Tulsa, OK Partners for a Clean Environment
Type: Program
Status: Ongoing
Source File: http://www.cityoftulsa.org/Environment/PACE/Index.asp
Partners for A Clean Environment is a voluntary, non-regulatory program coordinated by the City of Tulsa Public Works Department. The program, which recognizes those who go above and beyond environmental regulations, is administered by the Quality Assurance section of the Environmental Operations Division.
PACE provides free pollution prevention training, public outreach, and technical assistance to those who have made a commitment to the environment. The program's goal is to reduce the use of hazardous materials and the amount of waste from business, government, and household activities that pollute Tulsa's water, land, and air.
PACE serves as an umbrella for a variety of projects and services. It includes the City of Tulsa's Pollution Prevention (P2) Program for businesses, education efforts related to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit aimed at businesses, households, schools and non-profit agencies, tips for water and air quality improvement available on Tulsa's Environmental Network, and the Blue Thumb Business Partners for A Clean Environment program offered jointly with the Tulsa County Conservation District.