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Earth Viewing from the International Space Station.jpg

Watching Planet Earth Roll Thru Space

Earth viewing from the International Space Station

Watch ....

Settings.png Settings Suggestion: FULL Screen, 1080p, Room lights off, Music up, lean back and fly

All Alone in the Night

Settings.png Set FULL Screen 1080p, lights off, Audio up. Even better, adjust YouTube player setting for HighDef 4K

The View Outside My Window

More ....

NASA's "Mission Statement" speaks of the goal of studying Planet Earth for the benefit of all humanity. Today's mission statement highlights “advances in science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality and stewardship of Earth.”

Decades of earth science missions beginning in the 1960's have created a new vision and 'planetary awareness'. Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists continue to this day developing new Earth System Science from space and gathering critical data for environmental protection.

The National Aeronautics and Space Act was signed into law on July 29, 1958.

In the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which established the agency in 1958, the first objective of the agency was listed as "the expansion of human knowledge of the earth and of phenomena in the atmosphere and space." --

The Space Act has been amended many times since 1958 but these goals have been little changed. In NASA’s Authorization Act for 1985 the expansion of human knowledge “of the Earth” was added to goal 1 --


"We refer to the mission statement in all our research proposals that go out for peer review, whenever we have strategy meetings," said Philip B. Russell, a 25-year NASA veteran who is an atmospheric chemist at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "As civil servants, we're paid to carry out NASA's mission. When there was that very easy-to-understand statement that our job is to protect the planet, that made it much easier to justify this kind of work."

Since 1972, when NASA launched the first Landsat satellite to track changes on the earth's surface, the agency has been increasingly involved in monitoring the environment..

From the original Mission Statement of NASA. -- “To understand and protect our home planet..."

NASA's continuing vision and mission - as of 2005.png

The "understand and protect" phrase was cited repeatedly by James E. Hansen, a climate scientist at NASA...

GreenPolicy360 tips its hat too to George E. Brown Jr who often spoke of the Planet Earth, Earth Science mission of NASA and acted over 30 years to guide and support the nation's first generation of Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

Read of GreenPolicy360 Siterunner's friend, Representative George E. Brown. His story is one for the ages...


NASA: Viewing the Home Planet from the International Space Station

International Space Station orbits are approximately 90 minutes. With a 90 minute orbit and 24 hour day, the ISS circles the Earth 16 times a day -- 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets each 'orbital day'.

The ISS passes from periods of night to day every 45 minutes. Depending on the channel you are watching, if live video is unavailable during periods of darkness, other pre-recorded footage may be shown until live transmission resumes when the space station returns to daylight.

Each video channel continuously goes through on/off periods of testing, upgrading and maintenance.

NASA ISS live streaming is courtesy of and its partners.


From Planet Citizen Aryeh Nirenberg

Watch Earth's Rotation Visualized in a Timelapse of the Milky Way Galaxy

Earths rotation as we roll thru space.jpg

From Planet Citizen JP Metsavainio

The Milky Way, our Island in Space

The Milky Way.jpg

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

Our Time Is Now

Planet API

Earth Science from Space
Hurricanes - Typhoons via NASA data.png

#Earth360 | #EarthMonitoring |

#EarthObservations | #EarthScience

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg