Olympia, WA Resolution Calling for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: Difference between revisions

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Type: Resolution

Status: Adopted on 2/1/05

Source File: http://tinyurl.com/2a59eh


A RESOLUTION Placing the City of Olympia on Record in Support of the Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign and the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Resolution Calling for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons by the Year 2020.

WHEREAS, cities, as centers of population, communication, storage, distribution, transportation, government, health care, culture and economic and news media activity are particularly attractive and vulnerable as targets for weapons of mass destruction; and,

WHEREAS, the proliferation of nuclear weapons technology means that unaccountable non-state actors may soon possess or employ them, calling into question their international deterrent value; and,

WHEREAS, military targets that could once be held at risk only with nuclear weapons are now vulnerable to a variety of other conventional munitions; and

WHEREAS, nuclear weapons are very expensive to develop and maintain and require extraordinary means to secure and safeguard; and,

WHEREAS, the Mayors for Peace have declared August 2004-August 2005 as a Year for Remembrance and Action for a Nuclear Free World; and,

WHEREAS, the nonpartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors, a longstanding and highly respected organization representing 1,183 U.S. cities with populations over 30,000 has adopted a resolution supporting the elimination of nuclear weapons by the year 2020; and,

WHEREAS, that resolution correctly points out that all other weapons of mass destruction are currently banned under international treaty; and,

WHEREAS, the international Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference will convene at the United Nations in May, 2005, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors will be joining city officials from other countries in support of the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons by the year 2020; and,

WHEREAS, this resolution is intended as a positive measure on a specific topic, not implying criticism of any historical decision, any current aircraft, vehicle, installation or vessel of the United States, or any particular government agencies or officials,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Olympia City Council hereby communicates its support to the Mayors for Peace and the U.S. Conference of Mayors for the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons in a verifiable, enforceable way by the year 2020.