Rossland, British Columbia "Visions to Action": Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:46, 23 April 2008

Type: Policy

Status: Published on 1/28/08

Source File:


Because the entire document encompasses 111 pages and over 9MB, only the introduction is shown below. To view or print the plan in its entirety, please refer to the source file. You can also learn some background info by clicking on the appropriate tab above.

Sustaining Our Future
The world is coming to Rossland. Visitors have discovered Rossland as a great place for recreation. As a consequence, a different scale and form of development is taking place that has the potential to grow and change our community. Coincidentally, global economic and environmental forces are affecting us: we are no longer a remote, isolated community; the status quo is no longer a viable option. Our future will depend on our resilience and our capacity for constructive change. The future we create for those who follow us is at the heart of our commitment to sustainability that forms the basis of this Strategic Sustainability Plan.

Meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, and to enjoy a similar quality of life to what we enjoy today; that is our challenge and the driving force behind the creation of this Strategic Sustainability Plan. All three aspects of the sustainability triad: environment, economy and social development have been considered, not as isolated priorities but as interconnected imperatives. All must be addressed if we are to avoid compromising that future.

Designing Our Future
Throughout the process Visions to Action has been our mantra. The Strategic Sustainability Plan builds on our historical strengths and limitations, as well as previous work, to create a Vision of what we want Rossland to be in the year 2030. The 11 Focus Areas that must be addressed are identified and defined in terms of their Desired Futures. In turn, those are broken down into End-State Goals. Then on to Strategic Directions and Actions to achieve those Goals: the essential Action, without which nothing happens. Finally, Implementation and the Indicators and Monitoring that will measure progress along the road. The following page summarizes the results.

Becoming Our Future
The Rossland we envisage in 2030 will be different from today, but will retain many of the qualities that we appreciate today. It will be larger, to sustain the level of services and efficient infrastructure that we expect, yet will impose significantly less impacts on environmental resources like air, water, land and natural inhabitants. The social well-being and lifestyle, supported by a vibrant economy, will have earned an enviable reputation for Rossland as a leader in sustainable communities and a wonderful place to live.

Making It Happen
Visions to Action is a product of community effort. The consultants, Sheltair, have provided their expertise, skills, and the knowledge and experience of other communities who have chosen this path. The Steering Committee has guided the process to ensure the community viewpoint is well represented throughout the process. City staff and the City’s contract manager have managed the process to ensure the events went smoothly and according to plan and budget. But above all, the primary input to the process has been that of community residents. Effective engagement of the community was a key commitment from the outset and possibly our biggest challenge. Through meetings, workshops, task groups, scenarios, surveys, website and newsletters the Visions to Action ideas, discussions, conflicts and conclusions have been passionately expressed.

This Strategic Sustainability Plan document is not the conclusion; in reality it is just the beginning. It is a dynamic process that will continue. Ultimately it will be the citizens of Rossland who will make it happen. This is just the start of an exciting journey.