Tompkins County, NY In Support of the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign

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Tompkins County, NY, US

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Type: Resolution

Status: Adopted on 3/14/01

Vote: In Favor - 14 Opposed - 1

Source File:


Environmental Management Council
EMC No. 1-01 - Resolution for participating in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign

WHEREAS, There is scientific consensus that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere may have an effect on the Earth’s climate, and

WHEREAS, Based on scientific study, the United States has pledged along with approximately 160 countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and

WHEREAS, Energy consumption, specifically the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, accounts for a significant portion of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and

WHEREAS, Local governments greatly influence their community’s energy usage by exercising key powers over land use, transportation, building construction, waste management, and, in many cases, energy supply and management, and

WHEREAS, Local governments actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provides multiple local benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures and saving money for the municipality, its businesses and its citizens, and

WHEREAS, The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP), sponsored by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), has invited Tompkins County to become a partner in the Campaign, and

WHEREAS, The EMC has just learned that ICLEI interns are available in the Northeast on a firstcome first serve basis with a need for a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by April 15, 2001, not allowing the EMC time to research this for the County, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County EMC recommends to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives that it expeditiously consider joining in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign, and

RESOLVED, further, That if the County participates it consider pledging to:

1.) Take a leadership role in increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from municipal operations, and
2.) Develop and implement a local action plan which describes the steps the County will take to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions; the plan will include:
  • Joining the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI);
  • A greenhouse gas emissions analysis and forecast to determine the sources and quantity of greenhouse gas emissions within its jurisdiction;
  • A Carbon Dioxide or greenhouse gas emission reduction target;
  • A strategy for meeting Tompkins County’s greenhouse reduction target;
  • A process for measuring progress, on an on-going basis, for the implementation of the local action plan.