GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014
Popular, selected pages/stories/data
December/November/October 2014
GreenPolicy360 highlights Pope Francis
Catholic pontiff speaks of the environment
Time to take another look at the new Catholic leadership
“In this globalised world,” Pope Francis, “we have fallen into globalised indifference.”
Media reports stand out: Next year, he will intervene again in the secular world. Today, the Observer reports his intention to write a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, give an address to the UN General Assembly and call for a summit of the world’s main religions. He will also issue a rare papal encyclical in March on climate change and human ecology, all part of an attempt strongly to influence the UN climate change meeting in Paris in 2015 to achieve a universal commitment to reduce carbon emissions. “Eco-theology” alarms creationists and divides the Catholic church. Opponents, including some in the Vatican, condemn it as “un-biblical”. Pope Francis sees economic inequality and the plundering of the Earth’s resources as part of a theme. He has said: “In this system, which tends to devour everything which stands in the way of accrued profits, whatever is fragile like the environment is defenceless against the interest of a deified market, which becomes the only rule.”
To a different kind of pope, Francis, a spiritual voice for 1.2 billion Catholics, calling for peace during the traditional Christmas Day speech, Urbi et Orbi
Thoughts of a leader taking a church in new directions.
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GreenPolicy360 highlights George Brown Jr.
Remembering the 'start-up' of the environmental movement and the first laws, a set of founding legal precedents many of which came from forward-looking green visionaries from California, like George E. Brown who passed away suddenly in 1999.
George's work in Congress in air quality/clean air, water and the founding of the EPA highlighted the era's achievement... George was out in front in "big science" -- his profound accomplishments are esp missed now as anti-science positions threaten in the current Congress...
Memories of George
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GreenPolicy360 highlights Rebecca Moore
Rebecca envisioned setting up Google Outreach -- and she did.
As our site mgr Steve wrote: Rebecca had an idea how to save trees around her home
and her idea led to setting up Google Outreach - She had a great idea, she made it happen,
she is continuing to make it happen ! Each day there's new progress, local and global...
Global Forest Watch & Global Fishing Watch are two most recent successful launches.
Here's a tip of our green hat to Rebecca's Earth Outreach 'planet citizen' work !
Thank You Rebecca, congratulations - time to see how it's all connected !
Global Fishing Watch launches
Google Outreach out in front again
Global Fishing Watch_newly launched [1]
Global Forest Watch launches - 2014
Google Outreach continues its impact
Monitoring the world's forests
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Update on Project Drawdown --
GreenPolicy360 highlights Paul Hawken
Introduced at the Bioneers Conference by Paul Hawken
GreenPolicy360 highlights Iain Keith
Climate March organizer, from Avaaz:
"We realized that a March could send a powerful signal.
Marches don't always change the world.
Sometimes they are the only things
that shake the system into widespread change."
GreenPolicy360 highlights the Bioneers
Bioneers celebrating their 25th Anniversary Conference [2] [3] [4]
Long time, very good friends of GreenPolicy360 and a preeminent eco-network, here's to the Bioneers!
A celebration of the genius of nature and human ingenuity, the Bioneers network continues on doing its good work locally and globally. [5] [6] [7] [8]
Hearty Congratulations especially go to co-founders Kenny and Nina
Bioneers Dennis Kucinich, Chief Lyons & Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo speaks at the UN Climate Summit
September 23rd -- UN Climate Summit
September 21st -- #PeoplesClimateMarch
Green friend, Louie Schwartzberg's newest film opening the UN Climate session
"Choose to make a difference -- this is our only home..." What's Possible
Naomi Klein at the Bioneers Conference
Naomi Klein, "This Changes Everything" Naomi Klein speaks at the Bioneers Conference
NY Times..."the most momentous and contentious environmental book since 'Silent Spring.'"
Climate Leadership (Conf videos)
GreenPolicy360 highlights the Carbon Brief
Carbon Brief - FB - TW
They asked 25 thinkers, writers and journalists a simple question:
What books or readings inspired you to get involved in climate-related work?
They got back some very interesting insights into why people work on climate,
why they started, and why they carry on. Warming Earth
Inspirational books and readings
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GreenPolicy360_September 2014
We invite you to Visit GreenBestPractices online at:
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#Earth360 sites:
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◊ EarthPOV
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Good green times
Los Angeles and the US clean up the air... Calif, over the yrs, out in front of the US in green legislating [9] [10] [11]
Jerry Brown: “What happens here doesn’t stay here. It goes all around the country and all around the world.” [12] [13]
The 'greening' results are starting to show [14] [15] [16]
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Naomi Klein speaks at the Bioneers Conference --- NY Times... "the most momentous and contentious environmental book since 'Silent Spring'"
Climate Leadership at the Bioneers Conference (videos)
Bioneers celebrating their 25th Anniversary Conference 25 Years [17] [18]
Long time, very good friends of GreenPolicy360 and a preeminent eco-network. Here's to the Bioneers and many more good years of eco-healing. Hearty Congratulations especially go to co-founders Kenny and Nina.
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Amid global conflicts and escalating threats, for redefinitions of security priorities and policies, visit #EnvironmentalSecurity at
Visit our newest 'satellite site' #PlanetCitizen
Hello Where are you #PlanetCitizen on #PlanetEarth?
Coming Soon, NextGen #ISS Earth-facing cams New live 'video+ platform' w/ #EarthView streaming from the #ISS via @UrtheCast & NanoRacks
International Astronautical Congress IAC 2014: UrtheCast Robot-arm install Future of #ISS
OCO-2 Orbiting Carbon Observatory continues on its history-making mission Counting carbon over Southern California - OCO-2 at work
"Ground Truth" [19] Wiki-GroundTruth CERES Project [20] AVIRIS-JPL
Hyspiri [21] Spectroscopy, unique views of the surface of Earth...
Immediate Risk to National Security Climate Change: Pentagon Devises Strategy to Respond"' [22]
Climate Change = "Threat Multiplier"
U.S. Military Prepares for Climate Change [23] DoD looks toward renewable energy [24]
Question: Is the Earth blue even at night? Astronaut Gerst answers
With appreciation of the Overview Effect / Overview: the Movie Planetary
Aug/July/June 2014 Updates:
We have added to our GreenLinks online listing of Green groups, local, regional and global, ranging from international NGO's to collections of green news and journalism, from borderless non-profit work to local green activism, from open-source, open data sharing to democracy and independent green, sustainable living advocates... GreenPolicy360 networking in practice...
We welcome additions of active and exceptional green organizations. More updates are coming each month as we extend GreenPolicy's shareable community resources.
Also take a look at the updated list of Green Parties, a movement across the globe, now in over 100 countries... Green Parties - International PDF
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Visit StrategicDemands and Consider
National Security ↔ Environmental Security
New Definitions of National & Global Security
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NASA continues to advance a new space era in its exploration of our home planet with the launch of series of #EarthScience instruments to the International Space Station.
New earth-observing array of instruments will be exterior mounted on the #ISS. ISS-RapidScat will monitor ocean winds for climate research, weather predictions and hurricane monitoring. The second instrument, the laser Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS), will measure clouds and location and distribution of pollution, dust, smoke, and other particulates in the atmosphere. #RapidScat [25] #EarthRightNow
The "New Space" field is pioneering the study of our blue planet with multiple new platforms monitoring earth systems and resources. PlanetLabs is a recently founded company that is out in front with its emphasis on open data sharing. Its mini satellites are called "Doves" and they "flock] for #earthmonitoring and rapid sequence imaging.
An API for the Planet #PlanetLabs Open Source Conference keynote
Mission: "Democratizing Access to Information About the Changing Planet"
OCO-2 Orbiting Carbon Observatory
"Watching the Earth Breathe from Space" [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
◊ Observing Global Warming with #OCO-2 Historic launch #PlanetCitizen mission to study #EarthsAtmosphere
"First Light!" [31] [32] OCO-2 announces 'We have data!'
What monitoring a potential existential crisis looks like...spectra from #OCO-2
Earth observing satellites, the "Afternoon Constellation", the "A-Train" joined by #OCO-2 newly launched and historic in its mission to study global warming Orbiting Carbon Observatory
Looking closer at OCO-2 [33] [34] [35] OCO-2 tweets -
Earth science data is coming in and being openly distributed. Take up the challenge, perhaps with NEX here and multiple venues that are being made available for the first time...
Add your resources. With the launch of OCO-2, a "game changer", the data of #Earth360 will grow in unprecedented ways...
Reflection: How bad would ozone depletion and 'ozone holes' be if we had done nothing?
#Earthdata enables informed decisions and policy
"You can manage only what you can measure"
NASA Earth Sciences Asks Public to Join In
Add your #PlanetCitizen talent to a future of seeing with an #EarthPOV
In memory of Sherwood Rowland of U Cal Irvine -- and to the discovery of the damage of CFCs and green worldwide response that prevented catastrophic consequences of ozone depletion -- while an anti-science crowd continues to this day to object to science at work --
Climate Rules to Rewrite US Energy Map
Rules proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency would cut carbon pollution from power plants 30 percent by 2030 – equivalent of taking 2/3 of all cars and trucks in America off the road
Overview EPA summary Republicans hesitate -- 645 pages [36] [37] [38][39]
West Coast Leaders Applaud Obama Administration Proposal to Cut Carbon Pollution [40]California has head start Pacific Coast Climate Action Plan - 2013
Alexander Gerst on the #ISS writes home in tweets and his live blogging... "Our Blue Dot"
From the ISS - Live Astro Gerst blog
GreenPolicy360, from AstroGerst
"Look at how thin our atmosphere is. This is all there is between humankind and deadly space."
- GreenPolicy360: A thin atmospheric layer enabling life as we know it...
GP360: "Look at our atmosphere around the earth, twelve miles high in the troposphere..." [41]
Images revealing the 'height', the narrow band of life-giving atmosphere surrounding Earth
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We are in the first era of geo-monitoring our 'thin atmosphere', earth resources and biosphere from space... [48] [49]
Beginning with first-ever images of our home planet, Earth, taken from the Apollo era... [50] [51]
Now follows #Earth360 planet monitoring, continuing first-generation data and #sustainability realizations.
An #EarthPOV, an "Overview" that, over time, will educate and open us to new challenges
and new possibilities as citizens of the planet...
"Thin" layer of atmosphere absorbing the sum of human-produced hydrocarbon & emission "externalities"
NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2): A game changer? [52]
Seeing climate change from space: NASA creates image-based iPad app [53]
Soon, each of us will be able to connect to and share earth-data as students of earth-space science and new digital networks.
With open data, links and digital apps, schools and future generations will learn new ways of seeing as citizens of the planet.
Aug 19 Planet Labs/NYT Planet Labs, newly #ISS deployed Doves Smartphones in space!
◊ Launch of new Flock of Dove Satellites to Image Earth Doves fly Doves flock
Planet Labs 'Dove' micro-satellites [54]
"Rapid cadence imagery, like Planet Labs is developing, helps us become better, more sustainable stewards of Earth." NYT
◊ Geoscience: Eyes in the Sky, Monitoring the Earth by Satellite
"Earth Imaging" -- NextGen #EarthScience in an era of #climatechange and #globalsecurity threats
"New Space" startup companies to watch (our eyes are especially on Planet Labs) [55]... BlackBridge [56] -- July 2015--Blackbridge/RapidEye acquired by Planet Labs, Dauria-Digital Globe [57], DigitalGlobe [58] #DigitalGlobe, highest rez commercially avail #earthimaging from space [59] [60] [61] GeoEye [62], Firefly Space Systems [63] [64], GeoOptics [65], NanoRacks [66], [67] [68], NovaWurks [69], OmniEarth [70] [71] [72] [73], OrbitLogic [74], PlanetiQ [75], Planet Labs [76] Pulse [77] [78] [79], RapidEye (acquired by Blackbridge/Planet Labs) [80] [81] [82], Skybox [83] [84] [85], Teledyne [86], Tyvak Nano-Sat [87], Urthecast [88]
“With all these start-ups, the things you’ll be able to do with satellite images will grow exponentially.” - IEEE-May 2014
Moving from almost exclusively multi-billion dollar military/defense-communication satellite operations to nextgen 'small cap' startups and 'New Space' ventures and applications with earth systems monitoring, resources, sustainable business, and low-earth orbit space travel with companies like Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic...
24/7 high-definition 'Ride with Us' #ISS video of Earth [91] Urthecast APIs
Live from the International Space Station [92] Watch Earth roll by in streamed HD [93] [94] [95]
Earth sciences/NASA-JPL and gov contractors 'Eyes on the Earth' [96] [97] [98] [99] -- @OCO-2 I am OCO! Tweet!!
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Neil deGrasse Tyson in Cosmos takes on Climate Change
Our Blue Marble, Pale Blue Dot
Remembering Carl Sagan in the original Cosmos
"The Earth is where we make our stand... our Pale Blue Dot, suspended in a sunbeam."
"For us it is to cherish and protect the only home we've ever known..."
An oasis in the vastness of space
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NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) -- Originally called "Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE)"
October 2014 / Video To fully appreciate the detail of the models, click on the gear symbol and set to 720p resolution and choose full screen video
ESE is dedicated to "understanding the total Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment." [105]
Mission to Planet Earth's successor, NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS), provides long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere, and oceans.
Earth Observing System Data and Information System - Maps
Suomi NPP - Next-generation Earth-observing satellite system NPP Images Gallery
Next generation NASA-NOAA #EarthMonitoring satellite to launch in 2017
"The ultimate beneficiaries are the present and future generations of the people on Earth..."
The goal of the Earth Observing project is "improved understanding of the Earth as an integrated system."
ESE's Mission: "To improve life here" and "to understand and protect our home planet."
#EarthScience, #GeoScience, #Earth360, #GP360, #EarthPOV
Eyes on the Earth-Earth Right Now, Earth Observing System Project, Earth Data, Earth Observatory, [106], Grace, Grace-JPL, Grace-UTexas
Visible Earth, Global Maps, Visible Earth_2, Visible Earth_3, Visible Earth_4, Earth Mission List
Monitoring #Earth at night [110] [111] [112] [113]
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European space program - earth system monitoring
European Space Agency "Living Planet Programme" managed by Earth Observation Programmes - [114]
- GOCE – Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer - launched on March 17, 2009 - [115]
- SMOS – Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite - studying ocean salinity and soil moisture; launched in 2 November 2009 - [116]
- CryoSat is designed to map the Earth's ice cover. CryoSat-2 was launched 8 April 2010 - [117] - Euro Cryo Satellite/Earth Imaging
◊ Geo-science: Eyes in the Sky Antarctic Ice Loss Antarctic Ice Sheet Expands, Why?
- Swarm – is a trio of satellites to map the Earth's magnetism. The SWARM constellation was launched successfully on 22 November 2013 - [118]
- Aeolus – Atmospheric Dynamics Mission will use an innovative laser to measure winds. Due for launch in 2015 - [119]
- EarthCARE – Earth Clouds Aerosols and Radiation Explorer will examine the formation and effects of clouds. Due for launch in 2016 - [120]
- BIOMASS is designed to calculate the amount of carbon stored in the world's forests, and to monitor for any changes over the course of its five-year mission. Due to launch in 2020 - [121]
to Green Policy: |
May/Apr 2014
GP360 News: We have updated GreenPolicy360 to MediaWiki 1.19 [122][123]
Upward and onward GP360! In progress - updated maps. Semantic MediaWiki
Florida, Los Angeles, New York vulnerable to climate change...
US gov efforts to assess risk now include interagency coordination.
◊ Rising Seas - Against the Tide
March 2014
31 March 2014/Japan/IPCC international conference - "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report today that says the effects of climate change are already occurring on all continents and across the oceans. The extensive set of documents, continuing a multi-year series of scientific documentation and analyses, details latest developments and warns that the world is "ill-prepared" for risks from a changing climate. The report also states that there are "opportunities" to respond to such risks, though the risks will be difficult to manage with high levels of warming... [124] [125] [126] #climatechange
IPCC Update
Government officials and top climate scientists will meet in Berlin from April 7-12 to review a 29-page next steps draft that estimates the needed shift to low-carbon energies will cost between two and six percent of world output by 2050... The IPCC draft report is the third and final study in a U.N. series about climate change, updating findings from 2007. [127] [128] [129]
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In the pilot-stage of, you will find resources "to help companies, communities, and citizens understand and prepare for the impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise." Over time, the "Climate Data community" will expand to include more datasets, web services, and tools. "It will also cover other themes such as the vulnerability of the food supply and the threats to human health from climate change."
The resources page features datasets and services on coastal vulnerability. [132]
Tools and information to help communities prepare for coastal inundation... [133]
Mar/Feb/Jan 2014
Cities now reporting more than 8,000 climate actions currently underway...
Take climate action in your community - Add to 8,068 climate change actions reported at the international C40 conference [134]
More C40, cities, webcam, [135], [136], [137]
Global Forest Watch launches - Google Outreach continues its impact
November 2014
Global Fishing Watch launches
Google Outreach out in front again
Global Fishing Watch_newly launched [142]
Agroecological Farming
◊ “Business as usual” of expanding industrialized agriculture is not a viable option for meeting the challenges we face in the future. ◊ We must transition to greener, sustainable agriculture and food systems. ◊ Family farmer agroecology works and is a vital part of the solution.
Agroecology_Groundswell [143]
From GP360's "Little Green Book"
eco Operating System featured in Green Horizon
EOS -- Networking effective green politics on a global, international scale...
eOS - Part One - Global Best Practices
eOS - Part Two - ECO OS Challenges & Opportunities
eOS - Part Three - Seeing the World in New Ways
GreenPolicy360/eOS -- Expanding the GreenPolicy360 database of green best practices for use in all communities -- local, national, international
Remembering 'Earthrise' - December 1968
Earthrise memories on the 45th anniversary - Earth-home, the historic view of Earth from Apollo
"The earth from here [circling the moon] is a grand oasis in the big vastness of space." — Jim Lovell, live Apollo 8 - 1968
"If somebody had said before the flight, 'Are you going to get carried away looking at the earth from the moon?' I would have said, 'No, no way.' But yet when I first looked back at the earth, standing on the moon, I cried." — Alan Shepard, Astronaut
"As you pass from sunlight into darkness and back again every hour and a half, you become startlingly aware how artificial are thousands of boundaries we've created to separate and define. And for the first time in your life you feel in your gut the precious unity of the Earth and all the living things it supports." — Russell Schweikart, Apollo 9
"As we got further and further away, it [the Earth] diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate..." — James Irwin, Apollo 15
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Overview Effect
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What a View!
Overview refers to the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, hanging in the void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, the astronauts tell us, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide us become less important and the need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect our "pale blue dot."
"One connected system #BlueDot"
Watch magnificent time-lapse Earth views
Serving Suggestion: FULL Screen, 1080p, lights off, volume up, lean back and fly
Serving Suggestion: FULL Screen, 1080p, lights off, volume up. Even better, 'Original' 4K / 2160p
Environmental Security ↔ National Security
- GreenPolicy360 ↔ Strategic Demands
GreenPolicy360, in association with Strategic Demands, continues its work to advance "Environmental Security"... Our position is that Environmental Security is and should be integral to National Security and Global Security.
A broad range of security issues are being uniquely observed in the 21st century via unprecedented Earth Science, Earth Observations, Earth Research from Space, New Space 'democratization', earth-facing micro-satellites, atmospheric science, ocean science, and climate change studies. The critical questions of the sustainable health of our planet's biosphere and atmosphere, of sustainable economic growth over time, are now being raised across the approximately 200 nations of the world.
In the past, the field of 'national security' was limited, circumscribed by national interest. Nations considered strategic security affairs as primarily political/military and economic concerns and placed environmental security, to the extent 'environmental security' was considered at all, as secondary in nature.
Today, a gathering storm of environmental threats are rising to become national and international security concerns as environmental risks bring existential questions due to climate change, nuclear proliferation and a horizon of global challenges. "New Definitions of National Security." are critically needed in these times. We at GreenPolicy/Strategic Demands intend to continue to pursue connections between National Security and Environmental Security.
Overall, science is expanding its scope with powerful new tools and capabilities. Earth science data is being shared and considered, the intelligence of 'big data' and computational power is delivering unprecedented means to study and manage eco-social systems. A new and fast evolving science of Environmental Security - Sustainable Development is beginning to enable an integral ecology with a new vision of thinking and acting that spans nations and is shared via the Internet. Engaged citizens, in a newly connected world, are acting to shape a future of political awareness with "green best practices".
The key for green policy is moving forward with vision. Our challenge is to use our native intelligence to make decisions that sustain and benefit life, today and for future generations. -- SJS
- A 360° Perspective
- "New Definitions of National Security"
Environmental Security ↔ National Security ↔ Global Security
New Definitions of National and Global Security
Environmental Security/@StrategicDemands
Climate Change News / Earth Right Now
Security Design / Road to Security
Thin Blue ... A Thin Blue Layer ... "All there is between humankind and deadly space"