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Our Home Planet

Blue Marble photo - Apollo 17.jpg


As our home planet rolls, Planet Citizens keep on keepin' on...

Climate Action Plans 360

NDCs 2025.png

Among GreenPolicy360's Planet Citizen Action news stories

Environmental Laws & Environmental Movement
Climate Change
Climate Policy
Climate Change Terms
Too Hot
Hotter 'n Hotter
Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
Measure to Manage
INDC Pledges & Promises
National Climate Plans



Oh Aurora.png

Photo by NASA Astronaut Josh Cassada (Feb 2023)

From the International Space Station

Over the Himalayas by Wakata Koichi.png


Time Nov 10 2022 COP27.jpg

Buckminster Fuller - Spaceship Earth, All Onboard.jpg


The James Webb Space Telescope

Look up !! Within our Galaxy, the Milky Way, here we are, ready for new points of view !

Exoplanets Where are You !?

JWST successfully launches - Dec 25 2021.png

December 25, 2021

On our ‘Island of Life', let's look for 'Beginnings of the Universe'
After the discoveries, revelations and science of Hubble, now up is the #JWST !
The James Webb Space Telescope launches for L2 deep space. Go Webb Go !!

The Milky Way, 'Grand Mosaic' (Open and click on image, or use fingers to expand)

The Milky Way.jpg

Photo Credit: JP Metsavainio

Dr Katherine Calvin appointed NASA chief scientist and senior climate advisor.png

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists, Preserving & Protecting the Home Planet Earth

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner / SJS: The original Mission Statement of the newly launched U.S. space program spoke of our planet and our responsibilities. GreenPolicy360's founder was fortunate, beginning in the 1960s, to listen to Congressman Brown Congressman George E. Brown point to the NASA plan and explain how he saw Congress put into action the reality of a multi-year, coordinated, multi-agency program to achieve mission goals. Earth science, measuring and monitoring Earth's life-enabling systems was given highest priority. Landsat's program was set in motion as a decades long, first-ever digital scanning remote satellites data collecting study. An array of satellites began to launch, creating and combining the expanding resources of NASA, USGS, NOAA, and an array of educational and scientific institutions and aeronautics technology.

Over five decades of Atmospheric and Earth Sciences data is now available, as was the original intent back in the 1970s when the NASA missions to measure, monitor and then intelligently manage Earth Systems was conceived, legislated, supported and set in motion...

Forward to today...

Gavin Schmidt - NASA - January 2022.png

Global Report: Fifth Warmest Year on Record

Last seven years hottest ever recorded globally

🥵 When it gets too hot

Even your news is hot ....

Climate Change News

Toles - Dali - Climate.jpg

Gavin Schmidt, who heads NASA’s temperature team, said “the long-term trend is very, very clear. And it’s because of us. And it’s not going to go away until we stop increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.”

The past seven years have been the hottest in recorded history, new data shows

Global temperatures in 2021 were among the highest ever observed, with 25 countries setting new annual records, according to scientists from NASA, NOAA and Berkeley Earth


Our Home Planet, Earth

Earth Viewing from the International Space Station.jpg

#Earth360 | #EarthMonitoring |

#EarthObservations | #EarthScience

Climate News
Earth and Space, Politics
Earth Science Research from Space
Look at how thin our atmosphere is


NASA - Scott Kelly

Climate Models are running hot & hotter: How bad is it going to get? ...

Odds are it's going to get Too HOT. Bad HOT. Real Bad HOT
Look Up the Climate Models: Eyes on the RCPs & SSPs

Climate Models.png


Planet Citizens

Time for Planet Citizen Action

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The Young Are Out in Front

Students Worldwide Are Demanding Climate Action

Going Global: Student #ClimateStrike

Youth Climate Strikes-March15,2019.jpg

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming

#ActOnClimate #SchoolsStrike4Climate #GretaThunberg

#YouthForClimate #FridaysForFuture #GlobalStrikeforFuture

#Klimaatstaking #ClimateJustice #SchoolStrike4Climate




Earth Science Research from Space

Earth and Space, Politics

Climate News

OCO-2 ... OCO-2: "Game Changing" Earth Science

The A-Train.jpg

New Definitions of National Security


Earth Right Now

Earth Science Vital Signs

Earth Observing System - fleet of satellites.png

"Earth Observing System": Decades of Earth Science/Climate Science Data Accessible for Planet Citizen Action

EarthRightNow Earth Science satellite fleet circa 2015 m.jpg



From its origins, NASA has studied our planet in novel ways, using ingenious tools to study physical processes at work—from beneath the crust to the edge of the atmosphere. We look at it in macrocosm and microcosm, from the flow of one mountain stream to the flow of jet streams. Most of all, we look at Earth as a system, examining the cycles and processes—the water cycle, the carbon cycle, ocean circulation, the movement of heat—that interact and influence each other in a complex, dynamic dance across seasons and decades.

For all of the dynamism and detail we can observe from orbit, sometimes it is worth stepping back and simply admiring Earth. It is a beautiful, awe-inspiring place, and it is the only world most of us will ever know.

Of all celestial bodies within reach or view, as far as we can see, out to the edge, the most wonderful and marvelous and mysterious is turning out to be our own planet earth. There is nothing to match it anywhere, not yet anyway. — Lewis Thomas


GreenPolicy360's in on the Mission


GreenPolicy360 stepped up as Planet Citizens to assist the NASA/NOAA team to deliver the first DSCOVR/EPIC data and imagery

NASA's DSCOVR/EPIC website of Earth images is now available online daily with unprecedented accompanying data/imagery for ‪#‎EarthScience‬ and climate/atmospheric monitoring.

NASA Goddard communications to us, including this March 11th correspondence with GreenPolicy360, discussed calibrated data products to come from DSCOVR...

Ten different wavelengths of EPIC data is now being served from the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at Langley.

DSCOVR-2015-First Set of Images-test.png

Welcome to Daily Views of Our Home Planet

The DSCOVR satellite with its EPIC cam, PlasMag & NISTAR instrument package... is on a million mile journey and in approx four months, DSCOVR will "light up", be tested, and begin delivering data to Earth. In its historic mission, DSCOVR and its EPIC imaging system will begin sending near real-time images of the whole Earth... it has been many years since whole Earth images have been readily available...

DSCOVR 'Selfies'

The Ultimate "Big Picture"


NASA now provides EPIC Daily Update Earthviews, Multi-wavelength POVs

NASA-DSCOVR and GreenPolicy360-July2016.png


An Earth Point of View

From Space, In Space, an Astronaut's Overview

With Virtual Reality, I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles

VR of Earth from space a changed perspective-the overview.png


An AstroPOV

Astronaut Photography of Earth

NASA Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.png

Astronaut Scott Kelly / CNN / 2015
Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks to astronaut Scott Kelly about his record-setting mission in space.
Scott Kelly speaks of a "fragile"... "thin veil" of the atmosphere around the Earth and how we have to protect it -- #‎ThinBlueLayer‬ ‪#‎Earth360‬


New Ways of Seeing: Inward & Outward

ThinBlue.png . EnvironmentalSecurity ThinBlue.png


Hello Earth


Hello Up There, Hello Down There

To see through the eyes of Astronauts.....

To 'Really' See Planet Earth

With appreciation ~ for the beauty and the wisdom of the Overview Effect


Planetary --- Planetary, pre-release, March 2015


Settings.png Settings Suggestion: FULL Screen, 1080p, Room lights off, Music up, lean back and fly

All Alone in the Night

Settings.png Set FULL Screen 1080p, lights off, Audio up. Even better, adjust YouTube player setting for HighDef 4K, 2160p

The View Outside My Window

All Alone In the Night.png


Earth360 ~ from the International Space Station


Planet Earth, Planet Citizens on a Journey

All Alone in the Night - Settings Suggestion: FULL Screen, 1080p, lights off, volume up, lean back and fly

The View Outside My Window - FULL 1080p, lights off, volume up. Even better, go 'Original' for 2160p - HD 4K


Earth Point of View / Whole Earth Perspective



The Overview Effect Comes to You

Astronaut #PlanetCitizens

GreenPolicy360 tweeted @AstroTerry "yes we wish we could see what you are seeing ;-)" and then we updated our #OverviewEffect page w/ the astronaut's #Earth appreciation from the #ISS that he wishes we could see what he sees

Amazing time-lapse videos from astro-photographs of Earth

Gerst earthpov iss.png

Gerst earthpov aurora2.png

Watch Earth roll by through the perspective of ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst in this six-minute timelapse video from space.

Combining 12 500 images taken by Alexander during his six-month Blue Dot mission on the International Space Station this Ultra High Definition video shows the best our beautiful planet has to offer.

Auroras, sunrises, clouds, stars, oceans, the Milky Way, the International Space Station, lightning, cities at night, spacecraft -- and the thin band of atmosphere that protects us from space.

Astronauts on the way home

Circling #Earth360 before heading home [1] [2]

Three of our favorite astronauts return to Earth from the International Space Station.

We've been receiving many absolutely beautiful photos from them with their expressions of awe.

What they see and experience opens eyes and truly communicates here at 'home.'

Our "whole Earth" and a "narrow", "thin layer of atmosphere."

How amazing it is to have 'tweets' and 'blogging' from an int'l 'bird' flying high over our blue planet.

Astronaut Alex Gerst -- Astronaut Reid Wiseman

Astronaut Alex Gerst / Blog

GreenPolicy360: "Look at our atmosphere around the earth, twelve miles high in the troposphere..."

Seeing how thin our atmosphere is [3] [4] Atmosphere - Wiki Earth's atmosphere - #EnvironmentalSecurity

"Look at how thin our atmosphere is. This is all there is between humankind and deadly space." [5]

We are just beginning to geo-monitor our thin atmosphere and biosphere from space...

Astronaut Gerst on the thin atmospheric layer 'enabling life as we know it'...



"Here we are on the Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as ...

the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover ... us with blue light.

I’ll never forget this place ... seeing this makes the heart soar and the soul sing."

-- Astronaut Wheelock

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From Space, Watching the Earth Breathe

Earth Breathing.jpg

December 2014

Global Warming / NASA Satellite Sends Back Most Detailed CO2 View Ever

1st light! OCO-2 announces we have data!

Earth planet changing.jpg

August 2014

The newly launched Orbiting Carbon Observatory is now at the front of the international “Afternoon Constellation,” the “A-Train” of Earth-observing satellites in orbit. Their synchronized collection of data is a first and advances #earthmonitoring with a qualitative, quantum leap. Go we go!! Orbiting Carbon Observatory And while the A Train rolls on in the sky, maybe you'd like to listen to old but always good Duke Ellington's A Train ;-)

The image [spectra image below] shows some of the first data taken by OCO-2 as it flew over Papua-New Guinea forests on August 6, 2014. Each plot shows three different spectra, or wavelength, observed by the satellite’s spectrometers: 760 nanometers (atmospheric oxygen), 1610 nanometers (carbon dioxide), and 2060 nanometers (carbon dioxide).

As OCO-2 flies over Earth’s sunlit hemisphere, each spectrometer collects a frame three times per second (a total of about 9,000 frames from each orbit). Each frame is divided into eight spectra that record the amount of molecular oxygen or carbon dioxide over adjacent ground footprints, each of which is about 2.25 kilometers (1.39 miles) long and a few hundred meters wide. When displayed as an image, the spectra appear like bar codes. The dark lines indicate absorption by molecular oxygen or carbon dioxide.

“The initial data from OCO-2 appear exactly as expected; the spectra lines are well resolved, sharp, and deep,” says OCO-2 chief architect Randy Pollock of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

“We still have a lot of work to do to go from having a working instrument to having a well-calibrated and scientifically useful instrument, but this was an amazingly important milestone.”

OCO-2 firstspectra 2014218.png

To put the spectra in context, the natural-color image here shows the cloudy, forested scene below OCO-2 just minutes after it collected its data.

The color image was acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite in the A Train orbit.

OCO-2 png amo 2014218 Aug06,2014.jpg

Observing Global Warming with #OCO-2 The historic launch #planetcitizen mission to study #earthsatmosphere [6] [7]

OCO-2 tweets - OCO-2 announces 'We have data!'

What monitoring a potential existential crisis looks like...spectra from #OCO-2 #Earth360 [8]

Looking closer at OCO-2

Beginning with first 'whole earth' images of our home planet, taken in the Apollo era... [9] [10]

We are now flying earth-monitoring #micro-satellites producing first-generation data and #sustainability realizations... [11]

NASA's Earth Right Now transitioning from military to environmental security...

NASA establishing itself "as a world leader in Earth science and climate studies..."

"Thin Blue" and the Human Experiment

Emissions/Externalities/Exhausts/Effluents, We Are Changing the Atmosphere




About EarthPOV


EarthPOV's point of view re: AGW/Anthropogenic Global Warming...

While the extent of the climate crisis is debated, the data of science continues to be gathered by NASA, NOAA, ESA, and myriad educational and research organizations.

New Space satellites, mapping and monitoring, reporting results, modeling, assembling statistics and projections, recording temperature trends globally and locally, are doing the essential work of #EarthSystemScience.

EarthPOV takes a simple environmental science position:

Cleaner air and water and healthy foods are goals to pursue with clear vision. Reducing pollution is necessary. A healthy environment is vital and alive.

Supporting ongoing science is needed to 'measure and manage' these goals, to protect and support #PlanetEarth in sustainable, productive, life enhancing ways.

You can manage only what you can measure Dr David Crisp, OCO-2, June 2014 m.jpg

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Planet Citizens
Planet Earth, the Big Picture

Environmental Security
#Earth Point of View --
#Planet Citizen --

Mother Earth-1.png

DSCOVR-EPIC May 23, 2018.jpg
