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Floating forest of kelp.jpg

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Women Earth-Eco Scientists and Artists to Watch

Rachel Carson American Experience.png

The Writing of 'Silent Spring'

Olivia, eco-O: My dad is an environmental activist in Clearwater, Florida with me. Many years ago in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the early 1990's he helped start the Bioneers and established its publishing division. The Bioneers network has been going for over 25 years now, has an annual conference in California with many environmental leaders attending from around the world, and they have published many books. Over all this time, my dad has often said "it's all connected" in nature and that this motto was one of the very first sayings that the Bioneers adopted.

Rachel Carson too saw the "interconnected nature of the universe" and this essential idea is one we should remember as we look at and study nature's diversity and apply science to our observations.

My mother grew up in Florida, surrounded by lakes, many animals and mosquitoes, and has told stories about how she would run with her friends behind the DDT trucks that would spray clouds of gas to kill the mosquitoes. The kids didn't know that DDT had many harmful effects on life, beyond the insects. It took Rachel to point this out.

Now many years later, Rachel Carson's life and legacy stays with us as a reminder of how we all can make a difference by studying, learning, and acting on our beliefs.

"In 1962 — the firestarter of a book that ignited the conservation movement and awakened the modern environmental consciousness..."

A strong, courageous woman and scientist and writer who was a poet with words remains with us always.

As she was dying she wrote to a friend:

"You do know, I think, how deeply I believe in the importance of what I am doing. Knowing what I do, there would be no future peace for me if I kept silent... It is, in the deepest sense, a privilege as well as a duty to have the opportunity to speak out — to many thousands of people — on something so important."

Rachel Carson, "American Experience - 2016

PBS Preview

Rachel Carson: Visionary

Rachel Carson's Silent Sprint (documentary - 1993)

Silent Spring by Meryl Streep

Lost Woods.jpg (see DDT)

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In nature, nothing exists alone.jpg

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Jill Pelto's watercolors illustrate the strange beauty of climate change data

Courtesy of Mother Nature Network

November 8, 2016

For more about Jillian's art -- /

Landscape-of-Change Jill Pelto.jpg
(Photo: Jill Pelto)

'Landscape of Change' was painted using data about sea level rise, glacier volume decline, increasing global temperatures and rise in fossil fuel usage.

Decline-Glacier-Mass-Balance Jill Pelto.jpg
(Photo: Jill Pelto)

Decline of Glacier Mass Balance

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Worldwide view of oceans phytoplankton earth observatory nasa.gif

“With every breath we take”

The Smithsonian Museum online also sees the small little ones effect on the big picture...

"Tiny Blue-Green"

A new website and discovery project by Olivia Schmidt with assistance from Steven Schmidt, GreenPolicy siterunner
We begin looking more closely and carefully at the oceans of the world, blue-green life, oxygen and 'sustainable' connections to our "thin blue" atmosphere -

Sea Trees
We look at 'floating ocean forests' considering connections between oceans and atmosphere-oxygen-climate, food-chains and fisheries, science and sustainability policies...

Floating Forest Project .png

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"Science is just beginning to study the role of 'the tiny little ones' in the oceans"

Blue-Green Connection to Life on Earth

"A single kind of blue-green algae in the ocean ('Prochlorococcus') produces the oxygen in one of every five breaths we take"
~ The Fate of Small Species and the Oceans -- Sylvia Earle

"The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One"
"I see things that others do not..." 'Mission Blue' (preview)
~ Saving the Oceans 'Mission Blue-2' Sylvia Earle - video

Plankton Phytoplankton--'Climate Dance'.jpg

"The Tiny Little Ones - Plankton"
"Ecosystems of the Sea"
Nearly all marine plants are single celled, photosynthetic plankton-algae
Marine plants produce over 50% percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere

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Not Pac-Man, It's Algae

A Game of a Living, Breathing Earth

Subject Matter:

Living Volvox algae releasing its daughter colonies

Algae release -nikon-small-world-competition-2017-winners.jpg

Removing Carbon, Adding Oxygen: Plankton's Role is Critically Important

Kelp NOAA credit Robert Schwemmer.jpg

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Citizen of the planet girl.jpg

Young Women Becoming Scientists & Changing the World !

Let's look at Rachel Ignotofsky and her art, research and books ! --

Women in Science Ignotofsky.png

Women in Science Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World.png

Rachel Ignotofsky design Women in Science.png

And Always Remembering Our Dreamers & Visionaries

Rachel Carson ecology - ecosystem.png

Flowers to the Sun & Sky via Marina Poulsen.jpg

PeaceDove w olive branch m.jpg

Peace Parade.jpg