Deep Ecology
The Deep Ecology school of thought provides a foundation for the environmental, ecology and green movements and has fostered a system of environmental ethics advocating wilderness preservation, human population control and simple living.
The phrase "deep ecology" was coined by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss in 1973.
Deep Ecology would support the view of Aldo Leopold in his book A Sand County Almanac that humans are "plain members of the biotic community". Deep Ecology proponents also would support Leopold's "Land Ethic": "a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
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also see Gaia / Gaia Hypothesis
Early influences of Deep Ecology
Mary Hunter Austin
Rachel Carson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Aldo Leopold
John Muir
Henry David Thoreau
Friedrich Nietzsche
Notable advocates of deep ecology
David Abram
Michael Asher
Judi Bari
Thomas Berry
Wendell Berry
Leonardo Boff
Fritjof Capra
Savitri Devi
Michael Dowd
Vivienne Elanta
David Foreman
Warwick Fox
Chellis Glendinning
Edward Goldsmith
Félix Guattari
Paul Hawken
Martin Heidegger
Julia Butterfly Hill
Derrick Jensen
Bernie Krause
Satish Kumar
Dolores LaChapelle
Gilbert LaFreniere
Pentti Linkola
John Livingston
Joanna Macy
Jerry Mander
Freya Mathews
Terence McKenna
W. S. Merwin
Arne Næss
Peter Newman
David Orton
Val Plumwood
Theodore Roszak
John Seed
Paul Shepard
Vandana Shiva
Gary Snyder
Richard Sylvan
Douglas Tompkins
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
John Zerzan