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[ <small>'''''Our Home Planet'''''</small>]
[[File:Earth day 2016.jpg|link=]]
<small>○ ''"There is no wisdom that is not related to earth, or does not partake of its nature."''</small>
:<small>-- Marjory Stoneman Douglas''</small> 
:::[[File:GP360 tagcloud3.png|link=]]
<center>[[File:PlanetCitizen banner 800x163.jpg|link=]]</center>

<big><big><big>'''On GreenPolicy360's eNetwork'''</big></big></big>
{{:Table of Contents (ToC) GreenPolicy360}}
<center>[[File:Blue green lines 1.png]]</center>
<big><big>'''[[Tree of Life]]'''</big></big>
'''Eukaryotes ! the [ Earth BioGenome Project] aims to sequence 1.5 million genomes'''
Science goes worldwide, to the source to study biodiversity, evolutionary lineages, by sequencing most known animal, plant, protozoan and fungal species — collectively known as eukaryotes — over the next decade...
[[File:Tree of Life Explorer - Evogeneao.png | link=]]
[ ''Animal populations have declined astonishing 60 percent since 1970'']
''The Living Planet Report, World Wildlife Fund’s flagship publication released every two years, is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and health of the planet. Living Planet Report 2018 is the twelfth edition of the report and provides the scientific evidence to what nature has been telling us repeatedly: unsustainable human activity is pushing the planet’s natural systems that support life on Earth to the edge.''
:*[ ''Children's Climate Change Lawsuit Delayed by Supreme Court'']
:* [ ''Running List of Trump administration environmental policy actions'']
''October 25, 2018''
:[ ''Via E&E News / 'More fossil fuels' --- 'Study the planet' '']
''October 19, 2018''
:[ ''EPA on U.N. Climate-Change International Report: ‘What Report? Haven’t Heard of It’'']
[ ''Turning the Toxic Tide] Published collectively by the USA TODAY Network-Florida.''
:[ ''Pollution, climate, sea-level rise: Florida at "historic crossroads"]''
::[[File:Turning the Toxic Tide-Florida.jpg]]
<big><big>'''''Special International Report Released, October 8, 2018'''''</big></big>
<big>'''''Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / IPCC'''''</big>
* [ '''''Far from doing enough to combat climate change''''']
* [ '''''World Leaders & Climate Change Action Plans''''']
* [ '''''Don't be fooled or foiled by Climate Change Deniers''''']
* [ '''''Here's what you can do, actions to make a difference''''']
* [ '''''Trump ignores impacts of climate changes and our peril''''']
* [ '''''Clock is ticking to stop catastrophic global warming''''']
* [ '''''The media must cover this like it's the only story that matters''''']
*[ '''''National Climate Plans / INDCs''''']
'''''[ Civil Rights] / [ Election Law‏‎] / [ Election Reform]‏‎‏‎ / [ Voting Rights] / [ Voting Systems]'''''
* '' /''
[ '''''Manual Audits Needed''']
* [ ''350,000 Voting Machines in the U.S.'']
* [ ''DEF CON: U.S. Voting Systems have 'staggering' vulnerabilities'']
<big>'''LA Times / Trump administration gives itself an A plus grade on environment'''</big>
:Few would agree with the self assessment
[ Never mind the facts. White House says it gets an A+ on environmental issues]
''A recent essay in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. by Harvard University researchers concluded that Trump’s environmental agenda “is likely to cost the lives of over 80,000 U.S. residents per decade and lead to respiratory problems for many more than 1 million people.”
''Yet the heads of Trump’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children characterized the administration this week as being singularly focused on keeping Americans, and particularly kids, safe from dangerous industrial practices.
''The task force’s activities are “a continuation of the Trump administration’s commitment to preventing future generations from being affected by lead exposure,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, citing “great progress” in safeguarding public safety.
''Andrew Wheeler, a former coal-industry lobbyist who now serves as the acting head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said reducing exposure to toxic lead “is a top priority for EPA.”
''Not really. Not if you define “reducing exposure to toxic lead” as reducing exposure to toxic lead.
''“Like meat bees on baloney, the pollution lobby has swarmed the Trump administration from its inception,” said Ken Cook, president of Environmental Working Group, an advocacy organization.
''“No number of press releases and statements by Mr. Wheeler or others claiming environmental and public health protection is a ‘top priority’ for this administration can change that indisputable fact.”
''The Trump administration depicting itself as a champion of the environment is as ludicrous as its recent attempts to portray itself as a defender of protections for people with preexisting medical conditions.
''It’s neither. The opposite, in fact.
''“This rhetoric from the Trump administration is just painting over its refusal to keep our kids safe, not just from lead poisoning, but from toxic air and water pollution,” said Melinda Pierce, legislative director of the Sierra Club.
''“Propaganda won't disguise the reality that Trump is responsible for the most serious attacks on clean air and water by any administration ever.”''
[ <big>'''''National Climate News /'''''</big>]
:[[File:DJT UN 9-25-2018.png]]
At the United Nations, the US president begins a speech to the gathered delegates -- and they laugh at his claims... They see a reality quite different than the president's claims and opinions of himself. The global community watches as a man who pulled the US out of a succession of international treaties and agreements announces his opposition to "globalism". International cooperation is going by the wayside. With war, threats, sanctions, tariffs, the US president is producing turmoil and costs that will last long after his administration is relegated to history.
:[[File:ICESAT mission.png]]
:[ <big><big>'''''Global Warming & ICE: NASA Measuring & Monitoring'''''</big></big>]
* [ '''''What's in the North doesn't stay in the North. It's all connected...''''']
:''By Kieran Mulvaney / Washington Post Magazine''
[ <small>''Arctic Images by Timo Lieber''</small>]
[[File:Arctic1 by Timo Lieber 800x480.jpg]]
* [ '''''The Future of International Environmental Governance''''']
* [ '''''Draft Global Pact for the Environment''''']
* [ '''''Climate Change, the Courts, and the Paris Agreement''''']
''Experts have highlighted a clear legal challenge: international environment law is fragmented in many conventions and international declarations...''
''The Global Pact for the Environment will be the first international legally binding document, gathering and harmonizing all environmental laws in one single document. Its objective is to be an essential tool for governments to help them implementing environmental rules and principles in their own country.''
[ '''''The Ease of Discovering NOAA Data''''']
''Want environmental data? The largest collection of environmental data on Earth is available from the National Centers for Environmental Information. NCEI is now expanding through a partnership with Google.''
''[ Dataset Search] has been created and launched as a dedicated search engine for environmental and social science datasets. The search engine enables easier, broader access to many NOAA datasets, such as weather, geophysical and ocean records, also wide-ranging economic data, earth science, global research from space, and climate impact mitigation solutions.''
<big>'''''A/C Challenges Today & Tomorrow'''''</big>
[ ''Via the Economist'']
''WHAT is the single most effective way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions? Go vegetarian? Replant the Amazon? The answer is: make air-conditioners radically better. On one calculation, replacing refrigerants that damage the atmosphere would reduce total greenhouse gases by the equivalent of 90bn tonnes of CO2 by 2050. Making the units more energy-efficient could double that. By contrast, if half the world’s population were to give up meat, it would save 66bn tonnes of CO2. Replanting two-thirds of degraded tropical forests would save 61bn tonnes. A one-third increase in global bicycle journeys would save just 2.3bn tonnes.''
''Air-conditioning is one of the world’s great overlooked industries. Automobiles and [ air-conditioners] were invented at roughly the same time, and both have had a huge impact on where people live and work. Unlike cars, though, air-conditioners have drawn little criticism for their social impact, emissions or energy efficiency. Most hot countries do not have rules to govern their energy use.''
''Yet air-conditioning has done more than most things to benefit humankind....''
''Cutting the impact of cooling requires three things (beyond turning up the thermostat to make rooms less Arctic). First, air-conditioners must become much more efficient...''
''Next, manufacturers should stop using damaging refrigerants. One category of these, hydrofluorocarbons, is over 1,000 times worse than carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere. An [ (updated)] international deal to phase out these pollutants, called the [ Kigali amendment], will come into force in 2019. Foot-draggers should ratify and implement it; America is one country that has not done so.''
''Last, more could be done to design offices, malls and even cities so they do not need as many air-conditioners in the first place. More buildings should be built with overhanging roofs or balconies for shade, or with natural ventilation...
* [ '''''Time to Go Green via Green Policies''''']
<big><big>'''''Global Climate Action Summit'''''</big></big>
:'''''Green Politics in Action: California Builds Bridges to Extend International Cooperation'''''
[  <big>''California Hosts the Global Climate Action Summit''</big>]
[[File:Jerry Brown-Global Climate Action Summit.png|link=]]
::::<big><big><big>'''''[[Green Stories of the Day]]'''''</big></big></big>
:::[[File:July 14, 2018 - hello down there.png]]
<big>'''''Visit the Nautilus, Live, Diving in the Pacific Ocean #PlanetCitizens'''''</big>
[[File:Nautilus Live 7-15-2018 2-17-32 PM.png|link=]]
[[File:Steve Davis - UCI - NetZero - June 2018.png|link=]]
* [ '''''Net-zero emissions energy systems''''']
* [ '''''U.S. Missing Out on ‘Huge Economic Opportunity’ of Climate Change Fight''''']
:[[File:GreenLinks logo - 2.png|link=]]
:::* [<font color=green><big><u>'''''Visit Our GreenLinks, Millions of Network Shares'''''</u></big></font>]
::::* [ <font color=green><big><u>'''''Visit GreenPolicy's Most Popular Pages'''''</u></big></font>]
:::::* [ <font color=green><big><u>'''''Visit & Share Green360 Stories'''''</u></big></font>]
<big><big>'''''California Going Green'''''</big></big>
[ '''''World's biggest battery projects''''']
''July 3, 2018 / Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) late last week requested approval from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for four energy storage projects totaling about 2,270 MWh.''
''The announcement includes what is set to be the largest lithium-ion battery installation of its kind: a 300 MW, 1,200 MWh storage project owned by a subsidiary of Vistra Energy, Dynegy Marketing and Trade. The project would be three times the size of the current world record: Tesla's 100 MW, 129 MWh battery in Australia.''
''PG&E's procurement request is also a "landmark event" because the utility would own the 182.5 MW, 730 MWh project it is building with Tesla.''
''"I imagine this is the largest utility-owned, non-hydro, storage project in the world by far... Essentially, I see this as one of our largest utilities recognizing that the technology risk of battery storage is minimal and they have full faith that it can deliver the promised benefits at a competitive cost."''
* [ '''''Going Green''''']
* [ '''''California Out in Front of a Green Future''''']
<big>'''James Hansen’s groundbreaking testimony on global climate change'''</big>
'''June 23rd, 2018 is thirty years to a day after Dr. Hansen's testimony in 1988'''
'''A retrospective look...''' '''''"A Prophet of Doom Was Right About the Climate"'''''
''On June 23, 1988, in the sweltering heat, [ '''Hansen told a U.S. Senate committee'''] he was 99 percent certain that the year’s record temperatures were not the result of natural variation. It was the first time a lead scientist drew a connection between human activities, the growing concentration of atmospheric pollutants, and a warming climate.''
'''''Read More @GreenPolicy360'''''
: [ <u>'''''Climate News'''''</u>]
[[File:Burning the Data.png]]
<big>'''''[ Earth Science] / [ Environmental Security] - [ Global Security]'''''</big>
* [ <small>''Trump administration: "Burning the Data"</small>]
* [ '''''Climate News Captured @ GreenPolicy360''''']
* [ '''''Earth Science Research from Space''''']
* [,_Politics '''''Politics of Climate & Science, US''''']
<big><u>'''''[[Pope Francis on the Environment]]'''''</u></big>
''"We know that the challenges facing us are interconnected... If we are to eliminate poverty and hunger ... the more than one billion people without electricity today need to gain access to it."''
''"But that energy should also be clean, by a reduction in the systematic use of fossil fuels," he added. "Our desire to ensure energy for all must not lead to the undesired effect of a spiral of extreme climate changes due to a catastrophic rise in global temperatures, harsher environments and increased levels of poverty."''
* [ '''''Pope warns energy bosses of global destruction without fuel shift''''']
* [ '''''Oil/Gas Production at Record Level''''']
<big><big>'''''"Surviving Victory": Moving Away from the Cost of "Perpetual War"'''''</big></big>
'''''Shifting from Fossil Fuel Causes of Conflict to Renewable Energy Alternatives'''''
:* [ ''Surviving Victory:Security Priorities'']
:* [ ''Surviving Victory: Washington DC Conference'']
:* [ ''Surviving Victory Conference / Archive'']
* [ ''New Definitions of National Security'']
* [ ''Environmental Security'']
* [ ''Global Security'']
[[File:Over the Pacific.png]]
<big>'''''New NASA Chief Says He Will Protect Climate Research'''''</big>
:'''''After his previous rejection of climate science, Jim Bridenstine tells employees he will keep politics out of the agency’s work'''''
:* [ ''Via E&E News / Scientific American - May 18, 2018'']
''(A)t a town hall meeting for NASA employees yesterday (May 17), where he was asked to clarify his previous comments denying human-caused climate change. Bridenstine acknowledged that humans play a significant role in global warming, using stronger language than he has in the past.''
''“I don’t deny the consensus that the climate is changing, in fact I fully believe and know that the climate is changing. I also know that we humans are contributing to it in a major way... Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, we’re putting it into the atmosphere in volumes we haven’t seen, and that greenhouse gas is warming the planet. That is absolutely happening, and we are responsible for it.”''
''Bridenstine, who is the first politician to run the agency, said he would keep politics out of NASA.''
''“We need to make sure that NASA is continuing to do the science, and we need to make sure that the science is void and free from political kind of rhetoric and to do that, what we do and have been doing,” he said.''
''Bridenstine said he would protect NASA’s climate research, which has repeatedly been targeted for cuts by the Trump administration and House Republicans.''
''Bridenstine said he would accept the recommendations of the decadal survey of earth science conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Those recommendations include a series of missions that would provide insight into all of the ways that humans are transforming the planet.''
''“NASA is the one agency on the face of the planet that has the most credibility to do the science necessary so we can understand it better than ever before,” Bridenstine said.
''The decadal survey is designed to set the course for earth science research at NASA, NOAA and the U.S. Geological Survey...''
* [ '''''US House Science Committee / E&E News / The Earth is not warming''''']
: ''The Earth is not warming. The White Cliffs of Dover are tumbling into the sea and causing sea levels to rise. Global warming is helping grow the Antarctic ice sheet.
: ''Those are some of the skeptical assertions echoed by Republicans on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee yesterday (May 16).''
: ''The lawmakers at times embraced research that questions mainstream climate science during a hearing on how technology can be used to address global warming.''
: ''A leading climate scientist testifying before the panel spent much of the two hours correcting misstatements...''
:<big><big>'''''Our Life-Supporting Earth Atmosphere'''''</big></big>
:* [ '''''"Thin Blue" /''''']
[[File:'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg|link=]]
<big>'''''NOAA Science On a Sphere'''''</big>
:*[ @scienceonasphere]
:*[ Global Datasets]
:*[ Science On a Sphere Network]
:*[ Facebook / NOAA Science On a Sphere]
[[File:Dawn above Earth-May 2018-AstroPOV.png]]
[[File:Earth Breathing.jpg]]
[[File:Scale of energy use-2000-2016.jpg]]
<big>'''''Can the world kick its fossil-fuel addiction fast enough?'''''</big>
[ '''''Clean energy is growing quickly. But time is running out to rein in carbon emissions''''']
<big><big><big>'''''Planet Citizens in Action'''''</big></big></big>
:<big>''[[Planet Citizens]]''</big>
:<big>''[[Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]''</big>
<big><big>''''''Going Green''''''</big></big> [[File:Best Practices check sm.png]]
:[ Planet Citizen|Bioneer], [,_Kucinich,_DiCaprio_247x225_Sept2014NYC.jpg environmental activist, Leonardo DiCaprio] joins w/ [] to launch global coral watch & [ environmental protection].
::[ ''Reefscape''] / [ ''Satellite Doves to Aid Coral Conservation''] / [ ''Planet API'']
:''To gather a more comprehensive understanding of the condition of global reef ecosystems, we need a way to assess and monitor them on a large geographic scale.''
:''The Reefscape project aims to improve our understanding of the condition of coral reefs worldwide, while simultaneously developing spectral libraries needed to advance the development of a new satellite mission.''
:''New satellites, such as those from [ Planet (formerly Planet Labs)], are, as of 2017, able to capture near-daily imagery of coral reefs worldwide. Planet’s high-resolution imagery of reef locations provides new imaging, science and understanding of the composition and extent of shallow, horizontally oriented reefs.''

<center><big><big><big><big>'''October 2024'''</big></big></big></big></center>


[[File:Chasing Coral.jpg]]
<center><big><big><big>[[Green Stories of the Day]] ~ [[Climate News]]</big></big></big></center>
<center><big><big><big>[[Earth and Space, Politics]]</big></big></big></center>

<big>'''Reefs and Coral, [ sentinel species]'''</big>  
<center><big><big>'''Connecting & sharing world changing stories'''</big></big></center>

[ <big>Coral reefs in peril as ocean environments are transformed</big>]
<center><small>GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement</small></center>


<center>[[File:'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg]]</center> 

* [ Oceans Losing Oxygen]


[ <big>Earth's oceans have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought</big>]
<center><font color=green>'''<big><big><big>"[[Greening Our Blue Planet]]"</big></big></big>'''</font></center>

<center>[ ''''''] | [ '''''']</center>

<center>[[File:Green Aura over Earth.jpg]]</center>


<center><font color=green> [ <big><big><big>'''On Earth'''</big></big></big>]</font></center>
<big><big>'''''Watching Blue Planet 2, an Amazing Journey'''''</big></big>

[[File:Blue Planet II.png]]
<center>[ <big><big>'''Every Day Is Earth Day'''</big></big>]</center>


<center>[ <big>Green Networking, Green Best Practices</big>]</center>


[ <big>'''''Via the Lancet'''''</big>]
<center><big><big>'''Earth in Human Hands'''</big></big></center>
:''''' "The World's First Professor of Planetary Health" / #PlanetaryHealth'''''
:::[ '''''Be a Planet Citizen'''''] / [ '''''Measuring "Vital Signs"'''''] 
<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 and our Associate explore Earth's existential threat environment'''''</big>
[ '''''''''']
* [ '''''July 22, 2018, Another Nuclear War Threat, 11:24 PM, Near Midnight, the US President Tweets''''']
: <big>'''''Escalating Risk of Use of [ Nuclear Weapons]'''''</big>
:: [ '''''Bill Perry Is Terrified, Why Aren't You?''''']
[[File:Bill-Perry-is-terrified.-Why-arent-you Jan2016.png]]
[ <big><big>'''''U.S. Signals Nuclear Arms Are Back in a Big Way'''''</big></big>]
* [ ''Nuclear Posture Review Released'']
* [ ''Nuclear Poker, Fire & Fury'']
* [ ''Two Minutes to Midnight'']
* [,2018.png ''Trump Administration Requests Largest Spending Increase for Nuclear Warheads Since 1962'']
[[File:Global Risks Landscape 2018-WEF.jpg]]
::<big><big><big>'''''Warning to Today's Generation'''''</big></big></big>
:::'''''[[Planet Citizens]], Look to the Future'''''
:* [ '''''A Warning from World Scientists: A Second Notice''''']
::* [ '''''Environmental protections lost''''']
::<big><u>'''''[[Environmental protection]]'''''</u></big>
:::<big><u>'''''[[Environmental movement]]'''''</u></big>
[[File:Env protection on the way out Jan2018.png]]
:[ <big>'''''More re: Shared Socioeconomic Pathways'''''</big>]
[[File:SSP Baselines-projections 2018-2100.png|link=]]

<big>'''''Global Climate Action & United Nations, as the U.S. Retreats from International Cooperation'''''</big>
<center>[ <big>Earth Is in Your Hands]</big></center>


<center>[[File:Earth Flag-2.png|link=]]

<big>''United States only country to refuse climate change agreement''</big>

<center>[<big><big><big>'''About GreenPolicy360'''</big></big></big>]</center>

<center>[ <big></big>''' 'Site Search' '''</big></big>]</center>


<center><small>[ ''Planet Citizens''], ''our challenge is to improve [ '''Quality of Life'''] & [ '''Secure our Common Future''']''</small></center>

* [ Global CO2 Emissions Rise after Paris Climate Agreement Signed]  
<center><center>''[ '''Create your own green best practices''']... [ '''Act to make a positive difference every day''']''</small></center>
: March 24, 2018 / Scientific American, Reprinted from Climatewire and E&E News

<center><small>''Now is time to go beyond old ways of thinking & [ '''shape new visions of our living Planet Earth''']''</small></center>

* [ '''''Climate Central's Earth Map, It's Hot''''']
* [ '''''2017 ... One of the Hottest Years Yet''''']
[[File:2017 second hottest on record.png]]
[[File:Mauna Loa-Dec30 2017.jpg]]
[[File:Earth Metrics graph-CO2-CH4-N2O.jpg]]
[[File:Climate Central graph-800000 yrs of CO2.jpg]]

<center>[ <big><big><big>'''Environmental Security'''</big></big></big>]</center>

<center>[,_Politics '''Earth Science, Climate & Global Security''']</center>


<big><big><big><center>'''[[Planet Citizen Vision of Living Earth]]'''</center></big></big></big>
<center>[[File:Living Earth.png]]</center>
[[File:StratDem logo.png]]
[ <big><big>'''''Visit GreenPolicy's Associate, Strategic Demands'''''</big></big>]
:* [ '''''"New Definitions of National & Global Security"''''']
:* [ '''''Nuclear Issues / Cold War 2.0''''']
:* [ '''''Environmental Security''''']
* [ '''''Nobel Peace Prize Goes to ICAN''''']
[ '''''International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons''''']
<big><big>'''''Threats of War from the US President'''''</big></big>
* [ '''''StratDem: Need to Change Nuclear First-Strike Authority''''']
* [ '''''A Nuclear Meme and StratDem Proposal to Limit First Use of Nuclear Weapons''''']
:[[File:Trump speaks at the UN-Sept19,2017.png]]
* [ '''''Trump: "Calm Before the Storm... You'll Find Out"''''']
* [ '''''War as 'Reality Show Cliffhanger' ''''']
* [ '''''China News, War Fears''''']
<big>'''US Departure from International Cooperation:'''</big>  
<big>'''"Sovereignty", the New Administration's Buzzword'''</big>  
[,2017.png '''''Trump's First Address at the UN - September 19, 2017''''']
[ '''''StratDem / The US President's Talk at the United Nations''''']
<big>'''''The International Climate Agreement goes forward without the US'''''</big>
'''''Nations around the world reject the US decision'''''
* [ ''WaPo Op-Ed: "Trump just betrayed the world. Now the world will fight back"'']
<big><u>'''''[[Climate News]]'''''</u></big> / <big>'''''Climate Focus, Climate Politics'''''</big>
* [ '''Strategic Demands: National Security & Global Security are interrelated''']  
* [ '''''World 'Citizenship' is More Popular than You Think''''']
* [ '''''Scripps says climate change may represent "existential" threat to humanity''''']
[ <u><big>'''''Strategic Demands'''''</big></u>]
<big>'''Battle in the US Congress between the Climate Denial faction and Science Advocates'''</big>
:'''GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands Advance New Definitions of National Security'''
:<big><u>'''''[[New Definitions of National Security]]'''''</u></big>
::<big><u>'''''[[Earth and Space, Politics]]'''''</u></big>


<center>[ <big><big>'''Act Now to Protect Our Future''']</big></big></center>

<center>[ '''"Vita contemplativa to Vita activa"''']</center>
<big>'''''Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s budget director:</big>
''“Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the President was fairly straightforward —''
'''''We’re not spending money on that anymore; we consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that.”'''''
:::[ ''It's a "Waste Of Your Money"'' ''(Video)'']
:::[[File:Mulvaney March2017-ClimateChangeWaste.png|link=]] 


:* [ '''"Fighting Back": 17 states file legal challenges''']
<center>[[File:Goodall on the power of the young.png]]</center>
:* [ '''"The law is clear ..."''']
:* [ '''What's at Stake in Trump’s Proposed E.P.A. Cuts''']
:* [ '''Trump's executive order to end/suspend/revise/rescind environmental protections and climate change regulations (PDF)''']
:* '''White House budget director Mick Mulvaney [ rejects climate as a security issue]:'''
:: '''''“Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the president was fairly straightforward – we’re not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money.”'''''
:* '''Science? Do We Believe in Science?'''
:[[File:Foley on March29,2017.png]]
[[File:Politics and Science in the House un-Science Committee.png]]
:[ <big>'''''Climate Change Laws Around the World'''''</big>]
:[ <big>'''''Trends in Climate Change Legislation'''''</big>]
[[File:CO2 photo.JPG]]
::[ <u><big><font color=green>'''''Trending 'Eco-Tags' & Links'''''</font></big></u>]
::[ <u><font color=green><big>'''''On Being a Planet Citizen'''''</big></font></u>]
<big>'''''Priorities: Weapons or Health Care, Wars or Education, Conflicts or Environmental Security'''''</big>
:<big>'''''Nations of the World Choose their Direction'''''</big>
'''''Classic "guns or butter" case study''''' --
:[[File:Sanders on war spending.jpg]]
[[File:Best Practices check sm.png]]
[ <font color=green>'''''Green Issues Around the Globe, 360°, Online'''''</font>] 
[ <font color=green>'''''Countries Worldwide/Climate Action INDC Plans'''''</font>]
[[File:Map of the World wiki commons m.png|link=]]
<big><big>'''''Threat Environment'''''</big></big>
* [ '''''External Costs' Adding Up: Nature's 'Invisible Hand''''']
* [ '''''Oceans heating accelerates''''']
* [ '''''2015: Hottest in modern times'''''] -- [ '''''Not new news, it's hotter''''']
* [ '''''More Green-Politics from DeSmog'''''] -- [ '''''Desmog Blog''''']
* [ '''''It's Hot: Is It Deniable? Ask the US Congress'''''] -- [ '''''Climate News''''']
[[File:Globally-averaged temps thru 2015 via NASA Goddard.gif]]
[  <big>'''''Pope Francis speaks of Climate, Politics, and Personal Responsibility'''''</big>]
:''"It would be sad, and dare I say even catastrophic, were special interests to prevail over the common good and lead to manipulating information in order to protect their own plans and interests"...''
:''"The Pope took particular aim at [ those who reject the science] behind global warming..."''
<big><u>'''''[[Pope Francis on the Environment]]'''''</u></big>
<big><u>'''''[[Integral Ecology]]'''''</u></big>
<big><u>'''''[[Laudato Si]]'''''</u></big>
[[File:PlanetLabs homepage2016.png]]
[ <big>'''''Sea-Level Rise'''''</big>]
[[File:Miami sea level rise conf-May2018.jpg]]
'''''"What's up with sea level rise?"'''''
''NASA experts update'' [ '''current conditions'''] ''& projections of'' [ '''sea level rise''']
[ '''''@EarthVitalSigns'''''] ♦ [ '''''#EarthRightNow'''''] ♦ [ '''''Rising Seas''''']
[ '''''Warming Wonders of the World''''']
[ <big>'''''Endangered'''''</big>]
'''''Wildlife, Large 'Charismatic' Creatures, & the "Tiny Little Ones"'''''
::: [[File:Racing Extinction websiteplankton 2.jpg]]
<big>'''''The 8 Million Species We Don’t Know'''''</big>
By Edward O. Wilson
March 3, 2018 / New York Times
''The most striking fact about the living environment may be how little we know about it. Even the number of living species can be only roughly calculated. A widely accepted estimate by scientists puts the number at about 10 million. In contrast, those formally described, classified and given two-part Latinized names (Homo sapiens for humans, for example) number slightly more than two million. With only about 20 percent of its species known and 80 percent undiscovered, it is fair to call Earth a little-known planet.''
* ''To effectively manage protected habitats, we must also learn more about all the species of our planet and their interactions within ecosystems.''
''The best-explored groups of organisms are the vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes), along with plants, especially trees and shrubs. Being conspicuous, they are what we familiarly call “wildlife.” A great majority of other species, however, are by far also the most abundant. I like to call them “the little things that run the world.” They teem everywhere, in great number and variety in and on all plants, throughout the soil at our feet and in the air around us. They are the protists, fungi, insects, crustaceans, spiders, pauropods, centipedes, mites, nematodes and legions of others whose scientific names are seldom heard by the bulk of humanity. In the sea and along its shores swarm organisms of the other living world — marine diatoms, crustaceans, ascidians, sea hares, priapulids, coral, loriciferans and on through the still mostly unfilled encyclopedia of life.''
''Do not call these organisms “bugs” or “critters.” They too are wildlife. Let us learn their correct names and care about their safety. Their existence makes possible our own. We are wholly dependent on them.''
[[File:Planktonbluegreen tinyones.jpg]]
[ <big>'''''Warming Oceans'''''</big>]
[ '''''Phytoplankton & Photosynthesis''''']
[ '''''Plankton: The Ocean Food Chain & Atmospheric Oxygen''''']
<big>''''' "Tiny Blue Green" '''''</big>
:''More than Meets the Eye''
''"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"''
:<small>~ ''from "The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One" by Sylvia Earle''</small>
[ ''''''''''] @GreenPolicy360
''Seventy percent of the Earth's surface is ocean and here, in myriad life forms, "tiny blue-green" organisms are essential to preserving life on the planet''
[[File:Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain 560x396.jpg]]
'''''The Unseen and the Seen'''''
[ '''''The "Tree of Life" 1.0''''']
[[File:TreeOfLifeArt s.jpg | link=]]
[[File:Seeds, time lapse.png]]
[[File:ECO-NOMICS guidelines.jpg]]
[ '''Eco-nomics''']
: A 21st Century paradigm in development @ GreenPolicy360

<center>[[File:GP360 tagcloud2.png|link=,_Politics]]</center>


===<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017'''''</big>===
<center><big><big><big>'''GreenPolicy360's Associate''' -- [ '''Strategic Demands''']</big></big></big></center>
[ <u>'''''Featured in 2017'''''</u>]
::[[File:Connect cooperative networking 2a.jpg|link=]]
===<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2016'''''</big>===
[ <u>'''''Featured in 2016'''''</u>]
::[[File:Connect cooperative networking 2a.jpg|link=]]
===<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015'''''</big>===
[ <u>'''''Featured in 2015'''''</u>]
::[[File:Connect cooperative networking 2a.jpg|link=]]
===<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014'''''</big>===
[ <u>'''''Featured in 2014'''''</u>]

::[[File:Connect cooperative networking 2a.jpg|link=]]

===<big>'''''GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013'''''</big>===
<center><big>'''Rethinking Security, a New Vision'''</big></center>

[ <u>'''''Featured in 2013'''''</u>]


::[[File:Connect cooperative networking 2a.jpg|link=]]

<center>'''[[Look at how thin our atmosphere is]]'''</center>



<center><small>Photo: Astro Wiseman, NASA</small></center>
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[[File:GreenLinks logo - 2.png|link=]]
==[ <big>'''''New Vision in a 360° Connected World'''''</big>]==
==<big>'''''Digital Citizens, Digital Rights Movement'''''</big>==
[[File:Digital Rights Tag Cloud from|link=]]
[[File:Internet future m.jpg]]
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<center><big><big><font color=gray>'''A Message from GreenPolicy360'''</font></big></big></center>
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<center>GreenPolicy360 works continually with educators, writers, organizers, and supporters to be a source for positive change.</center>

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:[[File:FOTN 2016 WorldMap 484x316.jpg|link=]]
<big><big>'''''Links via GreenPolicy's Digital360 Network'''''</big></big>
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[[File:Privacy rights in the digital age-published2016 s.jpg|link=]]
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[[File:Blue Earth, Thin Blue Atmosphere.png | link=]]

Latest revision as of 11:21, 16 October 2024


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Act Now to Protect Our Future
"Vita contemplativa to Vita activa"


Goodall on the power of the young.png


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GreenPolicy360's Associate -- Strategic Demands

Rethinking Security, a New Vision

Look at how thin our atmosphere is
Photo: Astro Wiseman, NASA


A Message from GreenPolicy360

GreenPolicy360 works continually with educators, writers, organizers, and supporters to be a source for positive change.
Since the 1990s we have advanced green values and shared Green Best Practices community-to-community. Our Green360 eOS, eco operating system, reaches across borders and cultures. We act to deliver ideals, ideas, and successful solutions for generational challenges facing each and all of us. Join in with our projects. Share the vision, spread the good work.


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