finer grid mesh is more accurate but much more computationally expensive. Current global climate projections agree that a world with more greenhouse gases will be warmer everywhere, especially over land and at high latitudes.''


<big>'''NOAA scientists harness machine learning to advance climate models'''</big>

March 1st, 2023

[ <big><big>'''The Climate Desk Network'''</big></big>]

* Visit the climate stories tracking the existential challenge of our generation

'''How artificial intelligence is fast becoming a key tool for climate science (2021)'''

:[[File:Climate Desk.jpg]]



:An Independent Press, Critical to Democracy
<big>'''GreenPolicy360: We're Into Earth Science'''</big>

:'''We believe in 'critical thinking skills''''





<big>'''GreenPolicy360 Focuses on Facts, Science, Reasoned Argument & Judgment'''</big>
<big>'''The Home Planet Sends a Space Observation Platform Up to Reveal the Universe'''</big>

: Our founder/siterunner speaks of "the 3 Ds of Democracy: Discussion, Debate and Decision-making... the foundation of a sound, thriving Democracy"
:The Webb Telescope Records and Returns to Earth Spectrums of Light 'from the Heavens'

<small>Visit the website:</small>
[[File:Webb 1.jpeg]]

'''''Fact-Checking, 'Facts Count''''''
* [ Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360]
* [ 80 Countries-237 Fact-Checking Sites (2020)]
* [ 60 Countries-188 Fact-Checking Sites (2019)]
* [ 37 Countries-96 Fact-Checking Sites (2016)]
* [ MediaWise for Teens]
* [ PolitiFact via Poynter]
* [ Poynter Int'l Fact Checking Network]
* [ Poynter Int'l List]
* [ Reporters Lab Fact-Checking News]

'''''Data, Intelligence, Science'''''
* [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg Measure-to-Manage]

'''''GreenPolicy360 & Science'''''
<big><big>'''History-Making Space Telescope's First Images | July 12, 2022Β  πŸ™Œ'''</big></big>
* [ GreenPolicy360, Facts & Data]
* [ GreenPolicy360, Our Policy on Science]
* [ Global Climate Keywords]
* [ Merchants of Doubt]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Graph)]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Video)]
* [ Wiki Community Science]

'''''Climate Denial / Misinformation'''''
'''[[James Webb Space Telescope]]'''
* [ Avaaz - Climate Misinformation on Facebook - 2021]
* []
* [ Climate -- Crocks, Denial, Facts & Vids]
* [ Debunking Climate Denial]
* [ Desmog Blog]
* [ Desmog & Climate Change]
* [ Denier Database]
* [ Desmog Perspective]
* [ Denier Favorites]
* [ Drilled - Corp Sponsored]
* [ Grist on Skeptics]
* [ PEN America, Envir Writing, How to Defend Yourself and Your Work Online]
* [,_a_documentary_film Re: Misinfo of 'Planet of the Humans' Documentary]
* [ Rebutting Climate Denier Talking Pts]
* [ Skeptical Science Site]
* [ Skeptical - Attacks on Climate Models]
* [ Snopes on Climate]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Graph)]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Video)]

* [ Climate Terms]
* [ Ecology Studies]
* [ Environmental Movement]
* [ EnviroSecurity]
* [ Green Quotes]
* [,_WI_%22Green_Roots%22 "Green Roots" Model]
* [ Online Ed-Eco Ed]

'''''Biodiversity, Protecting Life'''''
<big>'''View the spectacular images, and participate in this historic event to #UnfoldTheUniverse'''</big>
* [ Biodiversity]
* [ All Species Day]

: '''Watch for news on life on 'exoplanets'''' .... #PlanetScientists want to know the secrets of the universe


<big><big>'''To the Visionaries, to the Scientists'''</big></big>

'''Those Delivering Earth's Message to Planet Citizens'''
'''''"It's an emotional moment when you see nature suddenly releasing some of its secrets. It's not an image. It's a new worldview."'''''

-- Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science missions

''''' "Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring." '''''

'''''-- Carl Sagan, Cosmos'''''


Our Planet and Earth Science

[[File:Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png|link=]]

[[File:Aurora Green 2022.png]]


On the Threats: In 1990 Carl Sagan Explains
:: [ <big>'''Planet Citizen'''</big>] | [ <big>'''Planet Citizens''']</big>

[[File:Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png|link=]]

:: [[File:Citizen of the planet girl.jpg]]

[ Carl Sagan] talks about the 'big picture', about life, about threats to life, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, global warming... across national boundaries.

In 1990, at an Emerging Issues Forum, Carl Sagan explains why we must be aware and act now to protect life on Earth.

Solving the serious emerging problem of climate change requires 'trans national' cooperation to realize and confront the coming climate crisis.
[[File:Nearly Every Country Signs On to a Sweeping Deal to Protect Nature.png]]


<big>[[Environmental Studies Online]]</big>

<big>'''[[Look at how thin our atmosphere is]] | [[The Commons]] | [[Earth Right Now]]'''</big>
: <big>[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]</big>

<big>'''[[Planet Citizens]] | [[Green Stories of the Day]] | [[Climate News]]'''</big>


GreenPolicy360: Watch & listen carefully to Carl Sagan's one hour+ tour de force speechΒ 

<big><big>'''Environmental Laws & Climate Change Litigation/Lawsuits Around the World'''</big></big>

: '''Acting to Enforce Nation Climate Plan Promises'''


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[[File:Piece of a Protoplanet.jpg]]

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<big><big>'''Don Herbert, "Mr. Wizard", Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", and George E. Brown, Congressional Representative and Mr. "Big Science"'''</big></big>

:<big>'''Recalling three who changed the world'''</big>

: -- By GreenPolicy360's Siterunner / Steven Schmidt

::::<big><big>'''[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]'''</big></big>

Today I'm remembering editing science book experiments of "Mr. Wizard", Don Herbert, and deeply appreciating Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", and becoming a friend and colleague of Mr. "Big Science", Rep. George E. Brown

::[[File:Earth in Human Hands.jpg]]
--- Mr. Wizard inspired a generation of kids with the fascinating, in-your-home lessons of science

::::<big><big>''''' "Going Green" '''''</big></big> [[File:Best Practices check sm.png]]
--- Bill says his career, so full of science that lights up minds, follows the example of his favorite "TV teacher" Β 

--- and George Brown, GreenPolicy360 fave politico, became known for "Big Science", Earth science from the 60s to the 90s

:<big><big>'''''[[Planet Citizens]]'''''</big></big>

::<big><big>'''''[[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]'''''</big></big>
What a cast of characters for our GreenPolicy "Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists" story.

Watch Don was like 'black and white', three channels or so, lots of flickering from iffy reception from 'rabbit ear' antennas, but there he was, in a kitchen that looked like our home kitchen. Wait, he's opening the refrigerator, what's in there. Oh, hmmm. And so begins the week's science experiment, leading to a theory involving physics. I'm shaking my head, and whispering "wow" as the lesson come into view.


SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: The realization of being a [ ''' 'planet citizen''''] hit in1968/69. The images, first-ever images of our whole Earth as seen from space, especially the Earthrise pictures sent from [ '''Apollo 8'''], our '''Earthrise''' seen by astronauts orbiting the moon, changed my and our generation's perspective forever. We, well many of us, were impacted in life-changing ways. Those of us who became serious would become ''' 'Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists', ''' although few of us knew how this change would become an [ '''environmental protection movement'''], but [ '''we went to work''']. Β 
And now, these days, watching Bill Nye The Science Guy in full-color, big screen, with multi-channel sound, is like watching a torch being passed forward. Β 

Teach-ins became a favorite of ours. Many of us had followed Mr. Wizard on TV, an educator of science for decades (and whom I would later have the honor of editing in NYC publishing as a new junior editor in the 1970s.) Science was a way to understand our environment and make a difference, and facts guided us. At that time, in the U.S. Congress, a first generation of science-minded leaders such as [ '''George E. Brown'''] were creating the initial foundations of earth science and atmospheric science. The EPA was created, the first clean air laws led to earth observation missions, such as Landsat, to study Earth and Earth's atmosphere. I was fortunate to know George E. Brown, and to be inspired by his work on the House of Representatives Science Committee. He became Chair of the newly named Science, Space & Technology Committee. As a trained engineer he would draft the first [ '''National Climate Act'''] and he explained to me that the data from the [ '''Earth Observation Science Research'''] missions he was proposing/shepherding would be needed to guide policies in the 1970/80/90s. He was right and the NASA/NOAA/USGS missions and all the university/private alliances that developed new methods of imaging/studying/reporting together changed the ways we see our world -- and how we can act better and faster the more we know. George Brown impressed on me that [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg '''measuring and monitoring'''] [ '''Earth's Life Systems'''] was key to acting and managing wisely. Climate change data from satellite missions, such as the current [ '''OCO-2 and OCO-3'''], deliver a continuation of this science and we, planet citizens and planet scientists, continue our work to make a difference, a positive difference everyday. Fifty+ years on now... Join in fellow planet citizen. Earth is in your hands.

A light, a love of science I know about, first-hand.

[[File:CO2 photo.JPG]]
Many years ago I was fortunate to edit Don Herbert, who was Mr. Wizard on NBC then Nickelodeon. I was a young editor in NYC and Don as Mr. Wizard, and master teacher, taught me about science as we did our books. His "hands-on" Book-Labs were designed to inspire kids, to take what was in young student everyday lives and to show them, scientifically, how observations and facts can bring understanding of scientific truths, theories and the "Big Picture".

And speaking of the "Big Picture", there are many flashbacks to the Big Picture and Big Science these days ...

What a world!


[[File:Mr Wizard - Don Herbert.png]]


::[[File:Acting on Climate Change.png]]

[[File:Bill Nye explains.jpg]]

:: <big><u>'''[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]'''</u></big>

:: <big><u>'''[[Earth Science Vital Signs]]'''</u></big>

:: <big><u>'''[[Planet Citizen Action]]'''</u></big>

<big>'''Remembering a Mentor, Friend, and Colleague, Representative George E. Brown'''</big>

:: <big><big>'''Climate Action Solutions at Project Drawdown'''</big></big>
A 30+ Year 'Big Picture', 'Big Science' Journey....


<big>[[File:Rep. George E Brown and a young student remembering.png]]</big>

[ '''George E. Brown and the National Space Society''']

<big><big>[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]</big></big>


November 2021

[ <big>'''Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement'''</big>]

<big>'''''He spent almost 50 years alone at 10,000 feet. His hobby helped shape climate research in the Rockies'''''</big>
:<small><small>* </small></small>

''An amateur scientist began logging snowfall to keep busy. Along the way, he became an unwitting chronicler of climate change in a region known as the water tower for the drying American West''

<big>'''A First [[Earth Day]]'''</big>

: Being there with George's assist, organizing

''Via the Washington Post''
::Youth-energy eco 'Teach-ins' and events across the nation

''GOTHIC, Colo. β€” As world leaders gathered across the globe this month to discuss a climate crisis that is rapidly heating the Earth, Billy Barr, 71, paused outside his mountainside cabin to measure snow... as he enters his 50th winter in Gothic, change has come, and not just in shorter snow seasons and higher temperatures... he doesn’t relish the frozen solitude so much anymore. He is, though, determined to keep gathering his data. He says he feels an obligation β€” to the records themselves, and the precise way he has kept them since the early ’70s... He’d always liked numbers; as a kid, he counted gas stations on family trips. That’s what inspired his records, not some grand scientific ambition. Over time, Barr found he liked comparing one year to others... After filling 10 notebooks with his records, Barr now organizes them in Excel and publishes them on his website. Researchers regularly ask him for data, he said, and he always obliges... In the numbers, he points out patterns. Nearly half the record low temperatures came in his first decade here, and more than half the record highs occurred in the last one. The years between 1974 and 2000 averaged 10 more days with snow on the ground than the years since. The number of consecutive days when temperatures stayed below freezing has plummeted.''
::: *

''β€œBack in the ’70s, there were winters where we had well over 100 days in a row where it didn’t get [above] freezing. Last winter, the most was nine,” Barr said. β€œIt doesn’t take much to break that β€” it could have been 200 days with one in between. But still, there’s a trend there.”''
::: *

''Down the hill from Barr’s cabin and outside the lab is a new recognition of that: Eight white trailers forming the core of the Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL), a massive federally funded effort that relies on dozens of instruments measuring precipitation, wind, aerosols, clouds, radiation and more. Much of the equipment arrived in September after deployment on a ship in the Arctic, where it was part of an expedition documenting climate change.''

''It is in Gothic now because climate change in this spot has enormous implications but is not fully understood. Snowmelt here eventually flows to the Colorado River β€” a key and declining water source for 40 million people in the West.''
<big><big>'''[[Generation Green]]'''</big></big>

''The campaign builds on an existing study of the East River watershed headed by Ken Williams, a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientist who is co-leading SAIL. He chose to work here in part, he said, because the area’s diversity β€” in vegetation, elevation, geology β€” is representative of mountain watersheds across the West. The lab’s wealth of long-term observations were also a draw β€” including Barr’s, he said.''
: *
: *

''β€œIf you’re in the business of trying to understand how ecosystems function now and in the future, you have to have a long record of data against which to compare one year to the next...”''

[[File:Dark sky by Jack Fusco.jpg]]
<small>Photo credit: Jack Fusco</small>



<small>FB post from GreenPolicy360's siterunner</small>

[[File:Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg]]
<big>'''''December 2021'''''</big>

:[[File:Our Biggest Experiment - by Alice Bell.jpg]]
<big><big>Climate Pledges Must Be Enforced</big></big>

: <small>*</small>
How to turn each nation's climate pledges into 'effective climate action'

:Promises of international climate summits in Paris (2015) & Glasgow (2021) now require 'effective climate action follow on'

:<big><big><big>'''''[[Our Biggest Experiment]]'''''</big></big></big>
::Measuring & monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with satellite missions can become -- 'Our climate tool working nation-by-nation'

:::''by Alice Bell''

:::''Publication scheduled for September 2021''
'''GreenPolicy360 Siterunner - SJS / December 2021''': Looking back to the 1960s and 70s to the beginnings of the Earth Science from Space missions of NASA and affiliated U.S. agencies, in association with higher education and aerospace business, the vision statements of Congressional leaders, recalling [ '''Rep. George E. Brown (D-Los Angeles)'''], setting in motion the [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg '''measuring and monitoring'''] programs that have led to decades of atmospheric and earth systems data. This constellation of new space technology -- digital imaging, Earth 360Β° remote viewing, scientific observations, changes over time, trend lines, all can come into our hands. 'Drilling down', not for gas and oil, but in the parsing of data, now has the promise to provide essential ways and means to deliver a real- and extended-time knowledge base which can be used, effectively and we propose legally, to deliver on pledges and promises made at international climate change conferences and summits.

:::''Traversing science, politics, and technology, Our Biggest Experiment shines a spotlight''
Let us do our part in continuing to expand this first-generation earth science vision -- space-based cooperative missions, initiatives and ventures -- that makes it possible to turn database tracking of emissions [ '''(externalities)'''] -- CO2, methane, CFCs and other gases -- nation-by-nation into Climate Plan Enforcement (CPEs).

::: ''on the little-known scientists who sounded the alarm to reveal the history behind the''
It is time to move from distant pledges to coordinated nation-by-nation climate action. Using best practices, effective nationally determined, and legally enforced operational plans, we can become agents of change making a positive real-world difference. As it is said -- "Earth Is In Our Hands", let us turn science and knowledge into climate action now.

::: ''defining story of our age: the climate crisis.''
The strategic demands for international cooperation and action is our generations greatest task and our legacy. Let us take up our climate challenge. Our time is today to enforce well intended, but extremely hard to achieve climate pledges. Β 


::<big><big>'''If the Earth Warms by 3 Degrees'''</big></big>

:::'''Share the Trendlines, #ClimateCrisis'''

::::'''Science Counts, Physics of Global Warming'''

<big><big><font color=green>'''''Planet Citizens'''''</font></big></big>

::::[[File:Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360.jpg]]

:::::[ '''GreenPolicy360: Facts. Good Science Needs Good Data''']
[[File:Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy.jpg]]

''December 27, 2021''

[[File:Earth in Our Hands.png]]Β  <big><big><big>Protecting Life on the Home Planet</big></big></big>
<big><big>'''''Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy'''''</big></big>

''We celebrate today the lives of two great ecologists: E.O. Wilson, who passed away on December 26 at the age of 92, and Tom Lovejoy, who passed away onDecember 25 at the age of 80. Each made extraordinary contributions to the field of bio-diversity and to the greater public dialog about humans and nature...''

<big><big>Environmental Security, Global Security</big></big>

β€’ <u>'''[[New Definitions of National Security]]'''</u>
'' E.O. Wilson discovered hundreds of new species by putting his hands in the dirt as a field biologist, synthesized evolving thinking in science and coined new terms, such as biodiversity and biophilia, to explain it. Of his many accomplishments in evolutionary biology, his biggest contribution was probably in the new scientific field of sociobiology, in which he addressed the biological basis of social behavior in animals, including humans.''

β€’ <u>'''[[Earth and Space, Politics]]'''</u>

β€’ <u>'''[[Green Stories of the Day]]'''</u>
E.O. Wilson: ''His 2006 book "The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth," a series of letters written to an imaginary Baptist preacher in pursuit of an ecological alliance to save the Earth.''

β€’ <u>'''[[Climate News]]'''</u>

E.O. Wilson: ''Naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92''

β€’ <u>'''[[Planet Citizens]]'''</u>
* Β 

β€’ <u>'''[[Citizen Science]]'''</u>

<big>'''Protect Life, Preserve Biodiversity, Prevent Extinction'''</big>

<big><big>'''Our Earth Atmosphere: Essential for Life, Our Human Responsibility to Preserve and Protect'''</big></big>

[[File:'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg]]
''E.O. Wilson: The 8 Million++ Species We Don’t Know''


<big><big><big>'''''"Thin Blue"'''''</big></big></big>

:[ '''''''''']

::[ ''''' ... Sustaining the Atmosphere's Protection''''']Β 
<big>'''Tom Lovejoy, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Passes Away'''</big>

[[File:Tom Lovejoy Planet Citizen.png]]

[[File:Tom Lovejoy on Biological Diversity.png]]

''Known as the β€œGodfather of Biodiversity,” Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy is a world-renowned champion for global conservation efforts and conservation biology research grounded in sound science.Β  He is credited with having brought the global tropical deforestation problem to the fore as a public issue, and was the first person to use the term β€œbiological diversity” in 1980 (along with Edward O. Wilson).''


''To see our planet as this majestic blue ball floating in the blackness of space is breathtaking. It is truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen. When you see it for the first time it appears perfect. Bright and mostly blue, it's a literal island in our solar system. And make no mistake -- right now, we have no place else to go.''

''Too often, we forget that this remarkable and fragile place is our only home...''

''As an astronaut, I’m often asked about the climate, our environment, and how we are destroying the Earth. My response often surprises people. β€œDon’t worry about the planet, the Earth will be just fine,” I tell them. β€œWhat you need to worry about is us – all of us.”''

''This year has been an unequivocal disaster for the future of the planet...''

-- Mark Kelly, NASA Astronaut
<big>Tom and Ed, Pioneering Conservation Biology</big>

Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson

''The two scientists first met in the mid-nineteen-seventies. At that point, Wilson was in his mid-forties, and teaching biology at Harvard. Lovejoy, a dozen years younger, was working for the World Wildlife Fund. Over lunch, they got to talking about where the W.W.F. should focus its efforts. They agreed that it should be in the tropics, because the tropics are where most species actually live. There wasn’t a good term for what they were trying to preserve, so they tossed one aroundβ€”β€œbiological diversity”—and put it into circulation. β€œPeople just started using it,” Lovejoy recalled, in an interview in 2015. (Later, the phrase would be shortened to β€œbiodiversity.”)''


:[[File:Earth aurora views - International Space Station - January 23 2021.jpg]]

[[File:Anthropocene Project-3a.png]]


:::::[[File:Earth System Observatory-1.jpg]]
[[File:All species day with homo sapien in Santa Fe .jpg]]

::::::::::<big><big><big>'''Earth System Observatory'''</big></big></big>
[ <big>'''Environmental Studies Online'''</big>]


'''GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:

::::::::::<big>Earth Science Missions</big>
Today I am recalling pioneering science 'up above' with Don Perry'''

:::::::::: [ '''Earth Science Research from Space''']
Biological diversity in unequaled abundance: Ascending to study 'Life Above the Jungle Floor' Β 

:::::::::: [ '''New Definitions of National Security''']
Richness of life within the rainforest's jungle canopy web: Beginnings of rainforest canopy science in the 1970s and 80s

:::::::::: [ '''@Earth360''']

:::::::::: [ '''OCO-2 / OCO-3''']
<big>'''[[Rainforest Canopy Don Perry]]'''</big>

:::::::::: [ '''Earth Right Now''']

:::::::::: [ '''Earth Science Vital Signs''']


[[File:The Rainforest Canopy, the Richest Biosphere on Earth.png]]

[ <font color=gray><big><big>'''''Top of the News @GreenPolicy360'''''</big></big></font>]

:[ <font color=amber><big>'''''Netflix's β€˜David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet’ Is The Most Important Documentary Of The Year'''''</big></font>]

Via Forbes

''Attenborough is now 94, and throughout his long life, has watched the natural world wither before his eyes. He seems tired of keeping quiet about it.'' Β 
[ <big><big>'''The Climate Desk Network'''</big></big>]

''The scale of the problem is so overwhelming, so gargantuan, that it can be difficult to absorb, and to communicate through a single documentary. But by framing environmental destruction through Attenborough’s eyes and unique career, A Life on Our Planet manages to humanize an issue that can often seem distant, and somewhat abstract.''
* Visit the climate stories tracking the existential challenge of our generation

''Like the Lorax, who speaks for the trees, Attenborough attests to the fact that a significant amount of wildlife has been forever lost, painting a terrifying picture of a not-so-distant future in which humanity continues down the path of senseless self-destruction.''

:[[File:Climate Desk.jpg]]



:An Independent Press, Critical to Democracy

:[ '''''Astronaut Mark Kelly With a Message to Planet Earth Citizens''''']



:[[File:When your house is on fire.jpg]]

<big>'''GreenPolicy360 Focuses on Facts, Science, Reasoned Argument & Judgment'''</big>

: Our founder/siterunner speaks of "the 3 Ds of Democracy: Discussion, Debate and Decision-making... the foundation of a sound, thriving Democracy"

<small>Visit the website:</small>

[[File:Gistemp 1979-2019.png]]
'''''Fact-Checking, 'Facts Count''''''
* [ Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360]
* [ 80 Countries-237 Fact-Checking Sites (2020)]
* [ 60 Countries-188 Fact-Checking Sites (2019)]
* [ 37 Countries-96 Fact-Checking Sites (2016)]
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* [ PolitiFact via Poynter]
* [ Poynter Int'l Fact Checking Network]
* [ Poynter Int'l List]
* [ Reporters Lab Fact-Checking News]

[[File:In the UK, US, time to choose the future.jpg]]
'''''Data, Intelligence, Science'''''
* [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg Measure-to-Manage]

'''''GreenPolicy360 & Science'''''
* [ GreenPolicy360, Facts & Data]
* [ GreenPolicy360, Our Policy on Science]
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* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Video)]
* [ Wiki Community Science]

'''''Climate Denial / Misinformation'''''
* [ Avaaz - Climate Misinformation on Facebook - 2021]
* []
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* [ PEN America, Envir Writing, How to Defend Yourself and Your Work Online]
* [,_a_documentary_film Re: Misinfo of 'Planet of the Humans' Documentary]
* [ Rebutting Climate Denier Talking Pts]
* [ Skeptical Science Site]
* [ Skeptical - Attacks on Climate Models]
* [ Snopes on Climate]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Graph)]
* [ Techniques of Science Denial (Video)]

* [ Climate Terms]
<big><big><big>'''''Do You Know What You’re Breathing?'''''</big></big></big>
* [ Ecology Studies]
* [ Environmental Movement]
'''Study, Judge, Act: the time for Citizen Action is Now'''Β 
* [ EnviroSecurity]
* [ Green Quotes]
* [,_WI_%22Green_Roots%22 "Green Roots" Model]
* [ Online Ed-Eco Ed]

'''''Biodiversity, Protecting Life'''''
* [ Biodiversity]
* [ All Species Day]

<big><big>'''''Air Pollution Is Damaging in Our Health'''''</big></big>
* ''''

* ''''

[ '''''#WorstAirQuality''''']
<big><big>'''To the Visionaries, to the Scientists'''</big></big>

'''Those Delivering Earth's Message to Planet Citizens'''

[ '''''Air Quality Real-time Map''''']

[ '''''AirNow / International Air Quality''''']
''''' "Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring." '''''

[ '''''World Air Quality Index / World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index''''']
'''''-- Carl Sagan, Cosmos'''''

[ <big>'''''Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)</big>''''']
Our Planet and Earth Science

''Particulate air pollution is the single greatest threat to human health globally.''
[[File:Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png|link=]]

* ''''

* ''''

On the Threats: In 1990 Carl Sagan Explains

<big><big>The Great Challenge: Air Pollution Impacts on Health from Childhood to Old Age</big></big>
[[File:Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png|link=]]

90% of people breathe dirty air... 90% .... 90%+

Millions of deaths every year due to Air Pollution
[ Carl Sagan] talks about the 'big picture', about life, about threats to life, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, global warming... across national boundaries.

In 1990, at an Emerging Issues Forum, Carl Sagan explains why we must be aware and act now to protect life on Earth.

''Nearly 2 billion children – about 93 percent of the world’s children under the age of 15 – breathe toxic, putrid air that’s so polluted it puts their health and well-being at serious risk, according to [ a report by the World Health Organization.]''
Solving the serious emerging problem of climate change requires 'trans national' cooperation to realize and confront the coming climate crisis.

''β€œPolluted air is poisoning millions of children and ruining their lives,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO. β€œThis is inexcusable. Every child should be able to breathe clean air so they can grow and fulfill their full potential.”''

''Air pollution can affect children's cognitive ability and can also trigger asthma as well as cancer. Children who have been exposed to high levels of air pollution may be at greater risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease later in life...''

<big>'''[[Look at how thin our atmosphere is]] | [[The Commons]] | [[Earth Right Now]]'''</big>

<big>'''[[Planet Citizens]] | [[Green Stories of the Day]] | [[Climate News]]'''</big>

''Act to measure the air pollution around you. Act to make a difference in the air you and your family breathe.''
GreenPolicy360: Watch & listen carefully to Carl Sagan's one hour+ tour de force speechΒ 


[[File:Be a citizen scientist iNaturalist.png]]

:β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹

<big>'''Be a Citizen Scientist'''</big>
[[File:Piece of a Protoplanet.jpg]]

Assist NASA with the NeMO Earth Science Project

''Using techniques originally developed to look at the stars, a team of scientists at our Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley have developed a way to image corals in unprecedented detail. Now, the same team has launched a citizen science project, called NeMO-Net, to classify and assess the health of coral reefs across the globe.''

:β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹

Assist Local & Global Citizen Science Projects

<big>[[Citizen Science]]</big>
::::<big><big>'''[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]'''</big></big>


::[[File:Earth in Human Hands.jpg]]

::::<big><big>''''' "Going Green" '''''</big></big> [[File:Best Practices check sm.png]]

:<big><big>'''''[[Planet Citizens]]'''''</big></big>

::<big><big>'''''[[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]'''''</big></big>

[[File:Treehugger story - hug a tree and say thanks.jpg]]

SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: The realization of being a [ ''' 'planet citizen''''] hit in1968/69. The images, first-ever images of our whole Earth as seen from space, especially the Earthrise pictures sent from [ '''Apollo 8'''], our '''Earthrise''' seen by astronauts orbiting the moon, changed my and our generation's perspective forever. We, well many of us, were impacted in life-changing ways. Those of us who became serious would become ''' 'Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists', ''' although few of us knew how this change would become an [ '''environmental protection movement'''], but [ '''we went to work'''].

Teach-ins became a favorite of ours. Many of us had followed Mr. Wizard on TV, an educator of science for decades (and whom I would later have the honor of editing in NYC publishing as a new junior editor in the 1970s.) Science was a way to understand our environment and make a difference, and facts guided us. At that time, in the U.S. Congress, a first generation of science-minded leaders such as [ '''George E. Brown'''] were creating the initial foundations of earth science and atmospheric science. The EPA was created, the first clean air laws led to earth observation missions, such as Landsat, to study Earth and Earth's atmosphere. I was fortunate to know George E. Brown, and to be inspired by his work on the House of Representatives Science Committee. He became Chair of the newly named Science, Space & Technology Committee. As a trained engineer he would draft the first [ '''National Climate Act'''] and he explained to me that the data from the [ '''Earth Observation Science Research'''] missions he was proposing/shepherding would be needed to guide policies in the 1970/80/90s. He was right and the NASA/NOAA/USGS missions and all the university/private alliances that developed new methods of imaging/studying/reporting together changed the ways we see our world -- and how we can act better and faster the more we know. George Brown impressed on me that [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg '''measuring and monitoring'''] [ '''Earth's Life Systems'''] was key to acting and managing wisely. Climate change data from satellite missions, such as the current [ '''OCO-2 and OCO-3'''], deliver a continuation of this science and we, planet citizens and planet scientists, continue our work to make a difference, a positive difference everyday. Fifty+ years on now... Join in fellow planet citizen. Earth is in your hands.


[[File:CO2 photo.JPG]]

<big><big>'''''Planet Citizens in Action: [ "Green Best Practices"]'''''</big></big>


Thank you [ Planet Citizen] Rebecca Moore! Bioneer's vision join up with Earth Outreach, Google global mapping, planet science and community-to-community projects that make a positive difference.

:::[[File:Rebecca Google Outreach.jpg]]
::[[File:Acting on Climate Change.png]]

:: <big><u>'''[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]'''</u></big>

:: <big><u>'''[[Earth Science Vital Signs]]'''</u></big>

'''''Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio, Planet Citizen [ "Bioneer"], as you join with Planet and PlanetAPI'''''
:: <big><u>'''[[Planet Citizen Action]]'''</u></big>

:[ '''''Planet API''''']

:[ '''''Reefscape''''']
:: <big><big>'''Climate Action Solutions at Project Drawdown'''</big></big>

:[ '''''Satellite Doves to Aid Coral Conservation''''']

:''To gather a more comprehensive understanding of the condition of global reef ecosystems, we need a way to assess and monitor them on a large geographic scale.''

:''The Reefscape project aims to improve our understanding of the condition of coral reefs worldwide, while simultaneously developing spectral libraries needed to advance the development of a new satellite mission.''

:''New satellites, such as those from [ Planet (formerly Planet Labs)], are, as of 2017, able to capture near-daily imagery of coral reefs worldwide. Planet’s high-resolution imagery of reef locations provides new imaging, science and understanding of the composition and extent of shallow, horizontally oriented reefs.''

<big><big>[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]</big></big>


November 2021

::::[[File:Blue green lines 1.png]]

<big>'''''He spent almost 50 years alone at 10,000 feet. His hobby helped shape climate research in the Rockies'''''</big>

''An amateur scientist began logging snowfall to keep busy. Along the way, he became an unwitting chronicler of climate change in a region known as the water tower for the drying American West''

<big><big>'''Earth Observations with Perspective'''</big></big>

Begin with [ '''The 'Big Picture' ''']

''... and now nod to the small life forms, the small creatures, the [ "Tiny Little Ones".] so often unrecognized within the bountifulΒ  [ "Tree of Life"].''
''Via the Washington Post''

''Consider 'tiny blue-green' microscopic ocean life, rarely seen, studied, or appreciated.'' Β 
''GOTHIC, Colo. β€” As world leaders gathered across the globe this month to discuss a climate crisis that is rapidly heating the Earth, Billy Barr, 71, paused outside his mountainside cabin to measure snow... as he enters his 50th winter in Gothic, change has come, and not just in shorter snow seasons and higher temperatures... he doesn’t relish the frozen solitude so much anymore. He is, though, determined to keep gathering his data. He says he feels an obligation β€” to the records themselves, and the precise way he has kept them since the early ’70s... He’d always liked numbers; as a kid, he counted gas stations on family trips. That’s what inspired his records, not some grand scientific ambition. Over time, Barr found he liked comparing one year to others... After filling 10 notebooks with his records, Barr now organizes them in Excel and publishes them on his website. Researchers regularly ask him for data, he said, and he always obliges... In the numbers, he points out patterns. Nearly half the record low temperatures came in his first decade here, and more than half the record highs occurred in the last one. The years between 1974 and 2000 averaged 10 more days with snow on the ground than the years since. The number of consecutive days when temperatures stayed below freezing has plummeted.''

''β€œBack in the ’70s, there were winters where we had well over 100 days in a row where it didn’t get [above] freezing. Last winter, the most was nine,” Barr said. β€œIt doesn’t take much to break that β€” it could have been 200 days with one in between. But still, there’s a trend there.”''

* [ '''''How much of our Earth is covered by oceans - 71% - Visit NOAA for more information''''']
''Down the hill from Barr’s cabin and outside the lab is a new recognition of that: Eight white trailers forming the core of the Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL), a massive federally funded effort that relies on dozens of instruments measuring precipitation, wind, aerosols, clouds, radiation and more. Much of the equipment arrived in September after deployment on a ship in the Arctic, where it was part of an expedition documenting climate change.''

''It is in Gothic now because climate change in this spot has enormous implications but is not fully understood. Snowmelt here eventually flows to the Colorado River β€” a key and declining water source for 40 million people in the West.''

'''''The 'tiny, little blue-green ones' are essential to life on earth'''''
''The campaign builds on an existing study of the East River watershed headed by Ken Williams, a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientist who is co-leading SAIL. He chose to work here in part, he said, because the area’s diversity β€” in vegetation, elevation, geology β€” is representative of mountain watersheds across the West. The lab’s wealth of long-term observations were also a draw β€” including Barr’s, he said.''

''Did you know?''
''β€œIf you’re in the business of trying to understand how ecosystems function now and in the future, you have to have a long record of data against which to compare one year to the next...”''

''"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in [ "one of every five breaths we take".]''
:: ''~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle / National Geographic''

::[[File:Phyto the Green Machine.png]]


<small>FB post from GreenPolicy360's siterunner</small>

[[File:Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg]]

<big>'''''The "Tiny Little Ones", Plankton'''''</big>

:'''''Beginning points for "Ecosystems of the Sea"'''''
:[[File:Our Biggest Experiment - by Alice Bell.jpg]]

:''Nearly all marine plants are single-celled, photosynthetic plankton-algae''
: <small>*</small>

:''Single-celled organisms comprise larger organisms like kelp''

:<big><big><big>'''''[[Our Biggest Experiment]]'''''</big></big></big>

<big>'''''Kelp: "Forests of the Seas"'''''</big>
:::''by Alice Bell''

:[ '''''We Need Kelp, Seagrass, Plankton-as-Food and Lots of Blue-Green as the Beginning of the Marine Food Chain''''']
:::''Publication scheduled for September 2021''

:::''Traversing science, politics, and technology, Our Biggest Experiment shines a spotlight''

[[File:Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain m.jpg]]
::: ''on the little-known scientists who sounded the alarm to reveal the history behind the''

[[File:The little things that run the world.gif]]
::: ''defining story of our age: the climate crisis.''

<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

::<big><big>'''If the Earth Warms by 3 Degrees'''</big></big>

August 2020
:::'''Share the Trendlines, #ClimateCrisis'''

Shared by Katharine Hayhoe
::::'''Science Counts, Physics of Global Warming'''

Professor / Texas Tech

''Our enemies seem so tiny. One is a virus unleashed from the wilderness, likely by people with mouths to feed and spread by others with planes to catch.''

''The second enemy is a molecule of heat-trapping gas -- methane and CO2 -- unleashed by people with mouths to feed and planes to catch.''
::::[[File:Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360.jpg]]

''But rising body counts and shattered economies prove that some of the smallest ingredients found in nature can explode into global emergencies thanks to human nature.''
:::::[ '''GreenPolicy360: Facts. Good Science Needs Good Data''']

''In the wars against coronavirus and the climate crisis, '''we have met the enemy and the enemy is us.''' Such is is the sentiment of virologists and climate scientists alike as they point out how much the pandemic can teach us about the fight for the survival of life on Earth.''

Read more:

[[Green Quotes]]
[[File:Earth in Our Hands.png]] <big><big><big>Protecting Life on the Home Planet</big></big></big>

1. Science denial can be deadly
<big><big>Environmental Security, Global Security</big></big>

2. The search for a cure is global but your chances of survival are local

3. Individual behavior saves lives but can't fix the problem
β€’ <u>'''[[New Definitions of National Security]]'''</u>

4. Humanity is capable of fast, sweeping changes
β€’ <u>'''[[Earth and Space, Politics]]'''</u>

5. In the age of "threat multipliers," the health of your body depends on the health of the planet now more than ever

β€’ <u>'''[[Green Stories of the Day]]'''</u>

<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font> Β 
β€’ <u>'''[[Climate News]]'''</u>

<big>'''Soil, a Microbial World'''</big>

* [ Soil Biodiversity]
β€’ <u>'''[[Planet Citizens]]'''</u>

* [ Soil-Biology-Mapping]
β€’ <u>'''[[Citizen Science]]'''</u>

* [ Soil Loss/Depletion-Soil Conservation]
: [ Microbiomes at Risk]

<big><big>'''Our Earth Atmosphere: Essential for Life, Our Human Responsibility to Preserve and Protect'''</big></big>

<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

[[File:'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg]]

<big>'''Life Beyond What Catches the Eye'''</big>


<big><big><big>'''''"Thin Blue"'''''</big></big></big>

[[File:Tree of Life Explorer - Evogeneao.png]]
:[ ''''''''''] Β 

::[ ''''' ... Sustaining the Atmosphere's Protection''''']Β 


::::[ '''Tree of Life''']


[[File:Tree of Life video.png | link=]]

β€’ ''''
''To see our planet as this majestic blue ball floating in the blackness of space is breathtaking. It is truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen. When you see it for the first time it appears perfect. Bright and mostly blue, it's a literal island in our solar system. And make no mistake -- right now, we have no place else to go.''

β€’ ''''
''Too often, we forget that this remarkable and fragile place is our only home...''

''As an astronaut, I’m often asked about the climate, our environment, and how we are destroying the Earth. My response often surprises people. β€œDon’t worry about the planet, the Earth will be just fine,” I tell them. β€œWhat you need to worry about is us – all of us.”''

''This year has been an unequivocal disaster for the future of the planet...''

<big><big>'''''The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence 1.5 million genomes'''''</big></big>
-- Mark Kelly, NASA Astronaut

β€’ ''''

''β€œVariation is the fount of all genetic knowledge... The more variation you have the better β€” so why not sequence everything?”''

''The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence the genomes of the roughly 1.5 million known animal, plant, protozoan and fungal species β€” collectively known as eukaryotes β€” worldwide over the next decade. The initiative is estimated to cost US$4.7 billion, although only a small proportion of that money has been committed so far.''

''The project comprises more than a dozen existing sequencing projects that are focused on, for instance, specific branches of the tree of life β€” such as birds, insects and plants β€” or on the biodiversity in a particular country, such as the UK effort, officially called the Darwin Tree of Life Project.''
:[[File:Earth aurora views - International Space Station - January 23 2021.jpg]]

''β€œWe don’t need one genome project to rule them all,” says Lewin. Rather, the effort’s raison d’etre, he says, is to ensure that ongoing biodiversity sequencing efforts are standardized.''


:::::[[File:Earth System Observatory-1.jpg]]

::::[[File:You are here on the cladogenetic tree m.jpg]]

::::::::::<big><big><big>'''Earth System Observatory'''</big></big></big>


<big><font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font></big>

::::::::::<big>Earth Science Missions</big>

[ <font color=green> <big><big>'''''Floating Forests'''''</big></big></font>] Β 
:::::::::: [ '''Earth Science Research from Space''']

''We look at [ "floating ocean forests"] as we consider connections between oceans, atmosphere-oxygen-climate, food-chains and fisheries, science and sustainability policies...''
:::::::::: [ '''New Definitions of National Security''']

:::::::::: [ '''@Earth360''']

:::::[[File:Kelp NOAA credit Robert Schwemmer.jpg]] Β 
:::::::::: [ '''OCO-2 / OCO-3''']

:::::::::: [ '''Earth Right Now''']

<big>'''''Join in as a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist to keep the oceans healthy'''''</big>
:::::::::: [ '''Earth Science Vital Signs''']

''Take a look at the newly launched 'Floating Forest Project'''' -- ''''

''Here's the Invitation from the '''Floating Forest''' website:''

''Citizen scientists are recruited via the Internet and are given instructions in how to hunt for giant kelp via satellite imagery.''

''They (you) are then given Landsat images and asked to outline any giant kelp patches that they find.''
[ <font color=gray><big><big>'''''Top of the News @GreenPolicy360'''''</big></big></font>]

''Findings are crosschecked with those from other citizen scientists and then passed to the Floating Forest science team for verification.'' Β 
:[ <font color=amber><big>'''''Netflix's β€˜David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet’ Is The Most Important Documentary Of The Year'''''</big></font>]

''The size and location of these forests are catalogued and used to study global kelp trends.''

''As of January 11, 2015, more than 3,400 citizen scientists had joined up to look for kelp in 328,000 Landsat images...''
Via Forbes

''Attenborough is now 94, and throughout his long life, has watched the natural world wither before his eyes. He seems tired of keeping quiet about it.''

''The scale of the problem is so overwhelming, so gargantuan, that it can be difficult to absorb, and to communicate through a single documentary. But by framing environmental destruction through Attenborough’s eyes and unique career, A Life on Our Planet manages to humanize an issue that can often seem distant, and somewhat abstract.''

''GreenPolicy believes this is a planetary moment to '''jump, do it, sign up, help out!'''''
''Like the Lorax, who speaks for the trees, Attenborough attests to the fact that a significant amount of wildlife has been forever lost, painting a terrifying picture of a not-so-distant future in which humanity continues down the path of senseless self-destruction.'' Β 

'''''Put a toe in first, test the waters (the water's fine) -- it could be time to become a "planet citizen, planet scientist"'''''

[ ''Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat'']

[ ''Origin of Floating Forests Project'']


[[File:Santabarbarakelp oli 2013140.jpg | link=]]

''Landsat 8 detects near-infrared wavelengths of light to spot & monitor offshore kelp forests (NASA Earth Observatory image)''
:[ '''''Astronaut Mark Kelly With a Message to Planet Earth Citizens''''']


[[File:Floating Forests-Kelp -- Oceanlight.jpg]]

:[[File:When your house is on fire.jpg]]


<font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font> <font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

''"Kelp, made up of tiny blue-green organisms, are the world’s largest marine plants. They regularly grow up to 35 meters (115 feet) tall.''

[ ''We are dependent on marine algae for every breath we take.'']
[[File:Gistemp 1979-2019.png]]

''"Breathe in.Β  A conservative 70% of the life-sustaining oxygen in that breath came from marine algae.''Β 

''Marine algae; the plant-like material of our oceans that ranges in size from the [ phytoplankton], to the giant kelp species that provide habitat as ocean forests.''

''These organisms are also attempting to scrub away the devastating impacts of our fossil fuel addiction, photosynthesizing carbon dioxide into oxygen and serving as carbon sinks.''

''Life on earth simply could not survive without marine algae and this conclusion is valid even without considering their role as the basis of ocean food webs..."''
[[File:In the UK, US, time to choose the future.jpg]]


<big>[ '''Watch the Forests of the Sea''']</big>

Floating forest of kelp -

<big><big><big>'''''Do You Know What You’re Breathing?'''''</big></big></big>

<font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font> <font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>
'''Study, Judge, Act: the time for Citizen Action is Now'''Β 

'''''Help with the Kelp, Join in''''' -- '''''Be a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist'''''
<big><big>'''''Air Pollution Is Damaging in Our Health'''''</big></big>

[ ''Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat'']
* ''''

[ ''Origin of Floating Forests Project / 2014'']
* ''''


''Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the production on land, if not a bit more. Plants on land are easy to spot. Plants in the ocean are a bit more difficult to see..''
[ '''''#WorstAirQuality''''']

''There are more than 7,000 (so far identified) different species of algae. Most live in the oceans, but they also live in fresh water and even on land. Also, algae produce about 330 billion tons of oxygen each year.''

[ ''More on Algae -- an Algae database, as scientists are at a first-stage of identifying sea-life'']
[ '''''Air Quality Real-time Map''''']

[ '''''AirNow / International Air Quality''''']

''After a recent meeting on connections of kelp forests and climate change, researchers Byrnes, Cavanaugh, and other colleagues set out to consolidate all of the available kelp forest data from around the world. They wanted to take a step toward understanding how climate change is affecting kelp globally, but they quickly discovered they had a sparse patchwork of information.''
[ '''''World Air Quality Index / World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index''''']

''"Byrnes was struck with a thought. They had used Landsat to expand their studies across time, so why not use Landsat to expand their studies around the world? Could Landsat be used to establish global trends in kelp forest extent? The answer was yes, but the problem was eyeballs."''

''"Unlike research on terrestrial vegetation β€” which uses Landsat data and powerful computer processing arrays to make worldwide calculations β€” distinguishing kelp forests requires manual interpretation. While kelp forests pop out to the human eye in near-infrared imagery, computers looking at the data numerically can confuse kelp patches with land vegetation. Programs and coded logic that separate aquatic vegetation from land vegetation can be confounded by things like clouds, sunglint, and sea foam..."
[ <big>'''''Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)</big>''''']

''Byrnes and Cavanaugh put together a team and joined with '''Zooniverse''' that connects professional scientists with citizen scientists in order to help analyze large amounts of data. The result was the Floating Forests project.'' Β 
''Particulate air pollution is the single greatest threat to human health globally.''

* ''''

'''''"People-powered Research"'''''
* '''' Β 



<big><big>The Great Challenge: Air Pollution Impacts on Health from Childhood to Old Age</big></big>

90% of people breathe dirty air... 90% .... 90%+

===''GreenPolicy360 & Planet Citizens Watching over Our Home Planet''===
Millions of deaths every year due to Air Pollution

:* ''The '''Silencing Science Tracker''' is a database initiative that tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election.''
''Nearly 2 billion children – about 93 percent of the world’s children under the age of 15 – breathe toxic, putrid air that’s so polluted it puts their health and well-being at serious risk, according to [ a report by the World Health Organization.]'' Β 

:* ''The Climate Deregulation Tracker identifies steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The tracker is linked to a [ database of climate change regulations].''
''β€œPolluted air is poisoning millions of children and ruining their lives,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO. β€œThis is inexcusable. Every child should be able to breathe clean air so they can grow and fulfill their full potential.”''

''Air pollution can affect children's cognitive ability and can also trigger asthma as well as cancer. Children who have been exposed to high levels of air pollution may be at greater risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease later in life...''


[[File:Over the Pacific.png]]
''Act to measure the air pollution around you. Act to make a difference in the air you and your family breathe.''

<big><big><big>'''''It's All Related'''''</big></big></big>
[[File:Be a citizen scientist iNaturalist.png]]

* [ '''''Green Politics and Connections, a Relational Reality''''']

* [ '''''From Up Here It Is Surprisingly Obvious Our World Is One Connected System''''']

:[ <big><big><font color=green> '''''Earth360 POV'''''</font></big></big>]
<big>'''Be a Citizen Scientist'''</big>

Assist NASA with the NeMO Earth Science Project

[[File:Nov-8-2014 2-01-50 PM EST.jpg]]
''Using techniques originally developed to look at the stars, a team of scientists at our Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley have developed a way to image corals in unprecedented detail. Now, the same team has launched a citizen science project, called NeMO-Net, to classify and assess the health of coral reefs across the globe.''


Assist Local & Global Citizen Science Projects

<big>[[Citizen Science]]</big>

[ <big><big>'''Defending science as planet citizens'''</big></big>]

''"Planet Citizen" --- Planet Citizens --- Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists''

<big>''[[PlanetCitizen]] --- [[Planet Citizens]] --- [[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]''</big>


[[File:Treehugger story - hug a tree and say thanks.jpg]]

<big>'''''Digital Citizens, Connected, Sharing, Changing the Ways of Business and Government'''''</big>

[ '''''Green Policy-Facebook''''']

[ '''''Digital Rights/OpenData OpenGov''''']

[ '''''GreenLinks -- Linking to Green Best Practices''''']

<big>'''''Network Earth, Planet Citizens Connected by a Global Internet'''''</big>
<big><big>'''''Planet Citizens in Action: [ "Green Best Practices"]'''''</big></big>

The growth of the Internet and world-wide web is connecting and 'powering up' #PlanetCitizens globally.

* [ ''#DigitalRights'']
Thank you [ Planet Citizen] Rebecca Moore! Bioneer's vision join up with Earth Outreach, Google global mapping, planet science and community-to-community projects that make a positive difference.

GreenPolicy360 ... connecting, educating, empowering planet citizens locally and globally
:::[[File:Rebecca Google Outreach.jpg]]


[[New Economy Movement]]

'''''Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio, Planet Citizen [ "Bioneer"], as you join with Planet and PlanetAPI'''''

[[Digital Citizen]]
:[ '''''Planet API''''']

[[Digital Rights]]
:[ '''''Reefscape''''']

:[ '''''Satellite Doves to Aid Coral Conservation''''']

:::[[File:Internet Trends 2018 Kleiner-Perkins by Mary Meeker.png|link=]]

:''To gather a more comprehensive understanding of the condition of global reef ecosystems, we need a way to assess and monitor them on a large geographic scale.''

:''The Reefscape project aims to improve our understanding of the condition of coral reefs worldwide, while simultaneously developing spectral libraries needed to advance the development of a new satellite mission.''

<big>'''''Networking Green Best Practices at GreenPolicy360'''''</big>
:''New satellites, such as those from [ Planet (formerly Planet Labs)], are, as of 2017, able to capture near-daily imagery of coral reefs worldwide. Planet’s high-resolution imagery of reef locations provides new imaging, science and understanding of the composition and extent of shallow, horizontally oriented reefs.''

* [ '''''You can manage only what you can measure''''']

::::[[File:Blue green lines 1.png]]

[[File:You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg]]

<big><big>'''Earth Observations with Perspective'''</big></big>

* [ '''''Earth Science, Vital Signs''''']
Begin with [ '''The 'Big Picture' ''']

* [ '''''Earth Right Now''''']
''... and now nod to the small life forms, the small creatures, the [ "Tiny Little Ones".] so often unrecognized within the bountifulΒ  [ "Tree of Life"].''

* [ '''''Earth360''''']
''Consider 'tiny blue-green' microscopic ocean life, rarely seen, studied, or appreciated.'' Β 

* [ '''''Hello Earth''''']

* [ '''''Earth Observations''''']
* [ '''''How much of our Earth is covered by oceans - 71% - Visit NOAA for more information''''']

* [ '''''"Blue Marble" Collection''''']
'''''The 'tiny, little blue-green ones' are essential to life on earth'''''

''Did you know?''

* [ '''''ECO Operating System, Parts 1, 2 & 3'''''] β—‹ [] β—‹ [] β—‹ []
''"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in [ "one of every five breaths we take".]''
:: ''~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle / National Geographic''

* [ '''''The beginning of the modern US environmental era, foundation of forward-looking law''''']

* [ '''''Green Policy - New Definitions of National & Global Security''''']
::[[File:Phyto the Green Machine.png]]

* [ '''''EV Corridors - Electric and Zero Emission Vehicles''''']

* [ '''''Virtual Earth''''']
:* [ '''''Google Earth Outreach''''']
:* [ '''''About Rebecca, Turning a Vision into Reality''''']

<big>'''''The "Tiny Little Ones", Plankton'''''</big>

:'''''Beginning points for "Ecosystems of the Sea"'''''

:''Nearly all marine plants are single-celled, photosynthetic plankton-algae''

:''Single-celled organisms comprise larger organisms like kelp''

* [ '''''Look At How Thin Our Atmosphere Is''''']
<big>'''''Kelp: "Forests of the Seas"'''''</big>

* [ '''''Thin Blue Layer --'''''] Β 
:[ '''''We Need Kelp, Seagrass, Plankton-as-Food and Lots of Blue-Green as the Beginning of the Marine Food Chain'''''] Β 

* [ '''''StratDem - The "Thin Blue Layer" Atmosphere That Protects''''']

* [ '''''Around a 12 minute drive up at 60 MPH''''']
[[File:Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain m.jpg]]

[[File:The little things that run the world.gif]]

* [ '''''Earth Science Research from Space''''']
<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

* [ '''''The OCO-2 Mission: History-making''''']

August 2020

* [ '''''New Space: Earth Science''''']
Shared by Katharine Hayhoe

* [ '''''Micro-satellites - "New Space": Low-cost Earth Imaging''''']
Professor / Texas Tech

* [ '''''Planet Labs Doves Fly''''']
''Our enemies seem so tiny. One is a virus unleashed from the wilderness, likely by people with mouths to feed and spread by others with planes to catch.''

''The second enemy is a molecule of heat-trapping gas -- methane and CO2 -- unleashed by people with mouths to feed and planes to catch.''

''But rising body counts and shattered economies prove that some of the smallest ingredients found in nature can explode into global emergencies thanks to human nature.''

* [ '''''Earth Imaging''''']
''In the wars against coronavirus and the climate crisis, '''we have met the enemy and the enemy is us.''' Such is is the sentiment of virologists and climate scientists alike as they point out how much the pandemic can teach us about the fight for the survival of life on Earth.''

* [ '''''Earth Science''''']
Read more:

:[ '''''A First Open-Access Planet API''''']
[[Green Quotes]]

[[File:PlanetLabs homepage2016.png]]
1. Science denial can be deadly

2. The search for a cure is global but your chances of survival are local

3. Individual behavior saves lives but can't fix the problem

* [ '''''Democratization of Space''''']
4. Humanity is capable of fast, sweeping changes

* [ '''''Earth Imaging''''']
5. In the age of "threat multipliers," the health of your body depends on the health of the planet now more than ever

* [ '''''California Out in Front in a Green Future''''']

<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

* [ '''''Sustainability Policies, Triple Bottom Line''''']

* [ '''''Natural Capital''''']
<big>'''Soil, a Microbial World'''</big>

* [ '''''Environmental Full-Cost Accounting''''']
* [ Soil Biodiversity]

* [ '''''Extinction - Loss of Diversity''''']
* [ Soil-Biology-Mapping]

* [ Soil Loss/Depletion-Soil Conservation]
: [ Microbiomes at Risk]

* [ '''''Climate Policy''''']

* [ '''''Anthropocene, i.e., Humanity @Work''''']
<font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>

* [ '''''Alternative Agriculture''''']
<big>'''Life Beyond What Catches the Eye'''</big>

* [ '''''Microbiomes at Risk''''']

* [ '''''Microbiomes of the Oceans''''']

[[File:Tree of Life Explorer - Evogeneao.png]]

* [ '''''GreenLinks - Green Networking with GreenPolicy360''''']

* [ '''''Green Networking / Digital Rights-Open Data Movement''''']

::::[ '''Tree of Life''']


β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹

[[File:Tree of Life video.png | link=]]

:: [[File:Environmental Justice and Environmental Law.jpg]]
β€’ ''''

β€’ ''''

<big>'''Witness to an Environmental Movement, 1960s to the 2020s, a Generational Challenge'''</big>


<big><big>'''''The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence 1.5 million genomes'''''</big></big>

β€’ ''''
''β€œVariation is the fount of all genetic knowledge... The more variation you have the better β€” so why not sequence everything?”''
''The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence the genomes of the roughly 1.5 million known animal, plant, protozoan and fungal species β€” collectively known as eukaryotes β€” worldwide over the next decade. The initiative is estimated to cost US$4.7 billion, although only a small proportion of that money has been committed so far.''
''The project comprises more than a dozen existing sequencing projects that are focused on, for instance, specific branches of the tree of life β€” such as birds, insects and plants β€” or on the biodiversity in a particular country, such as the UK effort, officially called the Darwin Tree of Life Project.''
::[ '''''Planet Citizen'''''] / '''''#PlanetCitizen''''' / [ '''''Planet Citizens'''''] '''''#PlanetCitizens''''' Β 
''β€œWe don’t need one genome project to rule them all,” says Lewin. Rather, the effort’s raison d’etre, he says, is to ensure that ongoing biodiversity sequencing efforts are standardized.''
:::[ ''''''''''] / [ '''''#Earth360'''''] / [ '''''#EarthObservations'''''] / [ '''''#EarthMapping''''']
Β  Β 
:: [[File:ThinBlueLayer - March 10 2017.jpg]]
::::[[File:You are here on the cladogenetic tree m.jpg]]
<big><font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font></big>
[ <font color=green> <big><big>'''''Floating Forests'''''</big></big></font>]
''We look at [ "floating ocean forests"] as we consider connections between oceans, atmosphere-oxygen-climate, food-chains and fisheries, science and sustainability policies...''
:::::[[File:Kelp NOAA credit Robert Schwemmer.jpg]]
<big>'''''Join in as a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist to keep the oceans healthy'''''</big>
''Take a look at the newly launched 'Floating Forest Project'''' -- ''''
''Here's the Invitation from the '''Floating Forest''' website:''
''Citizen scientists are recruited via the Internet and are given instructions in how to hunt for giant kelp via satellite imagery.''
''They (you) are then given Landsat images and asked to outline any giant kelp patches that they find.''
''Findings are crosschecked with those from other citizen scientists and then passed to the Floating Forest science team for verification.''
''The size and location of these forests are catalogued and used to study global kelp trends.''
''As of January 11, 2015, more than 3,400 citizen scientists had joined up to look for kelp in 328,000 Landsat images...''
''GreenPolicy believes this is a planetary moment to '''jump, do it, sign up, help out!'''''
'''''Put a toe in first, test the waters (the water's fine) -- it could be time to become a "planet citizen, planet scientist"'''''
[ ''Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat'']
[ ''Origin of Floating Forests Project'']
[[File:Santabarbarakelp oli 2013140.jpg | link=]]
''Landsat 8 detects near-infrared wavelengths of light to spot & monitor offshore kelp forests (NASA Earth Observatory image)''
[[File:Floating Forests-Kelp -- Oceanlight.jpg]]
<font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font> <font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>
''"Kelp, made up of tiny blue-green organisms, are the world’s largest marine plants. They regularly grow up to 35 meters (115 feet) tall.''
[ ''We are dependent on marine algae for every breath we take.'']
''"Breathe in.Β  A conservative 70% of the life-sustaining oxygen in that breath came from marine algae.''Β 
''Marine algae; the plant-like material of our oceans that ranges in size from the [ phytoplankton], to the giant kelp species that provide habitat as ocean forests.''
''These organisms are also attempting to scrub away the devastating impacts of our fossil fuel addiction, photosynthesizing carbon dioxide into oxygen and serving as carbon sinks.''
''Life on earth simply could not survive without marine algae and this conclusion is valid even without considering their role as the basis of ocean food webs..."''
<big>[ '''Watch the Forests of the Sea''']</big>
Floating forest of kelp -
<font color=blue>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font> <font color=green>β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹</font>
'''''Help with the Kelp, Join in''''' -- '''''Be a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist'''''
[ ''Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat'']
[ ''Origin of Floating Forests Project / 2014'']
''Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the production on land, if not a bit more. Plants on land are easy to spot. Plants in the ocean are a bit more difficult to see..''
''There are more than 7,000 (so far identified) different species of algae. Most live in the oceans, but they also live in fresh water and even on land. Also, algae produce about 330 billion tons of oxygen each year.''
[ ''More on Algae -- an Algae database, as scientists are at a first-stage of identifying sea-life'']
''After a recent meeting on connections of kelp forests and climate change, researchers Byrnes, Cavanaugh, and other colleagues set out to consolidate all of the available kelp forest data from around the world. They wanted to take a step toward understanding how climate change is affecting kelp globally, but they quickly discovered they had a sparse patchwork of information.''
''"Byrnes was struck with a thought. They had used Landsat to expand their studies across time, so why not use Landsat to expand their studies around the world? Could Landsat be used to establish global trends in kelp forest extent? The answer was yes, but the problem was eyeballs."''
''"Unlike research on terrestrial vegetation β€” which uses Landsat data and powerful computer processing arrays to make worldwide calculations β€” distinguishing kelp forests requires manual interpretation. While kelp forests pop out to the human eye in near-infrared imagery, computers looking at the data numerically can confuse kelp patches with land vegetation. Programs and coded logic that separate aquatic vegetation from land vegetation can be confounded by things like clouds, sunglint, and sea foam..."
''Byrnes and Cavanaugh put together a team and joined with '''Zooniverse''' that connects professional scientists with citizen scientists in order to help analyze large amounts of data. The result was the Floating Forests project.''
'''''"People-powered Research"'''''
===''GreenPolicy360 & Planet Citizens Watching over Our Home Planet''===
:* ''The '''Silencing Science Tracker''' is a database initiative that tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election.''
:* ''The Climate Deregulation Tracker identifies steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The tracker is linked to a [ database of climate change regulations].''
[[File:Over the Pacific.png]]
<big><big><big>'''''It's All Related'''''</big></big></big>
* [ '''''Green Politics and Connections, a Relational Reality''''']
* [ '''''From Up Here It Is Surprisingly Obvious Our World Is One Connected System''''']
:[ <big><big><font color=green> '''''Earth360 POV'''''</font></big></big>]
[[File:Nov-8-2014 2-01-50 PM EST.jpg]]
[ <big><big>'''Defending science as planet citizens'''</big></big>]
''"Planet Citizen" --- Planet Citizens --- Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists''
<big>''[[PlanetCitizen]] --- [[Planet Citizens]] --- [[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]''</big>
Remembering a Planet Citizen icon, a model for Planet Citizens, a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist for all time
'Spaceship Earth', Buckminster Fuller helped '''[[Generation Green]]''' see our roles in the Big Picture, camera, light, sound, action, and away we went setting our plans and navigating into the future.
''β€˜Bucky made the analogy that a trim tab is an example of how the individual is connected to society and how we affect society. And I like to think of myself as a trim tab. All of us are trim tabs. We might seem like we’re not up to the task, but we are, man. We’re alive! We can make a difference! We can turn this ship in the way we wanna go, man!’ ''
The time has come.
''You must be the change you wish to see in the world.''
[[File:Bucky Trimtab.jpg]]
[ <big>'''Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement'''</big>]
:<small><small>* </small></small>
<big>'''A First [[Earth Day]]'''</big>
: Being there (with a tip of the Green hat to Robert w his camera, Mike Schaaf from the Row, and Denny, and Dave Druker, and Jen from Long Beach, Anthropologist 'Number Our Days' Barb Myerhoff, and Love Doc Leo B., and Lisa, Diane, Aaron, Glenn the Buddhist, College Bowl Rich, Happy the genius, all of our peace now, going green team
::Youth-energy eco 'Teach-ins' and events across the nation
April 22, 1970
::: *
::: *
SJS/Siterunner: I would later, after many years, begin to see our work as a picture of the early years of a '''[[Generation Green]]'''.
: *
We were looking to protect our Living Earth.
[[File:Living Earth.png]]
[ <big><big>'''Act Now to Protect Our Future''']</big></big>
[ '''"Vita contemplativa to Vita activa"''']
[[File:Goodall on the power of the young.png]]
[[File:GP360 tagcloud2.png|link=,_Politics]]
<big>'''''Planet Citizens, Connected, Sharing, Changing the Ways of Business and Government'''''</big>
[ '''''Green Policy-Facebook''''']
[ '''''Digital Rights/OpenData OpenGov''''']
[ '''''GreenLinks -- Linking to Green Best Practices''''']
<big>'''''Network Earth, Planet Citizens Connected by a Global Internet'''''</big>
The growth of the Internet and world-wide web is connecting and 'powering up' #PlanetCitizens globally.
* [ ''#DigitalRights'']
GreenPolicy360 ... connecting, educating, empowering planet citizens locally and globally
[[New Economy Movement]]
[[Digital Citizen]]
[[Digital Rights]]
:::[[File:Internet Trends 2018 Kleiner-Perkins by Mary Meeker.png|link=]]
<big>'''''Networking Green Best Practices at GreenPolicy360'''''</big>
* [ '''''You can manage only what you can measure''''']
[[File:You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg]]
* [ '''''Earth Science, Vital Signs''''']
* [ '''''Earth Right Now''''']
* [ '''''Earth360''''']
* [ '''''Hello Earth''''']
* [ '''''Earth Observations''''']
* [ '''''"Blue Marble" Collection''''']
* [ '''''ECO Operating System, Parts 1, 2 & 3'''''] β—‹ [] β—‹ [] β—‹ []
* [ '''''The beginning of the modern US environmental era, foundation of forward-looking law''''']
* [ '''''Green Policy - New Definitions of National & Global Security''''']
* [ '''''EV Corridors - Electric and Zero Emission Vehicles''''']
* [ '''''Virtual Earth''''']
:* [ '''''Google Earth Outreach''''']
:* [ '''''About Rebecca, Turning a Vision into Reality''''']
* [ '''''Look At How Thin Our Atmosphere Is''''']
* [ '''''Thin Blue Layer --''''']
* [ '''''StratDem - The "Thin Blue Layer" Atmosphere That Protects''''']
* [ '''''Around a 12 minute drive up at 60 MPH''''']
* [ '''''Earth Science Research from Space''''']
* [ '''''The OCO-2 Mission: History-making''''']
* [ '''''New Space: Earth Science''''']
* [ '''''Micro-satellites - "New Space": Low-cost Earth Imaging''''']
* [ '''''Planet Labs Doves Fly''''']
* [ '''''Earth Imaging''''']
* [ '''''Earth Science''''']
:[ '''''A First Open-Access Planet API''''']
[[File:PlanetLabs homepage2016.png]]
* [ '''''Democratization of Space''''']
* [ '''''Earth Imaging''''']
* [ '''''California Out in Front in a Green Future''''']
* [ '''''Sustainability Policies, Triple Bottom Line''''']
* [ '''''Natural Capital''''']
* [ '''''Environmental Full-Cost Accounting''''']
* [ '''''Extinction - Loss of Diversity''''']
* [ '''''Climate Policy''''']
* [ '''''Anthropocene, i.e., Humanity @Work''''']
* [ '''''Alternative Agriculture''''']
* [ '''''Microbiomes at Risk''''']
* [ '''''Microbiomes of the Oceans''''']
* [ '''''GreenLinks - Green Networking with GreenPolicy360''''']
* [ '''''Green Networking / Digital Rights-Open Data Movement''''']
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:: [[File:Environmental Justice and Environmental Law.jpg]]
<big>'''Witness to an Environmental Movement, 1960s to the 2020s, a Generational Challenge'''</big>
::[ '''''Planet Citizen'''''] / '''''#PlanetCitizen''''' / [ '''''Planet Citizens'''''] '''''#PlanetCitizens''''' Β 
:::[ ''''''''''] / [ '''''#Earth360'''''] / [ '''''#EarthObservations'''''] / [ '''''#EarthMapping''''']
Β  Β 
:: [[File:ThinBlueLayer - March 10 2017.jpg]]
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<big><big>'''''Rachel Carson, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist'''''</big></big>
::::''"The branch of science that deals with these interrelations is 'Ecology'."''
:::<big>'''''[[It's All Related]]'''''</big>
[[File:Rachel Carson ecology - ecosystem.png]]
:::[[File:RACHEL CARSON - 1949.jpg]]

:::We are voyagers

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:::[[File:Pale Blue Dot.jpg]]

<big><big>'''''Rachel Carson, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist'''''</big></big>
:::There, a [[Pale blue dot]], our Home Planet


::::''"The branch of science that deals with these interrelations is 'Ecology'."''

:::<big>'''''[[It's All Related]]'''''</big>
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Latest revision as of 18:20, 19 July 2024


Living Earth.png
Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth

Green Networking

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources

Generation Green
Going Green
Greening Our Blue Planet


Planet Citizen Action
'Earthrise' ... Whole Earth Beginnings of a Modern Environmental Movement


Earthrise | December 1968


Celebrating the First 'Earth Day'

April 22nd, 1970

SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: On the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, a beginning of green ideals and ideas emerged in a serious way... Today Earth Day continues on as a movement and a political cause. Now we are a diverse mix, across the globe, employing the Internet with many voices, colors, ages, especially young people joining in. We continue on year after year, decade after decade.... We are strongly confronting and working to solve our generation's existential challenges. Reaching across our home planet, touching and interacting with planet citizens, looking to share solutions to pressing problems and challenges.

Golden Spiral from M.png

Environmentalism took on new forms and shapes with ideas that became a legal platform, a first generation of environmental laws that would go worldwide. A new "counterculture" with youthful vision and organizing added their voices and stood up to create the beginnings of a global environmental movement.

Earth Day Is Every Day ... and Every Day Is Earth Day

With a goal of protecting life, a new environmental movement began to grow, a "Whole Earth" vision seen for the first time from space in 1968 with the iconic Apollo 8 Earthrise image and a very real 'sense' of our common responsibility for the future of the planet. Students were 'first-movers' who spoke of the existential threat of nuclear war and environmental disaster, and need to 'become' far-reaching with a new vision. Realizations grew internationally that we had created weapons capable of ending humanity and most all life of earth -- and we needed to change this nuclear doomsday threat. Protests and 'teach ins', led by students, and drawing in politicians, communities, media, news with pamphlets, books, music, art and demonstrations crossed continents with new symbols, peace symbols, environmental and eco-awareness.

The threads of teach-ins led directly to and the first Earth Day in 1970 as students expanded counterculture with action. Across the U.S., a first Earth Day of teach-ins began as a student-initiated movement on college campuses including your siterunner's college where we proposed an environment and peace action day to Senator Nelson, who we met as we organized the national Moratorium and who worked with us to make an Earth Day a national political event. At the University of Southern California, our student peace activists continued 1969's anti-war moratorium sharing a positive vision of what was needed -- environmental protection, economic and social justice, new priorities added to the nation's agenda. The work spread quickly. Earth Day's teach-ins reached out to students globally. A worldwide environmental movement became a real and growing political force...

Goodall on the power of the young.png

"I am convinced that the same concern the youth of this nation took in changing this nation's priorities on the war in Vietnam and on civil rights can be shown for the problems of the environment. Successful teach-ins on all campuses on the same day will have a dramatic impact on the environmental conscience of the nation. They will be immensely effective as an educational effort in arousing public opinion..."



Recalling the World's First National Climate Act & Program (1978)

Decades later, most every nation of the world has announced, as of 2015, their respective cooperative national climate plan...

Nation-by-nation, community-by-community...

National Climate Plans


National Climate Plans need to be engineered and then enforced. We have ideas how to get the job going and speed it up... h/t to George... we're working it...

Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources - GreenPolicy.png



Moving on Climate Action: GreenPolicy360

GRN360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative

Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges

Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now

Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions

Green Networking

Green Networking



Planet API

Earth Right Now

"EOS", an Earth Observing System going back to the beginnings of Earth Science Research from Space

GreenPolicy360 looks at visionaries who set in motion first-of-its-type digital, multispectral imaging of Planet Earth

Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png




Environmental Studies Online

Remember, facts count... Measure to Manage

Fact Checking

Earth and Space, Politics
Stats - Green Research & Science



Get Semantic, Go Scientific

Semantic Scholar Publishers.png

Get Smart, Scholarly

Go Searching

Astrophysics Data System /

(A 21st Century AI/Machine Learning Case Study)

Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools

Climate Modeling

Planetary-scale Earth simulations known as global climate model projections are the primary sources of information on future climate change.

Climate models are based on mathematical equations represented using a grid mesh that covers the globe: a finer grid mesh is more accurate but much more computationally expensive. Current global climate projections agree that a world with more greenhouse gases will be warmer everywhere, especially over land and at high latitudes.

NOAA scientists harness machine learning to advance climate models

March 1st, 2023

How artificial intelligence is fast becoming a key tool for climate science (2021)


GreenPolicy360: We're Into Earth Science

We believe in 'critical thinking skills'


The Home Planet Sends a Space Observation Platform Up to Reveal the Universe

The Webb Telescope Records and Returns to Earth Spectrums of Light 'from the Heavens'

Webb 1.jpeg


History-Making Space Telescope's First Images | July 12, 2022 πŸ™Œ

James Webb Space Telescope

View the spectacular images, and participate in this historic event to #UnfoldTheUniverse

Watch for news on life on 'exoplanets' .... #PlanetScientists want to know the secrets of the universe

"It's an emotional moment when you see nature suddenly releasing some of its secrets. It's not an image. It's a new worldview."

-- Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science missions


Aurora Green 2022.png

Planet Citizen | Planet Citizens

Citizen of the planet girl.jpg

Nearly Every Country Signs On to a Sweeping Deal to Protect Nature.png

Environmental Studies Online

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions


Environmental Laws & Climate Change Litigation/Lawsuits Around the World

Acting to Enforce Nation Climate Plan Promises


Don Herbert, "Mr. Wizard", Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", and George E. Brown, Congressional Representative and Mr. "Big Science"

Recalling three who changed the world
-- By GreenPolicy360's Siterunner / Steven Schmidt

Today I'm remembering editing science book experiments of "Mr. Wizard", Don Herbert, and deeply appreciating Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", and becoming a friend and colleague of Mr. "Big Science", Rep. George E. Brown

--- Mr. Wizard inspired a generation of kids with the fascinating, in-your-home lessons of science

--- Bill says his career, so full of science that lights up minds, follows the example of his favorite "TV teacher"

--- and George Brown, GreenPolicy360 fave politico, became known for "Big Science", Earth science from the 60s to the 90s

What a cast of characters for our GreenPolicy "Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists" story.

Watch Don was like 'black and white', three channels or so, lots of flickering from iffy reception from 'rabbit ear' antennas, but there he was, in a kitchen that looked like our home kitchen. Wait, he's opening the refrigerator, what's in there. Oh, hmmm. And so begins the week's science experiment, leading to a theory involving physics. I'm shaking my head, and whispering "wow" as the lesson come into view.

And now, these days, watching Bill Nye The Science Guy in full-color, big screen, with multi-channel sound, is like watching a torch being passed forward.

A light, a love of science I know about, first-hand.

Many years ago I was fortunate to edit Don Herbert, who was Mr. Wizard on NBC then Nickelodeon. I was a young editor in NYC and Don as Mr. Wizard, and master teacher, taught me about science as we did our books. His "hands-on" Book-Labs were designed to inspire kids, to take what was in young student everyday lives and to show them, scientifically, how observations and facts can bring understanding of scientific truths, theories and the "Big Picture".

And speaking of the "Big Picture", there are many flashbacks to the Big Picture and Big Science these days ...

What a world!

Mr Wizard - Don Herbert.png


Bill Nye explains.jpg


Remembering a Mentor, Friend, and Colleague, Representative George E. Brown

A 30+ Year 'Big Picture', 'Big Science' Journey....

Rep. George E Brown and a young student remembering.png

George E. Brown and the National Space Society

Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement


A First Earth Day

Being there with George's assist, organizing
Youth-energy eco 'Teach-ins' and events across the nation

Generation Green


Dark sky by Jack Fusco.jpg Photo credit: Jack Fusco


December 2021

Climate Pledges Must Be Enforced

How to turn each nation's climate pledges into 'effective climate action'

Promises of international climate summits in Paris (2015) & Glasgow (2021) now require 'effective climate action follow on'
Measuring & monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with satellite missions can become -- 'Our climate tool working nation-by-nation'

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner - SJS / December 2021: Looking back to the 1960s and 70s to the beginnings of the Earth Science from Space missions of NASA and affiliated U.S. agencies, in association with higher education and aerospace business, the vision statements of Congressional leaders, recalling Rep. George E. Brown (D-Los Angeles), setting in motion the measuring and monitoring programs that have led to decades of atmospheric and earth systems data. This constellation of new space technology -- digital imaging, Earth 360Β° remote viewing, scientific observations, changes over time, trend lines, all can come into our hands. 'Drilling down', not for gas and oil, but in the parsing of data, now has the promise to provide essential ways and means to deliver a real- and extended-time knowledge base which can be used, effectively and we propose legally, to deliver on pledges and promises made at international climate change conferences and summits.

Let us do our part in continuing to expand this first-generation earth science vision -- space-based cooperative missions, initiatives and ventures -- that makes it possible to turn database tracking of emissions (externalities) -- CO2, methane, CFCs and other gases -- nation-by-nation into Climate Plan Enforcement (CPEs).

It is time to move from distant pledges to coordinated nation-by-nation climate action. Using best practices, effective nationally determined, and legally enforced operational plans, we can become agents of change making a positive real-world difference. As it is said -- "Earth Is In Our Hands", let us turn science and knowledge into climate action now.

The strategic demands for international cooperation and action is our generations greatest task and our legacy. Let us take up our climate challenge. Our time is today to enforce well intended, but extremely hard to achieve climate pledges.


Planet Citizens

Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy.jpg

December 27, 2021

Remembering E.O. Wilson and Thomas Lovejoy

We celebrate today the lives of two great ecologists: E.O. Wilson, who passed away on December 26 at the age of 92, and Tom Lovejoy, who passed away onDecember 25 at the age of 80. Each made extraordinary contributions to the field of bio-diversity and to the greater public dialog about humans and nature...

E.O. Wilson discovered hundreds of new species by putting his hands in the dirt as a field biologist, synthesized evolving thinking in science and coined new terms, such as biodiversity and biophilia, to explain it. Of his many accomplishments in evolutionary biology, his biggest contribution was probably in the new scientific field of sociobiology, in which he addressed the biological basis of social behavior in animals, including humans.

E.O. Wilson: His 2006 book "The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth," a series of letters written to an imaginary Baptist preacher in pursuit of an ecological alliance to save the Earth.

E.O. Wilson: Naturalist dubbed a modern-day Darwin, dies at 92

Protect Life, Preserve Biodiversity, Prevent Extinction

E.O. Wilson: The 8 Million++ Species We Don’t Know


Tom Lovejoy, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Passes Away

Tom Lovejoy Planet Citizen.png

Tom Lovejoy on Biological Diversity.png

Known as the β€œGodfather of Biodiversity,” Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy is a world-renowned champion for global conservation efforts and conservation biology research grounded in sound science. He is credited with having brought the global tropical deforestation problem to the fore as a public issue, and was the first person to use the term β€œbiological diversity” in 1980 (along with Edward O. Wilson).

Tom and Ed, Pioneering Conservation Biology

Thomas Lovejoy and Edward O. Wilson

The two scientists first met in the mid-nineteen-seventies. At that point, Wilson was in his mid-forties, and teaching biology at Harvard. Lovejoy, a dozen years younger, was working for the World Wildlife Fund. Over lunch, they got to talking about where the W.W.F. should focus its efforts. They agreed that it should be in the tropics, because the tropics are where most species actually live. There wasn’t a good term for what they were trying to preserve, so they tossed one aroundβ€”β€œbiological diversity”—and put it into circulation. β€œPeople just started using it,” Lovejoy recalled, in an interview in 2015. (Later, the phrase would be shortened to β€œbiodiversity.”)

Anthropocene Project-3a.png

All species day with homo sapien in Santa Fe .jpg

Environmental Studies Online

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:

Today I am recalling pioneering science 'up above' with Don Perry

Biological diversity in unequaled abundance: Ascending to study 'Life Above the Jungle Floor'

Richness of life within the rainforest's jungle canopy web: Beginnings of rainforest canopy science in the 1970s and 80s

Rainforest Canopy Don Perry

The Rainforest Canopy, the Richest Biosphere on Earth.png


The Climate Desk Network

  • Visit the climate stories tracking the existential challenge of our generation

Climate Desk.jpg


An Independent Press, Critical to Democracy


GreenPolicy360 Focuses on Facts, Science, Reasoned Argument & Judgment

Our founder/siterunner speaks of "the 3 Ds of Democracy: Discussion, Debate and Decision-making... the foundation of a sound, thriving Democracy"

Visit the website:

Fact-Checking, 'Facts Count'

Data, Intelligence, Science

GreenPolicy360 & Science

Climate Denial / Misinformation


Biodiversity, Protecting Life


To the Visionaries, to the Scientists

Those Delivering Earth's Message to Planet Citizens

"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring."

-- Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Our Planet and Earth Science

Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png


On the Threats: In 1990 Carl Sagan Explains

Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png

Carl Sagan talks about the 'big picture', about life, about threats to life, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, global warming... across national boundaries.

In 1990, at an Emerging Issues Forum, Carl Sagan explains why we must be aware and act now to protect life on Earth.

Solving the serious emerging problem of climate change requires 'trans national' cooperation to realize and confront the coming climate crisis.

Look at how thin our atmosphere is | The Commons | Earth Right Now

Planet Citizens | Green Stories of the Day | Climate News

GreenPolicy360: Watch & listen carefully to Carl Sagan's one hour+ tour de force speech

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Greening Our Blue Planet

Earth in Human Hands.jpg
"Going Green" Best Practices check sm.png

Planet Citizens
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: The realization of being a 'planet citizen' hit in1968/69. The images, first-ever images of our whole Earth as seen from space, especially the Earthrise pictures sent from Apollo 8, our Earthrise seen by astronauts orbiting the moon, changed my and our generation's perspective forever. We, well many of us, were impacted in life-changing ways. Those of us who became serious would become 'Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists', although few of us knew how this change would become an environmental protection movement, but we went to work.

Teach-ins became a favorite of ours. Many of us had followed Mr. Wizard on TV, an educator of science for decades (and whom I would later have the honor of editing in NYC publishing as a new junior editor in the 1970s.) Science was a way to understand our environment and make a difference, and facts guided us. At that time, in the U.S. Congress, a first generation of science-minded leaders such as George E. Brown were creating the initial foundations of earth science and atmospheric science. The EPA was created, the first clean air laws led to earth observation missions, such as Landsat, to study Earth and Earth's atmosphere. I was fortunate to know George E. Brown, and to be inspired by his work on the House of Representatives Science Committee. He became Chair of the newly named Science, Space & Technology Committee. As a trained engineer he would draft the first National Climate Act and he explained to me that the data from the Earth Observation Science Research missions he was proposing/shepherding would be needed to guide policies in the 1970/80/90s. He was right and the NASA/NOAA/USGS missions and all the university/private alliances that developed new methods of imaging/studying/reporting together changed the ways we see our world -- and how we can act better and faster the more we know. George Brown impressed on me that measuring and monitoring Earth's Life Systems was key to acting and managing wisely. Climate change data from satellite missions, such as the current OCO-2 and OCO-3, deliver a continuation of this science and we, planet citizens and planet scientists, continue our work to make a difference, a positive difference everyday. Fifty+ years on now... Join in fellow planet citizen. Earth is in your hands.

CO2 photo.JPG


Acting on Climate Change.png

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
Earth Science Vital Signs
Planet Citizen Action

Climate Action Solutions at Project Drawdown


Greening Our Blue Planet

November 2021

He spent almost 50 years alone at 10,000 feet. His hobby helped shape climate research in the Rockies

An amateur scientist began logging snowfall to keep busy. Along the way, he became an unwitting chronicler of climate change in a region known as the water tower for the drying American West

Via the Washington Post

GOTHIC, Colo. β€” As world leaders gathered across the globe this month to discuss a climate crisis that is rapidly heating the Earth, Billy Barr, 71, paused outside his mountainside cabin to measure snow... as he enters his 50th winter in Gothic, change has come, and not just in shorter snow seasons and higher temperatures... he doesn’t relish the frozen solitude so much anymore. He is, though, determined to keep gathering his data. He says he feels an obligation β€” to the records themselves, and the precise way he has kept them since the early ’70s... He’d always liked numbers; as a kid, he counted gas stations on family trips. That’s what inspired his records, not some grand scientific ambition. Over time, Barr found he liked comparing one year to others... After filling 10 notebooks with his records, Barr now organizes them in Excel and publishes them on his website. Researchers regularly ask him for data, he said, and he always obliges... In the numbers, he points out patterns. Nearly half the record low temperatures came in his first decade here, and more than half the record highs occurred in the last one. The years between 1974 and 2000 averaged 10 more days with snow on the ground than the years since. The number of consecutive days when temperatures stayed below freezing has plummeted.

β€œBack in the ’70s, there were winters where we had well over 100 days in a row where it didn’t get [above] freezing. Last winter, the most was nine,” Barr said. β€œIt doesn’t take much to break that β€” it could have been 200 days with one in between. But still, there’s a trend there.”

Down the hill from Barr’s cabin and outside the lab is a new recognition of that: Eight white trailers forming the core of the Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL), a massive federally funded effort that relies on dozens of instruments measuring precipitation, wind, aerosols, clouds, radiation and more. Much of the equipment arrived in September after deployment on a ship in the Arctic, where it was part of an expedition documenting climate change.

It is in Gothic now because climate change in this spot has enormous implications but is not fully understood. Snowmelt here eventually flows to the Colorado River β€” a key and declining water source for 40 million people in the West.

The campaign builds on an existing study of the East River watershed headed by Ken Williams, a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientist who is co-leading SAIL. He chose to work here in part, he said, because the area’s diversity β€” in vegetation, elevation, geology β€” is representative of mountain watersheds across the West. The lab’s wealth of long-term observations were also a draw β€” including Barr’s, he said.

β€œIf you’re in the business of trying to understand how ecosystems function now and in the future, you have to have a long record of data against which to compare one year to the next...”


FB post from GreenPolicy360's siterunner

Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg

Our Biggest Experiment - by Alice Bell.jpg

Our Biggest Experiment
by Alice Bell
Publication scheduled for September 2021
Traversing science, politics, and technology, Our Biggest Experiment shines a spotlight
on the little-known scientists who sounded the alarm to reveal the history behind the
defining story of our age: the climate crisis.

If the Earth Warms by 3 Degrees
Share the Trendlines, #ClimateCrisis
Science Counts, Physics of Global Warming

Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360.jpg
GreenPolicy360: Facts. Good Science Needs Good Data

Earth in Our Hands.png Protecting Life on the Home Planet

Environmental Security, Global Security

β€’ New Definitions of National Security

β€’ Earth and Space, Politics

β€’ Green Stories of the Day

β€’ Climate News

β€’ Planet Citizens

β€’ Citizen Science


Our Earth Atmosphere: Essential for Life, Our Human Responsibility to Preserve and Protect

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg


"Thin Blue" ... Sustaining the Atmosphere's Protection



To see our planet as this majestic blue ball floating in the blackness of space is breathtaking. It is truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen. When you see it for the first time it appears perfect. Bright and mostly blue, it's a literal island in our solar system. And make no mistake -- right now, we have no place else to go.

Too often, we forget that this remarkable and fragile place is our only home...

As an astronaut, I’m often asked about the climate, our environment, and how we are destroying the Earth. My response often surprises people. β€œDon’t worry about the planet, the Earth will be just fine,” I tell them. β€œWhat you need to worry about is us – all of us.”

This year has been an unequivocal disaster for the future of the planet...

-- Mark Kelly, NASA Astronaut

Earth aurora views - International Space Station - January 23 2021.jpg


Earth System Observatory-1.jpg

Earth System Observatory

Earth Science Missions
Earth Science Research from Space
New Definitions of National Security
OCO-2 / OCO-3
Earth Right Now
Earth Science Vital Signs


Top of the News @GreenPolicy360

Netflix's β€˜David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet’ Is The Most Important Documentary Of The Year

Via Forbes

Attenborough is now 94, and throughout his long life, has watched the natural world wither before his eyes. He seems tired of keeping quiet about it.

The scale of the problem is so overwhelming, so gargantuan, that it can be difficult to absorb, and to communicate through a single documentary. But by framing environmental destruction through Attenborough’s eyes and unique career, A Life on Our Planet manages to humanize an issue that can often seem distant, and somewhat abstract.

Like the Lorax, who speaks for the trees, Attenborough attests to the fact that a significant amount of wildlife has been forever lost, painting a terrifying picture of a not-so-distant future in which humanity continues down the path of senseless self-destruction.


Astronaut Mark Kelly With a Message to Planet Earth Citizens


When your house is on fire.jpg



Gistemp 1979-2019.png


In the UK, US, time to choose the future.jpg


Do You Know What You’re Breathing?

Study, Judge, Act: the time for Citizen Action is Now

Air Pollution Is Damaging in Our Health


Air Quality Real-time Map

AirNow / International Air Quality

World Air Quality Index / World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index

Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)

Particulate air pollution is the single greatest threat to human health globally.

The Great Challenge: Air Pollution Impacts on Health from Childhood to Old Age

90% of people breathe dirty air... 90% .... 90%+

Millions of deaths every year due to Air Pollution

Nearly 2 billion children – about 93 percent of the world’s children under the age of 15 – breathe toxic, putrid air that’s so polluted it puts their health and well-being at serious risk, according to a report by the World Health Organization.

β€œPolluted air is poisoning millions of children and ruining their lives,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO. β€œThis is inexcusable. Every child should be able to breathe clean air so they can grow and fulfill their full potential.”

Air pollution can affect children's cognitive ability and can also trigger asthma as well as cancer. Children who have been exposed to high levels of air pollution may be at greater risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease later in life...

Act to measure the air pollution around you. Act to make a difference in the air you and your family breathe.

Be a citizen scientist iNaturalist.png


Be a Citizen Scientist

Assist NASA with the NeMO Earth Science Project

Using techniques originally developed to look at the stars, a team of scientists at our Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley have developed a way to image corals in unprecedented detail. Now, the same team has launched a citizen science project, called NeMO-Net, to classify and assess the health of coral reefs across the globe.

Assist Local & Global Citizen Science Projects

Citizen Science


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Planet Citizens in Action: "Green Best Practices"

Thank you Planet Citizen Rebecca Moore! Bioneer's vision join up with Earth Outreach, Google global mapping, planet science and community-to-community projects that make a positive difference.

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Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio, Planet Citizen "Bioneer", as you join with Planet and PlanetAPI

Planet API
Satellite Doves to Aid Coral Conservation

To gather a more comprehensive understanding of the condition of global reef ecosystems, we need a way to assess and monitor them on a large geographic scale.
The Reefscape project aims to improve our understanding of the condition of coral reefs worldwide, while simultaneously developing spectral libraries needed to advance the development of a new satellite mission.
New satellites, such as those from Planet (formerly Planet Labs), are, as of 2017, able to capture near-daily imagery of coral reefs worldwide. Planet’s high-resolution imagery of reef locations provides new imaging, science and understanding of the composition and extent of shallow, horizontally oriented reefs.


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Earth Observations with Perspective

Begin with The 'Big Picture'

... and now nod to the small life forms, the small creatures, the "Tiny Little Ones". so often unrecognized within the bountiful "Tree of Life".

Consider 'tiny blue-green' microscopic ocean life, rarely seen, studied, or appreciated.

The 'tiny, little blue-green ones' are essential to life on earth

Did you know?

"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in "one of every five breaths we take".

~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle / National Geographic

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The "Tiny Little Ones", Plankton

Beginning points for "Ecosystems of the Sea"
Nearly all marine plants are single-celled, photosynthetic plankton-algae
Single-celled organisms comprise larger organisms like kelp

Kelp: "Forests of the Seas"

We Need Kelp, Seagrass, Plankton-as-Food and Lots of Blue-Green as the Beginning of the Marine Food Chain

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August 2020

Shared by Katharine Hayhoe

Professor / Texas Tech

Our enemies seem so tiny. One is a virus unleashed from the wilderness, likely by people with mouths to feed and spread by others with planes to catch.

The second enemy is a molecule of heat-trapping gas -- methane and CO2 -- unleashed by people with mouths to feed and planes to catch.

But rising body counts and shattered economies prove that some of the smallest ingredients found in nature can explode into global emergencies thanks to human nature.

In the wars against coronavirus and the climate crisis, we have met the enemy and the enemy is us. Such is is the sentiment of virologists and climate scientists alike as they point out how much the pandemic can teach us about the fight for the survival of life on Earth.

Read more:

Green Quotes

1. Science denial can be deadly

2. The search for a cure is global but your chances of survival are local

3. Individual behavior saves lives but can't fix the problem

4. Humanity is capable of fast, sweeping changes

5. In the age of "threat multipliers," the health of your body depends on the health of the planet now more than ever

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Soil, a Microbial World

Microbiomes at Risk

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Life Beyond What Catches the Eye

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Tree of Life


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The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence 1.5 million genomes


β€œVariation is the fount of all genetic knowledge... The more variation you have the better β€” so why not sequence everything?”

The Earth BioGenome Project aims to sequence the genomes of the roughly 1.5 million known animal, plant, protozoan and fungal species β€” collectively known as eukaryotes β€” worldwide over the next decade. The initiative is estimated to cost US$4.7 billion, although only a small proportion of that money has been committed so far.

The project comprises more than a dozen existing sequencing projects that are focused on, for instance, specific branches of the tree of life β€” such as birds, insects and plants β€” or on the biodiversity in a particular country, such as the UK effort, officially called the Darwin Tree of Life Project.

β€œWe don’t need one genome project to rule them all,” says Lewin. Rather, the effort’s raison d’etre, he says, is to ensure that ongoing biodiversity sequencing efforts are standardized.


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Floating Forests

We look at "floating ocean forests" as we consider connections between oceans, atmosphere-oxygen-climate, food-chains and fisheries, science and sustainability policies...

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Join in as a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist to keep the oceans healthy

Take a look at the newly launched 'Floating Forest Project'' --

Here's the Invitation from the Floating Forest website:

Citizen scientists are recruited via the Internet and are given instructions in how to hunt for giant kelp via satellite imagery.

They (you) are then given Landsat images and asked to outline any giant kelp patches that they find.

Findings are crosschecked with those from other citizen scientists and then passed to the Floating Forest science team for verification.

The size and location of these forests are catalogued and used to study global kelp trends.

As of January 11, 2015, more than 3,400 citizen scientists had joined up to look for kelp in 328,000 Landsat images...

GreenPolicy believes this is a planetary moment to jump, do it, sign up, help out!

Put a toe in first, test the waters (the water's fine) -- it could be time to become a "planet citizen, planet scientist"

Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat

Origin of Floating Forests Project

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Landsat 8 detects near-infrared wavelengths of light to spot & monitor offshore kelp forests (NASA Earth Observatory image)

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"Kelp, made up of tiny blue-green organisms, are the world’s largest marine plants. They regularly grow up to 35 meters (115 feet) tall.

We are dependent on marine algae for every breath we take.

"Breathe in. A conservative 70% of the life-sustaining oxygen in that breath came from marine algae.

Marine algae; the plant-like material of our oceans that ranges in size from the phytoplankton, to the giant kelp species that provide habitat as ocean forests.

These organisms are also attempting to scrub away the devastating impacts of our fossil fuel addiction, photosynthesizing carbon dioxide into oxygen and serving as carbon sinks.

Life on earth simply could not survive without marine algae and this conclusion is valid even without considering their role as the basis of ocean food webs..."

Watch the Forests of the Sea

Floating forest of kelp -

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Help with the Kelp, Join in -- Be a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist

Floating Forests - Earth Observatory/NASA-Landsat

Origin of Floating Forests Project / 2014


Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the production on land, if not a bit more. Plants on land are easy to spot. Plants in the ocean are a bit more difficult to see..

There are more than 7,000 (so far identified) different species of algae. Most live in the oceans, but they also live in fresh water and even on land. Also, algae produce about 330 billion tons of oxygen each year.

More on Algae -- an Algae database, as scientists are at a first-stage of identifying sea-life


After a recent meeting on connections of kelp forests and climate change, researchers Byrnes, Cavanaugh, and other colleagues set out to consolidate all of the available kelp forest data from around the world. They wanted to take a step toward understanding how climate change is affecting kelp globally, but they quickly discovered they had a sparse patchwork of information.

"Byrnes was struck with a thought. They had used Landsat to expand their studies across time, so why not use Landsat to expand their studies around the world? Could Landsat be used to establish global trends in kelp forest extent? The answer was yes, but the problem was eyeballs."

"Unlike research on terrestrial vegetation β€” which uses Landsat data and powerful computer processing arrays to make worldwide calculations β€” distinguishing kelp forests requires manual interpretation. While kelp forests pop out to the human eye in near-infrared imagery, computers looking at the data numerically can confuse kelp patches with land vegetation. Programs and coded logic that separate aquatic vegetation from land vegetation can be confounded by things like clouds, sunglint, and sea foam..."

Byrnes and Cavanaugh put together a team and joined with Zooniverse that connects professional scientists with citizen scientists in order to help analyze large amounts of data. The result was the Floating Forests project.

"People-powered Research"


GreenPolicy360 & Planet Citizens Watching over Our Home Planet

  • The Silencing Science Tracker is a database initiative that tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election.
  • The Climate Deregulation Tracker identifies steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The tracker is linked to a database of climate change regulations.

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It's All Related

Earth360 POV

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Defending science as planet citizens

"Planet Citizen" --- Planet Citizens --- Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

PlanetCitizen --- Planet Citizens --- Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

Remembering a Planet Citizen icon, a model for Planet Citizens, a Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist for all time

'Spaceship Earth', Buckminster Fuller helped Generation Green see our roles in the Big Picture, camera, light, sound, action, and away we went setting our plans and navigating into the future.

β€˜Bucky made the analogy that a trim tab is an example of how the individual is connected to society and how we affect society. And I like to think of myself as a trim tab. All of us are trim tabs. We might seem like we’re not up to the task, but we are, man. We’re alive! We can make a difference! We can turn this ship in the way we wanna go, man!’

The time has come.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

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Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement


A First Earth Day

Being there (with a tip of the Green hat to Robert w his camera, Mike Schaaf from the Row, and Denny, and Dave Druker, and Jen from Long Beach, Anthropologist 'Number Our Days' Barb Myerhoff, and Love Doc Leo B., and Lisa, Diane, Aaron, Glenn the Buddhist, College Bowl Rich, Happy the genius, all of our peace now, going green team
Youth-energy eco 'Teach-ins' and events across the nation

April 22, 1970


SJS/Siterunner: I would later, after many years, begin to see our work as a picture of the early years of a Generation Green.


We were looking to protect our Living Earth.

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Act Now to Protect Our Future

"Vita contemplativa to Vita activa"


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Planet Citizens, Connected, Sharing, Changing the Ways of Business and Government

Green Policy-Facebook

Digital Rights/OpenData OpenGov

GreenLinks -- Linking to Green Best Practices

Network Earth, Planet Citizens Connected by a Global Internet

The growth of the Internet and world-wide web is connecting and 'powering up' #PlanetCitizens globally.

GreenPolicy360 ... connecting, educating, empowering planet citizens locally and globally


New Economy Movement

Digital Citizen

Digital Rights

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Networking Green Best Practices at GreenPolicy360

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A First Open-Access Planet API

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Witness to an Environmental Movement, 1960s to the 2020s, a Generational Challenge

Planet Citizen / #PlanetCitizen / Planet Citizens #PlanetCitizens / #Earth360 / #EarthObservations / #EarthMapping

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Rachel Carson, Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist

"The branch of science that deals with these interrelations is 'Ecology'."

It's All Related

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We are voyagers

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There, a Pale blue dot, our Home Planet

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