It's All Related

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It's all related, It's all connected

SJS/GreenPolicy Siterunner: In the early, formative years of the Bioneers, our group of 'bio pioneers' looked to nature's lessons as guides for knowledge and action. We often talked about how "It's all connected, it's all related" as we went about our organizing work, writing, and publishing. Today, Bioneers continues in its third decade. The message continues on, learning from nature, sharing lessons, wisdom that is deep and needed in our time.

Bioneers, Bio-connections and the Environmental Movement / Presentation by [ Paul Hawken]

Dreaming the Future: Reimagining Civilization in the Age of Nature / Written by Kenny Ausubel

The Bioneers ...

November 2018

Only shifts commensurate with the scale of our existential crises have any prospect of averting them. Hopeless realism, tinkering at the edges of the problem, got us into this mess. It will not get us out.

Public figures talk and act as if environmental change will be linear and gradual. But the Earth’s systems are highly complex, and complex systems do not respond to pressure in linear ways. When these systems interact (because the world’s atmosphere, oceans, land surface and lifeforms do not sit placidly within the boxes that make study more convenient), their reactions to change become highly unpredictable. Small perturbations can ramify wildly. Tipping points are likely to remain invisible until we have passed them. We could see changes of state so abrupt and profound that no continuity can be safely assumed.

Only one of the many life support systems on which we depend – soils, aquifers, rainfall, ice, the pattern of winds and currents, pollinators, biological abundance and diversity – need fail for everything to slide...

Radical action needed to confront climate change by George Monbiot @TheGuardian

Why We Need to Rethink Climate Change / Podcast with Timothy Morton

SJS/GreenPolicy Siterunner: Beginning in the 1990s, I set to work on developing a "serious, credible, platform-based" US Green Party. From Santa Fe in New Mexico I explored the initial Green Party roots and at Bear & Company, a publisher in the railyard district of the town, I discovered the work of Charlene Spretnak, including the "key values" statement that was a foundation from the 1980s for the Green Party. Charlene and the women who pulled together a values foundation for the policy and positions to be developed became my own starting point in proposing then drafting the founding Green Party platform. Connectivity, as we were exploring in Santa Fe with the Bioneers, the Santa Fe Institute, St John's "Great Books" program and political strategy for organizing became a "tapestry of threads". We proposed a national Green meeting a plan that I presented for a "40 state organizing effort". The strategy was adopted, including a proposal for a new platform, a presidential campaign, a first nominating convention (in Los Angeles, the "city of angels".) High hopes were floated and incorporating extensively from the works I drew from History of Ideas study at the Graduate Faculty of the New School in NYC, became a basis for the Green platform. Tying ideas together was a Whole Earth philosophy, one of seeing a big picture, and relationships that draw us together as 'planet citizens'. Connectivity based on values, a "relational reality" became a key element as I drafted an initial platform from 1995 to 2000. The comprehensive Green platform was adopted in 2000, on the cusp of a new century and millennium, as the US Green Party was formed and in 2001 formally approved as a "national committee of a national party" by the US Federal Election Committee.

The green concepts we are putting forward go far beyond Green parties. The green perspective is vital and vitally needed, a new vision for the 21st century, of common bonds, relationships, science and physics -- and acknowledgment of challenges we all face in an Anthropocene era when Planet Earth is literally "in human hands".

Earth system science and "the Commons" is at the heart of our work and our message.

Relational Reality by Charlene Spretnak.png

Physics ... ie withyouorwithoutyou.jpg