Ulster County, NY High Performance Green Building Standards
Type: Resolution
Status: Adopted on 11/8/06
Vote: Unanimous
Source File: http://www.co.ulster.ny.us/resolutions/383-06.pdf
Resolution No. 383
Establishing High Performance Green Building Standards For County Of Ulster New Construction Projects
WHEREAS, development and construction practices are significant contributors to the depletion of natural resources and a major cause of air and water pollution, solid waste, deforestation, toxic wastes, health hazards, global warming and other negative consequences, and
WHEREAS, buildings use one-quarter of all the world’s wood harvest, consume two-fifths of all materials and energy flows, and account for more than onethird of CO2 emissions, and
WHEREAS, Ulster County spends in excess of $1,375,000.00 annually on combined fuel costs for its conventionally constructed public buildings, and
WHEREAS, construction of public buildings to high performance green building standards will reduce energy use, conserve water, reduce waste, increase the use of recycled materials, improve the health and satisfaction of Ulster County employees and citizens and empower economic development of businesses involved in green building and materials, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Government, states and municipalities across the U.S. have adopted high performance green building principles by incorporating the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system into their building projects, and
WHEREAS, comprehensive studies have been completed concluding that LEED Silver rating can be achieved with little increase in construction costs (0-3%) and that the economic benefits of green design are approximately 10 times the initial investment, and
WHEREAS, construction costs represent only 20-30 percent of the building’s entire costs over its 30 to 40 year life, emphasis should be placed on the life cycle costs of a public building. High performance green buildings have reduced lifecycle costs, and
WHEREAS, the construction industry in the County of Ulster represents a significant portion of our economy through Capital Improvement Projects and proposed development, and as a significant portion of the building industry is represented by small business, an increase in sustainable building practices will encourage and promote new and innovative small business development throughout New York, and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Committee has met and reviewed said request with a majority of members voting approval, and
WHEREAS, the Efficiency, Reform and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee has met and reviewed said request with a majority of the members voting approval, and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has met and reviewed said request with a majority of members voting approval, and
WHEREAS, the Ways and Means Committee has met and reviewed said request with a majority of the members voting approval.
RESOLVED, that before taking on any County funded construction projects, including major renovations, representatives of Ulster County will meet with NYSERDA to inform themselves of any relevant programs and/or incentives, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, the County will request a NYSERDA audit before any capital project, renovation or new construction, that requires a bid, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that all Ulster County funded new construction of public buildings be designed and built to a minimum rating of “LEED™ Silver" using the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED-NC™ rating system except as set forth below, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, if another agency is funding part of a construction project, the project is not required to be LEED certified unless mutually agreed to by the agency and Ulster County, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event that certain new building types may not be appropriate for LEED certification for reasons other than those financial, then, in such situations the Ulster County Department of Buildings and Grounds shall provide a report to the Ulster County Public Works Committee setting forth the reasons why such LEED certification is not appropriate, at which time the report shall be forwarded to the full Legislature for its determination, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, County agencies are encouraged to work cooperatively with one another to achieve the goals outlined in this resolution, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that requests for proposals and bids for County funded construction projects shall explain the requirement for LEED certification, and moves its adoption.