Toronto, Ontario Trees Across Toronto Program

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Toronto, Canada

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Type: Program

Status: Launched in 1999

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Trees are vital to the overall health and well-being of our city. The pressures of construction and reconstruction create a difficult environment to sustain the urban forest canopy. Trees Across Toronto is an aggressive tree-planting program that responds directly to these pressures and helps us reclaim some of our underdeveloped and “un-treed” lands.

Since 1999, the planting program has received over $1.5 million in cash and in kind support and over 400,000 native trees and shrubs have been planted across the city since the beginning of the program.

Thank to all who had participated in this year's tree planting event!

Environmental benefits of tree planting:
An acre of trees can store 2.6 tons of carbon (pollution) annually that’s enough oxygen daily for 18 people. Trees provide relief for city residents by softening the harsh texture of concrete buildings and landscape. Trees offer privacy screens Trees provide protection from the sun's UV rays. Tress provide natural habitats for birds, insects and other wildlife Trees help prevent soil erosion.

In city areas without tree cover, streets and parking lots can raise air temperatures considerably. These areas known as "heat islands" can cause cities to be five to nine degrees warmer than surrounding areas.

Economic benefits of tree planting:
Trees boost the City's image and can help attract residents, tourists and investors. Trees can increase the value of homes significantly. Deciduous trees planted on the south and west sides of a house can reduce air conditioning needs substantially. Evergreens planted on the north side of a house act as windbreaks, lowering winter heating costs by up to 10 per cent. For every 5 per cent of tree cover area added to a community, storm water run-off is reduced by approximately 2 per cent. In 50 years, one tree can generate $30,000 in oxygen, recycle $35,000 of water, and eliminate pollutants that would otherwise cost $60,000 to remove from the air. Trees, with their health, economic and environmental benefits, are the lifelines of our city.