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<big><big><big><big>'''Fact Checking'''</big></big></big></big>
:Fact Finding and the '3 Ds' -- Discussion, Debate and Decision-Making
[[File:How to Fact Check.png]]
[[File:US Presidential Debate September 2024.jpeg]]
<small>September 12, 2024</small>
[[File:US Presidential Campaign Debate - Sept 10 2024.jpeg]]
<small>September 10, 2024, Screen Grab from Broadcast Video, Live Presentation ABC</small>
<small>* https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/sep/10/presidential-debate-live-fact-check-harris-trump/</small>
'''September 11, 2024, the Day After the Debate...'''
<big>'''The US Presidential Debate Was One for the History Books'''</big>
[[File:33 false statements.png]]
Question: Did the ABC Moderators Intrude?
GreenPolicy360: The moderators and fact-checking orgs were doing their work: Facts count
<big>'''[[Fact Checking, Facts Count]]'''</big>
<big>'''[[Disinformation - Online - Dangerous]]'''</big>
<big>'''Fact is, Facts Matter'''</big>
Wikipedia adds a 'Truthiness' definition of the modern term that's become a meme -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthiness
<small>The concept of truthiness has emerged as a major subject of discussion surrounding U.S. politics during the late 20th and early 21st centuries because of the perception among some observers of a rise in propaganda and a growing hostility toward factual reporting and fact-based discussion.</small>
GreenPolicy360 continues a multi-year defense of facts, science, & 'critical thinking skills' ... [[Green Education]]
* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Fact_Checking,_Facts_Count
[[File:GlobalFact conf - 2024.png]]
<big><big>'''GlobalFact, the Eleventh Global Fact-Checking Summit'''</big></big>
Presented by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute in partnership with Zašto ne, GlobalFact 11 (June 26-28, 2024) empowers fact-checkers to uphold the industry’s highest standards of excellence through discussions, training and networking events with globally renowned fact-checking experts.
What is GlobalFact?
GlobalFact is the world’s largest and most impactful annual summit for professional fact-checking.
Fact-checkers and supporters of fact-checking discuss industry-wide challenges, exchange best practices and build collaborative solutions to improve our shared information ecosystem.
* https://www.globalfact11.com/event/0116938c-093b-4f34-afb7-09c3312aaa98/summary
* https://www.poynter.org/event/globalfact-11/
GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands
:Tens of Millions of Visits, Interactions & Shares
Connecting & sharing world changing stories
:GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement
<big><big>'''Fact Checking, Facts Count'''</big></big>
: Facts are a highest priority @GreenPolicy360/StraDem
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Fact_Checking | Fact Checking @GreenPolicy360
* https://reporterslab.org/fact-checkers-extend-their-global-reach-with-391-outlets-but-growth-has-slowed/ | 100+ Countries-391 Fact-Checking Sites (2022)
* https://reporterslab.org/update-237-fact-checkers-in-nearly-80-countries-and-counting/ | 80 Countries-237 Fact-Checking Sites (2020)
* https://reporterslab.org/number-of-fact-checking-outlets-surges-to-188-in-more-than-60-countries/ | 60 Countries-188 Fact-Checking Sites (2019)
* http://reporterslab.org/global-fact-checking-up-50-percent/ | 37 Countries-96 Fact-Checking Sites (2016)
* https://www.poynter.org/mediawise/ | MediaWise for Teens
* http://www.politifact.com/ | PolitiFact via Poynter
* https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/ | Poynter Int'l Fact Checking Network
* http://www.poynter.org/category/fact-checking/ | Poynter Int'l List
* https://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/ | Reporters Lab Fact-Checking News
* https://greenpolicy360.net/w/Table_of_Contents_(ToC)_GreenPolicy360
* https://strategicdemands.com/http-www-strategicdemands-com/
[[File:At Poynter, St Petersburg, Florida.png]]
'''The Poynter Institute'''
* https://www.poynter.org/about/
[[File:PolitiFact to expand in 2024 at Poynter Times.png]]
The [https://www.tampabay.com/about/ '''Tampa Bay Times'''] | [https://www.poynter.org/about/ '''Poynter'''] home of fact-checking pioneer, '''PolitiFact''', announced today (Dec. 23) that it is expanding PolitiFact's coverage beginning in January 2024. Good news, especially here 'on the home front', as GreenPolicy360's global network originates in Tampa Bay. 
GreenPolicy360 has been following PolitiFact from its initial beginnings [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PolitiFact '''(launched in 2007)''']. PolitiFact has changed the national and international news business as their original idea and model of a fact-checking news operation has grown into industry-wide fact checking around the world. It is evident that the need for focus on facts and evidence in these times of dis- and mis-information is an essential contribution by a free press and online fact checking sources that enable accurate judgment, decision-making, and a successful democracy.
The online world is especially convoluted these days... the demands for fact-checking of memes and gaslighting, dis- and mis-info is 24/7/365
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Disinformation_-_Online_-_Dangerous
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Fact_Checking
* https://reporterslab.org/fact-checkers-extend-their-global-reach-with-391-outlets-but-growth-has-slowed/
We at GreenPolicy360 are pleased to have shared the Poynter PolitiFact story and expansion of its 'best practices' networking model. At the end of last year, 2022, there were 424 fact-checking websites, up from just 11 in 2008, according to an annual census by the Duke University Reporters’ Lab. Poynter's PolitiFact and over 100 news publishing participants in a global fact checking network are confronting/battling an online proliferation of dis/misinformation, lies and political manipulation. Today and going forward, fact-checking operations are playing an increasingly essential role, delivering information, facts, opening eyes and bringing profoundly important ''veritas'' to people in every nation, community, market and political system.
''At the end of last year, there were 424 fact-checking websites, up from just 11 in 2008, according to an annual census by the Duke University Reporters’ Lab.''
* https://reporterslab.org/misinformation-spreads-but-fact-checking-has-leveled-off/
[[File:International Fact-Checking Network - banner.png]]
''The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter was launched in 2015 to bring together the growing community of fact-checkers around the world and advocates of factual information in the global fight against misinformation. We enable fact-checkers through networking, capacity building and collaboration. IFCN promotes the excellence of fact-checking to more than 100 organizations worldwide through advocacy, training and global events.''
* https://ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/
'''The world’s largest fact-checking summit'''
'''The only conference dedicated to fact-checking worldwide, organized by the International Fact-Checking Network at the Poynter Institute
* https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/
The 2022 Global Fact conference in Oslo, Norway convenes in-person after two years of virtual conferences. Previous Global Fact conferences were held in cities such as London, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Rome, and Cape Town.
More via Poynter Institute / Poynter.org
* https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/globalfact-9-joan-donovan-jane-lytvynenko-anne-applebaum/
* https://www.poynter.org/global-fact-9/
* https://www.poynter.org/tag/global-fact/
* https://globalfact9.com/register
'''''June 20, 2022'''''
''OSLO, Norway – GlobalFact is an annual fact-checking and journalism conference hosted by the International Fact-Checking Network. This year marks the world’s largest fact-checking summit’s ninth iteration. It will be held in Oslo, Norway, from June 22 to 25, at Oslo Metropolitan University. Virtual tickets are available.''
''Here’s more about six of the headliners at this year’s GlobalFact.''
''Dr. Joan Donovan is a leading disinformation researcher and research director at Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center, which focuses on the intersection of media, politics and public policy. She is also director of the Technology and Social Change Project, — or TaSC — which examines methods of media manipulation, control over public conversation and democracy influence. The Shorenstein Center website says TaSC “facilitates workshops for journalists, policy makers, technologists, and civil society organizations on how to detect, document, and debunk media manipulation campaigns.”''
''TaSC’s Media Manipulation Casebook compiles and aggregates information, theory, successful implementations and case studies related to dis- and misinformation. The project is a “team of interdisciplinary researchers analyzing how contemporary technologies of communication are used by different groups to bring about social change, for better or worse.” It has examined and documented information warfare of all stripes, including that of the Milk Tea Alliance, the “Save the Children” conspiracy hashtag and coordinated hashtag campaigns targeting elections in Chile.''
''Donovan is also a columnist at MIT technology review, and has written for The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post and other nationally-recognized publications. She is published in various academic journals, including Nature, Social Media + Society, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Information, Communication & Society, and Social Studies of Science. Her latest book, “Meme Wars: The Untold Story of the Online Battles Upending Democracy in America,” describes how the Jan. 6 riots manifested from online communities.''
''Donovan co-created the beaver emoji and has coined many of the terms used in contemporary disinformation media and research.''
''Jane Lytvynenko is a researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center and at TaSC.''
''“I’m focusing on devising a training curriculum for newsrooms and academics, auditing research and digging into media manipulation cases globally,” Lytvynenko writes of her work.''
''Lytvynenko was a senior reporter at BuzzFeed News, where she broke stories exposing online manipulation campaigns. She has also independently reported for outlets such as The Guardian, VICE, The Atlantic and MIT Tech Review.''
''As a native Ukrainian, Lytvynenko has written much about the Russia-Ukraine war. In February, when fighting first broke out, Lytvynenko published “I Can’t Stop Watching a Livestream in Kyiv,” detailing some of the history of the conflict, images of the war and her thoughts while consuming news and watching Reuters’ livestreams of both Kyiv and Maidan.''
''Lytvynenko has written in Spanish, English and German.''
''Anne Applebaum is currently a staff writer for The Atlantic, and winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction for her book, “Gulag: A History.” She has written extensively on the history of the Soviet Union, previously publishing such books as “Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine” and “Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956.” Applebaum was a Washington Post columnist for over 15 years and a correspondent for The Economist in Warsaw in the late ’80s and early ’90s, during the fall of Polish communism.''
''Her most recent book, “Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism,” describes a trend among “some of her contemporaries” of eschewing liberal ideas of democracy and favoring “strongman cults, nationalist movements or one-party states.”''
''“People are not just ideological,” Applebaum writes. “They are also practical, pragmatic, opportunist. The authoritarian and nationalist parties that have arisen within modern democracies offer new paths to wealth or power for their adherents.” The book describes common patterns between the “politicians, journalists, intellectuals, and others who have abandoned democratic ideals” in favor of “illiberalism.”''
''Applebaum has published articles in Polish, Spanish, English, German and French.''
''Craig Silverman currently investigates, reports and writes for ProPublica. The focus of his writing and research has been primarily online false information and media manipulation.''
''Silverman won the George Polk Award for his work uncovering how Facebook shows users disinformation. “Facebook Gets Paid,” “Facebook Fired An Employee who Collected Evidence of Right-Wing Pages Getting Preferential Treatment,” and “How Facebook Failed Kenosha” are a few in the series that received the Polk. Silverman also won investigation of the year from the Canadian Association of Journalists for his work detailing an international Facebook scam. You can read more about that in “Trap King: How A Massive Facebook Scam Siphoned Millions Of Dollars From Unsuspecting Boomers.”''
''Silverman previously worked at BuzzFeed News, where he served as media editor.''
''Patricía Campos Mello is a decorated Brazilian journalist working at Folha de S. Paulo as a columnist and reporter-at-large. Her work spans broad topics from the Afghanistan war to the Ebola epidemic to the refugee crisis in the Middle East.''
''In 2019, Mello won the International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists for her work uncovering the business deals of a pro-Bolsonaro group promoting the Brazilian president on social media channels, including WhatsApp. In response to her coverage, Mello was threatened on social media and through phone calls. She was doxxed on multiple occasions and forced to hire a bodyguard and cancel public appearances.''
''“The attack on Campos Mello was one of the most visible cases of doxing in a year and election cycle in which dozens of journalists were harassed and criticized for their reporting,” the Committee to Protect Journalists wrote in an article.''
''Mello has worked as a correspondent across multiple countries and continents.''
[https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Disinformation_-_Online_-_Dangerous <big><big> '''Disinformation - Online - Dangerous''' </big></big>]
Facts Opposed to Disinformation, Misinformation and 'Big Lies'
[[File:What happens when.png]]
[[File:What you can do about disinformation - UCUSA.png]]
<big><big>'''Facts in a Connected, Internet-Era'''</big></big>
'''Rising up against a barrage of online false, misleading claims'''
'''Information volleys, viral conspiracies, the 'dark web' become frontlines in a political war'''
[[File:Maria Ressa - Nobel Peace Prize speech.png]]
[[File:Maria Ressa, Dmitry Muratov receive Nobel Peace Prize.jpg]]
* https://www.rappler.com/world/global-affairs/full-text-maria-ressa-speech-nobel-peace-prize-awarding-ceremony-2021/
* https://youtu.be/m1w3rRRBoq8
''So please, with me, just close your eyes for just a moment, and imagine the world as it should be. A world of peace, trust, and empathy, bringing out the best that we can be.''
''Open your eyes. Now go, we have to make it happen. Please, let’s hold the line together. Thank you.''
<big><big><big>'''Democracy at Risk'''</big></big></big>
<big>'''A Year Reviewing Fact Checking Around the World'''</big>
* https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2021/lessons-learned-from-a-year-covering-fact-checking/
* https://findings2021.monitor.civicus.org/
<big>'''Bring the Facts, Make a Truthful Case'''</big>
'''Online... Searching for the Facts, a Never-ending Story'''
[[File:Fact Checking organizations at work.jpg]]

<big><big>Fact Checking</big></big>

Searching for the Facts, a Never-ending Story
<big><big><big>'''Facts Count, a Free Press Matters'''</big></big></big>

''"We can't have a democracy as we know it without a free press, and that's why Poynter is so important."''

* https://www.poynter.org/about/

<big>'''Facts Count, a Free Press Matters'''</big>

'''Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida: Independent Journalism in Practice'''
'''Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida: Independent Journalism in Practice'''

:[https://www.poynter.org/ Poynter] continues to provides 'best practices' for journalists/news organizations/writers 
:''"Misinformation has exploded online. Hoaxes go viral on social media after most breaking news events, manipulated videos dupe internet users into sharing them and fake news sites publish fabricated stories and cash in on the traffic."''
:Poynter's training for journalists and writers now teaches tools and best practices to identify misinfo....
:''"Fact-checking to... check the veracity of images uses tools like RevEye and Google’s Reverse Image Search, picking apart viral social media videos with InVid and YouTube Dataviewer and assessing social media profiles with Account Analysis and StalkScan."''
:With the launch of its [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PolitiFact PolitiFact project in 2007] the St. Petersburg Times (now Tampa Bay Times) led a fact-checking initiative that quickly became a world-wide network. Fact-checking best practice are vital and necessary in an era of dis- and mis-information and daily attacks on facts and science.
::[[File:Time for Facts and Science.jpg]]
<big>'''[[Fact Checking and Embedded Links]]'''</big>
<font color=green>○ ○ ○ ○ ○</font> <font color=blue>○ ○ ○ ○ ○</font> <font color=green>○ ○ ○ ○ ○</font> <font color=blue>○ ○ ○ ○ ○</font>
[https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2018/poynter-expands-fact-checking-franchise-by-acquiring-politifact-com/ <big>'''Poynter Takes on Full Management of PolitiFact'''</big>]  
: The Poynter Institute, home of the International Fact Checking Network, which launched in 2015 as a forum for fact-checkers on all continents, has now expanded its fact-finding services.
: Poynter's '''International Fact Checking Network''' monitors trends, research and best practices, with articles on a dedicated channel on poynter.org and a weekly newsletter co-edited with the American Press Institute. The IFCN produced a code of principles for fact-checking; 46 organizations (including PolitiFact) are currently (Feb. 2018) verified signatories of the [https://ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/ IFCN’s code], which is a minimum condition for being accepted as a third-party fact-checker by Facebook.
[https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2017/in-its-first-decade-politifact-helped-define-political-fact-checking-far-beyond-washington-d-c/ <big>'''PolitiFact's First Decade'''</big>]
:[https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/feb/12/principles-truth-o-meter-politifacts-methodology-i/ PolitiFact Process-Methodology]
:* https://www.poynter.org/channels/fact-checking/
:* https://www.politifact.com/
:* https://www.politifact.com/article/list/
<big><big>'''International Fact-Checking Network'''</big></big>
Launched in 2015, Taking the PolitiFact Model for Fact-Checking and -Finding International

:With the launch of its [https://www.poynter.org/channels/fact-checking PoliFact project], fact-checking has become a key best practice in an era of attacks on media and the press 
* https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/

<big>'''Global Fact-Checking Projects in Countries around the World -- PolitiFact'''</big>
<big>'''International Fact-Checking Network Code of Principles'''</big>

International Fact Checking Day 2020 - https://factcheckingday.com/articles/41/2020-international-fact-checking-day
Principles Created in 2016

200 Ways to Teach About Fact Checking - https://educheckmap.factcheckingday.com/#/projects
* https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/

:'''As of 2016, there are 96 fact-checking projects in 37 countries'''

: '''International Fact Checking Network''' - https://factcheckingday.com/ - https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/
[[File:IFCN Code of Principles.jpg]]

: https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2016/theres-been-an-explosion-of-international-fact-checkers-but-they-face-big-challenges/
* https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/know-more/the-commitments-of-the-code-of-principles

: http://www.poynter.org/2016/there-are-96-fact-checking-projects-in-37-countries-new-census-finds/396256/
* https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/know-more/the-advisory-board-and-our-pool-of-assessors

: http://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/
* https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/know-more/the-code-and-the-platforms

: http://reporterslab.org/category/fact-checking/#article-1384
* https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/know-more/code-of-principles-1st-year-a-report

: http://reporterslab.org/global-fact-checking-up-50-percent

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IFCN on Facebook


<big>'''Science Counts, Good Data & Science, a Priority @GreenPolicy360'''</big>
* https://www.facebook.com/factchecknet

:[https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/ '''International Fact Checking Network''']
IFCN on Twitter

* http://reporterslab.org/global-fact-checking-up-50-percent/ | 37 Countries-96 Fact-Check Sites (2016)
* https://reporterslab.org/number-of-fact-checking-outlets-surges-to-188-in-more-than-60-countries/ | 60 Countries-188 Fact-Checking Sites (2019)
* https://twitter.com/factchecknet
[https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/ <big>'''International Fact Checking Network @Poynter'''</big>]
* http://www.poynter.org/category/fact-checking/ | Poynter Fact-Checking News

* https://www.poynter.org/mediawise/ | MediaWise for Teens
* https://www.poynter.org/mediawise/ | MediaWise for Teens

* http://www.politifact.com/ | PolitiFact via Poynter
: [https://www.poynter.org/news-release/2020/poynter-and-mediawise-announce-program-to-teach-fact-from-fiction-online/ Poynter and MediaWise announce College Correspondents program to teach fact from fiction online]
<big><big>'''Facts or Not on Social Media'''</big></big>
Misinformation, Political Messaging, Database-driven Disinformation, Targets Audiences & Online Viral Manipulation, Algorithms & Online Platforms (Facebook/Google-Alphabet/Twitter/etc)
How are independent fact-checkers selected on Facebook? | Facebook Help Center
* https://www.facebook.com/help/1599660546745980
:[[File:International Fact Checking Network - 2021 TW.jpg]]
<big>'''Global Fact-Checking Projects in Countries around the World -- Fact-Finding Best Practices in Action'''''</big>
<big><big>'''International Fact Checking 360'''</big></big>
Always On 24/7/365
* https://factcheckingday.com/ - https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/
* https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2016/theres-been-an-explosion-of-international-fact-checkers-but-they-face-big-challenges/
* http://www.poynter.org/2016/there-are-96-fact-checking-projects-in-37-countries-new-census-finds/396256/
<big><big>'''International Fact Checking Day 2020'''</big></big> 
* https://factcheckingday.com/articles/41/2020-international-fact-checking-day
'''200 Ways to Teach About Fact Checking'''
* https://educheckmap.factcheckingday.com/#/projects
[https://www.brookings.edu/techstream/when-are-readers-likely-to-believe-a-fact-check/ '''Brookings Institute-Tech Policy reports on fact-checking... and readers''']
[https://reporterslab.org/update-237-fact-checkers-in-nearly-80-countries-and-counting/ '''April 2020 Update: 237 fact-checkers in nearly 80 countries... and counting''']
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<big><big>'''Global Fact-Checking News / Global Fact-Checking Sites'''</big></big>
List in Development...
* https://checkyourfact.com/
* https://factcheck.afp.com/
* https://www.polygraph.info/
* https://www.reuters.com/fact-check
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/
* http://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/

* http://www.poynter.org/category/fact-checking/ | Poynter Int'l List
* http://reporterslab.org/category/fact-checking/#article-1384

* https://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/ | Reporters Lab Fact-Checking News
* https://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/ | Reporters Lab Fact-Checking News

* https://reporterslab.org/update-237-fact-checkers-in-nearly-80-countries-and-counting/ | '''80 Countries-237 Fact-Checking Sites (2020)'''
* https://reporterslab.org/number-of-fact-checking-outlets-surges-to-188-in-more-than-60-countries/ | '''60 Countries-188 Fact-Checking Sites (2019)'''
* http://reporterslab.org/global-fact-checking-up-50-percent/ | '''37 Countries-96 Fact-Check Sites (2016)'''
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<big><big>'''Science & Facts Count, Get Data & Science @GreenPolicy360'''</big></big>
:<big><big>'''GreenPolicy360 ... Science as a Guide'''</big></big>

<big><big><big>'''GreenPolicy360 & Science'''</big></big></big>

:[[File:You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg]]

[[File:You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg]]

[https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:You_can_manage_only_what_you_can_measure_Dr_David_Crisp,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg <big>'''GreenPolicy360 & NASA, Science & Data: Measure to Manage'''</big>]

* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:Good_science_needs_good_data_.png | GreenPolicy360, Facts & Data
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:Good_science_needs_good_data_.png | GreenPolicy360, Facts & Data
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Stats_-_Green_Research_%26_Science | GreenPolicy360, Our Policy on Science
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Stats_-_Green_Research_%26_Science | GreenPolicy360, Our Policy on Science
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Climate_Change_-_Global_Warming_Keyword-Terms | Global Climate Keywords
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Climate_Change_-_Global_Warming_Keyword-Terms | Global Climate Keywords
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:You_can_manage_only_what_you_can_measure_Dr_David_Crisp,_OCO-2,_June_2014_m.jpg | Measure-to-Manage
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Merchants_of_Doubt | 'Then there are the naysayers', 'Merchants of Doubt'
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Merchants_of_Doubt | Merchants of Doubt
* http://www.nature.com/news/wikipedia-shapes-language-in-science-papers-1.22656 | Wiki Community Science
* http://www.nature.com/news/wikipedia-shapes-language-in-science-papers-1.22656 | Wiki Community Science
::::<big><big><big><big><big>'''Techniques of Science Denial'''</big></big></big></big></big>
::::* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/File:FLICC_techniques_of_science_denial.png
::::[[File:FLICC techniques of science denial.png]]
::::[[File:Science denial graph.jpg]]
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'''Climate Change - NASA'''
<big>'''Climate Change - NASA'''</big>

* https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/ | Vital Signs
* https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/ | Vital Signs
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* https://www.worldometers.info/ | World Statistics
* https://www.worldometers.info/ | World Statistics

<big><big>March for Science</big></big>

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[[Category:Planet Citizens]]
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[[Category:Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists]]
<big><big><big>'''It's Time for Real-Time Fact Checking'''</big></big></big>
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PolitiFact '''Beginning in 2007'''] in St. Petersburg, Florida, an independent news organization steps up and starts a fact-checking network. It is called '''PolitiFact'''.
Soon a growing movement, PolitiFact acts to change the ways news is reported... a battle of facts vs. 'non-facts', facts vs. dis- and mis-info, conspiracies and viral theories, info ops - and com ops weaponizing online and social media communications.
PolitiFact's tagline is bold and memorable amid the online battle --
'''''Stand up for the facts!'''''
'''''Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy.'''''
Visit PolitiFact and Fact-Checking Networks.
Do your own fact-checking and fact-finding research.
It's more than Orwellian out there. Aim to discover and be guided by facts...
"TRUTH-O-METER", reporting stories, questioning claims as...
Mostly True
Half True
Mostly False
Pants on Fire
<big>'''NewsGuard targets Disinformation / Misinformation: Check out the NewsGuard online services'''</big>
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NewsGuard
* https://www.newsguardtech.com/
* https://www.newsguardtech.com/solutions/newsguard/
* https://www.newsguardtech.com/solutions/misinformation-fingerprints/
<big><big><big>'''On Anti-disinformation Work'''</big></big></big>
Facing a Tide of Dis-info and Mis-info
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Disinformation_-_Online_-_Dangerous
<big><big><big>'''A President and Legacy of Dis- and Mis-information'''</big></big></big>
At GreenPolicy360 we continue to advocate for science and facts. Fact checking and fact finding increasingly have grown in importance as social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc) can exponentially multiply falsehoods and untruths.
In the era of the Internet, politics is taking on new powers to reach, engage, interact with, convert and motivate targeted audiences with calls to action.
Fact checking is essential in a fast changing and evolving Internet ....
Facts are essential for a functional, credible democratic government ....
''Washington Post''
'''By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.'''
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/
'''Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president. Nearly half came in his final year.'''
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_interstitial_manual_9
:::[[File:Updated Nov 5 2020 - 29,508 false or misleading statements.jpg]]
:::[[File:Hannah Arendt warns us.jpg]]
More about Hannah Arendt at GreenPolicy360
* https://www.greenpolicy360.net/index.php?search=Hannah+Arendt&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns0=1

[[Category:Additional Website Resources - Linked Data - Green Best Practices]]
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[[Category:Air Quality]]
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Latest revision as of 14:06, 13 September 2024



Fact Checking

Fact Finding and the '3 Ds' -- Discussion, Debate and Decision-Making

How to Fact Check.png



US Presidential Debate September 2024.jpeg

September 12, 2024

US Presidential Campaign Debate - Sept 10 2024.jpeg

September 10, 2024, Screen Grab from Broadcast Video, Live Presentation ABC

* https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/sep/10/presidential-debate-live-fact-check-harris-trump/

September 11, 2024, the Day After the Debate...

The US Presidential Debate Was One for the History Books

33 false statements.png

Question: Did the ABC Moderators Intrude?

GreenPolicy360: The moderators and fact-checking orgs were doing their work: Facts count

Fact Checking, Facts Count

Disinformation - Online - Dangerous

Fact is, Facts Matter

Wikipedia adds a 'Truthiness' definition of the modern term that's become a meme -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthiness

The concept of truthiness has emerged as a major subject of discussion surrounding U.S. politics during the late 20th and early 21st centuries because of the perception among some observers of a rise in propaganda and a growing hostility toward factual reporting and fact-based discussion.

GreenPolicy360 continues a multi-year defense of facts, science, & 'critical thinking skills' ... Green Education


GlobalFact conf - 2024.png

GlobalFact, the Eleventh Global Fact-Checking Summit

Presented by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute in partnership with Zašto ne, GlobalFact 11 (June 26-28, 2024) empowers fact-checkers to uphold the industry’s highest standards of excellence through discussions, training and networking events with globally renowned fact-checking experts.

What is GlobalFact?

GlobalFact is the world’s largest and most impactful annual summit for professional fact-checking.

Fact-checkers and supporters of fact-checking discuss industry-wide challenges, exchange best practices and build collaborative solutions to improve our shared information ecosystem.

GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands

Tens of Millions of Visits, Interactions & Shares

Connecting & sharing world changing stories

GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement

Fact Checking, Facts Count

Facts are a highest priority @GreenPolicy360/StraDem



At Poynter, St Petersburg, Florida.png

The Poynter Institute

PolitiFact to expand in 2024 at Poynter Times.png

The Tampa Bay Times | Poynter home of fact-checking pioneer, PolitiFact, announced today (Dec. 23) that it is expanding PolitiFact's coverage beginning in January 2024. Good news, especially here 'on the home front', as GreenPolicy360's global network originates in Tampa Bay.

GreenPolicy360 has been following PolitiFact from its initial beginnings (launched in 2007). PolitiFact has changed the national and international news business as their original idea and model of a fact-checking news operation has grown into industry-wide fact checking around the world. It is evident that the need for focus on facts and evidence in these times of dis- and mis-information is an essential contribution by a free press and online fact checking sources that enable accurate judgment, decision-making, and a successful democracy.

The online world is especially convoluted these days... the demands for fact-checking of memes and gaslighting, dis- and mis-info is 24/7/365

We at GreenPolicy360 are pleased to have shared the Poynter PolitiFact story and expansion of its 'best practices' networking model. At the end of last year, 2022, there were 424 fact-checking websites, up from just 11 in 2008, according to an annual census by the Duke University Reporters’ Lab. Poynter's PolitiFact and over 100 news publishing participants in a global fact checking network are confronting/battling an online proliferation of dis/misinformation, lies and political manipulation. Today and going forward, fact-checking operations are playing an increasingly essential role, delivering information, facts, opening eyes and bringing profoundly important veritas to people in every nation, community, market and political system.


At the end of last year, there were 424 fact-checking websites, up from just 11 in 2008, according to an annual census by the Duke University Reporters’ Lab.


International Fact-Checking Network - banner.png

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter was launched in 2015 to bring together the growing community of fact-checkers around the world and advocates of factual information in the global fight against misinformation. We enable fact-checkers through networking, capacity building and collaboration. IFCN promotes the excellence of fact-checking to more than 100 organizations worldwide through advocacy, training and global events.




The world’s largest fact-checking summit

The only conference dedicated to fact-checking worldwide, organized by the International Fact-Checking Network at the Poynter Institute

The 2022 Global Fact conference in Oslo, Norway convenes in-person after two years of virtual conferences. Previous Global Fact conferences were held in cities such as London, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Rome, and Cape Town.

More via Poynter Institute / Poynter.org

June 20, 2022

OSLO, Norway – GlobalFact is an annual fact-checking and journalism conference hosted by the International Fact-Checking Network. This year marks the world’s largest fact-checking summit’s ninth iteration. It will be held in Oslo, Norway, from June 22 to 25, at Oslo Metropolitan University. Virtual tickets are available.

Here’s more about six of the headliners at this year’s GlobalFact.

Dr. Joan Donovan is a leading disinformation researcher and research director at Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center, which focuses on the intersection of media, politics and public policy. She is also director of the Technology and Social Change Project, — or TaSC — which examines methods of media manipulation, control over public conversation and democracy influence. The Shorenstein Center website says TaSC “facilitates workshops for journalists, policy makers, technologists, and civil society organizations on how to detect, document, and debunk media manipulation campaigns.”

TaSC’s Media Manipulation Casebook compiles and aggregates information, theory, successful implementations and case studies related to dis- and misinformation. The project is a “team of interdisciplinary researchers analyzing how contemporary technologies of communication are used by different groups to bring about social change, for better or worse.” It has examined and documented information warfare of all stripes, including that of the Milk Tea Alliance, the “Save the Children” conspiracy hashtag and coordinated hashtag campaigns targeting elections in Chile.

Donovan is also a columnist at MIT technology review, and has written for The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post and other nationally-recognized publications. She is published in various academic journals, including Nature, Social Media + Society, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Information, Communication & Society, and Social Studies of Science. Her latest book, “Meme Wars: The Untold Story of the Online Battles Upending Democracy in America,” describes how the Jan. 6 riots manifested from online communities.

Donovan co-created the beaver emoji and has coined many of the terms used in contemporary disinformation media and research.

Jane Lytvynenko is a researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center and at TaSC.

“I’m focusing on devising a training curriculum for newsrooms and academics, auditing research and digging into media manipulation cases globally,” Lytvynenko writes of her work.

Lytvynenko was a senior reporter at BuzzFeed News, where she broke stories exposing online manipulation campaigns. She has also independently reported for outlets such as The Guardian, VICE, The Atlantic and MIT Tech Review.

As a native Ukrainian, Lytvynenko has written much about the Russia-Ukraine war. In February, when fighting first broke out, Lytvynenko published “I Can’t Stop Watching a Livestream in Kyiv,” detailing some of the history of the conflict, images of the war and her thoughts while consuming news and watching Reuters’ livestreams of both Kyiv and Maidan.

Lytvynenko has written in Spanish, English and German.

Anne Applebaum is currently a staff writer for The Atlantic, and winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction for her book, “Gulag: A History.” She has written extensively on the history of the Soviet Union, previously publishing such books as “Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine” and “Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956.” Applebaum was a Washington Post columnist for over 15 years and a correspondent for The Economist in Warsaw in the late ’80s and early ’90s, during the fall of Polish communism.

Her most recent book, “Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism,” describes a trend among “some of her contemporaries” of eschewing liberal ideas of democracy and favoring “strongman cults, nationalist movements or one-party states.”

“People are not just ideological,” Applebaum writes. “They are also practical, pragmatic, opportunist. The authoritarian and nationalist parties that have arisen within modern democracies offer new paths to wealth or power for their adherents.” The book describes common patterns between the “politicians, journalists, intellectuals, and others who have abandoned democratic ideals” in favor of “illiberalism.”

Applebaum has published articles in Polish, Spanish, English, German and French.

Craig Silverman currently investigates, reports and writes for ProPublica. The focus of his writing and research has been primarily online false information and media manipulation.

Silverman won the George Polk Award for his work uncovering how Facebook shows users disinformation. “Facebook Gets Paid,” “Facebook Fired An Employee who Collected Evidence of Right-Wing Pages Getting Preferential Treatment,” and “How Facebook Failed Kenosha” are a few in the series that received the Polk. Silverman also won investigation of the year from the Canadian Association of Journalists for his work detailing an international Facebook scam. You can read more about that in “Trap King: How A Massive Facebook Scam Siphoned Millions Of Dollars From Unsuspecting Boomers.”

Silverman previously worked at BuzzFeed News, where he served as media editor.

Patricía Campos Mello is a decorated Brazilian journalist working at Folha de S. Paulo as a columnist and reporter-at-large. Her work spans broad topics from the Afghanistan war to the Ebola epidemic to the refugee crisis in the Middle East.

In 2019, Mello won the International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists for her work uncovering the business deals of a pro-Bolsonaro group promoting the Brazilian president on social media channels, including WhatsApp. In response to her coverage, Mello was threatened on social media and through phone calls. She was doxxed on multiple occasions and forced to hire a bodyguard and cancel public appearances.

“The attack on Campos Mello was one of the most visible cases of doxing in a year and election cycle in which dozens of journalists were harassed and criticized for their reporting,” the Committee to Protect Journalists wrote in an article.

Mello has worked as a correspondent across multiple countries and continents.


Disinformation - Online - Dangerous

Facts Opposed to Disinformation, Misinformation and 'Big Lies'

What happens when.png

What you can do about disinformation - UCUSA.png

Facts in a Connected, Internet-Era

Rising up against a barrage of online false, misleading claims

Information volleys, viral conspiracies, the 'dark web' become frontlines in a political war

Maria Ressa - Nobel Peace Prize speech.png

Maria Ressa, Dmitry Muratov receive Nobel Peace Prize.jpg

So please, with me, just close your eyes for just a moment, and imagine the world as it should be. A world of peace, trust, and empathy, bringing out the best that we can be.

Open your eyes. Now go, we have to make it happen. Please, let’s hold the line together. Thank you.

Democracy at Risk

A Year Reviewing Fact Checking Around the World

Bring the Facts, Make a Truthful Case

Online... Searching for the Facts, a Never-ending Story

Fact Checking organizations at work.jpg


Facts Count, a Free Press Matters

"We can't have a democracy as we know it without a free press, and that's why Poynter is so important."

Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida: Independent Journalism in Practice

"Misinformation has exploded online. Hoaxes go viral on social media after most breaking news events, manipulated videos dupe internet users into sharing them and fake news sites publish fabricated stories and cash in on the traffic."

Poynter's training for journalists and writers now teaches tools and best practices to identify misinfo....
"Fact-checking to... check the veracity of images uses tools like RevEye and Google’s Reverse Image Search, picking apart viral social media videos with InVid and YouTube Dataviewer and assessing social media profiles with Account Analysis and StalkScan."

With the launch of its PolitiFact project in 2007 the St. Petersburg Times (now Tampa Bay Times) led a fact-checking initiative that quickly became a world-wide network. Fact-checking best practice are vital and necessary in an era of dis- and mis-information and daily attacks on facts and science.

Time for Facts and Science.jpg

Fact Checking and Embedded Links


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Poynter Takes on Full Management of PolitiFact

The Poynter Institute, home of the International Fact Checking Network, which launched in 2015 as a forum for fact-checkers on all continents, has now expanded its fact-finding services.
Poynter's International Fact Checking Network monitors trends, research and best practices, with articles on a dedicated channel on poynter.org and a weekly newsletter co-edited with the American Press Institute. The IFCN produced a code of principles for fact-checking; 46 organizations (including PolitiFact) are currently (Feb. 2018) verified signatories of the IFCN’s code, which is a minimum condition for being accepted as a third-party fact-checker by Facebook.

PolitiFact's First Decade

PolitiFact Process-Methodology

International Fact-Checking Network

Launched in 2015, Taking the PolitiFact Model for Fact-Checking and -Finding International

International Fact-Checking Network Code of Principles

Principles Created in 2016

IFCN Code of Principles.jpg

IFCN on Facebook


IFCN on Twitter


International Fact Checking Network @Poynter

Poynter and MediaWise announce College Correspondents program to teach fact from fiction online

Facts or Not on Social Media

Misinformation, Political Messaging, Database-driven Disinformation, Targets Audiences & Online Viral Manipulation, Algorithms & Online Platforms (Facebook/Google-Alphabet/Twitter/etc)

How are independent fact-checkers selected on Facebook? | Facebook Help Center

International Fact Checking Network - 2021 TW.jpg

Global Fact-Checking Projects in Countries around the World -- Fact-Finding Best Practices in Action

International Fact Checking 360

Always On 24/7/365

International Fact Checking Day 2020

200 Ways to Teach About Fact Checking

Brookings Institute-Tech Policy reports on fact-checking... and readers

April 2020 Update: 237 fact-checkers in nearly 80 countries... and counting

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Global Fact-Checking News / Global Fact-Checking Sites

List in Development...

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Science & Facts Count, Get Data & Science @GreenPolicy360

GreenPolicy360 ... Science as a Guide

You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg

GreenPolicy360 & NASA, Science & Data: Measure to Manage


Techniques of Science Denial

FLICC techniques of science denial.png

Science denial graph.jpg

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Climate Change - NASA

Climate Change - MIT

Climate Change Metrics


March for Science

March for Science-1.png

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It's Time for Real-Time Fact Checking

Beginning in 2007 in St. Petersburg, Florida, an independent news organization steps up and starts a fact-checking network. It is called PolitiFact.

Soon a growing movement, PolitiFact acts to change the ways news is reported... a battle of facts vs. 'non-facts', facts vs. dis- and mis-info, conspiracies and viral theories, info ops - and com ops weaponizing online and social media communications.

PolitiFact's tagline is bold and memorable amid the online battle --

Stand up for the facts!

Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy.

Visit PolitiFact and Fact-Checking Networks.

Do your own fact-checking and fact-finding research.

It's more than Orwellian out there. Aim to discover and be guided by facts...

"TRUTH-O-METER", reporting stories, questioning claims as...


Mostly True

Half True

Mostly False


Pants on Fire

NewsGuard targets Disinformation / Misinformation: Check out the NewsGuard online services

On Anti-disinformation Work

Facing a Tide of Dis-info and Mis-info

A President and Legacy of Dis- and Mis-information

At GreenPolicy360 we continue to advocate for science and facts. Fact checking and fact finding increasingly have grown in importance as social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc) can exponentially multiply falsehoods and untruths.

In the era of the Internet, politics is taking on new powers to reach, engage, interact with, convert and motivate targeted audiences with calls to action.

Fact checking is essential in a fast changing and evolving Internet ....

Facts are essential for a functional, credible democratic government ....

Washington Post

By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.

Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president. Nearly half came in his final year.

Updated Nov 5 2020 - 29,508 false or misleading statements.jpg

Hannah Arendt warns us.jpg

More about Hannah Arendt at GreenPolicy360