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Revision as of 15:05, 9 July 2023 by Siterunner (talk | contribs)
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Green Policy:About | .net | .org

Planet Citizen Visions of Living Earth



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Media Kit

About GreenPolicy360 - Local/National/Global

We are a 'Green Best Practices' resource hub to use community-by-community, day-by-day...

We are hosted on a MediaWiki platform. We are open-source and designed to be shareable.

GreenPolicy360's networking has tens of millions of visits, interactions, active user shares and re-shares.

GreenPolicy360's eOS (eco Operating System) supports GreenLinks & Generation Green actions worldwide.

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National Climate Plans

Planet Earth Perspective

The story arc of GreenPolicy360, in its span and scope, tracks back to the late 1960s when Steve Schmidt, our founder and current siterunner, began to work alongside a new Congressman from East Los Angeles, Rep. George E. Brown. Their work as detailed in GreenPolicy360 reveals a narrative and scientific journey into the origins, development, Earth Science and political activism that helped set in motion the modern environmental movement.

Connecting & sharing world changing stories

"GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement"

Today's challenges come into the light as a half century journey of key players, events, struggles, and decisions are revealed. Green politics and the modern environmental movement have progressed far from first-era Whole Earth images of the 1960s and a first "Earth Day" of 1970.

GreenPolicy360 speaks of green, life affirming values, "a politics of values" that we see as needed "for the long run" as humanity navigates the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

The media is welcome onboard. Search & explore GreenPolicy360's curated collection of stories from around the world.

On Earth

Green Stories of the Day ~ Climate News

Earth and Space, Politics




Continuing decades of environmental work, GreenPolicy360 launched in 2005-2006

Read more about GreenPolicy360 here --

Also visit GreenPolicy360's Associated website -- Strategic Demands

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2006, Clearwater, Florida

Steven J. Schmidt (SJS)

GreenPolicy360 Founder / Siterunner

Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360

Email: [email protected]

Personal Contact: [email protected]

User talk:Siterunner

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We are Intergenerational Planet Citizens

Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement


Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth
GreenPolicy360 Page Highlights

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Planet Citizens

Time for Planet Citizen Action 🌎

A Call to Action to Preserve & Protect Life on Earth

It's your time to become a Planet Citizen
We believe 'Each of us can make a positive difference by stepping up & doing our best"


Strategies of Resilience & Survival

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Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth

The Living Planet Index (LPI)

Tracking the health of nature over 50 years

The Living Planet Index (LPI)—which tracks populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians—reveals an average 69% decrease in monitored wildlife populations since 1970. The 2022 LPI analyzed almost 32,000 species populations. It provides the most comprehensive measure of how they are responding to pressures in their environment.

Living Planet Report (2022)

Via the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Wildlife populations plummet by 69%

The Living Planet Report 2022 is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. This flagship WWF publication reveals an average decline of 69% in species populations since 1970. While conservation efforts are helping, urgent action is required if we are to reverse nature loss.

Interlinked emergencies: Climate change and biodiversity loss

The evidence is unequivocal—we are living through the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change driven by the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. Scientists are clear: unless we stop treating these emergencies as two separate issues neither problem will be addressed effectively.

Our broken relationship with nature

Climate change and biodiversity loss are not only environmental issues, but economic, development, security, social, moral, and ethical issues too. Industrialized countries are responsible for most environmental degradation but it is developing nations that are disproportionately impacted by biodiversity loss. We all have a role to play in building a nature-positive society that safeguards the planet for the good health of everyone.

Earth Science to Protect a Sustainable Earth

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Earth and Space, Politics 🌎
Earth Science Vital Signs 🌎
Earth Right Now 🌎


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NASA: You can manage only what you can measure

Q: What are the main science questions you (JPL/Caltech/NASA) hope OCO-3 will answer?

The big science question is about the movement of carbon dioxide between plants and the atmosphere.

If you look at the ground-based data, it almost looks like the planet is breathing. Plants in the northern hemisphere take up carbon dioxide as they grow in the spring and summer, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by a few parts per million. In the fall, the leaves drop and carbon is released back into the air.

But every year is different... What we want to do is find drivers of the plant uptake of carbon and use that to better predict what will happen in the future. If we have a warmer, drier climate, will plants keep taking up as much carbon?

Environmental Security

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Climate Desk
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Greening Our Blue Planet

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Planet Citizens
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

Climate Change Laws Around the World

Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

International Environmental Law, Knowledge Database
Negotiator's Toolkit, Resource for E-Action

Regional and Global Environmental Treaties

Climate Change Laws of the World

Climate Change Litigation Databases / Caselaw
Climate Laws and Policies / Climate Litigation Cases / Countries / Mapped Data and Statistics

Trends in Climate Change Legislation

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New Definitions of National Security 🌎

GreenPolicy360 and Associate Strategic Demands explore Earth's existential threat environment

GreenPolicy360's partner site, Strategic Demands / #StratDem




Visit GreenPolicy's Associate, Strategic Demands
"New Definitions of National & Global Security"
Nuclear Issues / Cold War 2.0


Escalating Risk of Use of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Arms Are Back in a Big Way

Nuclear Posture Review Released
Nuclear Poker, Fire & Fury
Two Minutes to Midnight
Trump Administration Requests Largest Spending Increase for Nuclear Warheads Since 1962


Looking Back at an Imminent U.S. Threat to Use Nuclear Weapons
Over 50 years ago college students began 'teach-ins' and launched a national peace action called a 'Vietnam Moratorium' that grew to become the largest US peace movement in history -- It was only years later that historians documented how Americans peace demonstrations prevented Nixon and Kissinger plans to use tactical nuclear weapons

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Today the U.S. President has a Singular Authority to Order Use of Nuclear Weapons

Green Politics vs. Nuclear Weapons Proliferation


Warnings from Today's Generation
Planet Citizens, Look to the Future

Can we kick our fossil-fuel addiction fast enough?
Time is running out to rein in carbon emissions

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Planet Citizen Greta Speaks to the European Union

'Wake Up and Take Action'


Environmental protection
Environmental movement

Trending 'Eco-Tags' & Links
On Being a Planet Citizen

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Climate News

Climate Focus, Climate Politics

Strategic Demands: National Security & Global Security are interrelated
Scripps: Climate change "existential" threat to humanity

Battle in the U.S. Congress between the Climate Change Denial and Science Advocates

GreenPolicy360 / Strategic Demands / New Definitions of National Security

New Definitions of National Security



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Green Issues Around the Globe, 360°, Online

Countries Worldwide/Climate Action INDC Plans

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Threat Environment

Climate News
External Costs Adding Up: Nature's 'Invisible Hand'
More Green Politics vs. 'Climate Cover-Up' from DeSmog

Globally-averaged temps thru 2015 via NASA Goddard.gif

The Fight for Earth / 2050

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Pope Francis speaks of Climate, Politics, Personal Responsibility

"It would be sad, and dare I say even catastrophic, were special interests to prevail over the common good and lead to manipulating information in order to protect their own plans and interests"...
"The Pope took particular aim at those who reject the science behind global warming..."

Pope Francis on the Environment

Integral Ecology

Laudato Si

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Sea-Level Rise

"Vital Signs" / Sea Level / NASA

Sea-Level Change Over Time

"What's up with sea level rise?"

NASA experts update current conditions & projections of sea level rise


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Protect Life, Be Pro-Life, Prevent Extinction


Endangered Species

Pesticide 'Insectageddon'

The 8 Million++ Species We Don’t Know

By Edward O. Wilson / NY Times

Large 'Charismatic' Creatures & Rarely Seen "Tiny Little Ones"

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Microbiomes at Risk

The most striking fact about the living environment may be how little we know about it. Even the number of living species can be only roughly calculated. A widely accepted estimate by scientists puts the number at about 10 million. In contrast, those formally described, classified and given two-part Latinized names (Homo sapiens for humans, for example) number slightly more than two million. With only about 20 percent of its species known and 80 percent undiscovered, it is fair to call Earth a little-known planet.

To effectively manage protected habitats, we must also learn more about all the species of our planet and their interactions within ecosystems.

The best-explored groups of organisms are the vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes), along with plants, especially trees and shrubs. Being conspicuous, they are what we familiarly call “wildlife.” A great majority of other species, however, are by far also the most abundant. I like to call them “the little things that run the world.” They teem everywhere, in great number and variety in and on all plants, throughout the soil at our feet and in the air around us. They are the protists, fungi, insects, crustaceans, spiders, pauropods, centipedes, mites, nematodes and legions of others whose scientific names are seldom heard by the bulk of humanity. In the sea and along its shores swarm organisms of the other living world — marine diatoms, crustaceans, ascidians, sea hares, priapulids, coral, loriciferans and on through the still mostly unfilled encyclopedia of life.

Do not call these organisms “bugs” or “critters.” They too are wildlife. Let us learn their correct names and care about their safety. Their existence makes possible our own. We are wholly dependent on them.

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Our Living Earth...

"Tiny Blue Green Life"

More than Meets the Eye, the 'Tiny Little Ones' @GreenPolicy360

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Warming Oceans, Threats to Life

Phytoplankton & Photosynthesis

Plankton: The Ocean Food Chain & Producer of Our Atmosphere's Oxygen

"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"

~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle

Seventy percent of the Earth's surface is ocean... here, in myriad life forms, "tiny blue-green" organisms are essential to preserving life on the planet.

It's All Connected

It's All Related

Tree of Life
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The "Tree of Life" 1.0

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Listen to Nature, Nature's Ways

Diversity is nature's strategy of survival

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GreenPolicy360's eco-economics: Next gen e-business

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21st Century Economic Ideas in Development @ GreenPolicy360


Environmental full-cost accounting

New Economy Movement



Environmental Studies Online

Remember, facts count... Measure to Manage

Fact Checking

Earth and Space, Politics
Stats - Green Research & Science



Get Semantic, Go Scientific

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Get Smart, Scholarly

Go Searching

Astrophysics Data System /

(A 21st Century AI/Machine Learning Case Study)

Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools

Climate Modeling

Planetary-scale Earth simulations known as global climate model projections are the primary sources of information on future climate change.

Climate models are based on mathematical equations represented using a grid mesh that covers the globe: a finer grid mesh is more accurate but much more computationally expensive. Current global climate projections agree that a world with more greenhouse gases will be warmer everywhere, especially over land and at high latitudes.

NOAA scientists harness machine learning to advance climate models

March 1st, 2023

How artificial intelligence is fast becoming a key tool for climate science (2021)


GreenPolicy360: We're Into Earth Science

We believe in 'critical thinking skills'




GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2022

Featured in 2022

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2021

Featured in 2021

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2020

Featured in 2020

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2019

Featured in 2019


GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2018

Featured in 2018

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017

Featured in 2017

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2016

Featured in 2016

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015

Featured in 2015

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014

Featured in 2014

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013

Featured in 2013

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About the GreenPolicy360 Network

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GreenPolicy360 is here for you...

Across borders, our network of websites, social media, associates and resources provide "green best practices" for all seasons. Our green news updates and online database deliver local and global green eco-policies that are actionable 24/7/365.

We've experienced millions of page visits and tens of millions of views. Our Introduction Video explains how we started and our initial goals.

We believe green dreams and green values in practice can turn 'ripples into waves' of change.

Our GreenLinks global connections, #PlanetCitizens in action, is growing as many of us see the immediate necessity of confronting the climate crisis and environmental challenges on multiple fronts.

GreenPolicy360 was developed for use in all communities, local, national, and international. GreenPolicy lets you know how other communities are dealing with key green policy issues of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Use the models and templates here to craft green legislation/proposals/resolutions/ordinances for your local community. Use our online platform to build on what has worked in other communities and locations.

Create waves of change and keep on keeping on!

"Think global and act local! Think local and act global! It's all connected, it's all related."


How to Use the GreenPolicy Site


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1) Browse our All Pages Index

The GreenPolicy Index is organized into Categories and Topics and lists all pages and media content

2) Green Best Practices... Keywords, Categories and/or Topics'.... GreenPolicy360 pages/info/data/science/best practices are widely shared internationally. The MediaWiki open access platform enables free sharing with a multiplier effect. We are #GoingGreen. Share our links and network Generation Green .

(Note: New accounts set up option paused Oct 2021)
Consult the MediaWiki User's Guide for information on using this wiki software.

3) Google Maps

The World Map presents countries/locations and, as of 2015, is expanding green practices internationally, focusing on INDCs - climate plans and climate plan actions

4) Browse/Search GreenPolicy360 through the use of a wide variety of Categories

Find models for green initiatives/projects in your community... discover and share green ideas of what might be possible to introduce in your community, region or country

5) Searching the site on your own terms

Enter your search words/terms in the left-sidebar 'policy search' window and choose Go or Search. You can enter a keyword, key phrase, or location, or anything you want, in any combination you want. Search terms must be at least three characters. The database will not search for two-character search strings.

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9) Additional references about Wikis and GreenPolicy360:

10) Join the GreenPolicy360 GreenLinks Network. Email us to add your green organization - [email protected]. Be a Planet Citizen.




Visit Our GreenLinks Network

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New Vision in a 360° Connected World


Life on Earth / Planet Citizen Perspective





Digital Citizens, Digital Rights Movement


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Planet Citizens, Digital Rights @GreenPolicy360

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Links via GreenPolicy's Digital360 Network

Digital Rights Movement

124K+ data sets as of 2015 -
(Parker Higgins-EFF)
Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications from Electronic Frontier Foundation
(recommended by EFF)
Lawgeek Lawrence Lessig's blog
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
Cyberlaw @Harvard
Ed Felten's "Freedom to Tinker"
Slashdot: Your Rights Online
Ernest Miller's "The Importance Of..."
Sabrina Pacifi's "Be Spacific"
Advancing the International Bill of Human Rights -
  • Fact-Checking Projects
Beginning with PolitiFact, the original project at Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida -
(FreedomPress Organizations)
Principles on Freedom of Expression and Privacy -
GNU Project -
  • GovFuturesLab - Reimagining governance for an age of planetary challenges and human responsibility
App4Gov (TW)
  • Internet Freedom Festival (IFF)
(Blog) -
Civic Hall -
  • Privacy Rights in the Digital Age (Published 2016)

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Measuring the Impact of Open Data
  • Wikipedia
Jimmy Wales / Founder -
  • WWW Origins-Foundation, est. by World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, "devoted to all people having access to the Web" -- "The Web Belongs to All of Us"



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Green360 Popular Pages & Index of Files

GreenPolicy360 Most Popular Pages

GreenPolicy360 Media Files

GreenPolicy360 Index of Pages

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