
From Green Policy
Revision as of 20:28, 26 October 2013 by Siterunner (talk | contribs)
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Planet Citizen Visions of Living Earth



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Media Kit

About GreenPolicy360 - Local/National/Global

We are a 'Green Best Practices' resource hub to use community-by-community, day-by-day...

We are hosted on a MediaWiki platform. We are open-source and designed to be shareable.

GreenPolicy360's networking has tens of millions of visits, interactions, active user shares and re-shares.

GreenPolicy360's eOS (eco Operating System) supports GreenLinks & Generation Green actions worldwide.

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National Climate Plans

Planet Earth Perspective

The story arc of GreenPolicy360, in its span and scope, tracks back to the late 1960s when Steve Schmidt, our founder and current siterunner, began to work alongside a new Congressman from East Los Angeles, Rep. George E. Brown. Their work as detailed in GreenPolicy360 reveals a narrative and scientific journey into the origins, development, Earth Science and political activism that helped set in motion the modern environmental movement.

Connecting & sharing world changing stories

"GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement"

Today's challenges come into the light as a half century journey of key players, events, struggles, and decisions are revealed. Green politics and the modern environmental movement have progressed far from first-era Whole Earth images of the 1960s and a first "Earth Day" of 1970.

GreenPolicy360 speaks of green, life affirming values, "a politics of values" that we see as needed "for the long run" as humanity navigates the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

The media is welcome onboard. Search & explore GreenPolicy360's curated collection of stories from around the world.

On Earth

Green Stories of the Day ~ Climate News

Earth and Space, Politics




Continuing decades of environmental work, GreenPolicy360 launched in 2005-2006

Read more about GreenPolicy360 here --

Also visit GreenPolicy360's Associated website -- Strategic Demands

Oct2006 SJS 204x287.jpg

2006, Clearwater, Florida

Steven J. Schmidt (SJS)

GreenPolicy360 Founder / Siterunner

Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360

Email: [email protected]

Personal Contact: [email protected]

User talk:Siterunner

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere l.jpg


from the Frontlines of Green Best Practices

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Soon-to-be-announced: the extension of GreenPolicy360 with eOS -- a network of effective green politics on a global, international scale

October 2013

Two new cool tools for digital visualizations / Visit GP360's Friends [[1]] [RAW] [TableauPublic]

September 2013

Another organization that pushes an agenda, not a green agenda but a powerful lobbying agenda that often attempts to push back a green agenda - take a look at example of the latest from the ALEC org "Renewable energy overpowers ALEC" [2]

August 2013

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US/Climate Change/Response Planning by States

Maryland Advances Climate/Energy Plan... emission reduction goals surpass California and all states except Massachusetts

[3] / [4]

Maryland Governor Unveils Strongest US Plan To Fight Climate Change [5]

Maryland Gov. O'Malley ups ante for reduction of statewide greenhouse gases. Stating that "we trust in the fierce urgency of now," Maryland's Gov. proposes to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020 and state policy proposals include accelerating state clean energy and efficiency goals. "We move forward, not back..." [6] [7]

July 2013

File:GHCN Temperature Stations.png

Climate Extremes are Unprecedented - BBC Global News [8] Warmest decade in 2001-2010, WMO survey shows

  • WATER ALERT US Groundwater Depletion "accelerating", May 2013 [9]

"Water Stress" - NatGeo US [10]

Climate Change / US Drought Monitor [11]

History-making drought conditions, new water conservation measures announced TX [12] TX [13] TX [14] NM [15] NM [16] NM [17] AZ [18] UT [19] Colorado River watershed [20] Southwest [21] Southwest [22] Southwest [23] Midwest/Aquifers [24] National Water Resources Information [25] Nationally - two thirds of the country in drought conditions, one third severe [26] National - Maps/Infographics [27] [28] National/State online drought resources [29] Dust-bowl proportions [30] US gov monitoring drought conditions [31] [32] US drought designations as of June 2013 [33] US Climate prediction/drought [34]

International - July 2013:

Global - July 2013: Latest NOAA Climatic Data Center report shows *global* June 2013 temperatures rank as 5th highest on record (summary at Note: first half of 2013 (Jan–Jun) 7th warmest on record.



Appropriate Technology

Here's to Appropedia [35]

Here's to growing the MediaWiki community. We're looking forward at Green Policy to connecting soon with fellow MediaWikians Lonny and Chris at Appropedia. - -

Appropedia brings "appropriate technology" for the new era. Definitely take a special Up Close Look [36] at '''Appropedia'''[37] if you haven't already... thousands upon thousands of sustainable, forward thinking green projects for each and every community... Join in ! Model projects welcome. Cultivate, grow, nurture and spread new ideas...

'Appropedia' -


Let the Sunshine in -- follow your local government and urge positive change Sunlight Foundation [38]

For your consideration, here's a searchable database to check on your government reps... offered by the Sunlight Foundation. -- "Open States: Data for all 50 States"

'Sunlight Foundation' -

Introducing 'The Congress App' for iOS and Android [39] - [40]


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Plant a Tree, a Simple Act in Your Neighborhood !



Help on the Way for Decimated Bee Populations "Bees pollinate about a third of US crops" --

"Dance of the Honeybee" Oct. 4, 2013 -- Bill Moyers, narrated by Bill McKibben


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Our Purpose

GreenPolicy360 is an online database which lists local legislation/proposals/resolutions/ordinances/concepts that are congruent with Green values. Our database is growing all the time! Initially at GreenPolicy.US, we have expanded and continue to grow as GreenPolicy360. See the Introduction Video. Our eco-network is a system designed for sharing, a distributive web of green best practices.

GreenPolicy360 was developed for use in all communities, local, national, international. Whether you're a progressive elected official, an activist or a concerned citizen, GreenPolicy360 lets you know how other communities are dealing with many of the key public policy issues of yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you're working to craft similar legislation/proposals/resolutions/ordinances/concepts for your local community, or you just want to get an idea of best practices that might be possible, you can use the models and templates here, copy and paste what has worked in other communities and locations and modify to your own needs. "Think and act global and local!"

GreenPolicy360 is also an excellent reference source for students and online education. With a wide array of topics, GreenPolicy360 will save you time and energy as you look to learn and become engaged in work to improve your community and our world. Whatever country you are in, you can learn from best practices from your region, bioregion or similar regions. Rather than spend hours and hours trying to locate source material, you can find many models and examples of what you're looking for right here, right now.

How to Use this Site

Our team has worked very hard to make it easy for you to find what you're looking for! We've created a lot of different tools and avenues for you to choose from. These are outlined below.

You can also watch a tutorial in this movie.


1) Browse our Master Index

The Master Index is broken down into categories and lists every single entry in GreenPolicy360.

2) Google Maps

Are you a visual person? Do you want to see what kinds of Green legislation and programs have been introduced and/or passed in your locale? You can search by Cities, Counties and Educational Institutions.

3) Browse/Search GreenPolicy360 through the use of a wide variety of categories

Have you stopped by to see if you can find a specific piece of local legislation/ordinances/initiatives or are you merely interested in discovering what might be possible to introduce in your community?

4) Searching the site on your own terms

Simply enter your search words in the box to the left and click on Policy Search. You can enter subject words, place names, anything you want, and in any combination you want. Please be aware that searches must be at least three characters long. The database will not search for two-character search strings.

5) A Note about the "background info" tab

As we continue to develop the various capabilities of GreenPolicy360, it is our intent to provide you with more background information in the form of summaries, analyses, news article, interviews and first person narratives.
To know whether or not any given entry possesses background information, all you need to identify is the color of the tab. If the tab has blue lettering, then the entry does include background information. If the tab has red lettering, it means that it does NOT include background information...yet.

Jump in - Add your Ideas, Add a New Keyword, 'Tag a Topic'

Is there a category that you think should be included in our database that isn't? If so, send your category suggestions to [41].

Consult the User's Guide for information on using this wiki software.



Friends of GreenPolicy360

Additional Online/Web Resources

OpenData/Distributive Web

Political/ecoSocial Change


United Nations