Apple Valley, CA Zero Waste Long-Term Goal: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:05, 23 November 2007

Type: Resolution

Status: Adopted on 9/25/07

Source File:


RESOLUTION No. 2007-47

WHEREAS, the State of California has enacted AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, whereby the state plans to take specific actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, of which emissions landfills are a significant source; and,

WHEREAS, each year, residents of the U.S. generate more than 217 million tons of municipal solid waste - more than 4.4 pounds per person per day; and,

WHEREAS, though the State of California has reached an overall recycling rate of more than 50 percent, more can be done, especially in "closing the loop" by purchasing products made with recycled content; and

WHEREAS, the placement of materials in waste disposal facilities, such as landfills and incinerators, wastes natural resources, wrongly transfers liabilities to future generations, and has the potential to cause damage to human health; and,

WHEREAS, avoiding the creation of waste or discards in the first place is the most economically efficient and environmentally sustainable resource management strategy; and,

WHEREAS, a resource recovery-based economy will create and sustain more productive and meaningful jobs than a disposal-based economy; and,

WHEREAS, with the appropriate economic incentives, manufacturers can and will produce and businesses will sell products that are durable and repairable and that can be safely recycled back into the marketplace or nature; and,

WHEREAS, government is ultimately responsible for establishing criteria needed to eliminate waste, for creating the economic and regulatory environment in which to achieve it, and for leading by example.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Apple Valley hereby adopts and encourages the pursuit of zero waste as a long-term goal in order to eliminate waste and pollution in the manufacture, use, storage, and recycling of materials. This goal can be achieved through action plans and measures that significantly reduce waste and pollution, thereby beginning to address the vital issue of climate change. These measures will include encouragement of residents, businesses and agencies to judiciously use, reuse, and recycle materials, and motivation of businesses to manufacture and market less toxic and more durable, repairable, reusable, recycled, and recyclable products.