University of Nevada-Las Vegas Task Force on Sustainability: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 10:11, 30 August 2008

Type: Policy

Status: Established in October 2007

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President’s Advisory Task Force on Sustainability


Article I — Purpose

The purpose of the President's Advisory Task Force on Sustainability is to promote environmental management and sustainable development at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and recommend specific activities to the president that will allow UNLV to appropriately address sustainability issues for the future. The task force will also help UNLV comply with the NSHE Energy and Sustainability Policy (Board Handbook, Title 4, Ch 10, Section 26, which is included at the end of this document).

The term "sustainability" can be defined as the ability to meet the needs of the present while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Article II — Goals and Responsibilities
The task force is charged with advising the president on matters pertaining to the environment and sustainability as it directly relates to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and recommending specific activities to the president for how UNLV can best address these sustainability issues for the future.

The mission of the task force shall be composed of four central goals:

  • To engage the campus in a dialogue about reaching environmental sustainability.
  • To integrate environmental sustainability with existing campus programs in education, research, operations, and public service.
  • To instill a culture of sustainable long-range planning and forward-thinking design.
  • To provide the president with recommendations and suggestions about how UNLV can best support various sustainability issues/efforts on an ongoing basis.

The task force shall choose projects and subcommittees related to these goals, as appropriate. The task force will complete its activities prior to June 30, 2008.

Article III — Organization and Governance
The president shall name a chair of the task force whose responsibilities shall include setting the agenda and distributing it to members before each meeting, facilitating meetings, and serving as a liaison for the task force.

Article IV — Membership

All members of the task force shall be appointed by the president for the full term of the task force – through June 30, 2008.

The task force shall be composed of appropriate representatives from specific departments and university divisions, including both undergraduate and graduate students.

Provost’s Office
VP Research Office
VP Fin and Business Office
Planning and Construction
Facilities Management
Academic Representative
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

The task force should coordinate closely with existing campus activities and programs that are involved in sustainability, specifically including the new office of Urban Sustainability Initiatives under the responsibility of the vice president for Research.

Article V — Meetings

The task force shall meet as necessary in order to complete its responsibilities prior to June 30, 2008. The time and location shall be determined by consensus of the task force, and all members of the task force shall be notified in advance.

Board Policy on Energy and Sustainability:
The NSHE Energy and Sustainability Policy is documented in the Board of Regents Handbook (Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 26). It is the result of the Board of Regents Meeting August 17-18, 2006, item 12. Meeting minutes.

The following is a copy of Section 26 from the Board of Regents Handbook

Section 26. NSHE Energy and Sustainability Policy

1. The Board of Regents is committed to protecting the environment; reducing the system’s dependence on nonrenewable energy sources; and promoting the construction, maintenance, and renovation of buildings that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible, and healthy spaces to work and live. Therefore, the chancellor shall develop procedures and guidelines applicable to NSHE institutions that will address matters including, but not limited to:

a. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green building rating system or an equivalent standard adopted by the director of the Office of Energy.
b. Energy and water conservation including the minimized use of non-renewable energy sources and the use of local renewable energy sources
c. Alternative methods of transportation.

2. The procedure and guidelines developed under subsection 1 must be approved by the Board of Regents.