Category:Fossil Fuels

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January 2020

Famous Money Advisor - Author - TV Personality, Jim Cramer, is down on fossil fuel companies

I'm done with fossil fuels. They're done... We're in the death-knell phase.

(Video interview)

Real Money's Jim Cramer explains...


At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

The US president touts US oil/gas production (and dismisses concerns about CO2 greenhouse gas emissions)

President Donald Trump attacked climate activists as "perennial prophets of doom" on Tuesday while addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where the agenda is focused on tackling the climate crisis.

Trump's remarks underscored the chasm between his denialist view of climate change and the overwhelming scientific consensus driving the rest of the developed world to action. Speaking shortly after the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg accused world leaders of not taking action, Trump rejected calls for urgent action and encouraged the world to instead embrace "optimism."

"To embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse," Trump said.

Royal Dutch Shell Capital Investments on New Production Set to Rise

BlackRock CEO says the climate crisis is about to trigger.jpg


Time to add in 'Environmental Full-Cost Accounting'


Global Primary Energy Consumption - 1800-2017.jpg


CO2 emissions-around-the-world.png


Which countries pollute the most ~2017.jpg

US Gas-Oil Production Dominates

When it comes to these new oil and gas fields, production from the US is set to eclipse the rest of the world.

Gas oil production world 2020-2029.gif

Norway’s $1tn wealth fund set to cut oil and gas stocks

Norway’s $1tn sovereign wealth fund is set to sell out of a host of oil and gas companies but stop short of abandoning the biggest energy majors such as BP and ExxonMobil as it prepares for one of the largest divestments of fossil fuel assets.

The Norwegian oil fund, which is the world’s largest sovereign investor, would dispose of about $7.5bn of oil and gas companies that are focused purely on exploration and production under the proposal from the centre-right government in Oslo.

The move is designed to reduce the dependence of Norway — western Europe’s biggest petroleum producer — on an industry that is facing growing questions about its long-term future. Global oil demand is forecast by many experts to peak by the 2030s while climate targets are speeding up efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Financial Times: "Shockwaves through the energy sector"

Energy stocks performance-S&P 500 - 2018.png

Oil-proven reserves-2017.jpg

EIA Interactive Chart (Beta) / Crude Oil Proved Reserves

Fossil Fuel Exports from the U.S. Grow, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Ship Carrier Orders Rise, Impacts on Climate Change are Locking in Long-term

Texas share of monthly US oil output, 1981-2018.jpg

Energy Priorities, Geo-politics & Fracking in the U.S.

Shale-US biggest oil producer by fall 2018.png

US Crude oil production-Jan2010-May2018.png

Fracking in the US production chart.jpg

Production Up, Priorities Go to Fossil Fuels

New Fracking Production Technology Changes Near-term Projections
Costs of Environmental Impacts Put Off by the Trump Administration


Let's Talk Coal


Elon Musk Talks Need for Alternatives to Fossil Fuels

Elon-musk and tesla alternative to fossil energy.jpg

Time for a Price on Carbon

Elon Musk:

"The greater the change to the chemical composition of the physical, chemical makeup of the oceans and atmosphere [due to increased carbon emissions], the greater the long-term effect will be... [W]hy would you run this crazy experiment to see how bad it'll be? We know it's at least some bad, and the overwhelming scientific consensus is that it'll be really bad."

“Even if you put the environmental consequences of dramatically changing the chemical composition of the oceans and atmosphere aside, we will eventually run out of oil...

"If we don’t find a solution to burning oil for transport, and we then run out of oil, the economy will collapse and civilization will come to an end as we know it. And so if we know that we have to ultimately get off oil no matter what — we know that is an inescapable outcome, it’s simply a question of when, not if...

"Then, why would you run this crazy experiment of changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans by adding enormous amounts of CO2 that’ve been buried since the pre-Cambrian era? That’s crazy. That is the dumbest experiment in history, by far. Can you think of a dumber experiment? I honestly cannot. What good could possibly come of it?”


Fossil Fuel Bubbles

Pipeline Futures

World Oil Report

International Climate Policy Plans



World Map of Energy Dependency as of 2016.png

Energy dependency-EU-28 as of 2016.png



Strategic Demands / Gas/Oil, Global Conflict

Costs of War

Or Noir by Matthieu Auzanneau.jpg

Oil, Power, and War - by Matthieu Auzanneau.jpg

Oil, Power, and War follows the oil industry from its heyday when the first oil wells were drilled to the quest for new sources as old ones dried up. It traces the rise of the Seven Sisters and other oil cartels and exposes oil’s key role in the crises that have shaped our times: two world wars, the Cold War, the Great Depression, Bretton Woods, the 2008 financial crash, oil shocks, wars in the Middle East, the race for Africa’s oil riches, and more. And it defines the oil-born trends shaping our current moment, such as the jockeying for access to Russia’s vast oil resources, the search for extreme substitutes for declining conventional oil, the rise of terrorism, and the changing nature of economic growth.

(The Chelsea 2018 English edition book has been translated from the French title, Or Noir)

The author, Matthieu Auzanneau, is the director of The Shift Project, a European think tank focusing on energy transition and the resources required to make the shift to an economy free from fossil fuel dependence, and also from greenhouse gas emissions. Previously he was a journalist, based in France, and mostly writing for Le Monde. He continues to write his Le Monde blog, Oil Man, which he describes as “a chronicle of the beginning of the end of petroleum.” The original French edition of this book, Or Noir: La grande histoire du pétrole, was awarded the Special Prize of the French Association of Energy Economists in 2016.


"How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God"

Classical Economics and 'Invisible Hand' @Work

In 2005, at its annual meeting in Washington, D.C., the National Association of Evangelicals was on the verge of doing something novel: affirming science. Specifically, the 30-million-member group, which represents 51 Christian denominations, was debating how to advance a new platform called “For the Health of a Nation.” The position paper—written the year before An Inconvenient Truth kick-started sense of public urgency around climate change—included a call for evangelicals to protect God’s creation, and to embrace the government’s help in doing so. The NAE’s board had already adopted it unanimously before presenting it to the membership for debate.

At the time, many in the evangelical movement were uncomfortable with its close ties to the Republican anti-environmental regulation agenda. That year, a group called the Evangelical Alliance of Scientists and Ethicists protested the GOP-led effort to rewrite the Endangered Species Act, and the NAE’s vice president of governmental affairs Richard Cizik pushed for the organization to endorse John McCain and Joe Lieberman’s cap-and-trade bill. “For the Health of a Nation,” which Cizik also pushed, was an opportunity to draw a bright line between their support of right-wing social positions on abortion and civil rights and a growing sentiment that God’s creation needed protection from industry.

“Evangelicals don’t want themselves identified as the Republican Party at prayer,” the historian and evangelical Mark Knoll said at the time in support of the platform.

He was wrong. The rank-and-file membership rejected the effort. Like the oil and utilities industries, they decided that recognizing climate change was against their political interests....



ExxonMobile: Politics & Power

July 2016 - Attorneys General Exxon investigation faces investigation by US House Science Com't

June 2016 - Exxon Is Fighting for its Right to Deny Climate Change

May 2016 - Letter from President of Union of Concerned Scientists to Lamar Smith, Chair of House Science Com't

“There is no doubt”: Exxon Knew CO2 Pollution Was A Global Threat By Late 1970s
Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Meltsdown over Exxon with Bizarre Accusation: Like Cromwell Did Catholics?
>U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island Democrat, leading voice on climate change, locked in bitter brawl with Wall Street Journal editorial page over his proposal to sue fossil fuel companies for fraud
NY's State Attorney and Calif's AG Go After ExxonMobil

Exxon Bkrd

Exxon, the Road Not Taken

FBI Probe, More AGs Support Investigation of ExxonMobil

>Money-in-Politics: Giants of the oil and gas industry spend millions in 2015 to manipulate lawmakers and public discourse on climate change

Big oil lobbying spend.jpg

Oil Change International ... "Exposing the true costs of fossil fuels"
Markets Are Spooked ... Oil Slide Continues
While Renewable Energy expands globally with a wide range of investments in energy alternatives to fossil fuels, ExxonMobil predicts "long-term energy demand growth", increased oil/gas profits and "gains in energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy and lower carbon fuels such as natural gas likely will help lower by half the “carbon intensity of the global economy.”

"Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power"

NYT: Private Empire -- "A Well-Oiled Machine"

Guardian: "Thorough and accessible portrait of a secretive corporation is fascinating and deeply disturbing"

Paperback: 704 pages
Publisher: Penguin - May 2013

“ExxonMobil has met its match in Coll, an elegant writer and dogged reporter… extraordinary… monumental.”

-- Washington Post

“Fascinating… Private Empire is a book meticulously prepared as if for trial, a lawyerly accumulation of information that lets the facts speak for themselves… a compelling and elucidatory work.”

-- Bloomberg

“Private Empire is meticulous, multi-angled and valuable… Mr. Coll’s prose sweeps the earth like an Imax camera.”

-- Dwight Garner, NY Times

"ExxonMobil has cut a ruthless path through the Age of Oil. Yet intense secrecy has kept one of the world's largest companies a mystery, until now. Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power is a masterful study of Big Oil's biggest player… Coll's in-depth reporting, buttressed by his anecdotal prose, make Private Empire a must-read. Consider Private Empire a sequel of sorts to The Prize, Daniel Yergin's Pulitzer-winning history of the oil industry… Coll's portrait of ExxonMobil is both riveting and appalling… Yet Private Empire is not so much an indictment as a fascinating look into American business and politics. With each chapter as forceful as a New Yorker article, the book abounds in Dickensian characters.”

-- San Francisco Chronicle

"Coll makes clear in his magisterial account that Exxon is mighty almost beyond imagining, producing more profit than any American company in the history of profit, the ultimate corporation in 'an era of corporate ascendancy.' This history of its last two decades is therefore a revealing history of our time, a chronicle of the intersection between energy and politics."

-- Bill McKibben, NY Review of Books

"Groundbreaking... Masterful as a corporate portrait, Private Empire gushes with narrative."

-- American Prospect


Threat Environment

ExxonMobil Under Investigation

NY's State Attorney and Calif's AG Go After ExxonMobil

Exxon Bkrd

Exxon, the Road Not Taken

FBI Probe, More AGs Support Investigation of ExxonMobil

Money-in-Politics: Giants of the oil and gas industry spend millions in 2015 to manipulate lawmakers and public discourse on climate change

Oil Change International ... "Exposing the true costs of fossil fuels"

Markets Are Spooked ... Oil Slide Continues

70 percent drop in oil prices over the last 18 months

Exxon Mobile predicts "long-term demand growth" and profits in investor report...

Today in Energy -- US Energy Information Agency --


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