Rapid City, SD Energy Conservation Policy: Difference between revisions

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Type: Policy

Status: Adopted on 1/20/03

Source File: http://www.rcgov.org/pubworks/energy_plant/Energy_Policy_2003.pdf



I. To create an environment in the City of Rapid City government that promotes and encourages energy efficiency and the associated cost savings.

A. The Mayor will appoint a City Energy Manager. The Energy Manager will be responsible for consulting, educating and distributing information to the City departments concerning the City energy policy/program and the attendant savings.
B. Department heads will be responsible for appointing an Energy Officer for their department. The Energy Officer along with the department head will be responsible for implementing the City Energy Policy in their department.
C. Department heads will be responsible for communicating the City Energy Policy to their department staff and employees so they understand the policy.
D. The Energy Manager will provide visual aids and programs to make employees aware that the City has an active energy program and they are participants.
E. The Energy Manager will provide the Department heads with monthly information on their energy use and the associated costs.

II. To reduce energy use and costs for existing City buildings, lighting, equipment and vehicles while maintaining service to the public and comfort for City employees at safe, efficient and comfortable levels. Realize that reducing energy use reduces the effect on the environment.

A. Evaluate and change operations in buildings where the load is people-controlled, i.e. heating/cooling, ventilation, shop and restaurant equipment. These savings would be met by employee participation and low cost energy improvements.
B. Work with area energy providers to optimize equipment and building use to make use of savings available by using various utility rates and rebates.
C. Evaluate the operation of the City of Rapid City’s equipment and vehicle use.

III. To promote and evaluate the replacement of existing building equipment, lighting and vehicles with equipment that provides the same or increased levels of performance with more efficient energy use. Evaluate tying existing City facilities into the Energy Plant Facility Management System and the associated energy and operational cost savings.

IV. To promote energy-efficiency in new building construction, lighting, equipment and vehicles. Evaluate tying new City facilities into the Energy Plant Facility Management System and the associated energy and operational cost savings. Require new facilities to tie into the Energy Plant FMS when cost savings are evident.


I. These guidelines supersede all previous policies and procedures. It is essential that energy guidelines be observed in the operation of the heating, cooling, lighting, equipment and vehicles.

II. All City employees will be responsible for following the City’s energy conservation guidelines. Every City employee will be expected to contribute to energy efficiency. Everyone will be expected to be an “energy saver” as well as an “energy consumer”.

The Department head will implement policies and procedures that execute the City Energy Policy. The Department Head will be provided information that shows the energy use and costs for his/her building/department on a monthly basis.

III. An environment will be maintained that is conducive to the safety, efficiency and comfort of City employees.

IV. The last person to leave an area/building when it is closed each evening shall turn off all non-essential equipment and lighting and reset the thermostats where applicable.

V. When City owned buildings, rooms or facilities are rented or leased to private individuals or organizations, the energy costs of the facilities should be considered in determining the rental/lease fee for those facilities.


I. The following energy conservation guidelines are to be observed when operating heating equipment in City buildings:

A. In buildings with centralized electronic/computerized controls, the start time for the heating equipment shall be set as late as possible while still allowing time to heat the building to guideline temperatures by the beginning of the workday. In buildings and areas with individual thermostats, the thermostats will be set appropriately at the beginning of the day. All windows and doors to non-heated spaces should be closed when heating equipment is operating.
B. The temperature in occupied heated building areas should be set between 68 and 72 degrees during working hours, except for shop areas which should be set no higher than 65 degrees. Ceiling fans can be used in high ceiling areas to further reduce energy use.
C. The unoccupied building setback temperature in heated building areas should be set no higher than 60 degrees for after hours operations. After hour operations are any times the building is minimally occupied and not serving its primary function. This includes times when only security, cleaning or building maintenance personnel are present. This applies to both buildings and areas with centralized electronic/computerized controls and those with individual thermostats.
D. If during extremely cold weather an unoccupied building’s 60 degree setback will not allow your building to heat to a comfortable level by the time the employees arrive, take the following actions:
1. Notify the office of the City Energy Manager.
2. The City Energy Manager will advise on the appropriate setting.

II. Deviation from the Energy Policy temperature settings – When the Department head or employees in the Department desire to deviate from the temperature settings defined in this procedure, the appeal shall be made directly to the Mayor by the Department head.


I. The following energy conservation guidelines are to be observed when operating air conditioning equipment in City buildings:

A. Refrain from turning the air conditioning equipment on until the inside temperature exceeds 75 degrees. Temperature control should be achieved by the use of ceiling fans and window adjustments, instead of air conditioning, when possible. During air conditioning season, the windows should be opened upon arrival each morning if the outside temperature is below 75 degrees. All windows and doors to unconditioned spaces should be closed when the air conditioning equipment is operating.
B. The temperature in occupied air-conditioned building areas should be set between 75 and 78 degrees during working hours. The workspace can be made more comfortable by the use of ceiling fans where available.
C. The setback temperature in air-conditioned building areas should be set no lower than 82 degrees for after hours operations. After hour operations are any times the building is minimally occupied and not serving its primary function. This includes times when only security, cleaning or maintenance personnel are present.
D. The air conditioning equipment should be turned off at the end of the workday if the building is unoccupied.
E. When the outside temperature requires that air conditioning is needed at the beginning of the workday, the start time for air conditioning equipment should be set as late as possible while still allowing time to cool the building to guideline temperature by the beginning of the work day.
F. Use only the minimum lighting required. All lights give off heat and place additional load on the air conditioning equipment. This increases the amount of energy needed to cool the room.
G. Air-conditioning units shall be turned on in phases, where applicable, to prevent overloading the system. Overloading occurs when all the units are turned on at the same time. This can be done automatically in building with electronic/ computerized controls.

II. Deviation from the Energy Policy temperature settings – When the Department head or employees in the Department desire to deviate from the temperature settings defined in this policy, the appeal shall be made directly to the Mayor by the Department head.


I. The following energy conservation guidelines are to be observed when operating lighting equipment in City buildings:

A. Inside Lighting
1. Lights in all building areas and workspaces will not be turned on unless needed. Employees will make certain that lights are turned off when leaving an area.
2. Lights in shop areas will not be left on unless the shop is being utilized.
3. During after hour operations, security, cleaning and building maintenance personnel will only turn lights on in the specific area in which they are working.
B. Outside Lighting
1. All outside light will be turned off during daylight hours.
2. Outside lighting and building accent lighting will be used only when the building or facilities are occupied, unless the lighting is used for security purposes.
3. Nighttime security lighting will be the minimized to a level that is adequate to reasonably protect the building and facilities.


I. The following energy conservation guidelines are to be observed when operating office, shop and miscellaneous equipment:

A. All office machines including copy machines, laminating equipment, faxes (unless used for after-hour faxes), postage machines, and other office machines should be turned off by the office staff each night. Exceptions may be made if documentation from the manufacturer states that turning the equipment off is detrimental to the equipment or it’s operation (2/10/03).
B. All computers, except for network servers that must be left on, should be turned off at the end on the workday. This includes computers used as personal workstations and does not include computers that control critical operating or communication equipment (2/10/03). When computers and monitors are upgraded the monitors shall be an energy-conserving LCD-type flat screen display.
C. Air lines in shop areas shall be kept leak free and the compressors turned off when the shop is unoccupied.
D. Power shop equipment shall be turned off when not in use.
E. The exhaust fan in the rest rooms shall be turned off at the end of the day.


I. The following energy conservation guidelines are to be observed when operating City vehicles and road equipment:

A. Optimize transportation to and from construction sites.
B. Select fuel-efficient vehicles and equipment for the job to be done.
C. Minimize warming up vehicles and keeping them warm during cold weather.
D. Minimize letting vehicles idle while not being used.