Multnomah County, OR Citizen Involvement Committee

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Multnomah County, OR, US

Type: County Code

Status: Adopted via ordinance

Source File: (pages 3 - 5)




(A) Generally. The Charter amendment re-lating to citizen involvement was adopted by the people of Multnomah County on November 6, 1984. That provision of the Charter stipulates:

The office of citizen involvement is hereby established. The office of citizen involvement shall develop and maintain citizen involvement programs and procedures designed for the purpose of facilitating direct communication between the citizens and the board of county commissioners.

A citizens' committee and the structure of the citizen involvement process shall be established by ordinance.

The board of county commissioners shall appropriate sufficient funds for the operation of the office and the committee.

The citizens' committee shall have the authority to hire and fire its staff.

(B) The purpose of this section is to enact the requirements of the above-quoted charter provision.


(A) There is established a Citizen Involvement Committee.

(B) The Citizen Involvement Committee shall be composed of 15 members to be appointed by the Board.

(1) The Board shall appoint 15 members: three members residing in each of the four commission districts and three county residents at large.
(2) Members appointed according to com-mission district shall be nominated by neighborhood and community associations, neighborhood coalitions and community groups within the respective commission district. The three at-large members shall be nominated by incorporated community organizations.

(C) The Office of Citizen Involvement shall communicate with various organizations to encourage a wide variety of volunteers. The Citizen Involvement Committee should reflect the diversity of the population of the county. An affirmative action report shall be included in the annual report.

(D) The terms of the committee members shall be for three years with a maximum of six consecutive years, regardless of nominating agency. Members may apply for reappointment to the committee after a hiatus of one full chronological year, beginning from the end date of their last full term. A term commences upon appointment.

(E) The Office of Citizen Involvement shall notify nominating groups when there is a vacancy for which they have nomination responsibility. The Office of Citizen Involvement shall receive nominations, and the Citizen Involvement Committee shall forward nominations to the Board for appointment.


(A) The functions and responsibilities of the Citizen Involvement Committee within the county's citizen involvement process may include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) An ongoing study and discussion of the county's priorities, programs, and procedures, including budget preparation and amendment.
(2) Recommendation of an action, a plan, or a policy, to the Board or any department on any matter impacting the life of the county, including, but not limited to the following: health, mental health, parks, corrections, jails, animal control, assessment, taxation, elections, citizen participation, cable television, crime prevention, mediation, and libraries.
(3) A strengthening and encouragement of department advisory boards and budget subcommittees and cooperation with existing boards, subcommittees, and commissions.
(4) Written reports to the Board at least every six months outlining its activities and summarizing its recommendations to the Board. The Board shall respond in writing to the semiannual reports of the Citizen Involvement Committee.
(5) Responsibility for the hiring, supervision, and discharge of its staff as may be necessary to execute functions and responsibilities of the Citizen Involvement Committee. The Citizen Involvement Committee shall act in accordance with county personnel ordinances and regulations.
(6) Election of a chair and adoption of rules or procedures for the operation of the committee.
(7) Review of the size and representation of the committee every five years.

(B) The Citizen Involvement Committee shall abide by the laws regulating open meetings and open access to all information.

(C) The activities and expenditures of the Citizen Involvement Committee shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and all county ordinances and regulations.


(A) There is established an Office of Citizen Involvement which shall, at a minimum, consist of a Director. This office shall be adequately funded.

(B) The Office of Citizen Involvement shall develop procedures to perform the following:

(1) Establish and broaden official channels for two-way communication between the citizens and the Board, elected officials, and department directors. Such channels shall provide for both sharing of information from the county regarding the government and its services and the presentation of specific concerns and recommendations by citizens from the several districts of the county.
(2) Schedule yearly reports at a Board meeting regarding activities and plans of the Citizen Involvement Committee.
(3) Increase the number of citizens participating in county government. Recruit a wide variety of volunteers without regard for age, sex, race, creed or sexual orientation.
(4) Maintain an up-to-date file of individuals interested in participating on county boards, commissions, and committees and recommend individuals for appointment to county boards, commissions and committees.
(5) Record minutes of meetings of the Citizen Involvement Committee, including a record of attendance and votes.
(6) Develop and maintain a resource library regarding citizen involvement, including information about past county programs, as well as other data and educational sources.
(7) Develop a budget and keep financial re-cords using established county methods.
(8) Act as liaison with the Office of Neighborhood Associations of the City of Portland, Gresham neighborhood associations, district coalitions, and other cities and community offices.
(9) Aid and educate citizens in the process of citizen involvement.
(10) Carry out the policy directions of the Citizen Involvement Committee.

(C) The Office of Citizen Involvement shall act in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and county ordinances and regulations.


(A) All county officials and their staffs shall co-operate in providing information as requested by the Office of Citizen Involvement.

(B) All county departments and divisions of county government shall cooperate in providing in-formation as requested by the Office of Citizen Involvement.

(C) The Chair shall place Citizen Involvement Committee presentations on the Board's informal or formal agenda annually, or as requested by the Citizen Involvement Committee.