Seattle, WA Creating a Music and Youth Task Force
Type: Resolution
Status: Adopted on 10/26/98
Vote: Unanimous
Source File: Click here
Resolution Number: 29855
A RESOLUTION creating a Music and Youth Task Force to advise the City Council and the Mayor on options for revising Ordinance 113826, the Teen Dance Ordinance, relating to regulating music and dance events for young people under the age of 21.
WHEREAS, the Teen Dance Ordinance, which regulates music venues and events catering to young people under the age of 21, was passed in 1988 to protect and promote the safety of the City's young people; and
WHEREAS, members of certain youth organizations and artists/musician groups have suggested to the City Council that the Teen Dance Ordinance as written is unnecessarily restrictive and difficult to understand; and
WHEREAS, Seattle is known worldwide as a city with a thriving music and arts community, which many Seattle youth are unable to access under the Teen Dance Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to ensure that young people have access to the arts, and to encourage the artistic and musical expression of young people and their full participation in the cultural life of the city; and
WHEREAS, the safety of young people continues to be an important concern and high priority for the City,
The Seattle City Council establishes a Music and Youth Task Force to assist the Mayor and the City Council in their review of the options for regulating and promoting music and dance events for people under the age of 21. The composition, purpose, work scope, and timeline of the Task Force are outlined below.
1. Composition. The Task Force shall be comprised of ten to fifteen people who represent: the Seattle Arts Commission, youth and youth groups, parents, organizations that work with young people, arts and music groups, police and Fire Departments, the City Attorney's office, and the Mayor's office.
2. Purpose. The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the Mayor and City Council with recommendations for policy changes that the City can adopt which realistically balance legal, liability, access, health, and safety concerns.
3. Scope of Work. The Music and Youth Task Force is requested to:
- Review the history of regulation of musical events and venues for people under the age of 21
- Review related legal and liability issues
- Coordinate input from interested groups for needs and priorities identification
- Develop policy options and recommendations
- Make recommendations to the Mayor and the Council for their consideration
4. Timeline. The expectations of the Task Force include:
- Serve on the Task Force for 6 months
- Attend monthly meetings
- Present a report to the City Council covering all of the above issues in (3) above by May 1st, 1999