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'''''GreenPolicy360's eco Operating System: Tens of Millions of Visits & Shares'''''       
:[ <font color=green>'''''Generation Green / .net / .org''''' </font>]
:[[File:Green Branching Out-2.jpg|link=]] [[File:Green Branching Out-2.jpg|link=]]

<big>'''[[Green Policy:About]]'''</big>

<big><big>'''''Connecting and sharing stories changing the world'''''</big></big>  
[ <font color=green><big><big><big>''' | .net | .org'''</big></big></big></font>]

:<small> ''As interconnected'' [ '''''Planet Citizens'''''] ''our challenge is to improve our [ '''Quality of Life'''] and [ '''Secure our Common Future...''''']
<small>[ '''''Planet Citizen Visions of Living Earth''''']</small>   

::''Launch new initiatives, improve the environment, change the way governments run, impact and transform how businesses work''

:::''We encourage you to join in, dream and create your own green stories venturing on and making a positive difference every day''

::::''Now is time to go beyond old ways of thinking and shape new visions of our communities and our living home -- [,_Politics '''Planet Earth''']''


:::::::[[File:'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere m.jpg|link=]]
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:::::::[ <small><small>''View Planet Earth Rolling Thru Space''</small></small>]
:[[File:Earth Flag-2.png|link=]] <big><big><big>'''Climate News'''</big></big></big> 
:::::[ <big>'''Time to act to make a difference'''</big>]
::::::[ <big><big><font color=green>"Nature's sending a message --- #Act Before It's Too Late"</font></big></big>]
:::::::::: [[File:Bug eyes in the rainforest canopy Photo by Don Perry-2.jpg]]
:::::::::: [ <small>''Bug Eyes Saying Now Is the Time to Open Your Eyes''</small>]
<big>Green360 | Highlighted News</big>
<big><big>'''August 2022'''</big></big>
'''August 26, 2022'''
''[[California out in front in a Green future]]''
<big><big>'''''California Acts to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars'''''</big></big>
''The decision, to take effect by 2035, will very likely speed a wider transition to electric vehicles because many other states follow California’s standards''
''After the California Air Resources Board approved Thursday regulations that ban the sale of new gas-engine vehicles by 2035, requiring all new cars to run on electricity or hydrogen, California Gov. Gavin Newsom told ABC News he was confident that more states would do the same to help combat climate change.''
''It’s hard to overstate the significance of California’s move this week to end the sale of new gas-powered cars.''
''The California Air Resources Board’s vote Thursday setting a firm 2035 deadline is huge and consequential for climate change, air quality and health. The nation’s most populated and worst-polluted state is the first to adopt rules that will finally stop adding gas-fueled passenger vehicles to its roads.''
''The end of the internal combustion engine era, and the toll on our lungs and our planet, is finally on the horizon.''
''This regulation will require automakers to sell increasing percentages of zero-emission and plug-in hybrid vehicles starting with 35% of new car sales in 2026, reaching 68% in 2030 and 100% by 2035. Zero-emission vehicles account for 16.5% of California’s new sales today, a rate that leads the nation but lags behind Europe and China. So these rules help reestablish California’s climate leadership, putting it in step with other leading nations and making it one of the first — and the largest — vehicle markets in the world to require 100% of new sales be zero emissions.''
''It’s a pivotal moment for a state that has been shaped for decades, often negatively, by automobiles and the health-damaging pollution they generate.''
'''More on California's decision to drive forward into a new world of transportation'''
[ '''#PlanetCitizens''']
[[File:Historic climate-clean energy vote in US Congress August 12 2022.jpeg]]
<big>'''[[Climate Problems, Climate Solutions]]'''</big>
<big><big>'''A Green New Deal by Another Name'''</big></big>
: '''Three Legislative Actions Add Up to a New Version of a Green New Deal'''
:: '''Infrastructure, CHIPS, IRA...'''
GreenPoliyc360: Let's look more closely at three huge advances as the US acts to deal with climate...
A Renamed and Restructured Green New Deal
<big>'''August 7, 2022'''</big>
[ '''Steve Schmidt / Founder, GreenPolicy360''']: It took 45+ yrs to pass real climate action called for in the 1970s w the first National Climate Act. Our #GreenPolicy360 network thanks Rep George E. Brown, a main mover at the beginning, who'd be smiling now if he were here ...
<big><big>'''''Five Decades in the Making: Why It Took Congress So Long to Act on Climate'''''</big></big>

<big>'''Bookmark Climate Policy @GreenPolicy360'''</big>  
<big><big>'''Media Kit'''</big></big>


<big>'''About GreenPolicy360's Global Work'''</big>

We are a ''' '[[Green Best Practices]]' ''' resource hub to use community-by-community, day-by-day...

We are hosted on a [ '''MediaWiki platform''']. We are open-source and designed to be shareable.

<big><big>'''''Surprise Deal Would Be Ambitious Climate Action'''''</big></big>
GreenPolicy360's network has tens of millions of visits, interactions, active user shares and re-shares.

''The announcement Wednesday (July 27) of an agreement in the Senate almost instantly reset the role of the United States in the global effort to fight climate change''
GreenPolicy360's eOS (eco Operating System) supports [ '''GreenLinks'''] & local/national/global green initiatives.


GreenPolicy360 Banner - 800x162

<big><big>'''The Climate Action Story Continues'''</big</big>
: President Biden needs to put forward a powerful 'executive' climate agenda</big></big>


GreenPolicy360 Banner - 493x88


<big>'''Visit Our Climate News Florida Site'''</big>
GreenPolicy360 Logo - 120x117


With our GreenPolicy360 home on the West Coast of Florida, a state with political tendencies to overlook and deny climate change even as we're on 'the frontlines' of a #ClimateCrisis, we thought it's time to face the news, face the facts Florida!

GreenPolicy360 Tag cloud - 521x324



'''July 4th, 2022'''

<big><big>'''[[National Climate Plans]]'''</big></big>

[[File:Richard Jacobs and The Man in the Arena - on July 4 2022.png]]
: <big>'''[[Planet Earth Perspective]]'''</big></big>


The story arc of GreenPolicy360, in its span and scope, tracks back to the late 1960s when Steve Schmidt, our founder and current siterunner, began to work alongside a new Congressman from East Los Angeles, [ '''Rep. George E. Brown'''.] Their work as detailed in GreenPolicy360 reveals a narrative and scientific journey into the origins, development, Earth Science and political activism that helped set in motion the modern environmental movement.

... '''''Our Challenge'''''

''In [ '''Democracy of Dollars'''] ...
<big>Connecting & sharing world changing stories</big>
''“Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it.” It’s in the renewal, strengthening, and defense of democracy where you and I come in. It’s where achieving a healthy balance between individual liberty and the common good must be achieved, and we must insist on it being accomplished.''

"GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement"

-- Dick Jacobs,
July 4th 2022,
Tierra Verde, Florida

Today's challenges come into the light as a half century journey of key players, events, struggles, and decisions are revealed. Green politics and the modern environmental movement have progressed far from [ '''first-era Whole Earth images'''] of the 1960s and a first [ '''"Earth Day"'''] of 1970.

GreenPolicy360 speaks of green, life affirming values, "a politics of values" that we see as needed "for the long run" as humanity navigates the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

The media is welcome onboard. Search & explore GreenPolicy360's curated collection of stories from around the world.

[[File:SCOTUS News re West Virginia v EPA Decision.pdf]]

<big><big>'''On Earth'''</big></big>

<big><big>'''West Virginia v EPA'''</big></big>
'''[[Green Stories of the Day]]''' ~ '''[[Climate News]]'''  

: Click [ '''Here'''] for a scan of news/commentary and opinion re the June 30, 2022 decision
'''[[Earth  and Space, Politics]]'''


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'''June 2022'''
[[File:June 28 2022.png]]
: <small>*</small>
[[File:Environmental laws in US - Supreme Court votes soon.png]]
'''Supreme Court environmental case decision -- and a coordinated, multiyear strategy by Republican attorneys general and conservative allies'''
[[File:Nuclear Threats and Responses.png]]
: '''The Russia - Ukraine War Continues Raising New Nuclear Risks'''
::'''Visit GreenPolicy360's Colleague 'Strategic Demands' for More...'''
<big>'''As War in Europe Takes Over the Daily Headlines'''</big>
<big>''' "Hand-writing Is On the Wall"'''</big>
May 2022
By Lawrence Wilkerson Col, USA (Ret)
Whether it’s sea level rise, unprecedented drought, extreme weather events, devastating and wide-ranging fires, dwindling fresh water supplies, food scarcity, multiple pandemics, or massive human migrations (particularly from the Global South), or any number of these occurring simultaneously or synergistically, the hand-writing is on the wall...
America must get moving now, not dither and doubt. The U.S. military’s risk factor equation is around 60-65 percent. That is, if the chance of disaster is that high, you buy insurance, the best policy you can afford. The risk with the climate crisis is human existence and the risk factor is at least 70-plus percent. Ask yourself what you would do.
These recommendations in no way constitute an advocacy for more overseas bases for the U.S. military, a supplemental to its already-over-the-top budget, or an increase in its overall numbers. In fact, these recommendations absolutely eschew even more stupid, endless wars that detract from attention to genuine national security challenges such as that presented by the changing climate.
:[[File:StratDem logo4.png]]
''"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."''
: ''— Ruth Bader Ginsburg''
[ <font color=green><big><big>'''''Out in Front Green Politics'''''</big></big></font>]
: #GoingGreen, globally connected, your 360 [ '''''GreenLinks Action Network''''']
::'''''[[Green Stories of the Day]] / [[Climate News]] / [[Planet Citizens]] / [[Going Green]]'''''
'''Via Strategic Demands, GreenPolicy360's associate''':
[[File:Eyes On Global Security Threats - via Strategic Demands April 2022.png|link=]]
<big>'''Biden's (and the World's) Imperiled Climate Agenda'''</big>
<big>'''Oil/Gas Seen at Center of Ukraine War'''</big>
:[ '''Fossil Fuels: A Perspective''']
::'''Russia looks to its oil/gas revenue to fund its war'''
<big>'''Big Oil/Gas Companies: Prices Continue Up, Profits Up, Way Up'''</big>
'''Russia-Ukraine War Brings Disruptions and Sanctions: Oil/Gas/Fuel Prices Surge in 2022'''
(2021 Report) ''The largest oil and gas companies made a combined $174bn in profits in the first nine months of the year as gasoline prices climbed in the US, according to a new report.''
''The bumper profit totals, provided exclusively to the Guardian, show that in the third quarter of 2021 alone, 24 top oil and gas companies made more than $74bn in net income. From January to September, the net income of the group, which includes Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP, was $174bn.''
<big>'''United Nations latest global climate assessment delivers dire news'''</big>
''Last line of the latest [ '''IPCC policy document''']: "Scientific evidence is unequivocal: Climate change is a threat to human well-being & planetary health. Any further delay in global action will miss a brief & rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable & sustainable future for all."''
<big><big>'''Nuclear Weapons in Europe ... Tactical/Strategic Background'''</big></big>
: '''Security Perspectives, Security Demands: Russia, Ukraine, NATO, US, European nations'''
If one steps back and takes a broader look at the causes of potential war over the issue of Ukraine, the issue takes on a larger security perspective, i.e., nuclear weapons "modernization" and next generation "smart", "dial-up" tactical nuclear weapons imminently being deployed in Europe and other theaters.
The modernization of nuclear weapons post Cold War nuclear triad strategies, and the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) era of massive nuclear retaliation with 'launch on warning' command and control to assure land-based missile capabilities to respond to perceived preemptive attack has led to a new era, one of so-called small nukes.
They are not small, they are profoundly dangerous to real security and the current European, East-West standoff over Ukraine, demonstrates how these next generation nuclear weapons are bringing on new iterations of nuclear danger.
Given the saber rattling, the threats of war, the failing diplomacy broadcast as near ultimatums and resorts to use of force, and counterforce, let's hope that behind the news that's public there's a quiet negotiation going forward to resolve the primary security concerns of the nations facing off. Foremost are nuclear weapons and delivery systems that are clear and present dangers.
[ '''#ActonClimate'''] Today & Every Day
<big>'''[[Glasgow Climate Summit - Pledges, Promises, Declarations - What's Next Up]]'''</big>
: [[File:Methods to enforce climate pledges-NDCs - Dec 2021.png]]

<big><big>'''GreenPolicy360: Climate Pledges Must Be Enforced'''</big></big>
<big>'''GreenPolicy360 '''</big>

How to turn each nation's climate pledges into 'effective climate action'
Continuing decades of environmental work, GreenPolicy360 launched in 2005-2006

:Promises of international climate summits in Paris (2015) & Glasgow (2021) now require 'effective climate action follow on'

::Measuring & monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with satellite missions can become -- 'Our climate tool working nation-by-nation'
Read more about GreenPolicy360 here --


'''GreenPolicy360 Siterunner - SJS / December 2021''': Looking back to the 1960s and 70s to the beginnings of the Earth Science from Space missions of NASA and affiliated U.S. agencies, in association with higher education and aerospace business, the vision statements of Congressional leaders, recalling [ '''Rep. George E. Brown (D-Los Angeles)'''], setting in motion the [,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg '''measuring and monitoring'''] programs that have led to decades of atmospheric and earth systems data. This constellation of new space technology -- digital imaging, Earth 360° remote viewing, scientific observations, changes over time, trend lines, all can come into our hands. 'Drilling down', not for gas and oil, but in the parsing of data, now has the promise to provide essential ways and means to deliver a real- and extended-time knowledge base which can be used, effectively and we propose legally, to deliver on pledges and promises made at international climate change conferences and summits.

Let us do our part in continuing to expand this first-generation earth science vision -- space-based cooperative missions, initiatives and ventures -- that makes it possible to turn database tracking of emissions [ '''(externalities)'''] -- CO2, methane, CFCs and other gases -- nation-by-nation into Climate Plan Enforcement (CPEs).

It is time to move from distant pledges to coordinated nation-by-nation climate action. Using best practices, effective nationally determined, and legally enforced operational plans, we can become agents of change making a positive real-world difference. As it is said -- "Earth Is In Our Hands", let us turn science and knowledge into climate action now.
Also visit GreenPolicy360's Associated website -- Strategic Demands

The strategic demands for international cooperation and action is our generations greatest task and our legacy. Let us take up our climate challenge. Our time is today to enforce well intended, but extremely hard to achieve climate pledges.  


[[File:Unprecedented report - IPCC Aug-9-2021.jpg]]
[[File:Oct2006 SJS 204x287.jpg]]

<small>2006, Clearwater, Florida</small>

<big><big>'''''Devastating News: Climate Change Impacts to Hit Sooner than Predicted'''''</big></big>

Steven J. Schmidt (SJS)

''Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisors obtained by AFP.''
GreenPolicy360 Founder / Siterunner

''Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas—these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30.''
[ Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360]

''The choices societies make now will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report seen exclusively by AFP.''
Email: [ [email protected]]

''But dangerous thresholds are closer than once thought, and dire consequences stemming from decades of unbridled carbon pollution are unavoidable in the short term.''
Personal Contact:



<big>'''[[User talk:Siterunner]]'''</big>


: '' "[ '''The worst'''] is yet to come, affecting our children's and grandchildren's lives much more than our own."''

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[[Category:About Us]]
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[[Category:Climate Policy]]
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[[Category:Digital Rights]]
[[Category:Earth Day]]
[[Category:Earth Imaging]]
[[Category:Earth Science]]
[[Category:Earth Science from Space]]
[[Category:Earth System Science]]
[[Category:Ecology Studies]]
[[Category:Energy Policy]]
[[Category:Environmental Laws]]
[[Category:Environmental Protection]]
[[Category:Environmental Security]]
[[Category:Global Warming]]
[[Category:Green Best Practices]]
[[Category:Green Networking]]
[[Category:Green Politics]]
[[Category:Green Values]]
[[Category:Human Rights]]
[[Category:New Definitions of National Security]]
[[Category:Nuclear Proliferation]]
[[Category:Nuclear Weapons]]
[[Category:Planet Citizen]]
[[Category:Planet Citizen]]
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[[Category:Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]
[[Category:Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]
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[[Category:Whole Earth]]
[[Category:Whole Earth]]

Latest revision as of 11:32, 10 July 2024


Green Branching Out.jpg

Green Policy:About | .net | .org

Planet Citizen Visions of Living Earth



GP360 tagcloud2 m.png

Media Kit

About GreenPolicy360's Global Work

We are a 'Green Best Practices' resource hub to use community-by-community, day-by-day...

We are hosted on a MediaWiki platform. We are open-source and designed to be shareable.

GreenPolicy360's network has tens of millions of visits, interactions, active user shares and re-shares.

GreenPolicy360's eOS (eco Operating System) supports GreenLinks & local/national/global green initiatives.

GreenPolicy360 Banner - 800x162

GreenPolicy360 Banner - 493x88

GreenPolicy360 Logo - 120x117

GreenPolicy360 Tag cloud - 521x324

National Climate Plans

Planet Earth Perspective

The story arc of GreenPolicy360, in its span and scope, tracks back to the late 1960s when Steve Schmidt, our founder and current siterunner, began to work alongside a new Congressman from East Los Angeles, Rep. George E. Brown. Their work as detailed in GreenPolicy360 reveals a narrative and scientific journey into the origins, development, Earth Science and political activism that helped set in motion the modern environmental movement.

Connecting & sharing world changing stories

"GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement"

Today's challenges come into the light as a half century journey of key players, events, struggles, and decisions are revealed. Green politics and the modern environmental movement have progressed far from first-era Whole Earth images of the 1960s and a first "Earth Day" of 1970.

GreenPolicy360 speaks of green, life affirming values, "a politics of values" that we see as needed "for the long run" as humanity navigates the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

The media is welcome onboard. Search & explore GreenPolicy360's curated collection of stories from around the world.

On Earth

Green Stories of the Day ~ Climate News

Earth and Space, Politics




Continuing decades of environmental work, GreenPolicy360 launched in 2005-2006

Read more about GreenPolicy360 here --

Also visit GreenPolicy360's Associated website -- Strategic Demands

Oct2006 SJS 204x287.jpg

2006, Clearwater, Florida

Steven J. Schmidt (SJS)

GreenPolicy360 Founder / Siterunner

Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360

Email: [email protected]

Personal Contact: [email protected]

User talk:Siterunner

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere l.jpg