Bill Nye the Science Guy
SJS / GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:
The importance of science cannot be over emphasized as a foundation for our GreenPolicy site, policies and practices.
We have set site standards which can be reviewed here and here. We have high scientific standards and focus on facts at GreenPolicy360 and our associated network of media sites.
Many years ago your Siterunner was an educational book editor in New York City, who worked with Mr. Wizard, Don Herbert. Later, taking lessons learned, I became responsible for New Mexico public education as an official of the state Board of Education. Again, I supported the setting of high scientific standards in curriculum, teaching and testing. I looked to the lessons personally learned over many years of education, reading, and the advice of mentors who guided my own education that continues to enable me to pass along a light of awareness through education.
Don Herbert, known as "Mr. Wizard in decades of work on television, was one of the first authors I edited and learned from as he, as a master teacher, inspired two generations.
Bill Nye, "the Science Guy", also was inspired to act and pass a torch of enlightened science. Mr. Wizard inspired Bill Nye. Bill is 'my type of guy' who brings his considerable skills and enthusiasm to inspire, motivate, and bring the joy of scientific knowledge to young people.
We, at GreenPolicy360, consider Don and Bill to among the greats in education who help guide striving students to reach their highest potential.
Quote Bill:
Here's to the teachers who empower success and visions of how things are and how our actions can make a difference.
We truly need the best now, teachers who inspire how we shape our common future...
Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.
Bill Nye Sounds a Loud Warning About the Climate Crisis:
The End is Nye
- Watch the TV series
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Big Picture Science
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
Great Teachers, Bill & Don
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner
Years ago in NYC, I was fortunate as a book editor to develop and edit the science writer Don Herbert, better known as "Mr. Wizard"... So many educational concepts he taught, both on his TV shows and in his books -- always emphasizing 'hands-on science and 'teaching by doing'. I was lucky to learn so much about science by developing and publishing science books with Don.
Smithsonian acquires archives of Mr. Wizard
Bill Nye, "the Science Guy", carries on a wonderful tradition and was a great fan of Mr. Wizard. He's credited Don as his career inspiration and in today's generation Bill clearly continues in the tradition of Don.
Your GreenPolicy360 siterunner also attempts to carry on the tradition of Don in reaching out to kids with science, hands-on, real-life science that they can understand in their everyday lives and come to fully appreciate.
Above in a twitter post, 'How thin is our atmosphere?'. Here I attempt to communicate the limits of the atmosphere, a [ Thin Blue Layer, using a car and Mr. Wizard teaching techniques.
With the analogy of taking a drive up into the sky I talk about a familiar world for kids, a car in which we are driving on an average street, on the way to school maybe.
What would happen if, all of a sudden, we turned "straight up into the sky". Our experiment is meant, especially for kids, to illustrate how thin Earth's atmosphere really is... Asking them how far do they think it is 'before our blue sky ends?' is the beginning of the real-world lesson. At 60 miles an hour, it's usually a shock when they learn it's about a 12-15 minute drive up, before we 'reach the edge.' It's a quick ride before we reach the limits of our life enabling atmosphere and enter "outer space"...
The responsibility we face, once we realize in day-to-day terms the very 'thin layer of blue' ( that envelops us in its limited height, depth, and volume, is to recognize the atmospheric science of climate change and act to protect and preserve our life-giving atmosphere.
The lessons are handed on, hands-on science, generation-to-generation...
Bill Nye and Don Herbert are both examples of science lessons like this at work.
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More "hands-on science" teaching at work
Here's the Physics Girl at home, demonstrating vortices and nature at work.
The science begins at home and then, as citizen scientists, we begin to see the big picture.
We begin to act as planet citizens, planet scientists... making a positive difference everyday.
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Bill Nye speaks on Earth Day 2017 at the March for Science in Washington DC