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*It's time to move away from the dated British-established [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting '''"first-past-the-post"'''] --- [https://ballotpedia.org/Winner-take-all '''"winner-take-all"'''] electoral systems...
*It's time to move away from the dated British-established [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting '''"first-past-the-post"'''] --- [https://ballotpedia.org/Winner-take-all '''"winner-take-all"'''] electoral system

*It's time for Preference Voting Systems like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting_system '''"Ranked Choice Voting" (RCV)'''] or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant%E2%80%90runoff_voting'''"Instant-Runoff Voting"''']
*It's time for [https://ballotpedia.org/Proportional_representation '''Proportional Representation'''], Preference Voting, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting_system '''"Ranked Choice Voting" (RCV)'''] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant%E2%80%90runoff_voting'''"Instant-Runoff Voting"''']

*It's time for [https://ballotpedia.org/Proportional_representation '''Proportional Representation'''] as an achievable goal...
*It's time for new emphasis on citizen voting rights and state-by-state, district-by-district protection of voting access and ballots

*It's time for new emphasis on voting rights and state-by-state, district-by-district protection of ballots and voting systems
*It is definitely a critical time for [https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Category:Campaign_Finance '''campaign finance reform'''] and pushing back against undue influence of [https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Money_in_Politics '''money in politics''']

:::'' "Check out [http://www.reform2020.com www.reform2020.com] to learn more about FairVote's 7-year vision and get involved!" ''

:[[File:Electoral Reform US FairVote.jpg | link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U50uJohIw4c]]

:[[File:Electoral Reform US FairVote.jpg | link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U50uJohIw4c]]

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* http://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Campaign_Finance_System_Reform  

: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_reform_in_the_United_States
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_reform_in_the_United_States

: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2010/11/02/127962/three-electoral-reforms-improve/
: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2010/11/02/127962/three-electoral-reforms-improve/
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Redistricting_-_Opposing_Gerrymandering

: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/josh-silver/democracy-reform_b_2909150.html
: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/josh-silver/democracy-reform_b_2909150.html


: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/22/5_signs_america_is_devolving_into_a_plutocracy_partner/

: http://billmoyers.com/2015/05/01/political-reporters-refuse-show-us-money/
: http://billmoyers.com/2015/05/01/political-reporters-refuse-show-us-money/
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: https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Money_in_Politics

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[https://www.democracynow.org/2017/6/15/greg_palast_how_racist_voter_suppression ''The race for the 6th District in Georgia is the most expensive congressional race in U.S. history'']
* [https://www.democracynow.org/2017/6/15/greg_palast_how_racist_voter_suppression ''The race for the 6th District in Georgia is the most expensive congressional race in U.S. history'']

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Latest revision as of 00:42, 3 August 2018


In the US...

  • It's time for new emphasis on citizen voting rights and state-by-state, district-by-district protection of voting access and ballots

Electoral Reform US FairVote.jpg

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Why Is Election Reform Needed in the US?



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Americans’ Views on Money in Politics



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Electronic Voting Machines, Voter Registration Issues, 'Crosscheck', Voter Suppression...

If Voting Machines Were Hacked Would Anyone Know?

As new reports emerge about Russian-backed attempts to hack state and local election systems, U.S. officials are increasingly worried about how vulnerable American elections really are. While the officials say they see no evidence that any votes were tampered with, no one knows for sure.

But even if most voting machines aren't connected to the Internet, says cybersecurity expert Jeremy Epstein, "they are connected to something that's connected to something that's connected to the Internet."

A recently leaked National Security Agency report on Russian hacking attempts has heightened concerns. According to the report, Russian intelligence services broke into an election software vendor's computer system and used the information it gained to send 122 election officials fake emails infected with malicious software. Bloomberg News reported Tuesday that Russia might have attempted to hack into election systems in up to 39 states.

Computer security experts (and GreenPolicy360) think the best solution is to make sure all voting machines have paper records to back up the electronic results. States should also conduct audits after every election to make sure the electronic results match the paper ones.

It Doesn't Take a Russian to Hack an American Election

by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

JUNE 16, 2017

(Reprinted courtesy of Columbus Free Press)

Attorney-General Jeff Sessions has confirmed the Russians hacked into as many as 39 state data bases, and did all they could to affect the electronic vote count that put Donald Trump in the White House.

But Americans could have done it much easier.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach set in motion a Jim Crow/Crosscheck purge of hundreds of thousands of mostly black, Hispanic and Asian-American citizens prior to the election in at least 29 states.

Now Trump has appointed Kobach to an "Election Integrity" Commission. His co-commissioner is J. Kenneth Blackwell, who as Ohio Secretary of State helped steal the 2004 presidential election.

What isn't this pair of election thieves being called to testify before Congress? Why is there no national viewing of Greg Palast’s BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY on precisely this topic?

The electronic flipping techniques Blackwell used in Ohio 2004 are part of the “black box voting” syndrome documented by Bev Harris...

"Made in America" was the virtual statistical impossibility that Hillary Clinton won the exit polls in FL, NC, PA, MI and WI but lost them ALL in the official vote count, and thus the Electoral College.

And how about the 70,000+ ballots from heavily Democratic areas of Michigan that officially showed no presidential choice, an insanely improbable outcome easily produced by a hacker’s algorithm...

Likewise the sequential improbabilities in Wisconsin and much much more make it clear that rigging elections will continue as long as we have vulnerable registration rolls, electronic voting, an Electoral College, corporate campaign funding and much more.

Meanwhile, there's a high likelihood the upcoming special Congressional race in Georgia has already been hacked... by Americans!! As reported by Palast, thousands of Asian-American citizens have already been purged from the voter rolls to pave the way to Congress for Georgia's former Secretary of State.

Americans have been 'stripping and flipping' elections here and worldwide for many decades. Here's some history —

· In 1950, the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR) was founded as a division of the School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs at the American University. In 1953, it became a non-profit organization involved with the CIA, and was used as a propaganda tool in the overthrow of Iran’s Mossadegh. It then emerged as key player in the rise of electronic voting.

· In 1974, the US General Accounting Office commissioned a year-long study on the rise of electronic voting equipment. In 1975, Rory G. Saltman, an electronics expert at the National Bureau of Standards, warned that “Increasing computerization of election-related functions may result in the loss of effective controls over these functions by responsible authorities and that this loss of control may increase the possibility of vote fraud.” (National Bureau of Standards Special Publication #500-30).

· In 1975, the CIA admitted to a US Senate investigative committee chaired by Senator Frank Church that it was engaged in 5000 “benign” operations, which involved, among other things, electronic election rigging in the Third World. Election theft was preferable to a bloody coup said the Agency.

· In its coverage of the 1980 Iowa Republican Caucus, the Manchester (New Hampshire) Union-Leader wrote that the campaign of former CIA Director George H.W. Bush "has all the smell of a CIA covert Operation….Strange aspects of the Iowa operation [include] a long, slow count and then the computers broke down at a very convenient point, with Bush having a 6% bulge over Reagan.” Bush won the primary over Reagan, 31.6% to 21.5%. This break-down of tabulating equipment at a key point in the vote count became a staple of the electronic tabulation process in elections to come.

· In 1981, the Reagan-Bush administration established ties between the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR) and the International Center for Election Law & Administration (ICELA). The CIA-linked BSSR provided initial funding for the ICELA to promote the spread of electronic voting machines worldwide.

· In 1984, the New York Times revealed that a company called The Computer Election System of Berkeley, California, created a software program and related equipment “…used in more than a thousand county and local jurisdictions to collect and count 34.4 million of the 93.7 million votes cast in the United States,” more than a third of the total votes. President Reagan signed National Security Directive NSDD245. The New York Times revealed that the secret directive involved: “a branch of the National Security Agency investigating whether a computer program that counted more than one-third of all the votes cast in the United States in 1984 is vulnerable to fraudulent manipulation.”

· On December 18, 1985, legendary New York Times reporter David Burnham reported in California Official Investigating Computer Voting Security that state Attorney General John Van de Kamp found major errors in the computerized vote count from the 1984 election in California and elsewhere. Problems were found in at least thirteen areas nationwide, including Illinois, Montana and North Dakota. Van de Kamp said he “is concerned about what he sees as a potentially serious problem.”

· In 1985, the director of International Center on Election Law and Administration, stated that electronic voting presents “a massive potential for problems” and that it “centralizes the opportunity for fraud,” according to Harris's Black Box Voting.

· On November 25, 1986, Dr. Michael Ian Shamos, a computer scientist employed by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Elections as an electronic voting systems examiner, reported in An Outline of Testimony on Computer Voting Before the Texas Legislature that:“When one company or a conglomerate of companies apply unauditable software from a general distribution point, or participate directly in ballot setup procedures, there exists the possibility of large-scale tampering with elections. An errant programmer or tainted executive could influence or determine the outcome of a majority of election precincts in a country….”

· In the 1988, New Hampshire Republican primary, during the first large-scale US use of computer voting machines in a presidential election, former CIA Director George H.W. Bush trailed Bob Dole by eight points in polls taken on Election Day. But when the votes were electronically tallied, Bush beat Dole by nine points. Such a 17-point turn-around qualifies among mainstream election statistical analysts as a “virtual statistical impossibility.”

· In August, 1988, Roy Saltman wrote: Accuracy, Integrity and Security in Computerized Vote Tallying for the National Bureau of Standard’s Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology. He warned that “the possibility that unknown persons may perpetrate undiscoverable frauds” was a key problem with electronic voting systems.

· In 1988 Ronnie Dugger, long-time editor of the Texas Observer, wrote a major piece on the move toward electronic-based elections in the New Yorker Magazine. He warned that the capacity now exists for “...altering the computer program or the control punch cards that manipulate it, planting a time bomb, manually removing an honest counting program, and replacing it with a fraudulent one, counting fake ballots, altering the vote recorder that voters use at the polls or changing either the logic that controls precinct-located vote-counting devices, or the voting summaries in these units’ removable data-hyphen storage unit.” Dugger concluded: “the problem in this segment of the computer business, as in the field at large, is not only invisibility but also information as electricity.”

· In 1996, Chuck Hagel ran for US Senate in Nebraska against popular incumbent Democratic Governor Ben Nelson. Hagel had never held elective office. But he was part-owner of ES&S, a computerized voting machine company whose machines were used in conducting the statewide election. Michael McCarthy, president of ES&S, was Hagel’s campaign treasurer. Hagel became Nebraska’s first Republican elected to the US Senate in 24 years. Hagel’s part ownership of ES&S was hidden from the public during the campaign. One Nebraska newspaper called Hegel’s victory a “stunning upset.” Some 80% of the state’s ballots were cast and counted on ES&S machines.

· After the presidency was given to George W. Bush in Florida 2000, Harris posted a series of internal Diebold memos relating to a critical electronic miscount in Volusia County that helped swing the election. One memo from Lana Hires of Global Election Systems, now part of Diebold, complained, “I need some answers! Our department is being audited by the County. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16,022 [votes] when it was uploaded.” Another, from Talbot Ireland, Senior VP of Research and Development for Diebold, referred to key “replacement” votes in Volusia County as “unauthorized.”

· In the November 2002 Georgia election, incumbent US Senator Max Cleland lost his seat to right-wing Republican Saxby Chambliss in an unexpected last-minute upset. It was the first election in which Georgia had used Diebold voting machines, and just prior to Election Day in an unusual move, the president of Diebold’s election unit Bob Urosevich brought in illegal software updates to the system. Harris found a set of files called “rob-georgia” among the secret voting machine database files.

· In 2003, Ohio businessman Walden “Wally” O’Dell, promised in a fund raising letter to wealthy GOP supporters that he would deliver Ohio’s electoral votes to Bush. O’Dell ran Diebold, which owned and operated the bulk of Ohio’s electronic voting machines. Diebold also controlled the software that would count the votes that decided the 2004 presidential election.

· In March 2004, we published the article Diebold, Electronic Voting, and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy on freepress.organd on motherjones.compredicting that Ohio would be the new Florida in the 2004 presidential election because of the partisan connections of George W. Bush to the private owners of the electronic voting machines and vote tabulation software. The key source for the article, Athan Gibbs, was an African American entrepreneur who had invented a voting machine that gave each voter a verified voting receipt. Approximately one week after the article ran, Gibbs was killed when his car was hit by a truck on an interstate highway.

· Machines used in the Ohio 2004 election in Columbus came from Ransom Shoup, convicted in 1979 for conspiring to defraud the federal government in connection with a bribe attempt to obtain voting machine business, according to the Commercial Appeal newspaper of Memphis.

· On July 20, 2011, the Free Press published an election contract signed with GovTech, Michael Connell’s private IT company, allowing the theft of the Ohio2004 electronic vote count, plus a graphic architectural map of the Secretary of State's election night server layout system linked to the IT site in Tennessee. Both documents were filed in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwellcase.

There is much more, now published in STRIP & FLIP DISASTER OF AMERICA'S STOLEN ELECTIONS (www.freepress.org).

More on Crosscheck registration purging --



