Olympia, WA Reclaimed Water

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Olympia, WA, US

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Type: Policy

Status: In Effect

Source File: http://www.ci.olympia.wa.us/cityutilities/reclaimedwater/


Did you know? Water never actually disappears. It is constantly recycled through the oceans, rivers, glaciers, soils, and atmosphere. The water we use every day is as old as the planet.

Now, using proven technologies that mimic nature's treatment and filtering processes, we are producing high-quality reclaimed water from the water we use and discard every day. This Class A Reclaimed Water has many beneficial uses.

The Right Water for the Right Use: Reclaimed, or "recycled" water is produced from the water we use and discard every day. Although it is relatively new in the Pacific Northwest, reclaimed water has been used across the U.S. (and the world) for decades. It is ideal for many non-drinking purposes. Reclaimed water allows communities to stretch their water supplies and match the type of water they use to actual needs.

Now Available in Olympia: Class A Reclaimed Water, the highest quality of reclaimed water, is now available in Olympia. It is produced by the LOTT Alliance (Lacey-Olympia-Tumwater-Thurston County) at the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant in downtown Olympia. Reclaimed water can be used by agencies and businesses for:

  • Irrigation
  • Commercial processes
  • Decorative fountains and ponds
  • Pressure washing
  • Dust control
  • Toilet flushing
  • Groundwater recharge
  • Streamflow and wetland enhancement

You will be able to see reclaimed water at work! As agencies and businesses begin using reclaimed water, they will post signs to let you know they are making wise water choices.

Produced in Olympia: The LOTT Alliance is producing up to one million gallons of Class A Reclaimed Water at its Budd Inlet Treatment Plant. This water is then distributed by Olympia's water utility to its customers.

Used in Olympia: The reclaimed water will be used to irrigate Heritage and Marathon Parks around Capitol Lake. It will also irrigate Percival Landing Park, in downtown Olympia. The Port of Olympia will use reclaimed water for a variety of purposes including dust control, irrigation, filling a decorative pond, and boat washing.

As familiarity with this new resource increases, we hope that more businesses and agencies will choose to use it.

It's Safe, Sensible, and Sustainable: By using reclaimed water, we're working together to provide high-quality water for our environment and our future:

  • Safe: The reclaimed water that LOTT produces is safe for public contact and almost any use except drinking. It meets Class A Reclaimed Water standards approved by the Washington State Departments of Health and Ecology. The reclaimed water is continually monitored and tested to ensure that it meets strict quality standards. Only water that meets those strict standards can be put to use.
  • Sensible: Olympia must ensure that our water supplies meet increasing demands for water. The greatest demand occurs during the summer, when irrigation can double or triple daily water consumption. Reclaimed water is ideally suited for irrigation.
  • Sustainable: LOTT is producing reclaimed water to help meet increased future wastewater treatment needs. The City of Olympia plans to use and distribute reclaimed water for non-drinking purposes. Every gallon of reclaimed water that is used for outdoor watering represents a gallon of potable water saved for drinking.