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About Us:

We are a 'Green Best Practices' resource hub to use community-to-community, day-by-day.

GreenPolicy360 has millions of followers. We are open-source and donor-supported.

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'Earth Day Is Every Day'

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Green Best Practices
Greening Our Blue Planet

GRN360 projects -- thousands of Green Best Practices, successful local/regional/national and international models shared... from Democracy support to Legal Enforcement of National Climate Pledges thru Shareable Climate Law & Best Practices, from Resilient Living Coastlines to Protecting Our Living Earth... A to Z and in languages across the world and communities linked across continents, we have worked for decades to network and protect our Living Earth and Quality of Life.


Welcome to the GreenPolicy360 eco Operating System (eOS)

Steven Schmidt @Wikipedia | Siterunner @GreenPolicy360


GreenPolicy360 is an interactive eOS, an 'eco Operating System'. We are connecting green work globally through interactive, online networking. We bring eco-ethics, values-based politics, the Internet and World Wide Web together to empower today's connected citizens.

Over a hundred million GreenPolicy360 users across all the nations of Planet Earth have used y/our online network to make a positive difference. Our GreenLinks additionally share resources, models, and environmental protection solutions. Join in to discover visionary eco-news and "Green Best Practices".

We are a diverse, multi-cultural and multi-national community. The work we do every day brings change and makes a last, positive difference.

We offer a helping hand to each Planet Citizen and deep appreciation to all Planet Citizens for improving, protecting and sustaining Life on Earth.


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GreenPolicy360 believes in "change, change for the better" as 'planet citizens' of a blue-green 360° world so magnificently first viewed in December 1968 from the Apollo 8 mission.

The GreenPolicy360 network is a clearinghouse where you can find what works and 'repurpose' green policies and practices without ‘reinventing the wheel’. Take the green best practices offered via Topics and Categories and pass them along. Be an 'Inluencer' and 'Change Maker'!


GreenPolicy360 highlight the importance of facts and science.

We are Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists.

Stats - Green Research & Science


We Encourage non-commercial sharing of images/content/data presented at GreenPolicy360

Our GreenPolicy360 network and eOS (eco Operating System), including GreenLinks globally, continues providing a platform of "green best practices" and featured news stories.

Re: sharing information, GreenPolicy360 attempts to provide digital citations, internet links, educational resources and references for further study and use of our content. We offer 'DOI' links... DOI refers to Digital Object Identifier, the unique and never-changing string assigned to online (journal) articles, books, and other works. Citation style guides, like APA, MLA Handbook, and Chicago Manual of Style recommend including them in citations.

Search & Share

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Quickly use the GreenPolicy360 site by scanning the left column for Popular and Recommended pages.

Look for your area of interest in green Categories. Search, explore, find & share, upload & download the green policies & best practices, data & resources.

GreenPolicy360 is powered by open-access MediaWiki and new contributions are constantly developing our reach as we work to multiply green achievements community-to-community, country-to-country.


Note re: the Use of NASA images at GreenPolicy360

Fair use of NASA missions images come under NASA and U.S. law and regulations placing these images legally in the Public Domain.

Under United States copyright law, works created by the U.S. federal government or its agencies cannot be copyrighted.

GreenPolicy360 make copious use of many NASA images, particularly regarding #EarthScience missions and our focus on the vital importance of #AtmosphericScience.

Any questions re: use of images can be directed to GreenPolicy360 at [email protected]

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Your GreenPolicy360 Founder/Siterunner

Contact GreenPolicy360 at our terrestrial home base

e-Mail: [email protected]

@Clearwater, Florida



We are a MediaWiki, a Global Network, an Operating System, an eOS

Y/our site runs on an open source MediaWiki platform.

Looking back-in-time and with wiki data-points, the original Wikipedia was developed in the early 2000s by the Bomis group, which was located in St. Petersburg, Florida. GreenPolicy360 was concurrently developed in St. Pete, adopting a wiki platform and an 'agile development model'. GreenPolicy360 supported "democratization of the web" as a key goal to create open-network sharing focused on 'green best practices' . GreenPolicy360's founder Steve Schmidt, living in St. Pete from 2000 and a digital media executive of an international, interactive company, launched M Channel as an independent venture to support the growth of the global GreenPolicy360 network.

GreenPolicy360.com | .net | .org

About GreenPolicy360 & StrategicDemands


~ Wikipedia has been praised for its enablement of the democratization of knowledge, extent of coverage, unique structure, and culture.

~ The Wikimedia Foundation was established in 2003 in St. Petersburg, Florida, by Jimmy Wales as a nonprofit way to fund Wikipedia, Wiktionary, and other crowdsourced wiki projects that had until then been hosted by Bomis...

Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki

The wikipedia - mediawiki - wiki network is among the top online networks in the world. Wikipedia itself traces, one of the top ten sites worldwide, traces its founding back to our GreenPolicy360 region, St. Petersburg-Clearwater in Florida, USA. Here is the story of the Wikipedia and why we chose to join the wiki 'open network' to deliver our Green stories, as planet citizens sharing ideas and best practices throughout our fast-connecting home planet.

We are a 'Distributive Web' and Encourage Sharing of our GreenPolicy360 content/data

GreenPolicy360 News, Stories, Media, Best Practices, Initiatives, Projects and Programs have been shared tens of millions of times. Our GreenLinks global network enables sharing designed for community-to-community, individual and peer-to-peer distribution. Sharing multiplies the green message, ripples become waves. Create green waves of change to protect & preserve our Living Earth.

Green Best Practices

GreenPolicy360's 'Mission Statement' --
"To care for our home, the only home we have"

Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth

Living Earth.png

Step up and create a future to positively impact the quality and sustainability of life.


GreenPolicy360 (eOS)

SJS/GreenPolicy360: We are the first generation to scientifically and systemically monitor the 'Vital Signs' of the Earth...
We encourage you to employ our eco-resources to launch new initiatives. Use our GreenLinks network.


GreenLinks logo - 2.png
Check Our Green360 Connections @GreenLinks -- https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/GreenLinks


Planet Citizens / Scientists, Preserving & Protecting the Home Planet Earth

Planet Citizen Action | Environmental protection | Quality of Life

Earth Right Now | EarthPOV | Earth Observations

Blue Marble photo taken by the crew of Apollo 17 (1972).jpg
Earth Science Vital Signs


EarthScience Missions via the EOS - 2022.png



Earth Observing System and an Eco Operating System
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:Earth_Observing_System_-_fleet_of_satellites.png
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Earth_Science_Vital_Signs
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/About_Us
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Earth_Science_Research_from_Space

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: News from NOAA and it's uplifting news, work we've been advancing, #EarthScience, day-by-day since the launch of #EarthDay in 1970.
We can remember George Brown explaining to Gaylord Nelson in a planning mtg how we needed data, climate info w a baseline and access to the data sets for scientists, educators, and public. Rep Brown told the Senator that he'd get the job going in his com't oversight role. He did -- for three decades George shepherded NASA/NOAA/USGS/JPL, a flock of Earth Science missions, programs and their funding. George was referred to over the years as the 'Big Science' man ...
Read the latest on these 'Vital Signs' data gathering missions...
* https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/noaa-updates-its-global-surface-temperature-dataset


GreenPolicy360.com / .net / .org
Tens of Millions of Visits & Shares Connecting Citizens, Communities & Countries Worldwide


Please focus special attention on our "Thin Blue" pages, images, and data ... www.thinbluelayer.com

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GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / Steve Schmidt:

Memories of the Original Earth Science Mission Statement on NASA and 50+ Years of Leadership

Our GreenPolicy360 work brings historic emphasis to Earth Science and Atmospheric Science research that takes us back to the beginnings of the modern environmental movement and to a mentor, and then colleague of your GreenPolicy360 siterunner, who brought Earth Science to a new level over a nearly four decade career in the U.S. Congress. A tip of our green hat to the memory of Representative George E. Brown and his pioneering vision and generational activism on the Science, Space and Technology Committee.

Greening Our Blue Planet

Generation Green

From the Mission Statement:
“To understand and protect our home planet..." 🌎

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* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/mw/images/1969_beginnings_of_the_modern_environmental_movement.pdf

SJS/GreenPolicy360 Founder:: "We are the first generation to scientifically and systemically monitor the 'Vital Signs' of the Earth...

Let us work now to expand our vision and act to protect Earth's living systems. The well-being of future generations is in our hands."


I personally watched a newly elected Congressman, George E. Brown take the original NASA 'Mission Statement' and point to a highlighting of Earth Science. As a member and then a chairman of the Congressional oversight committee of Earth Science missions from the 60s through the 90s, George taught me, and I am sharing what George and many have worked to do over the years and bequeath today's and future generations. Here is one passage from my memory of my George... George E. Brown. He never gave up.... he kept on with 'the mission'. His memory and work, a legacy is featured at GreenPolicy360.

The NASA/USGS Landsat program began Earth Science satellite studies that George Brown shepherded and oversaw. In the 1960s a monumental new technology was invented and, with a fortuitous shift in U.S. remote imaging capabilities from to digital, 'multispectral' scanning, the Landsat program took off and the data that began coming back from near-orbit Landsat satellites forever changed how we see, study and interact with our world.

Here is a search of articles from the GreenPolicy360 archive that reveal rarely discussed yet momentous highlights of the Landsat era, the beginnings of the Earth Observing System (EOS), and Earth Science missions now in their fifth decade.

Zoom in on the Multispectral Scanner and "The Woman Who Brought Us the World" -- Virginia Tower Norwood.

The Landsat mission with its #EarthScience observations set in motion what became multi-decade measuring of changing Earth Systems -- https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Landsat_data_users_handbook

Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png

SJS: George Brown worked tirelessly in Congress. With saving and protecting the environment as a key goal, George moved conservative and liberal politicians in new directions. George saw connections that transcended states and nations. He saw interconnections and new roles to protect health and safety. George was was central in proposing and setting up an EPA as an umbrella agency to coordinate environmental federal and federal-state efforts... George was a "first-mover" as the term has come to be known. He had a big-picture plan and set out to accomplish it. He succeeded on multiple fronts, pushing forward the idea and the vision for 'omnibus' legislation. The Environmental Protection Agency was founded and historic initial green laws and regulations for environmental protection and security were passed.

George was among the first voices to be raised warning about the environmental threat of climate disruption and, although few realize, he was at the forefront of the initial efforts to study the climate, pushing the development of initial atmospheric science programs and missions of NASA and public/private research. He combined his engineering skills with his legislative reach.

George E. Brown, in fact, drafted the "National Climate Program Act" of 1978.

1978 Climate Act PDF via GreenPolicy360

Rep. George Brown brought his extensive work with U.S. top scientists, featured in the work of 1977's Energy and Climate Report of the National Academy of Sciences and follow on 1979 Academy Climate Science report that was presciently accurate in its predictions.

The Congressman-Engineer emphasized, constantly to me and in his work, the essential important of having accurate data in order to make the best possible engineering decisions. He imprinted, if I could use this word to its fullest meaning, the vital nature of gathering information with studies over time to monitor changes. He was in a position, one of the most powerful positions in government, to shape the policies of science -- atmospheric science, earth science, big science.

Whenever we see the NASA 'marching directive' "You can manage only what you can measure", think of George. The original mission statement of our nation's first ventures into space began with studying the home planet. Measuring and monitoring became a mantra of Earth Science...

You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg

The Congressman left us a legacy of vision and action against threats to the atmosphere, earth's life systems, and sustainability.

We have, all who believe in the importance of science, carried forward his thoughts over the years since the 1960s and 1970s. As best we could, we have carried on against deep odds and opposition by those with other goals.

The Original Mission Statement of NASA ((1958) provided Congressional intent and guidance to the first generation of space programs. George, if he were here, would've done I am certain everything within his power to protect the original mission statement...

Andrew Revkin/July 22, 2006/ NYT

“To understand and protect our home planet; to explore the universe and search for life; to inspire the next generation of explorers ... as only NASA can.”


Environmental protection | George E. Brown Jr

"My friend George"... In His Time, a Visionary Leader in Science

Changing Our World, Advancing Historic Environmental Achievements

Generational politics & Earth science: We are a generation of environmental policies, programs & law

George E. Brown

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:US_Role_in_the_World,_Feb_1969_George_E_Brown_1.pdf * https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:US_Role_George_E_Brown_2.pdf * https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:US_Role_George_E_Brown_3.pdf

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
Earth Science Research from Space
Measuring & Monitoring Planet Earth Now


GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands


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GreenPolicy360's origins connect deeply with Strategic Demands and activism to move the U.S. and nations of the world away from nuclear weapons proliferation. The Cuban Missile Crisis of the early 1960s had a profound effect on many, the 'close call', the near nuclear catastrophe, the fact that young students in schools across the nation were 'ducking and covering' under desks, picturing imminent nuclear blasts, left an impression that life was not to be taken for granted. It could end at any moment unless we, all of us, took action to end the threat before it ended us.

During this period of history, your current GreenPolicy360 siterunner met a new Congressman, George E. Brown in East Los Angeles. I was a young high school debater who went to see the local Congressman and what was set in motion was a multi-year journey between us to develop climate/environmental science and generational activism and strong, deep opposition to nuclear weapons.

I told the story of this meeting, starting with a Schwinn bike here....

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On the 50th Anniversary

Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day


Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement


Today the ideals and ideas that began in a serious way that day continue on .... we became a movement, a political cause, and now we are a diverse mix, across the globe, employing the Internet with many voices, colors, ages, especially young people joining in. GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands, GreenPolicy360's associate with a geo-politics emphasis, continue on year after year, decade after decade....

Green, environmental, national and global.... we are strongly confronting and working to solve our generation's existential challenges. Reaching across our home planet, touching and interacting with planet citizens, looking to share solutions to the pressing problems and challenges of our generation.

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More from Strategic Demands and GreenPolicy360:

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As Planet Citizens we are interconnected global citizens ... "Earthrise" .

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* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/mw/images/1969_beginnings_of_the_modern_environmental_movement.pdf