Planet Citizen Action

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Each of us can make a positive difference ....

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Planet Citizen Action
Earth in Our Hands

Climate Problems, Climate Solutions

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GreenPolicy360's Environmental Studies Online

GreenPolicy360's Climate Problems, Climate Solutions


September 2022

GreenPolicy360's Campaign to 'Turn National Climate Promises & Pledges into Reality'

As the Next Global Climate Conference Approaches, November's Conference of the Parties (COP27)

Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges

GreenPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative

Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now

Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions

Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)

August 2022

Steven J Schmidt - GreenPolicy360 / SJS: The thing is the future doesn't vote. Future generations don't influence, ante up dollars or deal out megadollars to politicos... the #PoliticoPay and #MoneyinPolitics game is a U.S. high stakes game played today. Quid pro quo, it is a pay-to-play politics as Richard Jacobs accurately describes in his book, a 'Democracy of Dollars'.

Fact is, future generations will face the results of today's Money in Politics barter.

And yes, of course we have options, choices that can change the future.

'Vita Contemplativa' & 'Vita Activa'

Seventh Generation

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‘Climate Advocates Who Say It’s Not Too Late

March 2022 / NYT

A growing chorus of young people is focusing on climate solutions. “‘It’s too late’ means ‘I don’t have to do anything, and the responsibility is off me.’”

Alaina Wood is well aware that, planetarily speaking, things aren’t looking so great. She’s read the dire climate reports, tracked cataclysmic weather events and gone through more than a few dark nights of the soul.

She is also part of a growing cadre of people, many of them young, who are fighting climate doomism, the notion that it’s too late to turn things around. They believe that focusing solely on terrible climate news can sow dread and paralysis, foster inaction, and become a self-fulfilling prophecy...

“People are almost tired of hearing how bad it is; the narrative needs to move onto solutions,” said Ms. Wood, 25, a sustainability scientist who communicates much of her climate messaging on TikTok, the most popular social media platform among young Americans. “The science says things are bad. But it’s only going to get worse the longer it takes to act.”

Some climate advocates refer to the stance taken by Ms. Wood and her allies as “OK Doomer,” a riff on “OK Boomer,” the Gen Z rebuttal to condescension from older folks.

If awareness about the climate crisis has never been greater, so, too, has been a mounting sense of dread about its unfolding effects, particularly among the young. Two-thirds of Americans thought the government was doing too little to fight climate change, according to a 2020 Pew study, while a survey last year of 10,000 teens and young adults in 10 countries found that three quarters were frightened of the future.

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Bookmark the Climate Headlines, Follow the Environmental Writers

Society of Environmental Journalists -

"We tell the world's most important stories"

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The Commons

"Pledge for Nature" at the UN Biodiversity Summit

Leaders from 64 countries sign the Pledge For Nature to take action.

The Call to Action include measures to:

Slow down deforestation; eliminate unregulated and unsustainable fishing practices; and stop plastic being dumped into the ocean by 2050.

Conserve land; eliminate subsidies that harm the environment; transition to sustainable food production.

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"Thin Blue", Protecting 'The Commons', Enabling Life on Earth

"Tiny Blue Green", Oxygen in the Atmosphere, Food Source of the Seas

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Visit Planet Citizens


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Earth Day flag

🌎 Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement
Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg


Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth

GreenPolicy360 Page Highlights

"The Earth is my patient, and like any good medical doctor, I am compelled to advocate for her... Today, I see myself as a doctor advocating for... my patient, the Earth."

Earth Breathing.jpg

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Planet Citizens

Strategies of Resilience & Survival

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Global warming fact of the day - June 29 2021.jpg

Dealing with the 'Heat Island Effect'

Via #GoogleEarth

Earth Science to Protect a Sustainable Earth

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Green Stories of the Day

Green New Deal

New Definitions of National Security cloud - Hadfield 2013.jpeg

Personal action... Direct action...
Planet Citizens, Positive Change

Green Network, GreenLinks action
Going Green, #GreenNetworking
GreenLinks @ GreenPolicy360


Bill McKibben to next generations.JPG

Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Activism

"Have hope, Act to make a Positive difference"

Shifting from a Scientist to Activist


Ethics and Climate Change
Climate Action: Our Ethical Responsibility

Nonviolent Action in Practice
198 Ways to Act, Count 'em
File:Methods of Nonviolent Action.pdf

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Global Climate Strike, Student Action

Students Worldwide Striking to Demand Climate Action Change



Kids in 123 countries strike to protect the climate

“This movement had to happen, we didn’t have a choice.”

Via Vox

An estimated 1.4 million young people in 123 countries skipped school Friday to demand stronger climate policies in what may be one of the largest environmental protests in history.

Going Global: Student #ClimateStrike

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Student Climate Strike-March 15, 2019









Radical action needed to confront climate change by George Monbiot @TheGuardian

GTN GreenLinks Trending News
Green Stories of the Day
Climate News

Green New Deal

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
Citizen Science

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Planet API
Virtual Earth

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Think Like Rebecca, Creating Positive Change


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It's Your Time to Be Out in Front

Step Up, Get with the Action

Make a Difference, Be a Change Maker

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