Wilmington, DE Disadvantage Business Enterprise Certification Program

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Wilmington, DE, US

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Type: Policy

Status: In effect

Source File: http://www.ci.wilmington.de.us/dbe.htm


Disadvantage Business Enterprise Certification Program

The DBE Certification Program allows the solicitation and assistance to disadvantage businesses to participate in the procurement process and performance of City contracts.

A Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) is a small business concern

  • which is at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned and operated by one or more socially or economically disadvantage individuals.
  • where the businesses daily operations shall be managed and controlled by one or more of the socially or economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

The City of Wilmington directs contracting and subcontracting opportunities toward economically and socially disadvantaged individuals who are among the chronically unemployed or underemployed. To this end, the City has identified two demographic sub groups in its population (African Americans and Hispanics) which have unemployment rates fifty (50) percent above the prevailing State of Delaware unemployment rates.

In determining disadvantage individuals, the City may review the net worth of individuals regardless of race, color, creed, sex or national origin. A presumption of economic disadvantage if the net worth of each of the individuals who together own and control fifty-one percent or more of the disadvantaged business enterprise, exclusive of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) of equity in his or her primary residence, is less than one hundred dollars ($100,000.00).

Click here for the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Application.


The Directory is a source of information intended for those businesses and/or individuals whose intent is to use the Certified vendors within. The City of Wilmington assumes no liability or responsibility for the quality of workmanship of the vendors listed herein. We are committed to making this program a success. This directory is published quarterly.