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Revision as of 16:57, 24 February 2016


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Green Policy:About | .net | .org

Planet Citizen Visions of Living Earth



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Media Kit

About GreenPolicy360's Global Work

We are a 'Green Best Practices' resource hub to use community-by-community, day-by-day...

We are hosted on a MediaWiki platform. We are open-source and designed to be shareable.

GreenPolicy360's network has tens of millions of visits, interactions, active user shares and re-shares.

GreenPolicy360's eOS (eco Operating System) supports GreenLinks & local/national/global green initiatives.

GreenPolicy360 Banner - 800x162

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National Climate Plans

Planet Earth Perspective

The story arc of GreenPolicy360, in its span and scope, tracks back to the late 1960s when Steve Schmidt, our founder and current siterunner, began to work alongside a new Congressman from East Los Angeles, Rep. George E. Brown. Their work as detailed in GreenPolicy360 reveals a narrative and scientific journey into the origins, development, Earth Science and political activism that helped set in motion the modern environmental movement.

Connecting & sharing world changing stories

"GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement"

Today's challenges come into the light as a half century journey of key players, events, struggles, and decisions are revealed. Green politics and the modern environmental movement have progressed far from first-era Whole Earth images of the 1960s and a first "Earth Day" of 1970.

GreenPolicy360 speaks of green, life affirming values, "a politics of values" that we see as needed "for the long run" as humanity navigates the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

The media is welcome onboard. Search & explore GreenPolicy360's curated collection of stories from around the world.

On Earth

Green Stories of the Day ~ Climate News

Earth and Space, Politics




Continuing decades of environmental work, GreenPolicy360 launched in 2005-2006

Read more about GreenPolicy360 here --

Also visit GreenPolicy360's Associated website -- Strategic Demands

Oct2006 SJS 204x287.jpg

2006, Clearwater, Florida

Steven J. Schmidt (SJS)

GreenPolicy360 Founder / Siterunner

Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360

Email: [email protected]

Personal Contact: [email protected]

User talk:Siterunner

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere l.jpg

GreenPolicy360: 5 Million Views as of January 2016

Frontlines of Green Best Practices

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Visit the GreenLinks Network
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ThinBlue.png . EnvironmentalSecurity ThinBlue.png

Security Horizon: Strategic Demands

Blue Earth: Thin Blue Atmosphere

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GreenLinks Trending News

Green Issues Around the Globe, 360°, Online

Country Climate/INDC Plans

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Breaking News/February 14: The sudden death of US Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia sets up "an evenly divided bench", as commentators report on Feb. 13th on the news of the Justice's death in Texas. This change in the Court has wide-ranging consequence, including the Court's critically important vote on President Obama’s most ambitious effort to fight climate change, the Clean Power Plan. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit now has to finish hearing the case and rule before the Supreme Court takes up the climate plan again. The Court now will be divided and visibly a "deadlocked" judiciary until a new Supreme Court justice is appointed and confirmed.

The Supreme Court's Feb. 9th Stay Order to halt implementation of the President's Clean Power Plan, a large part of the US climate plan put forward at the international climate summit in Paris in December, came on what was described as an "unprecedented" decision by the Court on a 5-4 vote. Without Scalia's vote on environmental issues, the Court's reach will be limited to block Presidential powers addressing environmental and climate issues. The balance of power has shifted. On climate and energy policy, and many upcoming important and historic cases before the Court, the future decisions of the Court are more than ever in question. The presidential campaign has much more at stake now impacting the future of the country -- and planet. The next Supreme Court justice will, no doubt, be a swing vote with real power.

“The issue was simply whether carbon was an environmental pollutant or not. I did not think it was ever regarded as that. It is not the Atmospheric Protection Agency. It’s the Environmental Protection Agency." -- Antonin Scalia, 2012
Speaking of his dissent in the 2007 decision in which the Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency had the authority to regulate carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act

Stratosphere or troposphere...scalia-via-NYT-Revkin2009.jpg

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Threat Environment

Next Supreme Court Justice Will Be Crucial to US Climate Policy
Supreme Court’s Action Threatens Vital Climate Policies
The US Supreme Court order blocking President Obama’s plan to cut emissions from coal-burning power plants is an unprecedented step and one of the most environmentally harmful decisions ever made by the nation’s highest court
Consequences if the US Quits Climate Agreement

NY's State Attorney, Calif's AG Go After Exxon Mobil -- Exxon Bkrd

Oil Change International ... "Exposing the true costs of fossil fuels"

Markets Are Spooked ... Oil Slide Continues

70 percent drop in oil prices over the last 18 months

Exxon Mobile predicts "long-term demand growth" and profits in investor report

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Globally-averaged temps thru 2015 via NASA Goddard.gif

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Reviewing the Paris Climate Summit & Politics

Planet Citizen: "Now What?"

GreenPolicy's Online Update of Country Climate Action Plans

December 2015: The Paris Agreement Approved

GreenPolicy's Report on the Climate Change Summit

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Pope Francis speaks of the Climate mtgs

"It would be sad, and dare I say even catastrophic, were special interests to prevail over the common good and lead to manipulating information in order to protect their own plans and interests."
"The Pope takes particular aim at those who reject the science behind global warming..."

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Looking back at 2015, Green Progress and GOP Buffoonery

Washington Post editorial, January 3, 2016

U.S. Senate Republicans Say 'No' to Paris Climate Accord / GOP On Lockdown

Via the New Republic "The only remaining global outlier — the only major political party that denies climate science and opposes even the effort to reach a climate deal — is here in the U.S.: the Republican Party ..."
"Republicans attempt to derail the climate talks" / Via The Atlantic, Dec 1, 2015
"Obama is paving the way for success in Paris": US Climate Politics / Via Grist

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U.S. Congress/Science Committee News (Not Good News)

Earth Science Politics

Letter to Science Committee re: integrity
More from American science organizations
Science Orgs respond to attacks by Science Committee

Environmental Security

GreenPolicy's listing of 189 country climate plans
Climate News
Earth Observations

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Nationally determined climate plans | resilient | renewable | clean energy

Visit GreenPolicy's Int'l List of Countries and Climate Plans


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UN / Climate Plans "Synthesis Report"

Christiana Figueres @CFigueres #UNFCCC

Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Nov 15: Will not stop -- Must contine
Figueres - REDDIT AMA

UN Climate Action @UNFCCC

Oct 19
Opening plenary of the latest @UN climate negotiations
#ADP2 session... steps toward Paris... Focus!


Join In, Act, Follow, Be Out in Front

It's Your Breathing Planet


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UN Conferences / Eyes on the Future

Sustainable Development Goals.jpg

"We can commit to do more."

- Gavin Schmidt, NASA Goddard climate science director


ClimateCentral (@ClimateCentral)

Oct 20, 2015
150 countries representing around 90% of the world’s carbon emissions have now filed pledges

Climate Action National Plans/INDCs Arriving / Which Countries Are Doing the Most? / Eleven Countries that are Leading the Shift to Renewable Energy

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace Keeping Summit [1]

Conference of Parties 21, UN Climate Change Conference

Read More:[2][3][4][5][6]

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"Nothing to See Here"

Only "the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st Century (so far)"

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"What's up with sea level rise?"

NASA experts update current conditions & projections of sea level rise

@EarthVitalSigns#EarthRightNowRising Seas

Warming Wonders of the World


The 'Tiny Little Ones' &
Large 'Charismatic' Creatures

Racing Extinction websiteplankton 2.jpg

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Warming Oceans Phytoplankton & Photosynthesis

Plankton: The Ocean Food Chain & Atmospheric Oxygen

Tiny Blue Green

More than Meets the Eye

"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"

~ from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle

Visit GreenPolicy360's newly launched site --

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DSCOVR/EPIC 'News from a Million Miles'

You are being imaged!

Visit EarthPOV for DSCOVR/EPIC News

VR -- The "Big Picture" -- Earth


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DSCOVR with EPIC imaging goes LIVE! --- "Beautiful reminder that we need to protect the only planet we have"

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Vatican announcement of the eco-encyclical --- Laudato Si' --- Catholic Pontiff Speaks of an 'Integral Ecology'

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Open source 'Tree of Life' 1.0

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Bioneers Gathering

"When I listen with my heart, I am pierced with an empathic awareness that calls me into action beyond what any amount of learning, reading or mental understanding can prompt."

-- Nina Simons, Shifting Guidance from Head to Heart,

Revolution from the Heart of Nature - #‎Bioneers15‬

October 2015 --

For 25 years, the annual national Bioneers Conference has connected thousands of people with practical, visionary solutions for pressing environmental and social challenges

Epic Change, Part 1 by Kenny Ausubel

Epic Change, Part 2

Images from the Himawari-8 satellite's first official day paint a living Earth portrait

We have updated the 'Overview Effect' --- We Are Planetary: The Movie

CELEBRATE --- ORBITING the Earth --- On the ISS

Orbital Perspective is #Earth360

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In the Smallest Creatures

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"Racing Extinction" - The Movie

“We’re not making a movie, we’re starting a movement. This film is one component of a movement that will go on and on...

and hopefully will live in people’s hearts and minds and change behavior. We are the only generation that can save species for millions of years going forward.”

There is No Plan(et) B

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Climate News --- Planet Citizen --- #HelloEarth

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Recently Added Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist Pages

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GreenPolicy360 Networking/GreenLinks

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California out in front modeling and sharing green best practices

October 2015

Planet Labs Platform Beta to Advance Sustainable Development Goals

Open California -- California imaging from Planet Labs fleet, a "full historical archive" now available under a CC BY-SA license

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Climate Publishers Network

May 2015, New International Media Network to share climate change news

“Climate change is the biggest challenge humanity is currently facing and requires new ways of collaborating across geographic as well as political boundaries.”

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Astronaut Gerst --- 'Planet Citizen' Video

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Watching the Planet Breathe

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New ECO OS published by Green Horizon


Here come the 'EV Corridors' and Solar-Charging Stations -- New Motto, More Sun, Less Exxon

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Earth and Space, Politics

The recent U.S. elections have produced a 'turn-back-the-clock caucus' in Congress. The resulting efforts to roll back environmental laws passed with success over the yrs will present a challenge to profound green progress. We should consider again the beginning of the green era in the U.S. and successive accomplishments in law and practice that clearly deserve to be built upon, not to be dismantled by retro-policies.

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014

Review some of our best in 2014

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GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013

Review some of our best in 2013

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Open Government/Digital Services


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About Us

GreenPolicy360 provides green best practices, news and updates, and an online database which lists local/global policies and successful examples -- legislation/proposals/resolutions/ordinances/concepts -- of green values in practice. Our database is growing. We've experienced millions of page visits. Our Introduction Video explains how we started.

We are an eco-network, a system designed for online sharing, a distributive web of green best practices.

GreenPolicy360 was developed for use in all communities, local, national, international. GreenPolicy lets you know how other communities are dealing with many of the key public policy issues of yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you're working to craft similar green legislation/proposals/resolutions/ordinances/concepts for your local community, or you just want to get an idea of best practices that might be possible, you can use the models and templates here.

Use our online platform of best practices, build on what has worked in other communities and locations, create waves of change, multiply and keep on keeping on.

"Think and act global and local!"

GreenPolicy360 is an excellent reference source for students and online education. With a wide array of topics, GreenPolicy360 will save you time and energy as you look to learn about and become engaged in work to improve your community and our world. Whatever country you are in, you can learn from "best practices". Rather than spend hours and hours trying to locate source material, you can find many models and examples of what you're looking for right here, right now.

How to Use the GreenPolicy Site

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1) Browse our All Pages Index

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Consult the MediaWiki User's Guide for information on using this wiki software.

3) Google Maps

The World Map presents countries/locations and, as of 2015, is expanding green practices internationally, focusing on INDCs - climate plans and climate plan actions.

4) Browse/Search GreenPolicy360 through the use of a wide variety of Categories

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5) Searching the site on your own terms

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6) A Note about the "background info" tab

As we continue to develop the various capabilities of GreenPolicy360, we will provide more content as 'on background' information. Note the color of a page 'background info' tab. If the tab has blue lettering, then the entry does include background information. If the tab has red lettering, it means that it does not include background information yet.

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GreenPolicy360 GreenLinks | permalink

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Internet-World Wide Web / green organizations

File:GreenLinks as of December2015 via

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Digital Rights | Open Data - Open Gov @GreenLinks

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EarthPOV and PlanetCitizen

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Digital Rights / Open Data Open Government


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Open Forum/Twitter



Digital Rights Tag Cloud from

Digital Rights/OpenData OpenGov

Online Privacy


124K+ data sets as of 2015 -
(Parker Higgins-EFF)
Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications from Electronic Frontier Foundation
(recommended by EFF)
Lawgeek Lawrence Lessig's blog
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
Cyberlaw @Harvard
Ed Felten's "Freedom to Tinker"
Slashdot: Your Rights Online
Ernest Miller's "The Importance Of..."
Sabrina Pacifi's "Be Spacific"
(FreedomPress Organizations)
Principles on Freedom of Expression and Privacy -
GNU Project -
  • GovFuturesLab - Reimagining governance for an age of planetary challenges and human responsibility
App4Gov (TW)
(Blog) -

  • Privacy Rights in the Digital Age (Published 2016)

Privacy rights in the digital age-published2016 s.jpg

Measuring the Impact of Open Data
  • WWW Foundation, established by World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, "devoted to all people having access to the Web"

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