Planet Citizens
Planet Citizens & Our Home Planet Earth... with Perspective
Each of us can make a positive difference
Welcome Planet Citizens... In many languages GreenPolicy360 welcomes you!
Ahlan wa sahlan Kyo-so-ba-thi Huanying guanglin Hartelijk Welkom Bonvenu Teretulemast Tervetuloa Soyez la bienvenue Failte Herzlich Willkommen Aloha E Komo Mai Baruch haba Selamat datang Benvenuti Irasshaimase Merhba Velkommen Khosh amadid Serdecznie witamy! Bemvindos Dobro pozhalovat’ Dobrodosli Bienvenida Va’lkommen
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: The work of 'Planet Citizens' finds origins in the early years of the Environmental movement
A 'Planet Citizen vision' is life affirming, connects us all, and carries hope for improving our mutual Quality of Life
Reaching out with GreenLinks, a global eco-network system and sharing of Green Best Practices
GreenPolicy360 urges all to create positive change. We welcome you in multiple languages on your path!
- Each of us can make a positive difference by stepping up & doing our best
Earth Right Now / EarthPOV / Earth Observations
"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth.
Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring."
-- Carl Sagan, Cosmos
- Onward Planet Citizens
- Strategies of Resilience & Survival
Each of us can make a positive difference
You are part of a global circle of friends and a whole earth point of view.
You are creating waves of ideals, ideas and action together with Planet Citizens across Planet Earth. You are of a modern environmental movement, a new generation stepping up with new vision, realizing the challenge of new responsibilities.
Let us call this, if it fits, Generation Green. We're on the road, we're traveling, trying to find our way, make 'a living', and to understand who we are among the stars.
We reach across the Earth. We are interconnected, and here, now, we're sharing green stories and green best practices.
We are, some are, Planet Citizens and Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists...
Planet Citizen Action ... 'vita activa', a life of action, is there in front of us and is calling...
Global Climate Strike, Student Action
Students Worldwide Striking to Demand Climate Action Change
Kids in 123 countries strike to protect the climate
“This movement had to happen, we didn’t have a choice.”
An estimated 1.4 million young people in 123 countries skipped school Friday to demand stronger climate policies in what may be one of the largest environmental protests in history.
Going Global: Student #ClimateStrike
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- In Memory of Gary
- Look around our living earth, wonderful & challenging world, our home, our only home. We fly on as Planet Citizens...
- "Thin Blue", Earth's Life-Enabling Atmosphere
- "TinyBlueGreen" Oxygen-Producing Oceans
- * |
- "Thin Blue", Earth's Life-Enabling Atmosphere
- Earthviews 🌎
- | Blue Marble Collection
- | "Earthrise"
- | Earth Mapping-GIS
- | Earth Observations
- | Earth Science from Space
- | Earth360
- | Hello Earth
- | Overview Effect
- | "Pale Blue Dot"
- | Whole Earth
New Visions of Security
New Definitions of National Security Environmental Security - National Security
- | Environmental Security
- Have hope, act to make a difference
- Rethinking Security in a Changing World
- Environmental Security & National Security
The Original Mission Statement of NASA (1958) provided Congressional intent and guidance to the first generation of space programs. GreenPolicy360's founder heard Congressman George E. Brown Jr speak often of the 'home planet' earth science mission ...
From the original NASA space program Mission Statement:
“To understand and protect our home planet; to explore the universe and search for life; to inspire the next generation of explorers ... as only NASA can.”
- 🌎
- Our life-enabling thin blue layer of atmosphere
First Whole Earth Point of View as photo-recorded by an 'Astronaut' Planet Citizen
December 7, 1972, the date on which the only picture photographed by a human of the Whole Earth was captured on NASA camera.
NASA named our first Whole Earth Planet Image ... AS17-148-22727
Watch Planet Earth today majestic in Ultra High Definition Video
Facing the Challenges of Protecting & Preserving Life
Planet Citizens Watching Over the Whole Earth
Vital Signs, Taking the Pulse of the Planet
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice
NASA and scientists/educators/activists begin measuring and monitoring Earth's 'Vital Signs'
A NASA 'Mission Statement' priority in the first years, envisioned and developed in the 1970s and 80s, was a fleet of satellites and aligned ground-based observation and Earth Science research missions. We set in motion a "New Space-Earth Era"
Support Your Favorite Green Public Interest Group
- Visit GreenLinks @GreenPolicy360
Climate science 'Insights Report' delivered to the 28th International Climate Summit
December, 2023 in the UAE
The 1.5-degree reduction target has become a rallying point for nations attending the COP28 climate talks, despite rising certainty among scientists that the world will spill over that threshold, potentially within a decade. Temperatures have already risen between 1.1 and 1.3 degrees.
It may be possible to bring global temperatures back down again, using still-unproven technological means to draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. But at least some overshoot is probably unavoidable, scientists said in the new report to the U.N.
The looming shadow of overshoot is one of 10 stark warnings the researchers presented Sunday in an annual report on top climate science insights from the past year. Launched in 2017, the series is coordinated by scientific organizations Future Earth and Earth League, alongside the World Climate Research Programme, whose scientific work helps inform national climate commitments worldwide. The report is presented each year to the U.N. during its annual climate conference.
This year’s report includes a variety of findings.
Mountain glaciers are swiftly shrinking. Natural landscapes, like forests and wetlands, may soak up less carbon dioxide as the planet warms, causing more pollution to linger in the atmosphere. Compound climate events — multiple extreme weather disasters happening at the same time or in rapid succession — are a growing threat.
The report also includes insights on the links between climate change and biodiversity loss, the role that food systems can play in reducing carbon emissions, the plight of global populations that lack resources to relocate in the face of worsening climate impacts, and the importance of just and equitable climate adaptation efforts.
The findings on the 1.5-degree target are among its starkest conclusions.
Nations have not reduced greenhouse gas emissions quickly enough to stay on track, the report finds. The world can emit only a certain amount of carbon before the 1.5-degree target slips out of reach, and recent studies suggest that threshold will arrive in about six years if humans keep burning carbon at their current rates...
- Spring in Santa Fe
A day with planet citizen Christiana Figueres, co-author of "The Future We Choose" ... Christiana was appointed to head the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 2010... During the next six years she worked to build the global climate change negotiating process, leading to the 2015 Paris Agreement, widely recognized as a historical achievement. Over the years Figueres has worked in the fields of climate change, sustainable development, energy, land use, and technical and financial cooperation.
So please, with me, just close your eyes for just a moment, and imagine the world as it should be. A world of peace, trust, and empathy, bringing out the best that we can be.
Open your eyes. Now go, we have to make it happen. Please, let’s hold the line together. Thank you.
Climate Science at the Forefront as New Nobel Prizes Are Announced
Musicians Across Five Continents
Planet Citizens, Planet Artists... Playing for Change
'The Weight', Sharing the Music
Left & Right & Independent
Planets Citizens Caring for Home
'Crunchy Conservatives' & Conservationism
Aldo Leopold and Regenerative Agriculture, Protecting & Preserving the Land We Love, Stewardship & Faith
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Young & Old, On the Move to Make a Positive Difference
Two Planet Citizens
- Time for Planet Citizen Action 🌎
December 2019
Katharine Hayhoe on Reddit AMA
Planet Citizen, Planet Scientist answers your questions
- Your Life Is Your Message
October 2019
Emphasizing Eco-Solutions
Covering Climate Now
The Guardian steps up climate coverage with a new collective
Visit & Bookmark Guardian's Climate News Site. Check in Daily.
Do Something Now About Climate News, Make a Difference in Your World.
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U.S. Presidential Candidates Need to 'Step It Up'
Via the Washington Post / Seven Minutes in Miami, Florida
- "Tonight’s debate made it crystal clear that the media and the political establishment are out of touch with our generation," said Varshini Prakash, executive director of the Sunrise Movement, advocate for the Green New Deal. "Our survival is worth more time than vague, irrelevant, and trivial questions posed 80 minutes into the debate to a few minor candidates."
GreenPolicy360: In 2016, during all the US presidential debates, a
climate-related questions were rarely asked. Tonight (June 26th) the US Democratic Party starts their presidential campaign debate, in Miami, even as the current US president denies the climate change big picture... the climate/global atmospheric threat, existential challenges, national/state and local #ClimateCrisis impacts.
For decades now the GreenPolicy team has warned of the gathering crisis and we have urged a New Vision, a strategic vision with New Definitions of National and Global Security. The time is now for the Democratic Party to step it up and face the great challenge of our generation -- climate disruption, climate crisis.
In Florida, the consequences of sea level rise are vivid and VERY real.
Globally, this is an existential crisis, climate disruption, that is, atmospheric disruption, what GreenPolicy360 calls the disruption of the "thin blue layer", earth's life protecting atmosphere.
Speaking of global security and protection/preservation of the atmosphere, watch this scientist talk of the clear and present dangers of nuclear war. We are "one mistake away" from nuclear war initiated by any of the nuclear weapons countries (the US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France, the UK, North Korea) leading to global winter and collapse of civilization.
Planet Citizens action, concerted action now, is essential to protect our common security and prevent threats to life and health, our future well being and security.
Planet Citizen Greta Speaks to the European Union
Our Planet's #PlanetCitizen David Attenborough... “Fifty years ago, we didn’t even realize what the problem was. Maybe thirty years ago we did recognize what the problem was but didn’t know much about it, thinking, 'That’s way in the future'. Now we know that it’s right here ahead of us.”
"We don't know a planet like this." That was the reaction of meteorologist Eric Holthaus to news that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have reached heights not seen in the entirety of human existence -- not history, existence.
According to data from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is over 415 parts per million (ppm), far higher than at any point in the last 800,000 years, since before the evolution of homo sapiens.
A Tip of the Green Hat to 21st Century Planet Citizens, Observing, Caring, and Acting to Make a Positive Difference
- Sylvia Earle
- Bill McKibben
- David Brower
A personal and profound thanks to California Governor Jerry Brown as he leaves office after four active, visionary terms out in front on the state and global stage, a Planet Citizen who is promising to continue his work to face the existential crisis of climate change and global nuclear weapons.
JB: "I'm a planetary realist. We are linked in this community of people, 7.3, 7.4 billion people whether it's cyber, or the international monetary system, or weather, or disease, or climate change or habitat destruction, or if there's a nuclear war. For the first time in history we're all linked together. So there is a planetary quality to our politics, or there should be."
SJS / GreenPolicy360 Siterunner:
Nearing 50 Years On, a Personal Look Back to 1970 and the First Earth Day
Across the US, a first Earth Day of teach-ins began as a student-initiated movement on college campuses including your GreenPolicy siterunner's college at the University of Southern California. Earth Day teach-ins reached out to students globally. The dream we had was to build a peace movement across borders and to envision and create a new environmental movement. Soon a worldwide environmental movement was in the process of becoming real with ideas, green practices, agendas and initiatives. Green politics began to grow as a political force...
"I am convinced that the same concern the youth of this nation took in changing this nation's priorities on the war in Vietnam and on civil rights can be shown for the problems of the environment. Successful teach-ins on all campuses on the same day will have a dramatic impact on the environmental conscience of the nation. They will be immensely effective as an educational effort in arousing public opinion..."
-- Senator Gaylord Nelson, April 23, 1970 at the University of Southern California
Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day
By Steve Schmidt
Recalling the beginnings of the "modern environmental movement" and "Whole Earth" awareness, GreenPolicy360 introduced "Planet Citizens" @ and Planet Citizen action works to secure and protect our home planet in the 21st century and for generations who will follow us.
The first-images of 'home' delivered in the late 1960s begin a new awareness of humanity's place on a singular planet, a "fragile" blue-green planet. Astronauts frequently spoke of their experience looking back at Earth as life altering. Perhaps as time goes on, new immersive and virtual reality technologies will bring an approximation of an astronaut's point of view. Perhaps the realization's 'Above' will begin to change the old ways, the tribal ways, the walls of nationalism, conflict and war and shift to a new vision, a perspective that values all of us as planet citizens.
"Decades have past now since experiencing the visual wonder of those first visions of our Whole Earth, Planet Earth and still we are only beginning our journey as planet citizens...."
"To see the Whole Earth daily from the DSCOVR mission is going to be a spectacular re-reminder of our place in the cosmos..." -- Steven Schmidt / GreenPolicy Siterunner, assisting the NASA DSCOVR-EPIC team in the release of "selfies almost a million miles from home".
- Overview and Perspective
See and experience the Earth in new ways
Whole Earth POV
A coming era of #Earth360 exploration, using the tools of the digital age and Internet connectivity, is making it possible to see a connected, whole Planet Earth and to begin studying life-enabling systems (and life-threatening changes) as with means never before possible. Space- and earth-based observation platforms are delivering "intelligence reports" in effect, strategic insights that can broaden our knowledge and perceptions of who we are and how we respond to our global, common future.
In unprecedented ways, intelligence about our planet's systems can be shared and networked via the worldwide web and larger Internet linking us whatever our nation and wherever our community.
We look out at a critical, developing field of #EnvironmentalSecurity and "New Definitions of National Security".
At GreenPolicy360, we are Planet Citizens and we hold a simple value proposition:
- Cleaner air and water and food is a good thing. Reducing pollution is a necessary thing. Health of our environment is a vital thing.
- Science is essential to 'measure and manage' #PlanetEarth in sustainable, productive, life enhancing ways.
An API for the Planet
Connecting as Citizens of the Planet
Mission: Democratizing Access to Information About Our Home Planet
Visit Planet Labs @
Planet Labs 'Dove' micro-satellites
- Planet Labs 'Democratizes' Space & Earth Science applications with Open-source planet data for the digital era.
Launch of New Flock of Dove Satellites to Image Earth
"Rapid cadence imagery, like Planet Labs is developing, helps us become better, more sustainable stewards of Earth."
"New Space" Updates / 2019/2018:
Environmental Protection with Space Monitoring
Environmental Security @Strategic Demands
- 21st Century definitions of national and international security
A realization that "Security is indivisible" is on the horizon and security definitions are changing as a result of the dynamics of interactive networks.
The sharing of information is creating a new science of networking. Information is being looked at as never before and #earthscience data is now being collected by networked computers across an interconnected world. In historic ways, open data is being publicly distributed far beyond the restrictive policies of previous times and closed-loop systems.
Today #earthsciences are at the cusp of a rich new world of information. As we share these new realizations, images, data, experiences and understandings, we can be certain of a new, growing awareness of our planet and our 'citizenship' together.
Even now, we have inklings of what is coming. Let's look at one called OCO-2. With the launch of OCO-2, a "game changer", in the summer of 2014, the data of #Earth360 will grow in unprecedented ways as this first orbiting observatory of global warming conditions takes to space and begins to report home - I am OCO-2
Although the Orbiting Carbon Observatory is just the beginning, the future of #earthobserving is here as we see in new ways and observe our environment with new information never before accessible. Space-imaging is opening up amazing views, with 3D and big-screens and home theaters. Coming soon will be views beyond IMAX as companies like Virgin and SpaceX carry citizen travelers into orbit. Educational and scientific information about our communities is being shared, and linked to, and distributed around the Net. From space, the earth is borderless and with vision of the planet as a common #biosphere and #ecosystem comes responsibility for our shared security.
We are all connected and wherever we are, geographically, nationally, we share a common ground.
Let's look at our home and with an 'overview' from space, see the 'Big Picture' and let's look at the details, let's manage and sustain our earth resources and, as we go, look to our shared quality of life onboard the "only home we've ever known."
Here's to our future and future of #StrategicDemands #Environmental Security
The Big Picture: Earth from Space
The world of space is a world in flux. The term "New Space" has come to represent a first generation of start ups that are designing, building and launching small, mini- and micro-satellites. New players are challenging the old system of governments that spend billions to explore, commercialize and militarize space. Barriers to entry are being broken and start-up companies are launching flocks of satellite birds into space. Earth monitoring is going planetary and nextgen companies are at the forefront, even as the "old" establishment is shifting to address threats to the environment.
Let's go there to this new world, not a 'new world order' but a world that is being connected and is sharing, linking and seeing the bigger picture. The way we observe and 'feel' about our planet is changing in one generation.
Beginning with the first Whole Earth pictures, we have for the first time in humankind's history experienced a vision of our planet from afar -- we are, we realize, a living planet, an oasis in space.
Today, forty+ years after the Apollo mission's revealing images of blue #planetearth, "citizens of the planet" are becoming a "New Space" generation with mini-sats sending and sharing full-spectrum imaging with a life-altering array of new views of our planet.
Apollo's famous iconic images are being enhanced and extended with new ways of seeing and experiencing of our planet -- and opening new possibilities to secure our environment for ages to come.
Add your talent to the grand project of seeing with an EarthPOV -- so that we can make informed decisions and policy...
Join up with GreenPolicy360 and our GreenLinks network.
Confront the challenges of #climatechange, #environmentalsecurity and #globalsecurity...
Choose to act. Time to get going -- planet citizens @work!
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GreenPolicy360 & Science
- | GreenPolicy360, Facts & Data
- | GreenPolicy360, Our Policy on Science
Environmental Security
Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists, Preserving & Protecting the Home Planet Earth
- "Greening Our Blue Planet" with forward-looking vision
Environmental Security ... Environmental Protection
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
-- #Earth360 #PlanetCitizen #PlanetCitizens
Remembering the First Earth Summit in 1992
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: Thirty years ago and now I'm older and looking back at the first "Earth Summit" that led to the first global climate 'Conference of the Parties'. My reports to the Environmental News Service (ENS) picked up on the green, environmental platform planks I was also adding to the Platform in Progress for California Governor Jerry Brown's presidential campaign. The first Earth Summit and Governor Brown's energetic efforts both moved a vital, forward-looking vision and both encountered myriad obstacles from powers-that-be and business-as-usual. The obstacles didn't stop before or after 1992. The work continued on and continues to today... November 2021, fifty years on...
I'm now remembering and picking up and continuing the threads of Representative George E. Brown's work to advance climate science, beginning in earnest with the first National Climate Act of 1978 and establishment of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to push what was called a "big science, earth science" agenda with the first generation of focused earth studies and science, measuring and monitoring 'the Commons' , earth's atmosphere, natural resources (e.g., Landsat's start up and a deep, multi-decade array of NASA/NOAA/USGS missions that have now continued for half a century.
A tip of our GreenPolicy360 hat to #PlanetCitizens and #PlanetCitizensPlanetScientists.
Here's to Opportunities for Citizen Activism
Featured @GreenPolicy
- |
- |
-,_Planet_Scientists | Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists
- | Planet Citizen Action
-,_Climate_Solutions | Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
Going Green
- | "Generation Green"
- | #GoingGreen
- | Green Quotes
Climate Action Plans 360
- | GrnPolicy360: Climate Plans Enforcement Initiative
- | Methods to Enforce Climate Plan Pledges
- | Pressuring Nations to Step Up, Cooperate, and Act Now
-,_the_first_GST.jpg | Com't on Earth Observation Satellites (launching in 2023)
- | Environmental Laws, Regs, Rules... Lawsuits & Legal Actions
-,_Promises,_Declarations_-_What%27s_Next_Up | Glasgow (2021) & Paris (2015) Summits: Int'l Climate Plan Pledges & Promises (INDCs-NDCs)
Biodiversity, Protecting Life
- | Biodiversity
- | All Species Day
New Visions of Security
- | New Definitions of National Security
Earth Science Research from Space
NASA's Original Mission Statement Was Clear -- “To understand and protect our home planet..."
NASA: You can manage only what you can measure"
GreenPolicy360: The original Mission Statement of the newly launched U.S. space program spoke of our planet and our responsibilities. GreenPolicy360's founder was fortunate, beginning in the 1960s, to listen to Congressman Brown Congressman George E. Brown point to the NASA plan and explain how he saw Congress put into action the reality of a multi-year, coordinated, multi-agency program to achieve mission goals.
Earth science, measuring and monitoring Earth's life-enabling systems was given highest priority. Landsat's program was set in motion as a decades long, first-ever digital scanning remote satellites data collecting study. An array of satellites began to launch, creating and combining the expanding resources of NASA, USGS, NOAA, and an array of educational and scientific institutions and aeronautics business.
The overall goal, Representative Brown continually explained in his Congressional Science, Space & Technology leadership roles over the decades, was to 'understand, preserve and protect our planet' as we, humanity, developed first-generation Earth Science and looked beyond Planet Earth to study 'the heavens'.
An Earth Information Center is a good beginning
Together we can be a powerful wave of change
- Planet Citizens on a mission to 'understand and protect our home planet'
Looking from the Home Planet Out / Up / Around at Our Home Galaxy, the Milky Way
The Milky Way - Photo by Andrew McCarthy, 2023
GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement
- Green Eco-Education
- | Climate Change Terms
- | Earth Science Eco-Fields
- | Ecology Studies
- | Eco-Education Online
- | Online Education
-,_WI_%22Green_Roots%22 | Lawrence University, a 'Green Roots' University
Introduction: In a manner of speaking, GreenPolicy360's point of view is about values. We hold a 'politics of values' and profess a 'value-based politics'. In this sense we look to preserve and protect a 'living earth' and 'quality of life'. We work to advance 'science, facts, critical thinking skills' and, in each generation, caring, responsible parental involvement in the education of children.
Our education begins with family and soon relatives, friends, teachers and educators arrive and begin to assist us in so many ways. They will share stories, and visions, sometimes of values to live by... This is where and how green ideas come into our lives. The understanding of nature is one of these lessons. Another lesson, ongoing we find out, is about creativity, about dreamers and doers, those who make a difference, a positive difference every day, working hard, working with a purpose. This a world of education that GreenPolicy360 brings forward here with an initial Table of Contents. It's a beginning guide to exploring GreenPolicy360.
Your GreenPolicy360 siterunner joins in now and thanks the 'influencers' in his life, mainly good, some bad, those real-life experiences that each of us have that teach us as we go on our life journeys. As the saying goes, "I thank my lucky stars" for the special influencing moments, the extraordinary educators, the shining stars who enlightened me. The road traveled was memorable, especially due to my teachers.
Today, after many years of travels and experiences, and inspiring art, ideas and those who taught me about thinking and how to think, and great books, I am here to say that all us at GreenPolicy360 are 'into' education, learning and sharing, growing -- and improving. Whether for personal reasons and/or to meet economic challenges, we are here together with this eOS/eco Operating System to bring history, politics and future possibilities into our day-to-day lives.
GreenPolicy360's mix is an education that imbues lifelong learning. Welcome along for the adventure.
A case study: "My friend George" (who became a lifelong colleague and teacher) -- read of Rep. George E. Brown, (D), East Los Angeles, who changed the world (and your GreenPolicy360 founder's life)
We hope our green visitors, young and old from around our world, in every community from villages to big city high rises, find value here everyday in myriad ways.
We even see Green education as sort of like the movie "Being There" , where the writer Jerzy Kosinski introduces a gardener, Chance (Chauncey) who brings his understanding of the life of plants, soil and water, seasons and nature, life and a living earth into business and politics. Surprises beyond satire bloom.
Green education is like an interactive network. We are nodes of learning shared like an online university. We are 'distance learning' like a Virtual University our Siterunner helped start, now called the and networking in every community connected to the Internet.
A wise WGU mascot owl looks on...
Featured Green Ed News
Today's question: Several months after its AI launch announcement, how is ClimateGPT doing?
As a new and open source climate & green politics project, ClimateGPT is moving into the GreenPolicy360 arena and we have now turned an eye on the flight path of ClimateGPT's launch.
Let's take a quick look.
SJS/GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: As most everyone in the Internet-connected world knows by now, an immense amount of attention (and deep-pocket money from seemingly everywhere) has accompanied the generative AI 'boom'. Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, the generative AI market has reached into the billions and according to industry reports has a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) that will reach over a hundred billion in the next five years.
To put it another way, far beyond ledger sheets and the market, large Language Models (LLMs) are projected to be the next revolution of the Net and tech. The Web, software/hardware/firmware, chips and chip development, geopolitics and international competition, economics with database targeted marketing (and the snooping) world of governments and companies) are all in play and the numbers involved are larger that can be displayed on any spreadsheet or analysis of spreadsheets.
The facts are, however one looks at an AI revolution-in-the-making, the West Coast/Siiicon Valley U.S. power companies are out in force. Alongside are the top-tier venture capital brokers and top-of-market generative AI companies are creating and shaping a world-yet-to-be-definded of proprietary, profit-seeking ventures.
More on 2024 AI top-tier and emerging companies:
Within this gold rush, GreenPolicy360 asks 'what of the prospectors who have a public mission?' What of those who are looking to do 'good work' and be 'sustainable' with revenues, but are not looking to make a 'killing in the market'. What are the prospects of those who are beginning to develop AI capabilities with a public interest, and a commons outreach, transparency and a working model that is building in checks and balances to prevent misuse of their info and delivery platforms, acting to prevent dis- and misinformation and the consequences of AI going rogue?
Turning to mission statements and educational/beneficial uses for AI/generative development, let's look at a first-gen model that has now entered the AI dev field with a mission statement of sharing climate-related research and green, environmental solutions to the climate crisis.
Hoo Hello to ClimateGPT as they enter the tech ed mix, speaking up and offering mission critical info and data.
Here is their opening public relations release:
More About ClimateGPT / Erasmus.AI
Dao / Blockchain
ClimateGPT, an AI tool for researchers, policymakers and business leaders, allows users to pose questions about climate change and trace the data sources for responses. Blockchain technology creates a public ledger of any changes made to the model.
ClimateGPT Techno-Talk
(Via Cornell University) This paper introduces ClimateGPT, a model family of domain-specific large language models that synthesize interdisciplinary research on climate change. We trained two 7B models from scratch on a science-oriented dataset of 300B tokens. For the first model, the 4.2B domain-specific tokens were included during pre-training and the second was adapted to the climate domain after pre-training. Additionally, ClimateGPT-7B, 13B and 70B are continuously pre-trained from Llama~2 on a domain-specific dataset of 4.2B tokens. Each model is instruction fine-tuned on a high-quality and human-generated domain-specific dataset that has been created in close cooperation with climate scientists. To reduce the number of hallucinations, we optimize the model for retrieval augmentation and propose a hierarchical retrieval strategy. To increase the accessibility of our model to non-English speakers, we propose to make use of cascaded machine translation and show that this approach can perform comparably to natively multilingual models while being easier to scale to a large number of languages. Further, to address the intrinsic interdisciplinary aspect of climate change we consider different research perspectives. Therefore, the model can produce in-depth answers focusing on different perspectives in addition to an overall answer. We propose a suite of automatic climate-specific benchmarks to evaluate LLMs. On these benchmarks, ClimateGPT-7B performs on par with the ten times larger Llama-2-70B Chat model while not degrading results on general domain benchmarks. Our human evaluation confirms the trends we saw in our benchmarks. All models were trained and evaluated using renewable energy and are released publicly.
Trade News
Having brought technology and politics front-of-mind and front-of-stage, let's take a closer look. With in-depth and -breadth analysis, let's look across a political spectrum.
Begin with a 2023-24 point of view about educational needs as delivered from one of the most traditional U.S. business voices - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They are speaking of how STEM education (a favorite topic of business and technology) now needs to become STEAM education with *Arts adding new dimensions, diversity, inclusion via vast creative input into and through Science/Technology/Engineering/Math careers, work, ventures and endeavors. The addition of art, creativity, 'far out' ideas, imagination, wisdom, ethics, are greening economies across the Earth, and bringing into reality a game-changing future. It seems the Chamber is getting with the program.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce/June 2024: From architecture to automotives and fashion design to product design, student creators and innovators are designing a better and more sustainable future. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) disciplines underpin essentially all industries, and they drive the intellectual property (IP)-intensive industries that account for over 41% of U.S. gross domestic product and employ one- third of America’s total workforce.
All too often, creative contributions to industries like manufacturing, architecture, transportation, and agriculture are severely overlooked. Yet, without artists, designers, and other creative minds, the world wouldn’t have the sleek look of American muscle cars, iconic structures like the Empire State Building, or innovative products like smart watches.
Many universities and colleges offer a variety of programs for these creators to hone their skills and learn more about related industries. For example, Detroit’s College for Creative Studies (CCS) offers courses and degrees in advertising design, animation, art education, art practice, communication design, color and materials design, crafts and material studies, entertainment arts, graphic design, interaction design, motion design, concept design, design for sustainability, entertainment arts, fashion and fashion accessories design, film, game design illustration, interdisciplinary art + design, interior design, photography, product design, textiles, fine art, glass, metalsmithing and jewelry, painting, printmaking, sculpture, transportation design, user experience design, and visual development.
Who knew there is such a wide variety of employment options across a range of different industries? Creators aren’t limited to—the equally important—traditional roles associated with music, film, television, painting, sculpting, writing, or theater. (GreenPolicy360 knew)
There are so many possibilities for creators to reinvent industries toward a more sustainable future. The latest and greatest high-tech projects and products certainly provide consumers, creators, and innovators with state-of-the-art options. From high-efficiency doors and windows to electric agricultural vehicles and cleaner manufacturing systems, advanced innovations offer a wide range of solutions for an environmentally friendly future.
The US Chamber of Commerce is arguably, evidently, appropriately 'Going green'
Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
Beginnings of the 'Modern Environmental Movement'
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GreenPolicy360: "Moon Transit" as rendered by NASA's DSCOVR:EPIC. There we are and the Earth's moon in a sequence of images scanned from space, then digitally delivered into a database to have its numbers, pixels, 'crunched'.
Today, this DSCOVR:EPIC process is bringing to mind another deep imaging, a scanning and scraping system that's referred to as Large Language Model (LLM) deep learning.
Who's being observed? We are... yes, our site's been imaged and captured by remote scanning bots and our 50+ years of Earth and Space, Politics and our network of pages and content ranging over the history of the environmental movement are now in databases worldwide.
We're open access creative commons and so, as we've rolled, we've been freely sharing since AI came along and began arriving to take us up. Now, we're being 'repackaged' and delivered to digital systems 360. We're sort of an extension to online ChatGPTs
We think of our curated contributions as Green Education with verve.
What a journey it's been, what a tech trip it is ;-
Our climate-related education work started in the late 1960s/early 70s in California which faced some of the planet's worst (internal combustion engine produced) air pollution. A Congressman from the center of the 'smog' led Clean Air Act efforts, that became national with the first legislation to address atmospheric pollution and warming. The National Climate Program Act, drafted by Rep. George E. Brown can be considered a beginning of US government efforts to deal with climate change.
First National Climate Act
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / SJ Schmidt: The beginnings of modern environmental and climate science can be traced to the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences played a key role in laying a foundation of scientific reports and data.
Energy and Climate Report, 1977, National Academy of Sciences / 175 pp. / PDF via GreenPolicy360
Rep. George Brown took the findings of the 1977 Energy and Climate Report from the Academy of Sciences and made the science actionable. In a historic moment, he proposed and drafted the legislation of the first U.S. National Climate Program and shepherded its passage in 1978.
This first federal program established to study and assess scientifically the issues and risks of human-caused climate change became a foundation for comprehensive initiatives, with an array of new Earth Science missions led by NASA and NOAA, the EPA and USGS.
1992 -- Earth Summit
- We reported 'deep on the first Earth Summit'...
- and worked to draft a 1992 US presidential campaign platform 'heavy on the green'
- Launch of Annual International Climate Conferences
Environmental protection efforts, as GreenPolicy360 documents here on our website network and EOS (e.g., GreenPolicy360 ToC/Table of Contents), continue community-to-community with increasing importance into the 21st century. Green issues, most critically those of the Climate Crisis and Nuclear Weapons proliferation, are top-of-agenda existential threats.
Visit our GreenPolicy360 associate, Strategic Demands for geopolitics, especially regarding nuclear weapons and geostrategic, real and perceived threats to national security and life on Earth.
At both GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands the environmental protection, security, and climate issues are key considerations. The stories and story arc, as we attempt to explain, are 'Whole Earth' life-changers. The first-ever images of our blue-green living planet, seen from the Apollo mission, "Earthrise" in 1968 and "Blue Marble" in 1972, delivered planetary awareness worldwide.
Now, with responsibilities taken on, citizens and nations of Planet Earth are looking to new technologies and ways to decrease the impacts of atmospheric pollution (CO2/GHG hydrocarbon emissions).
- Water, Water... Life
Speaking of water... H2O
How we see ourselves: Most often we do not see our home planet as a watery world (approximately 71% water), but it is and we are...
Given this 'geo-fact', let's talk about water as a fuel instead of coal/gas/oil.
Let's begin a lesson and look at how a mainstream news publisher sees one of the new energy producing water-as-hydrogen fuel production plants beginning to be built.
Read this (free/without paywall) June 2024 article in the Washington Post and, as you may have heard the words "compare and contrast" from a teacher over the course of your own education, GreenPolicy360 orges you to "discuss and debate" alternatives to fossil fuels as energy sources... What is regarded as "clean energy"? How realistic is a water/hydrogen alternative source of energy? Think, research, express the pros and cons, plus and minus, costs and benefits...
How water could be the future of fuel
- A new generation of fuels could power planes and ships without warming the planet
Turning hydrogen into liquid fuel...
Per the Wapo: This process could represent the biggest change in how fuel for planes, ships, trains and trucks is made since the first internal combustion engine fired up in the 19th century. In his 1874 science fiction novel “The Mysterious Island,” Jules Verne predicted that “water will be the coal of the future.” This plant, one of the first in the world to transform water into fuel, shows what that looks like on the ground today.
Experts say that for green hydrogen to be truly clean, it has to be made at a plant hooked up to its own dedicated wind turbines and solar panels, or follow strict rules for using newly added renewable electricity from the grid. Federal officials are setting clean power rules that will decide which hydrogen plants qualify for billions of dollars in tax credits.
Although cars and light trucks are shifting to electric motors, other forms of transport will likely rely on some kind of liquid fuel for the foreseeable future. Batteries are too heavy for planes and too bulky for ships. Extended charging times could be an obstacle for long-haul trucks, and some rail lines may be too expensive to electrify. Together, these vehicles represent roughly half of emissions from transportation, the fourth-biggest source of greenhouse gases.
To wean machines off oil, companies ... are starting to churn out hydrogen-based fuels that — in the best case — produce close to net zero emissions. They could also pave the way for a new technology, hydrogen fuel cells, to power planes, ships and trucks in the second half of this century. For now, these fuels are expensive and almost no one makes them, so the U.S. government, businesses and philanthropists including Bill Gates are investing billions of dollars to build up a hydrogen industry that could cut eventually some of the most stubborn, hard-to-remove carbon pollution.
GreenPolicy360: We are at the front of a water/hydrogen option as one of many solutiond for the climate change problems now facing us. The fossil fuels era is what we have inherited -- and thanks to science and the efforts of Generation Green we have learned change is upon us. The problems and solutions question is today, in front of us, choices need to be made. It's our choice where we're going and how to navigate.
The stakes are literally those of how best we can protect and preserve a living Earth today and for future generations.
Carry on Planet Citizens!
Young and old, in every nation, across every continent, and in every community
- Eyes Open, Listen, Think, and Act to Make a Positive Difference

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