Calgary, Alberta Climate Change Policy
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Type: Policy
Status: In Effect
Source File: Click here
The City of Calgary is committed to taking action on climate change. This effort is an essential component of The City's overall commitment to achieve environmental excellence in all aspects of its operations.
- In 2002, The City of Calgary formally committed to reducing its corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 6% below the 1990 level by 2012. Only four years into the program, emissions were reduced by 4% - this is remarkable given Calgary's unprecedented growth during the last several years.
- The City of Calgary has recently set a bold new corporate climate change plan to reduce corporate GHG emissions by 50% from 1990 levels by 2012, becoming the first major city in North America to do so.
- The City of Calgary's Green Power Initiative is the main contributor to the Target - 50% plan. This initiative is realized through an agreement with ENMAX Energy Corporation to increase The City's green electricity to 75% of its total use by January 1, 2007.
The Target 50 action plan describes six key areas which are a focus for The City's GHG emission reduction efforts:
1. Increasing our use of Green Power
2. Capturing methane from landfills for energy use
3. Greening our vehicle fleet
4. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings & facilities
5. Conserving water and energy in our facilities
6. Demonstrating new & innovative technologies & practices
The City's climate change program continues to be recognized as one of the leading municipal climate change mitigation efforts in Canada.
2006 - The Target 50 City of Calgary Climate Change Action Plan was awarded the Federation of Canadian Municipalities-CH2M HILL Sustainable Community award in the Energy/Renewable Energy category.
2005 -The City of Calgary became Canada's first city to reach the highest milestone in the Partners for Climate Protection program aimed at helping municipalities reduce GHG emissions.
2002 and 2003 - The Voluntary Challenge Registry Inc. designated The City of Calgary a Gold Level Reporter, recognizing The City's GHG emission monitoring, reporting and reduction efforts.
2002- The City of Calgary won the Alberta Emerald Foundation's Climate Change Award, recognizing the demonstration of outstanding environmental initiative and leadership in Alberta.
Download the Calgary Climate Change Action Plan Target 50 (1,913 KB).