Anchorage, AK Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Ordinance

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Anchorage, AK, US

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Type: Ordinance

Status: Adopted on 6/20/00.

Source File:


Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Ordinance Basics

A. The ordinance addresses:
1. Enclosed workplaces
2. Enclosed public places

B. Some examples of public places and work places include:
1. Enclosed public areas of businesses
2. Restaurants
3. Sports arenas and convention halls
4. Elevators, waiting rooms, hallways and lobbies
5. Performance centers and movie theaters
6. Buses, taxicabs and other means of public transit
7. Fleet vehicles

C. Exemptions:
1. Some businesses with 4 or fewer employees
2. Some bars
3. Some other establishments which provide no smoking areas (bingo parlors, pull-tab establishments and retail tobacco stores)

D. Owners and managers of businesses covered by this ordinance must:
1. Post "No smoking" signs in every building where smoking is prohibited - visible to employees and the public.
2. Remove all ashtrays from any smokefree area.
3. Develop and implement a written no smoking policy for the enclosed space of the workplace.
4. Communicate the policy to all employees, and make copies available upon request.
5. Make sure smoking is outdoors only; no designated interior smoking rooms or areas are allowed.
6. Make sure smoking outdoors is at a reasonable distance from doorways, windows and air intake vents.

"Reasonable distance" is the distance needed to be sure no smoke enters smoke-free areas. The distance may vary depending upon numbers of smokers, weather conditions and other factors.