Amherst, MA Resolution on a Legislative Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Foods & Crops
Type: Resolution
Status: Adopted on 5/8/06 Yes - 82 No - 77
Source File: Link missing
ARTICLE 16. Petition – Resolution - Legislative Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops
Whereas genetically engineered (GE) foods and crops have been shown to cause long-term damage to the environment, threaten rural economies, and may impair human health;
Whereas GE crops have been found to contaminate other farmers’ crops through cross-pollination, and are stringently regulated in more than 30 countries; and
Whereas Congress and federal regulatory agencies have failed to adequately address this problem;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Amherst Representative Town Meeting:
(1) requests that our United States Senators, Edward M. Kennedy and John Kerry, our Congressional Representative, John W. Olver, our Governor, Mitt Romney, our State Senator, Stanley Rosenberg, and our State Representative, Ellen Story, sponsor and support legislation that would enact a moratorium on the further growing of GE crops until there is credible and independent scientific evidence that these products are not harmful to our health, the environment, and the survival of family farms; and
(2) additionally requests that the Amherst Town Clerk transmit a copy of this resolution with the vote of the Town Meeting thereon to the elected officials named above.”