Allegheny College, PA Sustainable Forestry Project

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Allegheny College, PA, US

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Type: Program

Status: Ongoing

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Good Forestry from Trees to Boards
CEED's Sustainable Forestry Project brings local forest landowners and forestry professionals together to promote better forest management and increase the economic contribution of the wood products industry in this region. In recent years the Forestry Project has partnered with the Rainforest Alliance to promote Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of forests, sawmills, and other processing facilities across Pennsylvania (see the Pennsylvania Certified Forest Products Initiative website to learn more about this effort). FSC certification represents an assurance that the wood products you use come from forests that are managed in an environmentally sound, socially respectful, and economically viable manner.

The Forestry Project also works closely with the Northwest Pennsylvania Woodland Association (NWPWA) to promote sustainable forestry on privately-owned woodlots in Crawford, Erie, and Warren Counties. The organization was formed in 1998 and provides educational resources and the exchange of ideas among its members. NWPWA also promotes management of forestland to maximize recreational, economic, and forest conservation values. Learn more at the NWPWA website.

NWPA Sustainable Forestry Project Goals:

  • Provide forestland owners with information on sustainable forest management practices
  • Raise awareness of the importance of the regional forest resource in ecological and economic terms
  • Increase value-added opportunities in the wood products industry
  • Promote regional forest certification activities to improve managment practice
  • Support student and faculty research on sustainable forestry methods and issues

Project Partners

  • NWPWA members and officers
  • PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
  • PA State Game Commission
  • Penn State Cooperative Extension Service
  • Private foresters
  • Hickman Lumber
  • Smart Wood, Inc.